I guess various media outlets are going to keep running Sussexit stories with the same details, just rearranged in various ways to make Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan look childish or something. It’s especially odd that so many people are clutching their pearls over Harry and Meghan’s potential revenue streams, and the idea that somehow Harry doesn’t have a rather large personal fortune himself. So, here we go: Prince Charles will be “bankrolling” Harry and Meghan for the next year. Apparently, it won’t come from Duchy of Cornwall funds, but rather Charles’ own private income, which… who knows. That’s why people are making a big deal about the “one year” thing – Charles will stop financing the Sussexes in a year, which doesn’t sound like a bad deal for anyone involved. Sources are also going on and on about security and security costs for the Sussexes in Canada. I still have nothing to say about that – Harry and Meghan are legitimately targeted by all kinds of deranged people, some of whom are in their own families. They need security.
Meanwhile, The Sun’s Dan Wooten got another curious “exclusive” about Prince Harry, how shocking. Wooten is the same one who got the curious leak about the Sussexes moving to Canada, a leak which pushed up the Sussexit rollout. Wooten is the same one with a close relationship to at least one person in the Kensington Palace office. Curious how Wooten keeps on getting these leaks, huh.
Princes William and Harry ended their two-year feud after realising it was “now or never.” The brothers decided to hold secret peace talks because both feared the breach might never be healed if Harry moved away. But sources say Harry is still at odds with his father Prince Charles. The peace talks took place away from the official negotiations about the Sussexes’ future — with Kate and Meghan joining in some of the brothers’ discussions.
A senior royal source said: “William and Harry have spent time together privately away from the official Sandringham Summit working on their relationship and discussing their future. It has been ground-breaking in terms of saving their bond as brothers and has been totally driven by them. But Kate and Meghan, who was in Canada, did join in with some of the talks on more than one occasion — which is another sign of a real thaw in their relationship. Things are better. They decided to cut out all the toxic people stirring around them to deal with each other man-to-man as brothers. Given Harry is now permanently moving away, there was a realisation if they didn’t sort things out now, they never would. Of course there have been serious differences in opinions but the family warmth is back. And they’re sad they’re going to be so far apart.”
The brothers have been waging a civil war for the past two years, culminating in Harry and Meghan’s decision to abandon their royal role, relinquish their HRH titles and leave the UK. However, sources close to the brothers said Harry remains at loggerheads with Prince Charles and Camilla following a number of disagreements.
The insider added: “It’s fair to say that the past week has brought William and Harry back together but the relationship with Charles and Camilla is far more complicated and complex. There remains a real lack of trust there and it’s going to take some time to resolve.”
William and Kate are treating the Sussexes’ move to North America like it’s 1850 and boat rides are super-dangerous or something. The brothers could truly keep in touch or visit each other or write letters or emails to each other. It’s not “now or never” and Harry isn’t f–king dying, he’s escaping the racist hellhole clusterf–kery created partly by his brother and his father and the Queen. My very real theory is simply that William is being a lot nicer to Harry right now because William got what he wanted: he successfully exiled the Sussexes. William threw a two-year-long tantrum about his brother marrying Meghan and the tantrum paid off. And yes, this sh-t came from William, he wants us to think that he’s William the Wise, the Great Conciliator.
Photo courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red, Backgrid.
Yeah I think this says quite clearly where Dan Wooton’s getting his information from, for anyone who was doubting.
And therefore who leaked the plans.
He’s almost certainly the one leaking to Blind Gossip too
I can buy that William and other royals strategically leak to the British tabloids to suit their various agendas and to keep the heat off, but no one in the BRF is leaking to Blind Gossip. That site is such bullshit, they’re making it up as they go. Blind Gossip doesn’t offer William anything. The British tabloids at least offer him favorable coverage in exchange for playing ball, and they have influence over a vast segment of the British public. The trade-off is evident. Blind Gossip offers no such trade-off and it’s low on the totem pole even when it comes to online gossip sites.
