For years, there’s been a simmering beef between the Wales “faction” of the royal family and the Yorks. Maybe it all started with the Prince of Wales and Duke of York and how they grew apart significantly over the past twenty years. Maybe it really picked up when Charles started phasing Andrew out of a larger role in the family, and Charles let it be known that the York princesses would not be financially supported by the family long-term. It was always said that Prince Harry was fond of his York cousins, while William and Kate seemed to have little regard for Beatrice and Eugenie. But I completely buy the idea that Harry and William have never had much time for Prince Andrew. And that’s what a new article says too, as William joins his father in shoving Andrew under the bus. There are also details about how Beatrice is quite upset and more. Some highlights from this Daily Mail epic:
Prince William hates his uncle: The Duke of Cambridge is ‘not a huge fan’ of Prince Andrew, it was reported today, amid claims he ‘hoodwinked’ the Queen by not warning her he was about to discuss the scandal at length in a disastrous BBC interview. Andrew and the Queen had a ‘son-to-mother’ conversation, in which he let her know he was going to talk about his relationship with the late paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein but ‘without going into details’, a royal source said. The Duke of Cambridge was unhappy with his uncle’s behaviour and decided his removal from public life was ‘the right thing to do’, a source told The Sunday Times. Another said he had spoken to the Queen and Prince Charles about Andrew’s future, adding: ‘William is becoming more and more involved in decisions about the institution [monarchy] and he’s not a huge fan of his uncle Andrew.’
Beatrice & Fergie’s involvement with the interview: Fergie argued that Andrew should give an interview but was out of the country when it happened. Beatrice and Andrew met Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis and the programme’s deputy editor, Stewart Maclean, at Buckingham Palace three days before filming to discuss the scope of the interview. An insider said: ‘Sarah [Ferguson] was abroad so Beatrice sat in on the discussions. Initially, Beatrice was sceptical that a television interview, which would inevitably delve into her father’s private life, was such a good idea. She was asking lots of pertinent questions and had her doubts. But by the end of the meeting she was convinced by the Newsnight team and Amanda Thirsk that they had no choice – that it was the only way to put all the rumours behind them. It was clear that Fergie was always there in the background.’
Beatrice is now horrified: It is understood that Beatrice, with the benefit of hindsight, is now mortified that she did not do more to stop the interview going ahead, not least as it casts an even greater shadow over her forthcoming wedding. It also leaves her and younger sister Eugenie in a difficult position when it comes to their future roles as working princesses. The source said: ‘Even though she’s their daughter, both Sarah and Andrew rely on Beatrice’s judgment a lot when it comes to dealing with the public as she’s got an old head on young shoulders. You can’t really blame Beatrice because I think the odds were stacked against her on this one. Andrew, Fergie and Amanda decided they had to do it.’
Andrew is already plotting his comeback: The Duke of York intends to make a grand comeback after clearing his name, The Mail on Sunday has been told. But sources say that his brazen self-belief, which Palace insiders believe is misplaced, risks putting him on a potential collision course with the Prince of Wales. A Royal source said Andrew believes that he can repair his shattered image simply by speaking to the FBI about the Epstein scandal. That view has raised eyebrows among senior Palace courtiers, who fear he can never regain public trust. Of Andrew’s planned comeback, a source said: ‘I can’t see that Charles would ever let it happen. And many at the Palace just want him out of the scene now – end of. It’s effectively an early retirement.’
I’m laughing my ass off at the idea that Andrew thinks he could simply meet with the FBI, tell his nonsensical and lie-filled version of events and that would be the end of it. He is clearly one of the stupidest men to ever exist, my God. I kind of want this to happen – I want the courtiers to okay it and for Andrew to bumble his way to America and sit down with the FBI. He’ll be in handcuffs within two hours. As for Beatrice’s role… well, someone wants her under the bus with her father too. And William just wants credit for something Charles did, clearly. William isn’t really the proactive type. But he takes credit for other people’s work all the time.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red.
Jeeze. William really is a tool
As Kaiser said, he’s really not proactive, but what’s actually even worse for him is he seems to completely lack any sense of creativity whatsoever. A stereotypical dullard.
Which is why I can’t think of a single interesting thing he’s ever said or done. (Well, if you ignore his monumental efforts in tarnishing his sister in laws name, that is. He’s been very creative with that)
William has three children. I can believe he wanted his pedo uncle fired and blackballed by the family. Can you imagine him lurking around Balmoral while your kids are there? Totally unacceptable.
