Donald Trump thinks he’s building a wall on Colorado’s Mexican border

Donald Trump announces a deal has been reached to briefly reopen the US government

A million things are happening in the political world this week, including bombshell testimony from diplomat Bill Taylor that there was quid pro quo with Donald Trump and Ukraine. Republican bros also stormed into a high-security room where Democrats were taking testimony from another administration official yesterday, and that would have been the story of the week too. But Donald Trump can’t let other white dudes get all the attention. No, he just had to do something crazy-stupid and meme-able. He thinks that Colorado is on the border, and that he’s going to… build a wall on the Coloradan border??

Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he has plans to build a wall in Colorado, even though the state does not share a border with Mexico.

“We’re building a wall in Colorado,” Trump said, speaking at the Shale Insight Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, CBS Denver reported. He continued to say that walls were also being built in New Mexico and Texas, which, along with California and Arizona, are the only U.S. states that share a border with Mexico.

“And we’re building a wall on the border of New Mexico and we’re building a wall in Colorado, we’re building a beautiful wall, a big one that really works that you can’t get over, you can’t get under and we’re building a wall in Texas,” he said. “We’re not building a wall in Kansas, but they get the benefit of the walls we just mentioned.”

As CBS Denver reported, there are currently no reported plans of a wall going up in Colorado, though construction has begun in Texas for new segments of a border wall there.

[From People]

I’ll be honest – even though I’m an American citizen and anchor baby, I get confused by some of the western states too. If you asked me on Monday to label Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska and Wyoming on a map, I would probably mislabel two of them. I’m not going to pretend that I know where everything is in America. But I’m also not lie-bragging about “building a wall” in a state that doesn’t even border Mexico.

Trump now claims he was kidding.

He wasn’t kidding:

Anyway, I’m just here for the memes and jokes:

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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65 Responses to “Donald Trump thinks he’s building a wall on Colorado’s Mexican border”

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  1. Zantasia says:

    Another day, a new embarrassment

    • Zantasia, yes. Every damn day. Another day, another embarrassment. AND another horror and more lies. Can not wait for a new administration!!!! Hang in there everybody. We just may have this, keep working please? Thanks Kaiser and CB, all there and here :).

  2. TIFFANY says:

    Rep DeGette, I tip my hat to you.

  3. DaisySharp says:

    The maps with the sharpies going around Twitter were hilarious.

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      I was forwarding them to friends that don’t use Twitter, and @Dump each time lol. (can’t see the pics here for some reason 🤔 🤔)

      But yeah…Imbecile in Chief was in full dementia-mode, in front of his paid and/or hostage audience (because you KNOW the workers IN THEIR HARDHATS! were ALL there voluntarily, like that last group who were told you either come to the rally or you don’t get your day’s pay).

      EVERY &*^%$ DAY…EVERY day… smdh…you just can’t get a breather from this idiocy/idiot. (And DON’T get me started on the sniffing!!!)

    • Alex Jones says:

      This is exactly what I think happened with the hurricane and Alabama. Just like Trump thought Colorado was a bordering state with Mexico, I think he confused Alabama with Georgia and thought Alabama was on the east coast. And rather than admit he misspoke Sharpiegate was created. I love that all the Dems are altering our map with Sharpies.

  4. Lightpurple says:

    Just a clarification: Democrats alone weren’t taking testimony. That’s the lie the GOP is pushing and we should stop it at every chance. Three House committees, which included 47 Republican House members, were taking testimony. Those 47 Republican House committee members have the same ability to question witnesses and review documents as the Democrats on those three committees.

    They were not arrested in the chamber yesterday because it was decided not to give them the optics of dragging them out of there in twist-ties, which they so desperately wanted. Official complaints have been filed against them. They will face consequences for what they did.

    To add to how disgraceful Steve Scalise and Matt Gaetz are, they knew full well that the Speaker was at her brother’s funeral. Scalise chose yesterday to demonstrate extreme disrespect for the Speaker because Scalise hates that a woman is in charge. And Trump was fully aware of what they were going to do.