I also doubt that BG has a BRF related leak and they aren’t a player Really in British based gossip. However they nailed the TomKat divorce details say before announced and they also reasonably predicted Princes death.
They aren’t low on the totem pole in my book, Read them several times a week.
Their Harry-Meghan gossip is very dated when printed though, clearly regurgitated from Other sources. That said, they aren’t sycophants to the Sussexes for sure.
Yup. Too bad they weren’t smart enough to keep their fingerprints off this as I can’t shake the feeling it will come back to haunt them repeatedly.
I wish William would have run to Richard Kay again. After all, Kay did such a good job for him tamping down those Rose Hanbury rumors. Lol!
I think this re-enforces the storyline of William strong! Harry fragile; William takes charge, Harry falls in line; this horrible situation was all outside forces and daddy. Where has William been the last two years. Does he not have a phone or any sort of way of direct communication? Wasn’t it leaked that it was him that encouraged the press to weaponize her father against her? If Harry (and Meghan) really bought this BS from William and immediately forgave all of this and the fact they’ve been run out of the country and the family, then I pity them. They have seen William at his worst when the chips were down. Harry should know — as I think Meghan learned with her family — that a leopard doesn’t change spots. This radical, abrupt change in William is not his true self. No one’s personality changes that fast. His behavior over the last few years is William and they would be fools to not have learned this. Finally, it makes no sense to me that — if this were true — William would have made sure of at least one smiling photo of Harry and him before Harry left the country. Now a photo like that and I might buy this BS.
Did anyone see Wooten’s scathing tweets about Lainey? Libelous I would have thought… wonder if anything came of them? Like a cease and desist letter, or something.
I don’t understand why Williams hates Meghan. Is it because he’s racist or because wants the attention all to himself? Or maybe both?
Meghan is the opposite of Kate.
I dont want to say more
He’s jelly because he used to be the pretty one and now his hair is gone, his lips are perpetually dry and his dad dancing proves that he’s just a regular degular white guy, royalty be damned.
Meghan outpaced and outshone him in every arena – showing up prepared, actively engaged, connecting with people (in person and through cameras), more up to date social media strategy and marketing skills. And Harry clearly was unthreatened by having his wife shine beside him- as opposed to Kate and her role as William’s shadow sidekick … The ONLY thing he has that Meghan doesn’t is the royalty thing and even that crown is looking pretty tarnished.
I don’t know if he hates her but I can definitely see why he would feel threatened by her.
absolutely agree!
lol @ lips are perpetual dry
Is there really a difference between hating and feeling threatened by someone?
A lot of us said that Meghan was going to be made to pay for the huge welcome she and Harry got in Australia. The die for everything that has happened was cast then.
The fact that Will can’t see that a win for H&M is a win for everyone is what makes me think the RF is going to implode. If they feel someone is more popular they act like crabs in a barrel. Disappointing yet hilarious.
Every time William looks at Meghan, he’s reminded of the kind of woman he’s married to. He’ll NEVER forgive Meghan for being smarter, harder working, sexier and more interesting than Keen Katie. And he’ll never forgive Harry for marrying her.
I think Normal Bill thinks all is well between the brothers because he got what he wanted. Harry is gone and Normal Bill is left alone in center stage. He doesn’t realize that the prize wasn’t worth the battle. BUT HE WILL.
How do you know what he thinks?
@Maria, because he isn’t smart enough to hide it.
He’ll never forgive Harry for winning her, and for Meghan putting them all to shame with her work ethic in less than two years.
Nonsense! No one has any idea what goes on inside his head. A lot of projection on this site.
A whole lot of pretending not to see the obvious dynamic of this sibling relationship for the last three decades.
Maria, this is a gossip site. Of course none of us know what ANY celebrity thinks. We can, however, use critical thinking, deduction, and assumptions to form opinions that are often probably pretty accurate on certain stories and people. That’s what all of us do on every CB post. Why are you here?