Oof I really feel for Beatrice here. Someone is making sure she’s going to have a very quiet wedding. I also feel that bea more than Eugenie wants to be a working royal and this might be a way to put a stop to that?
Andrew is stupid filth no doubt about it
Beatrice and Eugenie were raised believing they would be working Royals. Beatrice was already in college when she found out that she was going to have to change all her plans. Eugenie had a little more time to figure out her life and such. I actually think it’s her parents throwing her under the bus. The fact that they apparently rely on her for advice on this kind of thing is telling. They should have way more experience than she does. They have probably relied on her from a young age and made her feel responsible for them. It’s gross, but it’s not uncommon with toxic parents. It’s even sadder that her wedding is being overshadowed by all this and now she’s being blamed for their mess.
@Ainsley – that made me feel sad for Beatrice too. She should not have had to be in that meeting with Andrew deciding whether he should give that interview. That puts way too much on her. I know she’s not a child anymore (she’s what, 30?) but I still think its an unfair burden.
I think the press is making up stories to suit their agenda. Eugenie is married, working and pretty boring. Bea on the other hand is engaged to a smarmy version of her father. Diverting attention to Bea allows the editors to start carving a narrative that she is just as entitled, reckless and debauched as her father. It will likely go down a storm and even Stevie Wonder can see that Edo will not fail to delight in the con-man husband stakes if they even make it up the aisle at this rate.
It was also reported a few years ago and the Princess’s had to give Fergie money from their trust funds to help her pay her debts. That money was left to them for their future by their great grandmother and now we learn that their mother is leeching from them to fund a lifestyle she thinks she’s entitled to have.
From what i can recall it wasn’t an awful lot of money (the trust fund). Who hasn’t this woman begged money off from.
It’s interesting that his family are reported to have been “horrified“ at how bad the interview went, but not at the fact of this man sleeping with the underage girls and hanging out with a convicted sex-offender.
Good point! The interview was nothing compared with what he actually did.
This. Beatrice was a fool to involve herself in trying to downplay her father’s involvement in a child sex ring. There is no way to spin that. She must have truly terrible judgement to think otherwise.
@Megan, the love a child has for his/her parents isn’t always rational. No doubt Beatrice loves her father and wants to help him. I put the blame squarely on Andrew and Fergie: They’re the parents, they’re supposed to be the adults, and they should’ve told Bea, “Oh, you’re a darling to offer, but this is our mess to clean up. We don’t want you involved in this tawdry business.”
@Digital Unicorn – ugh yes I forgot about that part, that Fergie has indeed in part supported herself out of her daughters’ trusts. What a mess. I would love to read a complete forensic accounting of Fergie’s finances.
After Fergie’s scandal of caught on tape taking an attache bag full of cash for access to Andrew, she did a series for Oprah’s network called Finding Sarah in 2011. In it both Beatrice and Eugenie were filmed crying and upset while talking about Fergie’s troubles. It was gross and made me think Fergie is absolutely up for exploiting her daughters and their ‘blood princesses, Queen is their Granny’ status for all it is worth. I’m sure Andrew feels the same. The daughters are like convenient human shields for both of them.
Those poor girls. Both parents are train wrecks, and, as in many dysfunctional families, the children feel responsible for making things better. And now Bea sees that her help has backfired.
There have long been rumors that one of the girls (can’t remember which one…) was offered up to Epstein in some kind of weird trade. When Fergie found out, that’s when she made her “Epstein is a paedophile” comment, and disavowed him. Obviously we don’t know if the rumor is true, but it’s been around a while, and it wouldn’t entirely surprise me given the dynamic.
Tourmaline A full forensic accounting done by the British Tax Department (Canadian here and I don’t know what the equivalent is of Canada Revenue Agency). How much of the money “given” to Fergie is taxable and did she report all her taxable income? Retired tax auditor here….LOL
I just can’t understand what Fergie needs so much money for and where is the evidence of her extravagance? When she travels abroad or on holiday the trips are usually freebies.
I think Fergie’s debts are really Andrew’s debts and she is a front for him. It does seem that Andrew subsidises his daughters’ lifestyles.
Gad Noodle, you are right. It was at Eugenie’s 18th birthday party. Epstein was perving on Eugenie and her friends now that they were legal. Andrew was laughing but fergie was not apparently.
So a day or two ago we were told that Beatrice and Eugenie were being protected/insulated from their father’s scandal and the fallout. Today we are being told that Beatrice actually sat in the meeting(s) prior to the interview and was given a vote as to whether it should proceed or not?! Which one is it? I agree with Kaiser that Bea is being thrown under the double-decker here.
