“Prince Andrew’s spin doctor quit after a month, wonder why” links

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Prince Andrew was in Bangkok over the weekend, and his special spin-doctor quit after working with him for less than a month. [LaineyGossip]
Rest in peace, Walter Marcado. [Dlisted]
Liam Payne is the crotch of Hugo Boss. [Just Jared]
This summary of Jennifer Aniston’s look is so accurate. [Go Fug Yourself]
This is why Richard Spencer is trending on Twitter. [Pajiba]
Amber Heard gets to the point of something which has always bugged me: the designation of “revenge p0rn,” and how it should be called something else. [Jezebel]
This is the weirdest gay con. What a schemer! [Towleroad]
Unexpected star arrested for domestic violence. [Starcasm]
Salma Hayek has Jessica Rabbit proportions. [Seriously OMG]

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26 Responses to ““Prince Andrew’s spin doctor quit after a month, wonder why” links”

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  1. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Maybe Bankok’s reputation is undeserved, but since critics keep using this work with Meghan, I’ll use it here — “optics”? Does Andrew or anyone who has control over him (the Queen, his handlers), realize how it looks for him to be jetting off to Bankok right now?

    • Becks1 says:

      Didn’t he actually vacation there with Epstein? Like, who thought this would be a good idea?

      Re: the spin doctor quitting, I wonder if things are a lot worse for Andrew than we know (I assume they are at any rate), and this guy didnt feel like getting his hands dirty, but I also can imagine that Andrew isn’t going to take advice. So if the PR guy says “don’t go to Thailand” but Andrew is all, I DO WHAT I WANT, the guy may have just said “I’m out, good luck.”

      • Ally says:

        Someone is fighting Epstein document releases in US court right now on the grounds of privacy. Everyone assumes it’s Andrew and his flacks.

      • Tiffany says:


        Agree with everything you wrote. This isn’t a case of taking on a client who had a age appropriate affair and was caught, the law is after him and I would high tail it out of there as well. And we all know Andy is entitled and would tell you everything even when you don’t ask.

  2. Dutch says:

    Maybe he quit because another prince had diamonds in his pockets.

    • Anners says:

      🤣🤣🤣 Brilliant, thank you! That takes me back; I’m gonna be singing that song all afternoon.

  3. RoyalBlue says:

    That man has no shame and a huge sense of entitlement.

    • Snappyfish says:

      It is a bit hard to spin pedophilia & kidnapping & human trafficking

      (Note on kidnapping: if you are prevented from leaving or feel you are unable to leave a situation, the charge is kidnapping in most US states)

  4. Mads says:

    “Prince Andrew was in Bangkok over the weekend.”
    My inner dialogue sarcastically interrupted that sentence with, “Of course he was.” The perve.

  5. Mads says:

    “Prince Andrew was in Bangkok over the weekend,…”
    My inner dialogue sarcastically interrupted that sentence with, “Of course he was.” The perve.

  6. Sunshine says:

    If you look at the stats/comments for a story like this vs Kate/Meghan story that has no substance, one can understand the dilemma of online media. Here is a story about an alleged pedophile working in a country known for this activity vs the Sun’s passive aggressive piece about Meghan (via Kate’s brilliance) and comment section is basically silent.

  7. Coji says:

    I keep thinking that this could be the scandal that ends the monarchy. TQ covering it up just makes it all the more ugly. Can you imagine how petulant William would be if the monarchy is dissolved?

    • ArtHistorian says:

      This scandal is the WORST ever to hit the British monarchy in modern times. The abdication of 1937 was bad but the most truly damaging stuff was kept hidden for decades, i.e. Edward and Wallis’ Nazi sympathies and their predilection of hanging out with fascists. Edward was sympathetic to a foreign power that clear-sighted people could see would become an enemy to Britain, he was even suspected of leaking Allied war plans to Germany, he remained sympathetic to Nazi Germany even after the war broke out and continued to hang out with fascists in Portugal until Churchill threatened him with a court-martial if he didn’t return to British soil – and then he was immediately dispatched to the Bahamas where he could do the least damage. A lot of this information was suppressed for more than 4 decades.

      Today, the media landscape is very different and it is much harder to suppress information – especially when foreign law enforcement agencies are involved. It is possible that Andrew may never face criminal charges but depending on what information becomes public + the Queen’s staunch support of him, this scandal could become very dangerous for the continued existence of the British monarchy. Andrew (and the Queen’s silent but public support of him) has tainted the British monarchy with a different kind of crime, one of the most repugnant of all: sex trafficking and the abuse of minors.

      • sue denim says:

        Excellent piece AH. To add — this is really just one of the more obvious examples of the RF’s ruthless exploitation of others. So many ongoing wars and enmities, including our own racial conflicts in the US, trace a direct line to the RF. And no amount of tiaras or sashes or white gloved servants can clear away that stench. Time’s up for them I think…

      • Gaah says:

        Good points but I don’t think this will bring down the monarchy. If this were Charles, maybe. But Andrew is a nobody. Yes people will be disgusted but they aren’t focused on him and he does not represent the upper echelons of the monarchy. If Diana couldn’t bring them down, then Andrew won’t with this no matter how bad it gets. Andrew is more of an isolated figure in the past 20 years and no one really cares about him.

      • dilettante says:

        He was dispatched to Bermuda, not the Bahamas.

      • L4frimaire says:

        Hi Dilettane, it was definitely the Bahamas, which he so nicely referred to as a third rate colony. Charming fellow.

      • Mignionette says:

        @ Art Historian. Edward’s behavior was shameful. He revealed positions that potentially got men who were actively on the front-lines killed and that is unforgivable, As you state that information only became available decades later.

        10-12 years have passed since some of Andy’s earliest involvement with Epstein so in another 18-20 years a lot more information will become freely available via a freedom of information request. Andy will be in his 80’s at that point so it will be interesting to see what sort of landscape we will be living in, how many victims are still alive and if he will be held accountable?

  8. JanetFerber says:

    A guy whose job it is to get his hands VERY dirty to help scum with deep pockets deserts Andrew after only one month. This is not just big. It’s GIGANTIC.

    • Mignionette says:

      Agreed, however I suspect it has something to do with Andy’s entitlement and lack of willingness to follow advice. Case in point continuing engagements whilst the story is still hot on the news cycle and trips to Thailand.

  9. Call_me_al says:

    We are still watching you, Sicko Andy.

  10. IntheKnow says:

    He does look like he’s waiting to shed his ‘skin’ and just turn into a more evil monster. I sort of believe that who you truly are on the inside starts to show on your outside. He’s gross. His ma is gross. They are all just gross and I am over them all

  11. Giddy says:

    Andrew is a spoiled, pouty, pervy, man-child. I’d say he needs a spanking, but he would probably enjoy it too much.

  12. Belinda says:

    He was here in Australia a few weeks back and one single person turn up to see him. And that was only because the person was a royal tragic who would turn up to see the Queen’s corgi’s dogwalker’s aunt.

  13. Mignionette says:

    Waiting on the ABC story Kaiser & Celebitchy team !!!