I think Kerwood makes great points.
Someone else said it best on another post – Will waited eight years to make sure she was the right one to sip Guinness and milkshakes with in photo ops, that was a close one! Lol.
I would wager Meghan reminds him of the women who turned him down, frankly.
@Maria, oh please. He waited eight years hoping that someone BETTER would come along. He settled for Kate when it was obvious nobody else would put up with his sad ass.
Normal Bill and Keen Katie AIN’T no romance.
They’re a business arrangement, kerwood. He gets cover to prune Rose bushes, her family gets status and access.
kerwood–I’m just referring to the narrative Cambridge lovers have that he waited so long to “make sure she was the right one”.
Their engagement interview reflects this – the interviewer asked about the 2007 split and William goes off on a tangent about an earlier one (“we were at university”). Not even he can keep the constant breakups straight! It didn’t help that Charles leaked “approval” of the other girls he was chasing at the time, who turned him down flat, lol.
I don’t think he’s pissed because she puts Kate to shame. I think he’s pissed because she puts HIM to shame. She is smarter, kinder and genuinely tries to be a better human being than William, and he can’t deal with that. He sees her as a threat to himself, simply because she is existing.
Just look back to their interview as a foursome. To me, Meghan outdid all 3 when she spoke. Articulate and knowledgeable without a word salad. Kate was hanging on to her posh accent and trying to be relevant. William was talking from the script like the white aristocratic Etonian that he was, trying to look like he cared. She made William look like he was still learning about the ropes. To make things worse, his wife who was supposed to hit the ground running as the first graduate wife looked meek. After the well received Aus tour, it was clear Meghan was a threat. Remember the Sussex baby shower, the celebs supporting Meghan and Harry, the support letter from the female MPs, the best selling Amazon cookbook, the portrait of Queen Meghan in front of JayZ and Beyonce, the Vogue issue? She must be stopped!
She made Will and Kate look like the dilettantes they are. One thing I noticed in the Africa documentary is how thoughtful and articulate Meghan is. Kate and William’s scripted performances look inauthentic.
The BRF really don’t like when family members of lower rank have a greater star power than the heirs. This, however, is not something that Harry or Meghan has any control over. They cannot control the level of public interest in them. And while the Windsors calls themselves the Firm, letting petty jealous sabotage other working members, is deeply unprofessional – but then, these people have never had any real work experience.
@Alexandria Totally Agree!
Because before Meghan, William had Kate and Harry devoted to him. Now he still has Kate but he has to share Harry with Meghan and he doesn’t want to do that.
William was raised with a very poor sense of emotional boundaries (in part because both his parents inappropriately used him) and a huge sense of entitlement. He’s also an a-hole. Think about how loyal and caring Harry has shown himself to be and now he’s putting Meghan first! And Meghan keeps outshining William! William is jealous and feels abandoned and yes, is throwing a massive tantrum. He’s doing his own version of a Thomas Markle.
If Meghan had given William whatever he wanted (possibly funds from the Hub cookbook) and shown herself to be a second Kate in letting William dominate, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. But it didn’t, so we got KP leaks about Me-gain, and then the successful tour happened and the smear campaign went nuts to make sure Meghan would not be too successful or popular in her own right. I think William only feels secure if he’s in control of everyone around him.
An emotionally healthy manager or boss would work with Meghan and utilize her talent to help the organization and him look better, and provide incentives for Meghan to want to do this. And I think that’s what she wanted to do. But the Windsors are not emotionally healthy. They are competitive and underhanded, and it’s all because the business can’t fail. Money will always keep coming in and William will be promoted no matter how little or badly he does.
