To promote her role in Hustlers – where she is amazing – Keke Palmer sat down last week for one of Vanity Fair’s “lie detector” videos. Keke’s video was actually sort of boring (you can see it below) but it went viral because of her absolutely priceless reaction to a photo of Dick Cheney. You can see the original Cheney part at the 3-minute mark:
And here it is in clip form:
and here is Keke Palmer saying "sorry to this man" in meme format, you're welcome
— KEKE PALMER FAN ACCOUNT (@mattryanx) September 12, 2019
I don’t know about you, but “I hate to say it, I hope I don’t sound ridiculous, I don’t know who this man is… Sorry to this man” has been all over my timeline for days. It’s one of the most perfect memes ever, because it fits every niche: you can use it for dating, sports, movies, anything. Anyway, Keke Palmer was asked about Dick Cheney again and she was like “damn, of course I know who he is… NOW.”
Keke Palmer is now up to date. The actress, 26, who went viral for not knowing who Dick Cheney is, revealed to the crowd at SHE Media’s #Blogher19 Creators Summit on Wednesday that she’s now familiar with the former vice president, 78, who served two terms under George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009.
“It was so crazy, my mom was like, ‘You didn’t know who Dick Cheney is?’” Palmer shared during a panel at the Brooklyn Expo Center. “I said, ‘We don’t even talk about Dick Cheney!’ and then she tried to tell me what he was about, and I said, ‘I see why we don’t talk about him!’”
“Geez Louise! I truly did not know who the man was,” Palmer added, noting that she knew it was a trick question. “God bless him though.”
“I truly did not know who the man was. God bless him though.” Oh my God. I’m laughing so hard. I hope someone has a video of this too so it can become the postscript to the original meme. Me to that loser I dated: “I don’t know who this man is… Sorry to this man.” And then later: “I truly did not know who the man was. God bless him though.”
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Shes such a good sport about all of this – and was one of the best parts of hustlers!! I think this goes to show that a lot of celebs (esp former child stars) live incredibly insulated lives than the rest of us – maybe less so now because people talk more openly about politics but still. I mean, Kelly Rowland didnt even know what excel was!!
Thats honestly why I take the politics of celebrities very seriously – like at all.
She was EIGHT when he was in office and 16 when he left. I wouldn’t call that being insulated so much as being young.
Im the same age as her – no one my age doesnt know who Dick Cheney is…
I definitely think it has more to do with her being a childstar during all those years
A lot of my friends around that age just don’t involve themselves in politics or current events too much, and so I guess it trickles down into the times when they were younger too. They rarely know the issues of the day bc they think it’s too much too deal with :-/. However, I knew who the vice president was by the time I was 8 years old and we began studying current events around that time, so maybe that helped foster that type of interest & knowledge….I don’t know what 8 year olds were being taught 10 years after me in CA, yet alone FL…but I would have hoped she’d have had some vague idea by the time she was a teenager…
Maybe his face just wasn’t very memorable to her.
She’s in her 20s. Not knowing who he is seems terribly ignorant. Funny but ignorant.
I know, right?
Not really. She was born in 1993. She was 8 when he became VP. He looks like every other set of jowls in a suit.
I was born in 1993 in a different country and I know how he looks like.
Exactly. Not hard to do the math to see how truly young she was when he was in office.
@JAC good for you. The truth is most countries are better educated about American history and politics than Americans are.
@jac- congratulations.
I know who Dick Cheney *is* (we can start with evil) but I might not be able to pick him out of a lineup. Hell, I probably wouldn’t even recognize half of the current batch. It was a trick question and she’s handled it quite well, I think.
Ignorant? Perhaps. No more than a lot of people far older than her. She is 26. Which means she would have been 16 when Cheney left office. And even younger while he was in office. I know grown a$$ people who couldn’t tell you who politicians are NOW. Im gonna give her a pass.
Exactly…and that’s why we have the racist Trump for President today. Way too many Americans are not informed, ill informed or just don’t care until it’s nearly too late and usually they are the first to complain. I don’t find this funny at all.
We should be crying not laughing about how so many Americans, men and women of different ages and backgrounds are so very ignorant and uneducated. Shame on teachers, parents and the society at large.
And those grown ass people are ignorant as hell too. I don’t find this cute or funny.