    • TIFFANY says:

      Also, Speaker Pelosi was at her brother’s funeral yesterday. That was a textbook punk move. All bark and no bite bc they sure did not try it when Pelosi was on duty.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Only the Speaker can command the Mace of the Republic and the Mace would have been aiming at Scalise and Gaetz yesterday. Scalise has made it very clear in the past that he does not accept that Republicans lost the House in 2018 and he will never accept that a woman is in charge of anything.

      • Original T.C. says:

        If they showed up because Speaker Pelosi was not there, that’s the more reason to arrest them. Dems have got to stop showing up with knives to a gun fight. If the GOP feared that the rest of the Dems would stand up to them and get them arrested even without Pelosi, they wouldn’t have pulled that stunt. It not only interrupted the hearing, it served to intimidate other future witnesses.
        The GOP will lie about it? So what, it’s not going to stop them from lying about the other.

        After Trump is gone, I’m seriously going to start voting for progressive Democrats with balls. Trump got this far because the Dems are so freakin weak! And now we ha e dead Kurds when Trump could have been stopped with the Muller report. I’m going to stop holding my breathe that they won’t screw up this impeachment.

      • MrsRoper says:

        @LightPurple… I initially imagined “Mace of the People” as mace spray, and what I wouldn’t give to see Nancy Pelosi permitted to use mace spray without consequences.

    • DaisySharp says:

      Very interesting details, thank you. I was pretty po’d that they weren’t arrested but you make sense here. I didn’t know Pelosi was at her brother’s funeral, honestly I despise these people. Well, I hope she hammers them when she gets back. As far as Scalise goes, what I think every single time I see him is…and yet, none of the Sandy Hook kindergartners survived their shootings. There is no god

      • Lightpurple says:

        Some of them actually asked the Capitol police to arrest them but orders were given not to do it because it would just be another scene they would lie about. They will be dealt with. I would truly love to be there the next time Pelosi speaks to Kevin McCarthy.

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      Also, if anyone is interested, you CAN file a complaint to the Bar of each and every one of them. They knowingly broke federal law(s). Each and every one of them should get charges filed, and they should be disbarred. People were sending out lists of ALL the republiTHUGS who were involved, incl. phone nos. of the Bars.

      I was reading that apparently Gaetz (I have no words of contempt strong enough for that thug!) has been “warned” about his illegal stunts already by the FL. Bar, and enough complaints may tip it to stronger action this time.

      • Esmom says:

        Gaetz is truly deplorable, as is Gym Jordan. I cannot wait to see these thugs go down.

        I felt screaming all day about the narrative that only Dems were in the hearings. The misinformation is at critical levels.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Just make sure they are actually lawyers; Scalise is not. But for those who are, anyone can file a complaint with the relevant state board of bar overseers. Most have the complaint form online. What matters to the bar? Intimidation of witnesses and obstruction of justice.

      • Bella Bella says:

        These men are so smug and repugnant. Also Big Babies. Like who came up with this brilliant idea to crash the meeting? I want to vote all the men out. It’s simply unbearable watching them lie and promote misinformation and spit on our Constitution and democratic process.

    • Jerusha says:

      Also to add, one of the leaders was Bradley Byrne(R-AL). This is the douchebag who will most likely be Doug Jones opponent in Senate race next year. BB was once a moderate Dem, but he tested which way the wind was blowing and became a born again wingnut. He presents more cleanly than Mo Brooks and our other shithead pols, but you. do. not. want. this. clown. in. the. Senate. If you plan to support an out-of-stater, look to ‘Bama, please.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I left a really nasty voicemail for that imbecile yesterday. Being the ranking member of the Armed Services committee does not mean you get to crash any committee hearing, which is what he argued to the media yesterday.

    • Lindy says:

      Yes, THIS THIS THIS!!! The inquiry is being conducted by several committees, all of which have access to the witnesses and materials. And all of which have members of both parties.