Meghan constantly showed Kate (and William) up in her enthusiasm, work ethic, intelligence and charisma. She’s a great public speaker and connects to people the way Diana did. Kate, by comparison, is as dull as a puddle, wants only to live the posh life with her kids and has shown, again and again, that she is incapable of and disinterested in being an engaged and hard working royal. Ergo, William feels resentful of this bi-racial parvenu *actress* coming into the family like a shooting star and stealing Kate’s and William’s thunder. William also hates the fact that Harry has come into his own in a big way and isn’t the ‘kid brother’ he can push around anymore.
I doubt they even interacted much when Harry returned to the UK. William is now spinning this to make Charles the main villain and absolve himself of all involvement in this situation. I’m looking forward to seeing how Will and Charles will start throwing each other under the bus; it’s been a while since we’ve seen them taking swipes at each other via the press. May they both come out the worse for wear.
@Beach Dreams, I’m trying to figure out exactly why William is throwing Charles and Camilla under the bus in such a blatant manner. Is it because of William’s role in the numerous Meghan and Harry leaks? And goodness, how many times can you say “William doesn’t have any issues with Harry, it’s all Charles and Camilla!” in a single paragraph? It’s almost like William thinks the public somehow blames the Cambridges for Harry and Meghan leaving.
Look on social media. People still blame William on Sussexit.
William has done some unforgivable shit so excuse me for not believing this one.
@S808 William has all the worst qualities of his father.
I am excited to see who he trashes since harry will be gone.
@S808, I thought the same thing after reading the excerpt because it reads like a deliberate plant to make William look like the better man–even better than his father; whom he has just thrown under the bus, along with Camilla.
It’s definitely about to be William vs Charles and I can’t wait lol
It even makes him look better than Harry. After all the spin is William (and dear Kate) were the ones who had to reach out to tantrum throwing, grudge holding, non-communicating Harry and straighten this out because Harry is such a child emotionally that William had to finally step in and get his brother back on track with William.
Also, this is good PR for William in his role with all the little people of his future realm. Whom we all understand he is now going to have to spend more time with. Not a good look for William to have to spend more time in the trenches now with the unwashed hordes if those hordes think you might have helped jettison the only Acknowledged member of the royals who was “different” from the rest of them. God Save William the Good.
I get the “now or never” mentality. If it’s widely believed couples should never go to bed angry, then it’s doubly important you don’t move to another country still bitter and feuding. Sure they can meet up later, but I think it’s a bit disingenuous to pretend the physical distance won’t add to the emotional distance between the two, whether they want it or not. With the Summit and all this is actually a wonderful time to talk it out, assuming this story is true.
Off on a tangent, everything that’s happened in the the last few years throughout the world has me trying to be healthier so I live long enough for all the biographies and history to be written. I can’t wait!
Love this. Priorities! Me too. I need to know the inside skinny on what really happened someday 😀
Dan Wooton, is trying to create another rift btwn Harry and Charles, just because Charles will be bankrolling them, they want to set another agenda, to stop Charles from giving them money. Probably, Charles has a disagreement with Harry, so what, who doesn’t with their parents. Lets not feed into hateful Dan Wooton’s agenda. He hates Meghan with venom, he has Samantha and Thomase’s numbers on speed dial. He admitted it himself.
William is an ass. Just going to continue to leak crap to Dan Wooten, further cementing his involvement in the leaks. All to score points against Harry and Charles. William the Magnanimous! Catherine the Keen! They are so good to the wayward puppies that are the Sussexes. The feud has been brewing for a long time. There’s no way it was resolved in two weeks. If that was the case, where’s the PR stunt showing the brothers embracing after a tense dinner? Or Willy dropping his bro off with a hug and teary eyes?
Don’t forget, William would also have an arm around him, cause he’s his big bro who’s protected him his whole life, and valiant William will not stop now.
@ THEORIGINALMIA-OMG, you***totally***
nailed it!!
HA 🤣 HA 🤣 HA 🤣 HA 🤣 HA 🤣 HA 🤣
William is a bore. Good that Meghan and Harry left a situation that was toxic all around.
Don’t believe it one bit. Will just couldn’t handle some folks going for him online.
