Jared Padalecki was arrested for public intoxication & assault in Austin, TX

The CW's Summer TCA All-Star Party

I never really cared about Supernatural or the two stars of Supernatural, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. I am aware that many of you stan them, or used to stan them. I never felt one way or the other about either of them – I wasn’t hot for them, but I didn’t hate them. But…does Jared have issues? Apparently, Jared was arrested this weekend in Austin, Texas at a bar he maybe owns. It was a violent, drunken arrest:

“Supernatural” star Jared Padalecki was arrested at a club he tends to frequent quite often — which makes this story all the more ghastly. Jared — who plays Sam Winchester on the show, opposite Jensen Ackles — was busted by cops early Sunday morning in Austin, TX outside of a lounge called Stereotype. Per his booking sheet, he’s facing two counts of assault and one count of public intoxication.

Based on video TMZ obtained in the moments leading up to Jared’s arrest … you can see why. The guy was getting physical on the sidewalk, and cops had to get involved. Eyewitnesses on the scene tell us that at first, Jared allegedly struck a bartender in the face from inside the establishment … and that a friend tried calming him down outside, but got put into a headlock after a standoff, which you can see here in the footage.

We’re also told he got into it with the general manager of the place, and allegedly struck him in the face as well. Eventually, Jared was restrained by police … but not before pulling out what we’re told was a wad of cash, and allegedly flashing it to the officers.

As for Jared’s connection to Stereotype — it’s a bit hazy, but he’s definitely a regular and might even be an investor too. Local reports suggest he straight-up owns the joint — he and Jensen own respective businesses in Austin aside from this, BTW — and we could probably buy that, considering he was there opening night last year, and drops in a lot.

Jared’s bond is set at $15k — $5,000 per charge — but it’s unclear for now if he’s bailed out yet. We’ve reached out to his rep … so far, no official word back.

[From TMZ]

I’m including the TMZ video below – Jared is clearly wasted, and as he was talking to police officers, he couldn’t even stand up straight. He was sh-thoused. I kind of wonder if that was the root of the original conflict with the bartender or general manager – like, Jared was so drunk already and the bartender decided to stop serving him, and that’s when Jared lost it. Anyway… mess.

The CW’s Summer TCA Party

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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69 Responses to “Jared Padalecki was arrested for public intoxication & assault in Austin, TX”

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  1. Feedmechips says:

    Just another white guy behaving badly.

    • Bella Bella says:

      I was going to say, after seeing the footage of the black guy who put his hands up and asked whether he should stand or kneel but was instead mobbed by 8 gun-wielding cops on the NYC subway, slammed to the ground and cuffed — for possibly jumping a turnstile!! — if Padecki were black, he’d be dead by now.

      Please cover the ongoing stories of how black people are treated by police so that the comparison remains in the public consciousness.

  2. Erinn says:

    He was the worst on Gilmore Girls, and I’ve just never liked him since.

  3. TheOriginalMia says:

    He’s problematic and a jerk. Jensen’s the nice one.

    • Maria_ says:


      and they play the opposite on the show, who’d say.
      Although im team Dean Winchester all the way.

  4. girl_ninja says:

    I remember when Philip Seymour Hoffman died and he shared an insensitive tweet. He deleted it but I couldn’t help think “Yeah. This guy is a douche.”

    • Myriam says:

      As well as Cory Monteith. Apparently he has little to no sympathy for people who die due to a drug overdose, or their loved ones because they are the ones alive to see/hear his remarks. He’s definitely a douche.

    • Ms. says:

      Sounds a bit like the good old standby, deflection. This is a very common thing in substance abuse – I may be an alcoholic but at least I’m not a Coke user…. I may be a Coke user but at least I don’t use heroin, meth, crack….

      I’m obviously speculating on addiction on his part, but let’s just say I wouldn’t be at all shocked based on his behavior.

  5. ChillyWilly says:

    Stereotype is the perfect name for this douche bro’s bar. Way to be a typical, entitled white guy. Flashing a sad of cash at a cop? Hope he gets charged with bribery as well.

    • MangoAngelesque says:

      I can’t help but chuckle at the typo…”a sad of cash.” That’s incredibly apt for this guy. It was probably a wad of 1s and 5s.

