Does Duchess Kate secretly own & wear a black jumpsuit when she’s at home?

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge recycles blue Alexander McQueen coat for the FOURTH time!

After eight years of duchessing, we’ve become familiar enough with the Duchess of Cambridge’s style quirks. Buttons, blue, coatdresses, jeggings, wedges, sugary florals, doilies, high necks, full skirts. That’s her default, although to her credit, she’s been doing a few change-ups here and there over the past few years, possibly because she’s been influenced by Meghan’s style quirks (trousers, monochromatic, lots of black, shirtdresses, trenches). So if Kate consistently shows an interest in trousers, it will seem organic, because she’s been dabbling in it already. But here’s what I did not expect: Kate is using the Countess of Wessex as a stylist/courier to provide her with terrible jumpsuits. JUMPSUITS.

Who knew Sophie, Countess of Wessex, had a secret hand in the Duchess of Cambridge’s wardrobe? Designer Donna Ida, whose jeans Kate wears, reveals Sophie quietly acquires items for her royal pal.

‘My friend, a stylist, is best friends with Sophie Wessex, and Sophie buys from us,’ Donna tells me at the Wok On recipe book launch by Ching He Huang at Daunt Books in Marylebone.

‘She got our [£295] black Sadie jumpsuit for herself and then asked for one for Kate. She said: “Kate wants one, can I get one as well?” ‘Kate’s never been seen wearing it in public. It’s home-wear.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I was curious enough about this to look up the Sadie jumpsuit and look at it here in blue denim. Do you think Kate is lounging around Anmer Hall in a slim-cut black jumpsuit? Now that I’ve seen it, I can’t get it out of my head. It’s like a full-body jegging. Jeggings, but make it a jumpsuit with BUTTONS and a collar. Yes, Kate is totally wearing that around Anmer.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Birkenhead

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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37 Responses to “Does Duchess Kate secretly own & wear a black jumpsuit when she’s at home?”

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  1. Gigli says:

    How is it jeggings if it’s a denim jumpsuit?

    • Bella Bella says:

      I believe what’s being referred to is how it looks like the same stretch material hugging the body too close.

  2. Pixelated says:

    It looks….uncomfortable for home wear?

    • ME says:

      All the buttons you have to undo just to go to the bathroom !

      • huckle says:

        Doesn’t seem any worse than overalls. I think it’s kinda cute and she’s slim enough to wear it.

      • ME says:

        @ huckle

        Overalls would just be two buttons wouldn’t it? What’s being “slim” got to do with it? Any size should wear it if they like the style.

      • huckle says:

        @Me. If I remember right, overalls are a button on each shoulder and maybe 1 or 2 at each hip. Plus, adjustable straps! Maybe the jumpsuit is better…

      • ME says:

        @ huckle

        LOL I forgot about the buttons on each hip ! It’s been a while since I wore a jumpsuit.

  3. Mignionette says:

    That jumpsuit is right up Kate’s avenue. Very Boden-Esque middle class sanitized trendy weekend wear with white wedge trainers.

  4. jc says:

    Yikes! Awful jumpsuit.

  5. ShazBot says:

    I feel like this implies a relationship between Kate and Sophie that I’m honestly a bit shocked exists! Given Edward’s invasion of Will’s privacy in uni, I never thought those families would be close.

  6. Becks1 says:

    Okay, first off, the headline to this post is just cracking me up. The idea of a secret black jumpsuit is just hilarious to me.

    Second – maybe its better in black, but in denim that is absolutely hideous. I really hope Kate’s not wearing that even around the house.

    (but its rare that I like a jumpsuit, Meghan’s Everlane one being an example.) So maybe people who are more pro-jumpsuit will chime in.

    Third – why is Sophie buying jumpsuits for Kate? Kate shops enough on her own and she certainly has staff who can buy for her, was this maybe a present or something?

    This whole story is odd, but I’m chalking it up to “this designer wants people to know that Sophie and Kate buy from her.”

    • Mignionette says:

      I wonder if that is what this story is really about;
      1. establishing that Katie Keen is capable of forming relationships with other Royal women, thereby implying the feud is not entirely down to her.
      2. showing a ‘trendier’ side of Katie Keen?

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      And considering it’s considered “indiscrete” for a business to say what Royals are shopping for, I’d say it’s probably the LAST purchase she’ll get from Sophie. Didn’t TQ’s bra maker get the sack for saying TQ ordered with them? Lost their Royal Warrant as well as business?

  7. HK9 says:

    You have to be so thin to pull that off which is why I know Kate could pull this off. I would look like a big blue egg, but she would look normal in this.

    • deezee says:

      You don’t HAVE to be thin to pull it off. If you are comfortable and feel confident in whatever you’re wearing, go ahead.
      That being said, I highly doubt that jumpsuit is available in any size other than “thin” and “extra thin.”

  8. Ae says:

    Yep, she’s totally wearing it.

  9. Mtec says:

    Honestly I think Kate should try a modern, classy jumpsuit for public events. I think she would rock them. Has she ever worn one before?

  10. Nicegirl says:

    I’m also a secret jumpsuit wearer. Only at home, tho 🤦‍♀️

  11. Lisa says:

    It looks very uncomfortable.

  12. (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

    Having an irritable bladder the size of a small walnut, I don’t get the appeal of jumpsuits lol Some look amazing, but I could never wear one, if only for the inconvenience (and the fact I’m 5’2″ lol).

  13. Sam Louise says:

    That is the fugliest outfit I’ve seen this year!

  14. spookie says:

    And do we really care? Talk about desperate.

  15. TeamAwesome says:

    It’s a speed suit!

  16. incognito08 says:

    That jumpsuit is reminiscent of something a mechanic would wear at a body shop. I struggle to envision Kate in this look.

  17. Senator Fan says:

    Sounds like this is about the designer getting their name out there with the association of royals. Maybe she does where this at home? I’m sure all the royal women wear stuff that they wouldn’t wear in public without cameras and judgement.

  18. SharonK says:

    Ugh, it looks like the crew uniform for a third-rate scifi movie. And I would probably have a claustrophobic panic attack trying to get in and out of that thing.

  19. Becks says:

    I personally love it! I’m all about jumpsuits, so I would totally wear this.

  20. TheOriginalMia says:

    The look of horror on my face…Good Lord, it’s so tacky. Why would this designer reveal a private purchase? Guaranteed that was probably the last stuff Sophie purchased from her.

  21. Snazzy says:

    I read the title and suddenly imagined her in a valour jumpsuit and gold chains. Now I can’t stop laughing

  22. sammiches says:

    I love the look the denim jumpsuits so much, but I would look like a big, rolly polly dweeb in one 🙁

  23. yinyang says:

    Good God!! On her strange body shape she’ll look so funny.

  24. Isnotafanofanything says:

    That is an awful look. How uncomfortable that would be to actually wear it.

  25. CrystalBall says:

    Maybe the point of this story is to establish that Kate and Sophie are secret allies?