Liv Tyler got some bangs for the LA premiere of ‘Ad Astra’: love ’em or hate ’em?

Brad Pitt attends The premiere of "Ad Astra" in Los Angeles

Last night was the LA premiere of Ad Astra. Brad Pitt looked good, which is to say… he’s looked good all year, really. A few years ago, his face was looking thin and “fresh/tight,” almost as if he had gotten some breakup Botox or some smaller cosmetic surgery. Whatever happened, it’s settled and he just looks “good for his age” nowadays.

Brad Pitt attends The premiere of "Ad Astra" in Los Angeles

Ruth Negga is in Ad Astra, although she only appears briefly in the ads, so I don’t know how big her role is. She wore Gucci to the LA premiere… I feel like this could have been really good and interesting, but Gucci just tried to do too much and it’s a mess.

Ruth Negga attends The premiere of "Ad Astra" in Los Angeles

And mostly, I wanted to talk about Liv Tyler… for years, she’s done various bangsy looks, but I feel like these chunky straight bangs are new? She didn’t have them in Venice several weeks back, so they’re sort of new. And they’re awful. They’re not full-on bangs-trauma in my book, but they’re definitely bangs-trauma-adjacent. You know what does NOT help the look? The makeup – please allow the pink/red eye makeup trend to die, ladies. You look like you’re suffering from a major illness.

Liv Tyler attends The premiere of "Ad Astra" in Los Angeles

Liv Tyler attends The premiere of "Ad Astra" in Los Angeles

Liv Tyler attends The premiere of "Ad Astra" in Los Angeles

Liv’s dad Steven Tyler came out to support his little girl, and Steven brought his young girlfriend Aimee Preston. Hm.

Steven Tyler, Aimee Preston attends The premiere of "Ad Astra" in Los Angeles

Photo courtesy of WENN and Avalon.

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17 Responses to “Liv Tyler got some bangs for the LA premiere of ‘Ad Astra’: love ’em or hate ’em?”

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  1. (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

    The bangs might not’ve looked so bad if they weren’t paired with her hair poofing out at cheek level, where the bangs end. Makes her face look very puffy and wide. When her hair is straight, they’ll look really good on her (IMO, of course).

    Ruth’s dress would look great sleeveless, or even haltered. Those black cuffs and with the high neck just looks so “binding” to me… I’m choking here! lol

    Steven Tyler needs to lose that stupid top knot. I think man buns need to be outlawed 😄 .

    • Myrtle says:

      Agreed. Bangs or no bangs, Liv looks fabulous with her hair loosely pulled up, away from her face.

    • Jensies says:

      I liked the overall dress, strongly disliked the black cuffs and agree that it would look better sleeveless. But Ruth is lovely, and can half pull it off.

      And Steven needs to lose his high school cheerleader looking gf even before the top knot. She looks VERY young.

      • Christina says:

        Aimee Preston, Steven’s girlfriend is not VERY young, she’s a woman in her thirties. (32). I’m 34 and I would climb Steven like a tree now and forever. He’s been my crush since I was 13.

    • Charlie says:

      If they were just the tiniest bit shorter and feathered at the ends they wouldn’t seem quite so heavy. This five-head loves her bangs!

  2. Erinn says:

    This is pretty much the most physically attractive I’ve found Pitt. He looks pretty good. I still think he’s at best a dickish bore, though like I said in another recent Pitt post.

    Ruth is really stunning. I think with some editing down the dress could have really looked great.

    Liv… I don’t know. I’m not an automatic bangs hater … I had them for the vast majority of my life. But I think it makes her look a bit too Zooey. She’s one of those people who have kind of an almost other wordly kind of presence (I always thought of her as Elven in looks – thanks LOTR) and I find this makes her look kind of basic.

  3. Gal says:

    Brad looks great

  4. Josephine says:

    I kinds like Ruth’s dress, but probably because I like her and think she’s fantastically cool in everything. (And she and Pitt have been in a movie together before this one, World War Z).

    I am normally more pro-bang than the average person, but I don’t like these bangs on Liv – they are not flattering, and she’s a beautiful woman.

  5. Jillian says:

    Bangs are such an experience. I love them but they take a while to grow out. It’s a roller coaster. I didn’t know clip on bangs were a thing!

    Liv Tyler is one of the most beautiful woman in the world to me. She could shave her hair and still be stunning.

    Bard looks great. I’ll see the movie

  6. Sierra says:

    Don’t like bangs but Liv & Ruth look amazing.

  7. Cindy says:

    Wow I didn’t recognise Liv at first. Idk who it is she looks like, but she looks a lot like someone.

  8. EnnuiAreTheChampions says:

    When I first glanced at the headline/picture combination my brain skimmed over Liv’s name, and I wondered why Zooey Deschanel was at the Ad Astra premiere.

  9. sammiches says:

    I get that many people don’t personally like red/pink eye looks, but it’s in now so everyone needs to just deal with it.
    i actually think Liv looks good with those bangs, but she’s so pretty that she can get away with a lot.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s what I was thinking–she’s so pretty she can wear her hair however & it wouldn’t matter, she’s still pretty.

    • Kosmos says:

      Liv is very sweet. I’m not liking her with bangs that much, however. Some look really good with bangs, but others not so much. And they’re hellish to grow out. Today you can use a bang clip in rather than cut them permanently. Brad looks really good here. I’ve always liked him, thought he was polite and never had a big ego like some, so he’s still okay in my book. His good looks are forever.

  10. tealily says:

    She looks like Dakota Fanning now.