  6. Mia4s says:

    Does he have issues? Been a long time since I watched Supernatural so I had to google: he’s almost 40, is married with three kids, and is getting arrested for assault at 4:30am while drunk out of his mind at a bar. Does he have issues? Survey says: Definitely.

    • Sienna says:

      Yep, he had some issues a few years back, I think anxiety and depression. I hope he’s not on drugs th😢

      • broodytrudy says:

        Yeah he had to take a break either season 2 or 3 because he had a nervous breakdown. Then he straight bailed out of a conference last minute about 4 or 5 years ago and flew home to check himself in so he didn’t kill himself in his hotel.

        I think Jensen and the show has been a source of stability for him, and now that it’s ending there are some issues coming up again. I hope he can keep himself safe and healthy.

  7. Steph says:

    Does Jared have issues? He’s pretty open about his battles with his anxiety and depression. So there is that. I know he got into a different bar fight like 15 years ago. He and Jensen talk about it all the time. The way it’s told, it doesn’t come off as messy (well as unmessy as a fight can be). Between then and now the only other thing he’s had a public issue with was that tweet someone mentioned up thread. Unless I missed something, he’s mostly known for his charity work outside of Supernatural. I saw a few posts here saying he’s a douche. Can you link me to other issues? I seemed to have missed them.

    • broodytrudy says:

      He’s pretty quiet and not douche bro-y at all. I do wonder where people get that idea from. This is his second spat with the law in like, 15 years maybe? The first I believe was also a bar fight. I think he got upset once and dropped some tweets, but no different than a multitude of other stars complaining about customer service. I guess we’ll see what else, if anything, comes out, but he’s generally pretty nice and not problematic at all, if not a bit aloof.

      • Steph says:

        I don’t think the law even got involved in the first bar fight. Also, it was around 2004/5 before good camera phones and the only social media platform was FB. We know about that incident bc they told us about it.
        He’s the co lead on a show where the network said they’d never cancel it. It will only go off if j2 say so (there might be more but I’ve never heard of any other show with this type of job security). They aren’t the top A listers but their fan base is pretty large. They do like 50 conventions a year. I think there’d be more evidence that he’s a douche at this point if he really was.

      • Erinn says:

        Livejournal, MySpace, Friendster, Hi5 were all around at that time. Reddit and Youtube launched in 2005. Social media was definitely all around, but it wasn’t anywhere near as common for the ‘average’ person to use.

    • H says:

      Oh he’s a douche. And while yes he does have depression and anxiety issues that doesn’t even make him less of a douche. Let’s not forget when he was engaged to his ex, he cheated on her with a co-worker while he made the Friday the 13th movie. And dumped his long-term gf at his sister’s college graduation. Poor girl had flown all the way from LA to Texas for the party and Jared told her he cheated on her and didn’t want to marry her. (I knew someone who was really good friends with his ex-fiance). Rumor has it that he paid her palimony to keep quiet as she had given up her acting career to take care of him in Vancouver.

      Then, while he was filming Supernatural, but prepping to audition for the Conan the Barbarian movie, he threw a fit on the set and got fined for being repeatedly late. He wanted to be let out of his Supernatural contract to be a “movie star,” but that role went to Jason Momoa. The being late to set and getting fined by the CW Network was in the National Enquirer and a few other rags at the time.

      I heard after he got married he cleaned his act up, but perhaps that’s not true??

    • Steph says:

      @erinn my point was that when the first bar fight happened social media wasn’t the monster it is today so we only have their story. And since then there hasn’t been much else put online to call him a douche. He is in public interacting with everyday people all the time. If this was common behavior, I think we’d see it.

  8. Enn says:

    His wife has built a brand as a mommy blogger so she’s probably unhappy about this.

  9. nemo says:

    he can be a problematic at times, but he also does a lot of charity work…so I guess he isn’t the worst.
    does he have issues? yes, he’s been open about his depression and anxiety.

  10. Bettyrose says:

    He’s so so pretty, though. I’ll open a bar next to his and call it Cliche, because I swoon for his tall, sweet-faced, tortured soul vibe.

  11. SM says:

    But did he try the “don’t you know who I am with the cops?” Which would be really funny because I ready don’t know who he is.