Of course they ended their “feud”. Harry is out of the UK with his unwanted- by -many family and willy is now free to show all his work and effor towards his patronages *eye roll* and rose trimming.
I can’t imagine being a dick to my sibling during the most important and special time in his life, His marriage and birth of his first child.
I think it’s a good thing. They are brothers after all.
Receipt’s or it did not happen. Just saying. In my opinion…………………
…says someone on a gossip site. 🙂
Note the use of the word “civil war” as though to indicate there is mutual hostility and destructive acts from both sides… Even if this was the case, as with many civil wars, both positions will not be equally valid.
Mended their feud…whatever Dan. Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t, maybe Harry said “you know what, lets just move on” and maybe William said “I’m sorry for putting you and your wife through hell.” (Ha, I doubt the last one.)
But what is interesting to me about this article is how it admits that there was a 2 year long “civil war” – which does not make William look good – and acknowledges that there is a rift between Charles/Camilla and Harry/Meghan. My guess is Charles isn’t going to like that and we are in for a bumpy ride at this point. I said yesterday that I thought we were going to see a lot of public squabbles between those two as they take the public temperature on Sussexit.
Camilla was at an event yesterday and when asked if she would miss H&M, she said “course” but in a kind of snarky way .
Perhaps William is trying to Spin the press that it was minor war as it only took a couple of conference calls and a few face to faces with Harry in just the last 2 weeks to heal this minor breech. Is William trying to get ahead of receipts of his actions coming to light. He’s smart enough to know the hounds are going to come after him now that the Sussexes have gone. As Nora Ephron said, Everything is Copy.
Well this is some interesting fan fiction for William’s telenovela style fantasy he has going now.
Sorry Billy, I’m just not buying it. But can’t wait to see what garbage you have to throw out when the gloves come off against Chuck.
Ha! I think I want to live my life as a telenovela style fantasy. Maybe it will be more entertaining.
Dan Wooton’s twitter feed is as vile as Piers Morgan’s. He is a disgusting person and the fact that he is BFFs with the Cambridge people tells me all I need to know.
Watch Chuck out Wills’ leaking in punishment for making him look bad.
And watch TQ/PedoAndy continue Andy’s “tower of strength” rehab tour by leaking a story entitled: “Duke of York reunites Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex over a slice at the Pizza Express in Woking”
Prince Charles is known for throwing everyone in his family under the bus to make himself look good. I’m not saying that William is entirely innocent. It’s just that everything that went down made Charles look good. Charles is the one with major jealous issues. Everyone who thinks that because he likes Meghan that he wouldn’t do this to her. He did it to his teenage children! William got the blame because Charles needed to knock him down a peg too. All that press about skipping Charles really upsets him. The whole smear campaign started during his “I can totally be King” 70th birthday propaganda and was straight out of his playbook.
Dan Woott(!)on ! I’m wondering about him. Why is he so full of hate about Meghan? Was he after Prince Harry and was rejected? What is wrong with this guy? His behaviour is pathological.
Because he’s done his duty on behalf of Kensington Palace: They wanted her out, she’s out.
The math is not that hard.
But he goes on and on, although they are out. So it can’t be that. He even interviewed that half sister.
I’ve met people who behave like this before. They’re so happy to be someone’s lackey and do their dirty work for them. It’s how they bond.
I think being a tabloid reporter attracts a certain kind of personality that enjoys behaving like this.
This and not just tabloid reporters. My church engaged the media to do a write up about our 145 Anniversary. The reporter did a hit piece instead and talked about how lame he thought we are. I will not even begin to describe the coverage he did of the trial of 3 men charged with rape. Many Canadian journalists write with a complete lack of empathy and common decency.
Gosh, Mego, that’s terrible.
Maybe Dan Wooten has as much of a secret crush on Prince Hot Ginge as Michael K and is just insanely jealous of Meghan. 😎
Sure, Dan.