Google has been around for a long time, Keke doesn’t need good education to know who Dick Cheney was/is.
Cheney is a horrid human being, but unfortunately he was a vice president for 8 years to that other moron – Bush.
How can an American not know this?
I know what Cheney looks like and that he was vice president and I live on the other side of the world and will be 22 on Oct 5.
I know a women in her mid 30s (with a 6 year old) who didn’t know 1) there were 4 planes involved with the 9/11 attacks 2) thought the hijackers were paid to do it and 3) there was a prior attack on the WTC in ‘93.
I told her I love learning about history and told her I was old enough to remember the hostage crisis in Iran (I was about 7 but I used to see on the news) She asked me “What does hostages mean?”
She told me “I don’t care about history unless it affects me personally”
“I don’t care about history unless it affects me personally”
and that is why the US is turning into 1930s Germany
She doesn’t know the word hostages? She’s apathetic and an idiot.
FYI there actually was a prior attack on the World Trade Center in 93. Sone guy rented a truck, packed it with explosives and set it off in one of the towers. Several people died but it obviously wasn’t on the massive scale of 9/11. The conspirators are currently serving time for it.
I think that she is on the cusp of too young. I give her a pass. I didn’t pay attention to current events until after I graduated college so I can relate to this. Also, as others above commented, there are so many people who don’t know anything at all. It’s not like she never heard of him, she just didn’t recognize his picture. To be fair, he looks like a generic grumpy old white guy, and I know I have a hard time keeping track of all of them
Well, I don’t give her a pass at all.
To not know who the two term Vice President of the United States was at 26 years old is pretty pathetic.
I’m not asking anybody to name or recognize each and every Vice President, but come on, this was only 10 years ago.
I just turned 25 on Sept 10th and I know very well who Dick Cheney is even though
I can barely stand him or his awful politics.
Educate yourself or we end up with another Trump in the near future!
@Sam Lol. We didn’t get Trump because Keke Palmer didn’t recognize a picture of Dick f*cking Cheney. We got Trump because of white supremacy. Periodt.
Nope, we got trump because more than half the country is apathetic and didn’t vote. If I had to guess I bet keke Palmer didn’t vote either, considering how ignorant she is.
That’s not too young.
@ Valiantly Varnished :
Yes, go ahead, LOL, if you like. I don’t find it funny at all.
No we don’t have Trump as a President, because Keke doesn’t recognize Dick Cheney in a pic. We have Trump, the most horrible President ever, because we have way too many ill informed and uninformed people in our society and also people that don’t a ” F ” until it’s too late.
They are certainly other factors too, but a lack of knowledge about how such” small things” like politics impact our every day lives.
We should encourage each other to be well informed, especially before election time, she is 26 not 16. She probably doesn’t vote, making the movie called Hustlers must be a lot more important.
He was Vice President and not that long ago. She should know who he is.
@Sam Yeah I will LOL. Because the amount of assumptions in your reply is hilarious. I am 39 years old hun. Ive been active politically all my life. Even before that. Ive always been a political animal. But not everyone is like me. And I wont make giant assumptions about who someone is at 26 and if or how they vote based on the fact that they don’t recognize a damn picture from someone who hasnt been in office in a decade. Your comment is DRIPPING in elitism btw. Keke grew up in Harvey Illinois. A community that is predominantly black and poor. The education system there isnt the greatest either. So in all likelihood Keke wasnt getting the same education you were. Couple that with then moving to Hollywood and then being a working kid, yes I can see how she wouldn’t know who Dick Cheney was. And Im not going to judge her for that OR make assumptions about what she knows now.
@Valiantly Varnished
Oh please spare us your exhausting explanations. I am a young West African woman living in a West African country and even I know who Dick Cheney is. The internet has been in existence for a while and there’s no reason for Keke to be this uninformed.
It really is not that big a deal that she didn’t pay attention to politicians when she was between the ages of 8 and 16, not old enough to vote. A lot of us didn’t start to pay that much attention until 2008.
Like, does she not recognize his face, or literally doesn’t know who Dick Cheney is? I can’t watch the clip.
@ Valiantly Varnished :
I’m 25 year old woman from Jamaica, a black, immigrant young woman from a single parent household, my dad died when I was 4 and I have one older brother. ( over 2 years older )
I’m lucky that I got the barely there education I did get.