  12. Kay says:

    Considering his openly shared issues with anxiety and depression, I would imagine he’s on medication for it. And this is the kind of thing that happens when you drink on those meds. I speak from experience. I wonder if he’s going through another rough patch. He had to take some time off from Supernatural a couple seasons ago to deal with mental issues. This is all just assumptions on my part.
    Still not a good look, though.

  13. Jacheyly says:

    Supernatural is my jam! I hope Jared owns this (without excuses) and gets the help he needs.

    • Laura says:

      I love the show, and am sad it’s ending. On a related note, I had noticed that his acting is different this season so far. (speaking less, speaking slower, strange expressions) Not in a good way. Thought it was my imagination but reading comments on other forums and fan sites it’s pretty noticeable. Maybe the antidepressants he’s most likely on are stronger?

  14. Alexis says:

    The constant use of the word “problematic ” on this site is beyond annoying. And there has never been news of Jared being out of control until now. This one incident shouldn’t tarnish his reputation. He is known for his charity work as well.

    • norah says:

      so charity work means all is forgiven? why the heck was he out in the morning leaving his wife and kids alone. if he was on meds for his mental health issues then he sd not be drinking at all – it is basic 101

      • Ctgirl says:

        Yeah, because you’ve never behaved badly. It’s ridiculous to condemn this guy as a douche for two instances of drunk behavior in more than 10 years.

      • Emilia says:

        @ctgirl “because you’ve never behaved badly” Is this a joke, are you serious? He assaulted someone, that’s not just “behaving badly.” And yes I can safely say I’ve never done anything even remotely close to that in my life. I knew Supernatural stans would try and excuse his behavior, you people are nothing if not predictable.

      • Amber says:

        @NORAH his behaviour is not good, he should be punished like anyone but come on!! People are allowed a night out if they are married and have children!! I’m sure his wife ismt one to keep him locked away, unable to socialise and drink with friends!

      • tealily says:

        Omg of course you’re allowed a night out. You’re not, however, allowed to assault people! Wtf are you even trying to argue here??

    • Emily Gilmore says:

      That was Epstein’s strategy.

    • H says:

      Actually yes there is. He was problematic like season 3 or 4 when he was showing up late constantly to work and the network had to fine him to get him back on track. He wanted out of his Supernatural contract and was auditioning for the Conan the Barbarian role, but when that went to Jason Momoa, it seems he settled down for a bit.

      So while I like Jared, he’s not an angel and I hate it when fans try to whitewash things he’s done in the past, or conveniently forget.

    • Erinn says:

      LOL, the charity work defense. He’s a wealthy celebrity who isn’t working a 9-5 job all year like everyone else. Doing SOME charity work should be the lowest the bar goes when it comes to famous people with time and money on their hands. Charity work helps with their own self promotion as well, keep in mind.

      Multiple bar fights that involve cops is a lot more than the average person’s ‘bad behevior’. The first one I’m willing to be a bit more lenient on because he was ‘younger’ but, you’d think that would have been a learning moment for him and he’d alter his behavior because of it. It doesn’t look good that this came up again. Especially when he’s ‘allegedly’ smashed two separate people in the face, and flashed a wad of money when the cops showed up.

      He’s also had a history of shaming employees of establishments he’s beefing with customer service over on his twitter (names and faces included). He also made sure to run his mouth after Phillip Seymore Hoffman’s death – “Sad is not the word I’d use to describe a 46 year old man throwing his life away to drugs. “Senseless” is more like it. “Stupid”. ”

      Is he evil incarnate? Nah. But he’s definitely shady.

  15. Mia4s says:

    I’m loving the repeated refrain of “but charity work!” in this thread. Guys, some really awful people in Hollywood did/do charity work. Like, REALLY awful people. Not saying that’s him, I’m just saying the telling us a Hollywood celebrity does charity work really doesn’t tell us much.

  16. Elizabeth says:

    I have been a fan of the show Supernatural for many years. As others here have mentioned Jared has been very open with his own mental health issues which I believe was the main reason he started a charity aimed at raising awareness for depression.

    I did once try and follow him on Twitter but was disgusted when he was ranting about a canceled flight and took aim at the airline involved.