Also, now that William is absolutely sure of public opinion and saw the kudos his dad received for putting his foot down and making Prince Andrew retire, now we get a statement that William was also a force behind the scenes to get Andrew out of there. Since William seems to be the one behind this article, I feel it’s safe to say that he’s the one chucking his cousin under the bus. Disloyal dullard doesn’t begin to describe my feelings towards William.
“Andrew is already plotting his comeback” – he and Harvey Weinstein. Someone break out the writing slopes and good fountain pens so they can be pen pals.
Andrew needs to be plotting about how to stay out of prison. I 100% believe he had sex with Virginia and others. Did he know that they were underage and being paid/forced to have sex with him? Is he dumb and egocentric enough not to have figured that out? Maybe?
Well, if this is true then why wasn’t it reported at the time it was a father son effort (which would have been a great story), instead William waits for the Sunday papers to drop this one when he is guaranteed maximum press coverage after his father’s actions fell off the front page. This is King Billy the Brat jumping on the bandwagon to embiggen himself as the future future King. Am sure he spoke to his father and grandmother but lets be real, Chuck is pretty much running the show in all but name and he has the influence on TQ.
The Cambridges are as usual shoving themselves into someone else’s narrative.
Poor Bea – she can kiss goodbye to that fancy public wedding and she has her parents to thank for that. Lets face it her mother is just as complicit in this as he is.
Yes, these are basically my thoughts word for word lol, even though I already commented below.
Exactly Digital Unicorn. It’s so sickening. Andrew needs to be dragged but I hate false and convenient pile-on. It looks like pandering and swanning.
You are spot on about that! William feels the need to interject himself in all royals manners as if he is next in line. William should cool his jets and focus on getting himself and his wife to work more often and keep his nose in his business, not everyone else’s. Is William lacking so much confidence that he must bring down others?
This is basically what I wrote, should’ve read your comment before writing my own! Ugh, I didn’t think I could dislike William any more, but he always proves me wrong!
I’m anxious to see the day William will have no one to be “pro active” for him, for example, when he gets the crown. Then, his absolute laziness is going to show in all its glory. I also hope Harry is going to be very far from him or else every decision he took that went bad, it’s going to be Harry’s fault.
Prince Charles returns to the UK today. I suspect Prince Andrew will be retired from royal duties asap on Charles’ instruction.
I read that Andrew had to give up all of his patronages…over 200 I believe. So who has to pick up all that work now? Will it be doled out to Edward, Annie, Harry? Hope Will and Kate are prepared to do more work.
I read that Bea and Eugenie are going to pick up his patronages. I don’t see that happening, don’t think Charles would allow it.
I wonder who gets the plum assignment, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra? Meghan would love it, so William will probably take it. Or the queen, give her all 200, after all she could have stopped him 20 years ago. She instead, honours him and allows him to pick up even more patronages and create scams to line his pockets, whilst merrily raping his way through the ’90’s and early ‘oughts.
From Lainey:
According to a source close to Andrew, he wants his daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, to assume responsibility for the work he’s been doing with his various patronages.
*Some of those charity leaders, however, aren’t so hot on the idea and “warned that Andrew should not treat patronages as a ‘dowry’ for his daughters’”.* <—- Hahahahahaha
A definite push back from the charities themselves. Good on them. No Yorks are to darken their doorsteps. Poor Bea and Eug, they really are gonna get the short shrift thanks to Daddy and Mommy dearest.
Yeah he wanted his daughters to take over so it means he can still be involved as there is no way he’s going to go away perm without a fight. He’s allegedly desperate to keep Pitch@Palace as he personally pockets cash from it.
The Fail needs to follow through from the article last week which talked about how he got his cash and he is worth a LOT of money now. Am sure they have more receipts stashed somewhere. I guess we’ll see what happens if he refuses to go away quietly and stops tipping the paps off to whenever he goes out riding with Mummy. He was looking right at the paps, he knew they were there. He wants the world to know Mummy has his back.
@whatnow If this is true, PA is completely out of touch. He doesn’t realize that his behavior has rendered each of the Yorks persona non grata. He is the definition of the word “privilege.”
I was shocked to know he PERSONALLY takes a cut of the proceeds generated by Pitch@Palace!!! So his mummy’s Palace is thrown open for him to host these entrepreneurial competitions and he takes a percentage. It is so shady. But I predict he’s NOT going to go quietly at all.