The sad part is do we expect George to grow up and be any better. Children learn what they live.
I will give the Middletons credit for being a close and loving family. Hopefully, Kate’s influence will foster that type of relationship between her own children.
I hope George and his siblings see the mess the older generations created, and stick together and don’t repeat it.
@lucy2, this, exactly. William has always stated how determined he is to give his family the type of childhood he himself never got. That tight knit childhood and family relationship that people say attracted him to Kate ultimately. But I think that he’s always thought of that as some type of middle class aesthetic to aspire to, and never considered the reality, which is that it helps in raising resilient children who grow up and have each others’ back.
They’re children, and I will never, ever want anything other than a good future for any child. I hope that as time goes by, and the Queen passes, we see a loosening of the way things have been run so far. I think that William’s children will have to deal with the negative aspects of their father’s character, but hopefully they’ll be able to do it in an environment that’s less cutthroat and more focused on fostering healthy ways of dealing with conflict.
Harry was still in the air on his way to Canada, the ink barely dry on this new “arrangement,” and here Dull Bill is leaking again.
It’s. So. Transparent.
Seriously, for all his high fallutin’ education (I have friends who went to St. Andrews; he’s not that smart), it’s staggering how incredibly dumb and ham-handed William is in regards to his non-strategy. I truly wonder who in the hell is advising him. Let. It. Go. And. Shut. It.
I’ve said here before and I say again: He is turning out to be the worst, most ruthlessly dumb of the entire BRF. He’s like a royal Jerry Lundegaard (William Macy’s character) in Fargo. Desperate and stupid, he just keeps tripping on his own d**k.
Thank God Harry is putting some serious air miles between him and this jealous, mean-spirited dumb cluck of a brother and his Stepford Wife.
Oh, and one more thing: William, say hi to Rose Hanbury for me.
If Eton was that open to helping Harry cheat, I have huge doubts about William’s school results. They couldn’t let the heir fail.
And then William got to St. Andrews and couldn’t keep up with his Art History course. (Art History gets a lot of flack here but it’s heavy on research, analysis and writing. It’s not just admiring pretty works of art) My personal theory is that his geography degree was more about giving him excuses to travel and I think scuba diving was a big part of it. I’m not putting down geography degrees but I think William was able to use it to tailor his course requirements to what he wanted to do anyway. St. Andrews had already bent the rules by letting him switch courses without needing to stay an extra year so my theory is William also got some leeway in terms of his projects.
The cheating accusations against Harry at Eton were proven to be lies. God knows Eton did him no good though, as for all their ‘top level education’ they failed to diagnose dyslexia.
I think Harry being “the spare” meant his dyslexia and perhaps ADHD was not diagnosed because they didn’t care if he did well. Even being sent to Eton was not in his best interest. Harry would have been happier at Gordonstoun.
When was the cheating rumor disproved. The woman who exposed it was lying? I think Harry definitely has talent as an artist but I wouldn’t be surprised if he received more help than he should have in putting his work together to meet requirements.
Yes, the woman who lied about it was proven to be a liar.
It’s also been rumored that others “helped” William write his reports and papers while at St. Andrews. As you said, not a good look for St. Andrews’ marketing if the future future King flunks geology.
You’re right that Art History isn’t a walk in the park or sitting around admiring pretty paintings. You have to be conversant with a lot of theory, ranging from philosophy to history, sociology, et.al. I was literally expected to be able to read several foreign languages from day one as the syllabus not only had texts in my native language (Danish) but also texts in English, German, French, Swedish and Norwegian. I know that the institutions in Britain is more lax in the foreign language requirements, at least on undergraduate and graduate level.
Harry should have never gone to Eton. Diana didn’t want him to go there, as she knew it wasn’t for him.
Ironically, I think he would have done well at Gordonstoun, the school Phillip made Charles go to that Charles detested.
Is it weird that I’m very happy that Archie won’t have to deal with that British Schoolboy life?