I have been in the US for 4 1/2 years.
As you can probably tell I come from an elitist background.
That must be it, you are right, no assumptions on your part at all.
Hun, I don’t care if you are politically involved or not, this article is not about you and I commented on Keke Palmer and not Valiantly Varnished.
I envy her. I’d like to be able to say I can’t identify any of the Republicans this country elects.
She’s in her early 20s….Dick Cheney…for her…would be a non-mf factor…which is why she said what she said…letting the 60-year old Black “Auntie” that resides in her jump ALL the way out!!!!
If he was a current politician, that would maybe be concerning…but whatever.
That’s why our country is in so much trouble, too many ignorant and uninformed people and that’s why we have the most disgusting, stupid, bigoted, racist and all around horrid person for President today : ” The Orange TRUMP ”
It is not funny, it is sad how so many people of all ages don’t seem to care until a piano lands on their head.
Keke, please kindly inform yourself bit more.
Keke ain’t got to keep track of every racist POS politician out here…all Keke got to do is vote against them…and do what she’s doing….
It’s the infrastructure that has to be destroyed….at this point…who the players are supporting the putrid infrastructure…ESPECIALLY past players…don’t even matter
Lala, all Keke needs to do is be well informed, so she can vote well informed.
And not just Keke, but millions and millions of Americans, of every age and background, no EXCUSES!
So we don’t end up with the Nazi Trump for President again or down the road with another Trump like nightmare.
Americans are well entertained, but NOT well informed, we must change that.
I guess, we don’t need to know the past, I can’t understand such ignorant comments.
Cheney was the architect of war against Iraq that killed only God knows how many innocent civilians.
How can someone not know who is Cheney?????
I guarantee you that an American not recognizing the face of someone who served as vice president when they were a child is not going to change any of that of keep republicans out of office.
This would be funny if it weren’t so sad. I’m sure they’re are plenty of young Americans who don’t know who he is or care anything about history and how politics factor into their future.
She’s so lucky, to be too young to remember that horrible man.
I love her voice! I first saw her in Scream Queens and fell in love with her! She’s so hilarious in Hustlers! I’m gonna go see it for the third time this weekend 😀
Oh, Keke, I wish none of us ever had to know who Dick Cheney is. War criminal, profiteer off of innocent Iraqis’ deaths, paved the way for ISIS, heartless both literally and figuratively, betrayed his own daughter to win the right’s approval with speaking out against same sex marriage (or was that his horrible other daughter who said that?). How many times did God try to take the man out with heart attacks?
This reminds me of the new Tig Notaro show called “under a rock with Tig Notaro” where she interviews celebrities she doesn’t know. Only she doesn’t know anybody because she doesn’t really watch a lot of mainstream stuff. She introduces them as “this person” as they get in.
It’s hi-la-ri-ous. James Vanderbeek is awesome and even Julie Bowen who I find hyper is delicious. So so good.
A lot of insane assholes out in full force today.
Guess who doesn’t matter in 2019? Dick Cheney.
Guess who doesn’t need to recognize a photo of Dick Cheney in 2019? Literally everyone.
We have a terrorist government, schools are getting shot up weekly, and there are concentration camps full of children being sex trafficked on tax payers’ dimes, and you all are outraged that a 26 year old can’t identify a man who *does not matter*? Get bent. You all are horrible people.
I CAN NOT stand Cheney and all of the war mongering, hate filled, bigoted, racist Republicans.
Cheney should be in prison, he is a war criminal and so are many other members of the Bush administration.
We must know the enemy in order to win future elections, we can’t ignore the past and that includes the horrendous Cheney!
We must be very well informed and educated on issues that have a tremendous impact on our lives and lives of future generations.
Too much is at stake, I guess the disastrous Bush wasn’t a big enough nightmare for many Americans, so it unfortunately led us to the evil Trump presidency and it all became a national and international embarrassment with far reaching consequences.
I disagree, and I’ll decline the invitation to “get bent”. I am not going to hate on someone this young for not knowing, but I am also not going to say he is irrelevant.
Right now, our gov’t is trying to build a case for war/military action against Iran. It is vital that people understand how the Iraq war evolved (of which Cheney was a large part), so they know to be cautious when it comes to the statements of the current administration.