I agree, PA’ s hubris is almost shocking in how he literally thinks he can do no wrong. If he says it, then that’s the way it is, end of story. Except this time.
No matter what everyone has been telling him that he is DONE, retired, put out to pasture, there is NO WAY he is accepting that. Everyone knows that he thinks, he’ll just lay low over the Christmas holiday and bing, bang, boom — this will all be forgotten, and he can just “get on with it.”
No one, absolutely No one, will be more astounded than PA, when he truly understands it’s O-V-E-R for him. No one will be accepting his calls, no more invites to luxury parties and homes, no leaning on people for cash and favors–because he is toxic and NO ONE wants to be associated with a pedophile. No running to mummy and crying about it to get what he wants–he will essentially/hopefully be shunned. His name carries no prestige, only shame, and the return on investment by using his name has dropped into the negative.
He deserves worse–like incarceration, but perhaps being shunned at every important or posh event from now until forever will crush him to the very core of his being. One can hope!!
He can want B&E to take over his patronages, but they wouldn’t do it as working royals. They’d do it volunteer with no funding. They aren’t working royals and will not be on the Sovereign Grant, unless Andrew extracts that out of Charles in exchange for going quietly.
@Tourmaline…..someone said that the Prince’s Trust is run along similar lines, and that fundraising includes raising money for all running costs etc.
@PrincessK – Charities using funds raised to cover overheads is pretty common in the UK and is one of the reason I don’t give to big ones. I once briefly dated a guy who worked in the finance dept of one and he said that only 25p out of every £1 went to the actual cause and that people would be shocked at the amount of money charities waste on ‘expenses’ and salaries. There has been several scandals over the past few years with charity CEO’s earning over £200K for a few hours work a week – all while said charities are pleading poverty etc..
I give to small local charities as they are the one who actually need it and I try to encourage others to do the same – these smaller charities don’t get much funding from the gov (the big ones take most of the money even thou they don’t actually need it) so they need every penny they can get and some are run quite well.
Jesus. William really looks like Stephen Miller in that pic, and I can’t unsee it. Blech.
Yikes! You are right. I can’t unsee it now.
This blame game is annoying. Andrew alone is culpable for his decisions (and alleged criminal acts). In terms of allowing him to keep his high profile even after the allegations first emerged that’s on the Queen as the monarchy’s ultimate boss but none of the royals or businesses/charities he was associated with should pat themselves on the back. It’s only because we are in post-Metoo era& because of public backlash that people want to distance themselves from him.
Seems that Times piece that suggests KP could have leaked story about Andrew’s fight to the press may have some truth- maybe him& Charles have been trying to force Andrew to keep a low profile but the Queen wasn’t having it out of blind loyalty. Wonder how Eugenie& Beatrice feel about their relatives now though. Working with family is messy!
I agree with you. I’m so sick and tired of the blame being shoved over on someone else. Prince Andrew is responsible of what HE did, Not Fergie, not Beatrice or anyone else. End of story.
What we have here is how everyone is concerned for their image, but nobody is talking about the victims.
Talking about the victims is acknowledging they exist, which I guess was not part of Andy’s legal strategy aka deny everything….
Yeah, exactly. As we have said before on here, I’m not even sure the Queen thinks that someone like Virginia IS a victim, so its obvious that BP isn’t going to make any kind of statement in support of her and the others.
Honestly though I think its one of the reasons there is so much discussion about the interview and whose idea it was or wasn’t and the prince cant sweat etc – it keeps the focus off the bigger issue, which is Andrew’s relationship with Epstein and what they did to those girls.
William sure jumped on it quickly to let it be known he was involved as well to further drive that bus over Andrew. I am just glad Harry and Meghan are going to have a peaceful time with Doria instead of being in that viper’s nest.
I saw these headlines about William and laughed. Of course William is going to try to take credit for this. He realized that Charles looked relatively good in this mess, like he was the one who took control and realized the damage Andrew was doing to the institution, so of course his name is now out there too.
Do I think William knew about that announcement from BP before it happened? Yes, of course. Do I think William “approved” it or said that he agreed with it or something? Yes. But do I think William was otherwise consulted about it or had any real influence over it? No, not really.
+1,000 @Becks1. After nearly 3 years of wall-to-wall smear campaign against Duchess Meghan, we are all witnessing one of the real reasons for said attacks. Karma showed herself right on time IMHO.
You love to see it.
Ugh, these potatoheads! (That’s not looks shaming, it’s brains shaming.) My apologies to actual potatoes everywhere.