@ArtHistorian. Sorry for the late reply. That’s extraordinary, being required to be able to perform at that level. My art history courses were at an American university but one of the requirements for the major was learning a foreign language. I loved studying art history so much.
William is coming off more like Joffrey from Game of Thrones IMO, just without the homicidal streak. Same petulant brattiness. I can easily imagine him yelling “I’m going to be King!” just like Joffrey yelled about being King.
Joffrey was stupid too, but he had Tywin Lannister to do the real thinking for him. William clearly doesn’t have that.
They wanted Meghan gone, but I fully believe they never expected Harry to go with her. William, with his dumbassery likely for sure thought Harry would chose to stay and continue to be lapdog, not chose to leave with his wife and son. More fool William.
William throwing Camilla into the mix is interesting. I doubt Camilla had any problems with Harry or Meghan. In fact, I would bet Camilla has learned to stay out of spats between Charles and his boys. But William is a petty, shirt-sighted bitch. Charles knows far more about William’s actions than he would let on. I’ve no doubt there are those that leak to Charles directly about KP. William hasn’t experienced Charles’ full press offensive, but he will if he comes for him. There’s so much to leak about William. His whitewashed antics in college and beyond, the Middletons, William’s living arrangements, the Toffs, his unpreparedness for running the Duchy. So many little pricks which could become a gusher.
Camilla’s first words to Charles after meeting William (for the first time) at Highgrove we’re supposedly, “I need a drink.” At least that’s what has been reported in several biographies.
Also, I used to think Diana was over-the-top paranoid when she talked about palace spys. Yes, she negotiated her royal security away in the divorce for a bigger payout from Charles. However, many of her friends and staff have reported that she said she did this because she knew the security were reporting on her back to the family. I just finished a well written and well researched book on Edward’s abdication and archived historical documents that have just now been opened to researchers shown a hard paper trail of memos, government papers and such (were talking receipts) that show even those staff, couriers and friends closest to Edward and some of them that went with him when he left were reporting regularly back to the Palace and the government. So I buy that Diana was not making it up, and that there is a lot of that still going on between Charles and his sons and between the Queen and all of them. As Meghan said, an extremely toxic environment where nobody talks to anyone directly.
Having recently watched a documentary made by ITN, based on the feuding brothers, I was interested in what Paul Burrell noted.
He said as children Prince Harry always had to play foot soldier to William-the future king. Therein lies the problem. William got most of the attention and his needs were always met. Prince Harry was expected to be in his shadow do the leg work while the accolades go to William.
Two things disavowed that reality, the people that came into contact with Prince Harry started to acknowledge his dedication, generous spirit and kindness. He was recognized for his work.
Secondly Prince Harry met the Duchess and fell in love. He probably radiated joy as he did at Master Archie’s birth. William has never been so fulfilled and he envied that. So he dared questioned his brother and got the appropriate response.
It got worse – jealous Catherine and the balcony image in Toga led to bullying and the seminal piece written by Tim Shipman in 2019. Before that there was no social communication although they live near to each other.
The bullying and blackmail were approved by the Cambridges and we see the results. The Sunday Times reported on the private bullying of William whom issued a statement on behalf of himself and his brother (no letterhead). The Times editor went on the BBC and noted “the horse has left the stable before it was bolted shut.”
He is aware that he help created the toxic environment that made it impossible for the Sussexes to continue with their duties. He mocked his brother by calling him “fragile ” – which is quite the opposite. The response of the patronages and charities of both Sussexes were astounding and he realized to some extent. He is being seen as is, not as he envisioned. I do not see him as a self-aware man so I am not surprised that he will leak to the Times tabloid-adjunt the Sun- both have the same owner. The irony.
He is a vain little man who is controlled by his need for popularity.
He thinks all he has to do to be a good leader is to make his capable brother his foot soldier with no care that his brother feels duty bound to protect his family. Maybe it is because he found his soulmate, whereas his brother as of now going forward- found the love of his life. It is voluntary on Prince Harry’s part and again – fulfilling.