      Do you know why the inquiry MUST proceed as a closed-door investigation right now? Because it’s actually an investigation–the kind of investigation that properly should be conducted by the department of Justice, either via special prosecutor or more broadly by their oversight function.

      The whistleblower attempted to go that route. But Barr, Trump’s personal pet attorney general, squashed it. Well, Barr, this is how it works.

      There is no truth to the GOP complaints that they’re being shut out of this. If they’re members of the inquiry committees then they get the same access as the Dems on those committees.

      • Lightpurple says:

        There aren’t any due process violations either, which is another of their ridiculous arguments. The due process rights belong to the people being called as witnesses, not the people being investigated. The scum being investigated will get his due process in his Senate trial. And they should be reminded that there is no “other side” in an investigation. They are all there to do the same job and they represent their constituents, not their party.

    • boredblond says:

      Permanent white-privilege-fratboy mindset…they even left their pizza boxes laying around.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      and apparently 17 of the idiots who stormed in WERE COMMITTEE MEMBERS WHO WERE ALLOWED TO BE THERE, if they chose to be.

      I have a pretty big problem with the cell phone issue, too. all devices that were taken into that room should be permanently confiscated, those who brought them should lose any clearance they have, and they should NEVER be allowed to ever view any secure/classified material again. but, you know…HER EMAILS and all. for any of these yahoos to claim to care about OMG NATIONAL SECURITY when they rail on HRC is the epitome of hypocrisy.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Apparently, it was pointed out to them shortly after they entered and tweeted about what they were doing that they had broken laws so they quickly tweeted that their original tweets were “from staff” without deleting the first tweets. Way to ruin a staff member’s career but phone records can and will be checked and considering they filmed or recorded themselves, tweeting “from staff” afterwards won’t help them.

    • Becks1 says:

      YES. The democrats were not taking testimony. the committees were- which includes Republicans. This was a political stunt, pure and simple, and I’m glad they didn’t get arrested for the reasons you mention.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I was wondering about that. How could that be a secure room if these doofuses could just walk in? I would have preferred the spectacle of them being escorted out in twist-tied wrists. Better yet, not allowed in in the first place.

  5. Fluffy Donuts says:

    He looks very unwell. Bloated (more than usual) and pasty. I didn’t know you could look pasty whilst orange but there you have it.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      it’s because you can see pastiness where the orange spray doesn’t cover. around his eyes, and on the side of his face, there’s a distinct line where the orange stops and the grayish begins.

    • minx says:

      He’s enormous. I don’t know how he is still alive, eating and not exercising the way he does.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And quite huge. He’s gained a lot of weight in the last few years.

  6. Sarah754 says:

    The sad thing is, I’ve never set foot in the US, live on the other side of the world, and I knew it didn’t border Mexico.


  7. ChillyWilly says:

    Christ on a cracker. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry anymore. He is so flipping crazy. And stupid. And evil.

    • naomipaige99 says:

      In my opinion, it seems that most if not all of the republican party are as crazy, stupid and evil as he is.

      • ChillyWilly says:

        Yes, and what’s even scarier than that is the amount of lunatics who voted for these dirtbags. It’s terrifying.

  8. Eliza says:

    I’m so embarrassed to be American every time he speaks. My God!

  9. heygingersnaps says:

    Can someone please build a wall around this moron and his family? I will contribute funds for it.

  10. C-Shell says:

    Fun story. A friend (who’s a rock climber) went to a “Border Wall Climb” event a couple of weeks ago in a nearby state. The climbers were given two methods to scale the wall (a replica of Trump’s wall): with rope or by hand, and each climber was timed. My friend used rope and a hook first and was up and over the wall in 41 seconds. When he went up and over by hand, he did it in 21 seconds. He wasn’t the fastest by any means. Still, he was interviewed for Samantha. Bee so I’m looking forward to the YouTube video.

  11. Canadiangirl says:


  12. Beech says:

    He knew what he was doing. Deflect, deflect, deflect.

  13. grabbyhands says:

    And to make it doubly pathetic- they all cheered and gave him a standing ovation for this.