They just Don’t Get It.
I actually feel for the sisters, because this must suck. Especially for it all to be so public. How mortifying!
I do remember their rude display at the wedding, so it’s not like I’m a fan or anything. I just can’t imagine what it would be like to be going through that.
I’d like to say I can’t imagine how Andrew or Ghilly or whatever her name is, or the gross kingpin of it all would think they’d get away with it… except that I can imagine that, all too well.
Rude display at the wedding….which wedding? what did the girls do that was rude? I googled but couldn’t find anything…? I’ve always felt rather sorry for them; I know there were difficulties btwn Kate and the girls…hence the Queen determining she must curtesy to the ‘blood princesses’ when alone… that what you mean?
The blood princess thing relates to Anne not wanting to curtsy to Camilla
They were (among other BRF members) visibly smirking during the sermon at Harry and Meghan’s wedding. Incredibly rude.
Having your pedo dad dragged out in front of the entire world has gotta suck, is all I’m saying.
I doubt there is animosity between Harry&Meghan and Beatrice&Eugenie. Harry just filmed a spot with Ed Sheeran at Eugenie’s Ivy Cottage.
PR to make sure the public knows that Bill and Chuck don’t support Paedo’s despite the fact that Chuck has a history in actively supporting Paedo’s to the extent of ‘influencing legal proceedings’ and ‘disadvantaging their victims’….i.e. bishop of gloucester
Sorry, this was supposed to be a reply to another comment. Sometimes my screen jumps around as new ads load.
Huh. Went back up and it appears the comment I was attempting to reply to disappeared as I was typing.
It’s all Meghan’s fault!!!
Yeah, this feels like someone jumping in trying to make sure Willy gets to jump in and ride those coattails of good press too.
I can believe that he doesn’t like Andrew, Andrew just sounds like an all-round unpleasant person, but I don’t think he was instrumental or involved in the decision to fire him. It feels more like part of the “King in Waiting” story.
William needs dance lessons the way he steps all over other people’s news cycles.
‘I’m laughing my ass off at the idea that Andrew thinks he could simply meet with the FBI, tell his nonsensical and lie-filled version of events and that would be the end of it… He’ll be in handcuffs within two hours.’
I started thinking about this when watching the interview- he is clearly one of society’s worst, most obvious liars. Which tells me he has rarely or never been challenged on his lies, so he’s never needed to develop that skill. Can you imagine growing up with this, as Charles- or Anne, or Edward? Three conscientious children who try their hardest to do their duty, and along comes this absolutely terrible, dreadful liar- and Mummy believes his every word and doesn’t listen to you. For decades. I suddenly feel tremendous empathy for them.
@Jane you are describing a sociopath. It strikes me that Andrew got away with a lot and that didn’t go down well. Sad thing is the enabling by Lilibet might just be his undoing.
Think she’ll admit to herself that it might have been a mistake favouring him, or does she truly believe she is ordained and can do no wrong?
The FBI has a history of letting criminals go free if they provide enough information to get others. PA was bait that JA used to reel in some very big fish. The FBI wants to know who else PA saw at the island and townhouse. It would be enough for warrants to bring down people we haven’t yet considered, I’m sure.
Beatrice needs to not worry about her wedding/royal duties and worry about protecting herself legally. Daddy Dumbass made her his alibi and with the way he’s botching everything, could end up getting her in some FBI interview room.
Yeah I was thinking that Bea is also going to get dragged into and FBI investigation and so are her friends. He’s ruined her wedding and is now going to ruin her life as she’s going to have to worry about being dragged to court as Daddy’s alibi.
I doubt PW wants to be associated with this AT ALL. Of course PC PW and PH know Andrew is a scumbag, they have listened to his buffoonery, off color jokes for decades. Fergie’s behavior has been consistently batshit crazy and embarrassing. Eugenie and Kate seem to get on, but the boys are closer to the philips.
Andrew is spoiled into delusion, go to the FBI buddy!!! And the Beatrice angle comes from PA or the BBC. It’s horrifying to think her father is blaming her.
William wants to be associated with this in that he wants it to be made clear that he was part of the decision to cut off Andrew. William is dumb but he’s not that dumb, you know? He knows, as future future king, he needs his name out there as being part of the anti-Andrew brigade. Or at least he figured that out when he saw how Andrew’s firing was being received.
If William didn’t have anything to do with it, this story would have gotten a response from KP very quickly (“the prince supports the queen and his father but is not involved in these types of decisions” or something.)