If we don’t learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it.
I can’t watch the video with sound – is it that she doesn’t know who he is, or that she knows who Dick Cheney is but didn’t recognize his photo?
Because if it’s just the photo, some people (like myself) are REALLY bad at putting names to faces, especially out of their usual context.
But if she just flat out didn’t know…not good, hope she’s paying better attention now.
Damn, people are bitchy today. If someone showed me a picture of Dick Cheney without amy context I don’t know if I’d recognize him right away…And I’ve actually MET the guy. He looks like a million other sh*tty rich white dudes. He looks like Richard Dreyfuss but dead behind the eyes.
I just like a well informed electorate, well informed people who are interested in their society.
I don’t like politics, but I’m engaged, because I understand the impact it has on our livers and if Trump is not enough of a warning to educate ourselves and pay attention than I don’t know what is.
Americans need to finally wake up.
“He looks like Richard Dreyfuss but dead behind the eyes”
I understand our minds wanting to erase any memory of Dick Cheney. What I disagree with is her last sentence. Nobody should be blessing Cheney. He should be in prison for war crimes.
I blame her parents for not educating her. If one chooses to be apolitical they’re choosing to support the status quo.
To be fair to Keke Dick Cheney has a kind of generic white old man face? I’m not sure I’d be able to identify him right off the bat if showed his picture with no context though I am fully aware of who he is. And fully remember how he accidentally shot a man while out hunting…
My cousin who is 19 had no idea who he was recently at a family gathering when he was mentioned. She was born in 2000 so a baby when Bush/Cheney came into office and then 8 years old when they left office. Though to be honest I think she barely knew who Joe Biden was. Even with a smartphone in her hands she barely knows what is going on in the world/current events. I was more well informed at her age but I didn’t have Snapchat to distract myself with (which is mostly what she does in her spare time). I think some people choose to be more informed than others… I just hope after college my cousin takes an interest in the world because she does appear to be so woefully uninformed about everything, not just current events. Her parents didn’t do the greatest job educating her about the world in general, she was a very sheltered child. Kind of ironic considering just how much technology young people have at their disposal nowadays.
Chile… these comments.
I’m sorry, but Dick Cheney was out of office before she could even register to vote. She doesn’t need to know who he is unless she’s a history major.
All the people lamenting her “ignorance” couldn’t even google her and find out about her political advocacy. She voted in 2012 and 2016. Heck, she was the spokesperson for the “Respect my vote” campaign in 2016, aiming to increase voter awareness/advocacy.
As for the “be informed so we don’t get Trump” folks. No. We just need white people to wholeheartedly rejected a racist and a party that constantly suppresses the votes of the minority like a responsible majority should. 120+ million people voted. That should be more than enough to stop a fascist from taking power.
oh, come on, she doesn’t know how to Google?
Why would she google Dick Cheney? She’s not a historian and as someone who voted for Obama in 2012, why would Cheney ever be relevant to her political choices until 2024/28 when Liz Cheney inevitable runs for president?
I’ve loved Keke since True Jackson, VP (ha!). I thought this was funny? Some comments here are slightly vicious.
She should know who Cheney is. In all fairness, if you put him in a criminal lineup at the International Criminal Court in The Hague with all the other neocons like Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, Wolfowitz etc, you probably couldn’t tell one from the other, besides knowing they broke the Middle East in so many ways.
I am going to be honest, out of context, Wolfowitz might give me a run for money, and I pay very close attention. I’m saying if I was just sitting in a cafe and somebody whipped out a pic and said BOOM: Name this guy–I might fail. If they said Name this Neocon, I’d have a better chance.
Anybody blaming a Black American woman–who voted in 2012 and 2016–and encouraged others to vote–that she has a problem because she doesn’t recognize Cheney can suck a bag of tart candy!
Omg, of course she should know who he is. This is depressing not funny. He is a war criminal, responsible for the deaths of 1,000,000 Iraqis.
not american but i know him by his reputation, not his face tbh
if they put a picture in front of me, i probably having trouble naming him
but if they put his resume, i know exactly who the owner is
but DC is long gone though
maybe put the outrage on the current line ups and what they are doing rather than her not knowing him?