  14. Rapunzel says:

    Gotta say it: Imagine if Dems had stormed an impeachment inquiry for Obama?

    Or if they’d stormed the capital to demand Mitch McTurtleface give Merrick Garland a hearing for SCOTUS.

    Just imagine the apoplexy the Repugnant Rethuglicans would have had.

    God, this is the upside down.

  15. Rapunzel says:

    Petty comment time: Trump looks extra fat lately.

  16. Rocķy says:

    That picture with the kid mowing the lawn is just a gift that keeps giving isn’t it? Lol

  17. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    We’re goin’ on a bear hunt
    (We’re goin’ on a bear hunt)
    We’re going to catch a big one,
    (We’re going to catch a big one,)I’m not scared
    (I’m not scared)
    What a beautiful day!
    (What a beautiful day!)

    Long wavy grass.
    We can’t go over it.
    We can’t go under it.
    Oh no!
    We’ve got to go through it!
    Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!

    A river!
    A deep cold river.
    We can’t go over it.
    We can’t go under it.
    Oh no!
    We’ve got to go through it!
    Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!

    Thick oozy mud.
    We can’t go over it,
    We can’t go under it.
    Oh no!
    We’ve got to go through it!
    Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!

    A forest!
    A big dark forest.
    We can’t go over it.
    We can’t go under it.
    Oh no!
    We’ve got to go through it!
    Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!

    A snowstorm!
    A swirling whirling snowstorm.
    We can’t go over it.
    We can’t go under it.
    Oh no!
    We’ve got to go through it!
    Hooo wooo! Hooo wooo! Hooo wooo!

    A cave!
    A narrow gloomy cave.
    We can’t go over it.
    We can’t go under it.
    We’ve got to go through it!
    Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!
    One shiny wet nose!
    Two big furry ears!
    Two big goggly eyes!
    IT’S A BEAR!

    Back through the cave!
    Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!
    Back through the snowstorm!
    Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo!
    Back through the forest!
    Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!
    Back through the mud!
    Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!
    Back through the river!
    Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!
    Back through the grass!
    Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!
    Get to our front door.
    Open the door.
    Up the stairs
    Oh no!

    Toddler songs are smarter.

    • Raina says:

      @Mabs, lolololol

      …”Look, I can buy the great city of Colorado but it’s run by fake news. I told them, I said I’d help them out and give them a great deal. Lots of people don’t realize this but Colorado is actually next to Mexico. It’s right there. If you look (insert black sharpie) it’s right next to the border. No one knows this but I got a call from Colorado, good friend of mine, and he told me he thinks we could work out a great deal to build that wall. We’ll have alligators, clowns, tampons, whatever, but it’ll be tough and big. You can’t cross with tampons. In the water, tampons in the water. You can’t cross that. We’ll put it all in the water and build that wall on top of it. The guy who owns Maine may get in on it too. Can’t cross. Impossible. But you know, I love the warm weather. Colorado is great, great beaches but can’t cross.”

      There is nothing I can’t say if I’m pretending I’m him in my head because he is literally this fukkin dumb.

  18. Liz version 700 says:

    I frequently complain about how stupid he is, how embarrassing he is and how dumb everyone around him is. But I gotta say at this point the stupidity is the only thing keeping them contained at all. We still have functional courts and a semi-functional Congress mostly because Emperor Baby-Fist (TM Celebitchy) cannot find most of the government on a map….

  19. Karen says:

    They should make it a requirement that future presidents need to prove they had geography at school.

  20. Flying fish says:


  21. olliesmom says:

    I was thinking the same thing yesterday. His coats keep getting looser and boxier and the ties keep getting longer to hide it and it is no longer working.

  22. Louise says:

    I see now why his father hated him. Think of all the people he had to pay off.

  23. K says:

    Federal government jobs should at least involve a simple test to identify all the states that you will supposedly represent. It could be done with one of those cut-out wood block puzzles they give small children. If you fail, the person who got the next highest votes gets a try. I bet he doesn’t even know the names of all of them; he’d quit after naming the ones which contain his favorite golf courses. Fucking moron.