I think BP and Clarence House would let it slide right now, Becks1. They’re not going to play those games with William in the middle of this PR crisis, William knows it, and takes advantage.
Yeah, I can see how the press wants to drag in the better known popular young royals to this story, but I don’t actually think Meghan or William want their names in Andrew stories.
Yes Andrew please go talk to the FBI tell them your side of things.
It’s hilarious how now that the perv Andrew shot himself in the food his whole family is falling over themselves to show how they were the first to denounce him, be horrified and appalled by him. Mainly due to his PR train wreck rather than for what he has done.
Normal Bill didn’t have a problem when he was hanging with his sex offender uncle this summer at Balmoral. Bill spends a lot of time with his finger in the air, trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing.
I guess the Duchess of Sussex can breathe a sigh of relief now that Normal Bill has another relative to throw under the bus.
Prince Andrew had already left Balmoral by the time the Cambridge’s had arrived for their stay in August and it doesn’t look like Andrew was there at the same time as William when William made a short visit to Balmoral in September.
*I got this from a quick search Google search so I don’t know how accurate I am.
Andrew had definitely left the first time by the time the Cambridges arrived – I think. remember how he rode to church with the queen and then like two days later was on a private plane out of there? And the thinking was that Phillip arrived and was like “oh hell no” and got Andrew and Fergie out of there? It was only a few months ago but the timeline is blurry to me lol. Andrew went back in September and I think there was another church drive but I don’t think William was there yet. So it seems there was no overlap.
What you said is accurate, Whatever, but I guess it doesn’t fit some people’s narrative.
Kind of interesting how history repeats itself, no? The English monarchy has a long history of factionalism between children of the monarch. Harry and William are no different.
Sure is. And it comes down to who’s scheduled to wear the crown (by birth order) versus one who’s not (but wants to or someone close to them decides they’re better suited to it). Everyone else chooses sides thereafter.
Insightful comment. Reminds me that all of this is not just tabloid fodder but actual history in the making. I wonder how this chapter in the BRF will be retold a hundred years from now.
Can it really be considered throwing Andrew under the bus when he deserves to be there? He’s not being used as a scapegoat; he’s a filthy, amoral criminal.
We didn’t consider it “throwing him under the bus” when it was Louis CK, Weinstein, Moonves, Lauer, etc.
I agree. He deserves to be under the JAIL.
Firts, I agree with others that the lack of empathy for the victims is awful. Andrew thinks that talking to the FBI would make him look better, but if he has any valuable information then why hasn’t he talked to them yet?
And then, I can’t imagine how his daughters are feeling. Finding out your dad was part of a human traficking net and that your mom was involved with Epstein too is terrible, but doing so under public scrutiny is next level.
The fact that nothing was done until Andrew’s interview means William and the others can take all the seats pretending they did anything. That photo of Andrew and Virginia Giuffre was out for YEARS. They pretended it did not exist. Even when Epstein died and things ramped up they did nothing. William in particular preferred to play dumb games about economy planes than say anything public about his pedo uncle.
Eugenie shouldn’t have had the public wedding she did either because we all knew what was going on with Andrew even then. But yet they all remained silent.
150% agree with you. the hypocrisy of this family sickens me. I’m over all of them.
Isn’t it blatantly transparent that these stories are being fabricated and sent out as a means to control the populations opinion of the prince (and everyone else) -? Cleverly convenient, how now suddenly this type of info comes out. And its all, just cleverly aimed to distance the rest of the palace from Andrew right now when it would benefit them.
Like we cant connect the damn dots!!!! God, I am so sick of this BS parade the palace thinks its people are too stupid to see through.
” And William just wants credit for something Charles did, clearly”
This! William always does this. Waits to see the reaction to it then attaches himself to the narrative. Hes not a leader, hes a follower. Maybe that’s why the courtiers love him so much. Easier to control?
William seems to forget that he too is a privileged oaf and it was the obnoxious privileged answers that did for randy andy just as much as everything else. Time’s up for all the royals.
I don’t think Beatrice needs to worry about her wedding. I think we can expect opportunist Edo to back out and a statement issued along the lines of “Beatrice’s priority right now is her family blah blah blah so the wedding had been postponed indefinitely.” That will let her save face after being dumped. Just a hunch. I do feel sorry for her though. Also, even if she has sympathy for the victims, it’s not like she will admit that to the rags.
Sadly I think that’s what going to happen – his family are not going to risk being dragged into the mud via association. It’s going to get worse given that its rumoured that more evidence about Andrew and Epstein is about to drop in the New Year when the judge in Guiffre’s case against Maxwell unseal’s more evidence.