    I can’t stand this kind of entitled behaviour from anyone which is why I only follow the U.K Parliament cats, Paul Bronks, Mark Hamill and The Tiny Chef show now.

    He has the money (no pun intended) and the resources to get the best help which I hope he does not only for himself and his family but also for the SPN fandom which the cast & crew have always referred to as their extended family.

  17. Tina says:

    I think it’s probably his mental health issue unfortunately. He had to take a leave a while back. I think he was actually suicidal at one point poor guy.

  18. serena says:

    To say I’m shocked is a understatement. He’s known to be a very nice guy so I really didn’t expect this behaviour from him. I’m a fan of Supernatural and I like all the actors so this news makes me really really disappointed in him.

  19. Sunny says:

    I wonder if this will affect his new show, a reboot of Walker Texas Ranger.

  20. square_bologna says:

    Coming by tomorrow morning: Publicist-crafted public apology and announcement of treatment plans.

  21. Kitty Von SaucyMinx says:

    I am surprised that he is not at his own bar. He is part owner of San Jac Saloon on 6th ST.

  22. Radiohead lover says:

    Personal story: I suffer from depression and PTSD. I have a good network and take meds. When my life becomes unknown or unstable, I still took my meds, wrote in my journal but I started to self medicate. It made me a jackass over time, slowly but surely. Then I got into a fight and vented in the worst way possible. I had a breakdown at work. My mom had to come get me and I went to counseling immediately. I was asked why i didn’t tell anyone I was spiraling and it was simple: I didn’t want to burden anyone and wanted to prove that I had control.

    I think this is what is happening to him. Imagine working for a company for 20 years, the company that shaped you, led you to your wife and now family, cancels a show you commit 100 percent to all the time. It’ll rattle you as it is a big part of your life.

    As long as he owns his crap and the consequences from it, leave him be for a bit til he gets it together.

    • Christine Dix says:

      The three stars decided to stop making the show. He already! has another job but the pressure of the switch is probably getting to him. Not an excuse for acting like a dick. If he gets help; cool.

    • tealily says:

      I, too, suffer from depression and anxiety. A job ending can be rough, and even good transitions can be stressful. However, that is not carte blanche to behave like this. I’ve personally had many, many jobs end and I can safely say I’ve never assaulted someone even once. This is an a**hole move.

    • Radiohead lover says:

      Yeah, never said it was right. I said as long as he accepts the consequences and owns it. Whether that consequence is jail, counseling, divorce, whatever that looks like, I’m good with it. People deal with stuff differently, and how he deals with things doesn’t make it right. What makes it right is accepting responsibility and the consequences, learning from it, and moving forward.

      Hope that clarifies things.

  23. Ceecu33 says:

    That’s just disappointing. He’s always supporting different charities on his fan pages so to see this is the real him?!? Yeah, disappointing.

    He was cast to do Walker Texas Ranger reboot by the way. Wonder if they’re eating their hats over that choice now.

  24. JaneBee87 says:


  25. Jared padalecki will do the crime and he can suffer the consequences. I will not let him do the show at all. He can sit in jail 😂.

  26. Angela says:

    He’s awful. I still haven’t forgotten the time he got his fans to doxx a waitress because she didn’t know who he was and didn’t kiss his ass. He’s also thrown tantrums on twitter about airlines not kissing his ass. Basically “don’t you know who I am” is his mantra. dude you’re in a cw show get over yourself

  27. phlyfiremama says:

    Seriously, you have to REALLY screw up to get arrested on 6th Street in Austin. LOL No sympathy, I’m surprised he didn’t try to play the “do you know who I am” card, the attempted bribery is bad enough. Good grief, entitlement at it’s worst…

  28. Hippu says:

    Well, I love Supernatural, and everybody makes mistakes. We ain`t living in perfect world, if it is news to somebody. How did people become so judgemental?

  29. Melissa says:

    I love Supernatural since literally day one but Jared is problematic. I remember his tantrums about the airline, and 2 years ago he had the fit at the Wynn Las Vegas, posted an employees face and called him a #horribleasshole. Deleted it all the next day and crickets. Jared will never apologize publicly, it will be silence. He is struggling with his mental health for sure.