Plus this interview has given the UK tabloids free reign to report on his past and they have the receipts and any new evidence or excuses that come out they will now run with their stories that prove him false.
I so see this happening. The guy is a property developer in Europe. He must be up to his eyeballs in dodgy tax declarations. Andy being under the spotlight = Bea + Edo under the spotlight. It will be a shit show from herein.
He has already garnered the spotlight needed by being RF adjacent, now he can repent at leisure and marry a super wealthy socialite.
Edo is not doing Christmas at Sandringham according to the Fail. He will spend it with his family and his son. Bea is doing the Christmas at Sandringham Walk of Shame alone – along with the rest of the BRF.
One thing that’s occurred to me……is Andrew still “allowed” to spend Christmas at Sandringham? Don’t Edward/Sophie do Christmas there? I hope to hell they keep Uncle Andy away from Lady Louise and James…..
Why do people think that everyone that marries into that inbred family is an opportunist???? The royals are the biggest charlatan, con artist, gridding schemers!!!!
Since the beginning of their relationship, many of us suspected Edo’s motives. We’re about to find out if we were right.
So William basically nodded in agreement with Charles and now wants the works to know he was “part of the decision”. The Cambridges really do love getting credit for doing the bare minimum of ANYTHING.
Literally King and Queen of Participation Trophies.
I don’t see Andrew ever speaking to the FBI. I think his team is throwing that out there just to make it sound like he has nothing to hide, knowing full well it won’t happen. The negotiations between the two countries to set that up – an interview of the son of a foreign sovereign – would be intricate and epic. The FBI just can’t go to a foreign country and talk to a regular person without getting permission from the foreign country’s government, never mind a royal prince. Even Andrew coming to the US would be problematic. It would involve the DOJ and State departments. I just don’t see this happening.
When I read he wants to talk to the FBI I laughed my ass off. I hope someone at the palace realizes that there is no way they can let Andrew anywhere near the FBI. How federal crimes in the US are solved is that the perp does an interview with the FBI and then the FBI goes out, combs all the evidence, finds where the asshole was lying, and throws them in jail for lying to the FBI. Not even lying, really, “material misrepresentation.” I don’t think Andrew has ever in his life told the truth to the level that would be required in an FBI interview. He does not appear to have any sense that there is a reality that exists beyond what he asserts to be true. He could be in serious legal jeopardy for basically telling the truth. The entire 2008 financial collapse with multiple felonies committed by almost everyone involved and the only person who went to jail was Martha Stewart – for lying to the FBI. About something she would never have been prosecuted for.
One note, the FBI and Scotland Yard cooperate fairly closely. The FBI has a UK office with agents stationed there. Even barring that, the FBI flies all over the world to do investigations and interviews.
And yet, it’s the exact sort of harebrained scheme that someone like Andrew, who is completely devoid of intelligence or self-awareness in any capacity, would cook up as a means to “redeem” himself.
People forget there is a 12 year age gap between Charles and Andrew. They were probably never close to begin with due to that age gap, Charles was in middle school when Andrew was born. Plus Elizabeth didn’t really raise her kids personally and they all had nannies so I doubt she tried to foster closeness herself amongst her children. I could believe Charles is close to Anne (that would explain Harry and William’s closeness to their cousins Zara and Peter). But yeah they have never been close and Andrew’s ridiculous behavior probably did not endear him to Charles. So that lack of closeness makes sense to me.
I don’t think the FBI would cuff him in two hours. I think they’d keep him talking, because he’d still keep spilling those beans and implicating others. I’m not even sure they could shut him up, he loves the sound of his voice so much.
Totally agree with your take. Get him to go on and on until he realizes he’s implicating himself. Which might take a while. I hope he can produce Dr’s records of this bizarre claim that he stopped sweating because of PTS. I would like to see them.
This Epstein thing is not going away. Nor should it.
I think this has to be the commentary. If the idea is to save the monarchy, then it has to be that Charles and William both disliked Andrew and supported his removal. And likely William did support it. And if QE was against it, it might help to convince her as a coalition of two. We pick on the royals for bad PR. But, I don’t that is the case here, actually.
If you need PROOF this is for PR look at how this was released AFTER Meghan ‘s alleged comment disapproving Andy’s interview and AFTER that daily fail report of Charles’s popularity being an all time high with people even saying he should take over from Queen NOW
Not a huge fan is so…. blah. If I had a family member who raped girls, I think I could come up with more phrases that express my disgust accordingly.
If I’m ever going to give William the benefit of the doubt on something, it’s going to be this. Because having a LYING SWEATING PEDOPHILE in the family pretty much threatens everything they do/ work for.
This guy is a living Dunning-Krueger effect.
A few things–
1) Seems par for the course from William. I highly doubt that he actually had anything to do with the decision to retire Andrew, but I don’t doubt that he never really cared much for Andrew to begin with. I think him and Harry have always found that type of overt boorish entitlement really disgraceful and disgusting.
2) Did NOT know that the Queen was not made fully aware of what Andrew was going to talk about. But god, I feel bad for her. Imagine being her age, and being surrounded by absolute dumbf-cks like Boris Johnson and her own f-cking son. How many people are lying to her right now? Favourite or not, I’d be so spitting mad at Andrew and the fact that people keep in her the dark so purposefully. I know she’s 90 something, but she likely still has her faculties, so it’s awful that people are just straight up lying to her face like this.
3) I don’t think Beatrice was ever “convinced.” I think she always had her doubts, but she simply gave in because she thought it wouldn’t be that bad, and then it wound up being awful. I’ve been in that position myself, where a parent (or someone senior to me) has an idea and you can’t shake them from it, so you just keep your reservations to yourself hoping it’ll just smooth over. And then it doesn’t.
4) Andrew wanting to redeem himself by talking to the FBI is honestly the most intelligent thing he’s come up with in a while now. PLEASE let him talk to the FBI! Please! Give him the rope to hang himself. Let there be consequences for once for this type of behaviour. I know the chances of that happening are slim to none though, if Charles has anything to say about it. But still. Just let him go Charles. Just say that you don’t know wtf he’s doing these days, you’re not that close, whatever it takes to cut him loose. But let him talk to the FBI. Please.
He would be dumb and arrogant enough to talk to the FBI.
Well, for starters, Dull Bill’s PR staff at Kensington Palace really need to up their game. They always seem to be two steps behind everyone else and this is just him trying to grandstand. Sit down, William. Your Grandmother and father have already handled it.
Second, I find it incredibly cynical that the ENTIRE ROYAL FAMILY is clutching their pearls over Prince Andrew, since every single one of them have known *for years* that Andrew has a serious problem. In particular, they knew his proclivities since before Epstein’s first conviction, but kept Andrew insulated and protected – allowing his illegal, pedo behavior to continue until they were scorched earth embarrassed and had to pull the plug. Shame on all of them for not putting their foot down years ago.
That said, NO, Prince Andrew’s daughters should definitely not be given their father’s patronages. Hell no.
Charles and all of the royals have no room to talk. For decades, they hung out and promoted the notorious necrophiliac and paedophile Jimmy Saville. They loved him so much they even knighted him. How about that?
I agree, seems hypocritical on Charles’ part.
You pretty much summed up my thought process/comment on this matter very succinctly with this:
“Sit down, William. Your Grandmother and father have already handled it.”
So damn true.
But, he had to be 100% sure of public opinion regarding every facet of the situation before he leaked his feelings/”decision making” in the matter. Obviously Prince Andrew is beyond disgusting but William needs to sit down and let the adults decide how to proceed.
I just have to say that I’m thrilled about Andrew seeing any consequences at all for his actions. No, he won’t go to prison like the average person would, but his public humiliation has been delicious. 10 years ago, this would have been quietly swept up under the rug until a rogue and heavily “discredited” documentary finally put the pieces together a decade later. Even with our political mess all around the world, women’s rights are slowly but definitely being looked at as human rights. It’s nice.
The FBI cannot prosecute the son of the Queen. The FBI can only (at least in public) look into crimes that Americans have committed. There is diplomatic immunity, in any case. The USA is protecting the wife of an American embassy staff worker/diplomat when she killed that young man in a car crash in England. The USA and Great Britain protect each other’s backs, all the time, and neither wants to create animosity now. There are terrible things that diplomats, their families and staff get away with every day in Washington, D.C. The day after 911, while all planes were grounded in the USA, jumbo jets full of Saudi diplomats and families and staff were allowed to leave Washington, D.C. for their homeland. Nobody has answered why they were allowed to leave.
The FBI has its hands full of Epstein-related crap just in the USA. Epstein’s mysterious death, for one. Then there is Bill Clinton who, on record, flew on Epstein’s plane at least 26 times to Epstein’s private island. Plus many other rich and powerful men.