@Well-Wisher, very well said.
I hope that British public are watching Normal Bill in action. I think Charles will be a good king but the people should start calling for an end to the monarchy after him because Bill will be a HORRIBLE king.
Excellent analysis of the situation, Well-Wisher. I’ll have to find the Shipman article online.
Excellent summation, @Well-Wisher. I join others in hoping the stories about William become more well-known. He has much to answer for, and I don’t want to see him get away with it.
This is a great way to say things, and I really appreciate it. You get to the heart of the issue, which is ultimately the heart of the issue in each successive generation of the royal family. The monarch comes first, above all else. And after the monarch, is the heir. The heirs take ultimate priority. Everything the rest of the family does has to be in service of the future monarch. This is the expectation with which the heirs themselves are raised–that their immediate world revolves around them and their own needs.
So when you step out into the reality, and see that that’s not the case, that your younger brother who you were always raised to believe would never overshadow you, because that’s just not how any of it works–that would be quite jarring for anyone to confront. But when you’re as painfully unequipped to cope with that fact as I imagine Charles, William, and perhaps the Queen herself, was, then yes, that sets up the situation we saw with William and Harry.
The closest analogue Harry has is not King Edward. It’s Princess Margaret. Margaret struggled with the same realization that she had much more to offer than just playing quiet second fiddle to the Queen. The Queen never openly plotted against Margaret and her happiness, even though that’s the popular myth surrounding their relationship. But she didn’t have to. The institution at large and the British society + its norms took care of that for her. She likely never realized that a different life was possible, and even if she did, she probably always saw it as a pipe dream, an escapist fantasy that she could go to when things got really hard. It’s likely that people expected Harry to cope in the same way. Marry an aristocratic woman, learn to cope by drinking too much and nipping off to Mustique or the Iberian coast for vacations, but always come back. It takes a great deal of strength to imagine a different life for yourself and to strike out and try to achieve it.
I also think william is jealous of harry and what he has with MM. Their chemistry is palpable and he has never had that with KM. I think it is the popularity as well, but having love and chemistry and fun in your marriage is something that Will and Kate lack. It’s very obvious. Will was suppose to have everything and Harry really has it (the love and success).
I think there’s a lot of jealousy there too, on many different things. Which is really sad and pathetic.
Now why would Normal Bill want to take on his father? Doesn’t he know that Charles made his pr bones coming back from Diana’s death; dealing with a punk like Bill will be child’s play for Charles. If Normal Bill can leak, Charles can leak too and I’ll bet he’s got a lot of Normal Bill/Middleton tea he could spill if and when he chooses.
Exactly. Normal Bill would be chewed up and spat out by his father if he escalates this into a ‘War of the Wales”. Charles is a master at the long game and I can see him stealthily feeding Bill more and more rope until he eventually hangs himself.
Charles wants the transition between the Queen’s reign and his to go smoothly, and he wants Camilla to be Queen, not Princess consort or whatever. I think that’s William’s big hold over Charles. He would start focusing on trashing Charles and Camilla and trying his best to keep that from happening
Except William has also had an affair. That does switch things up now.
I can’t stand William and Kae anymore. They’re two vipers without a heart.
I don’t believe this at all. These “reconcilliation” pieces are aimed to try and shut down all the speculation that William was bullying H&M.
What we haves seem the last month is foreshadowing I fear. Imagine 20 years from now when William is preparing to take over from Charles and needs people to throw under the bus. He showed how cruel and abusive he can be to his brother. Imagine the jealousy and rage when the kids get more attention. Imagine the anger and abuse Charlotte and Louis will see. Nor only was Harry the blueprint for exodus from the family, but I imagine William will use it as the blueprint to bully his children.
George would get the brunt of it from William because he’s an heir. I wouldn’t be surprised if the dynamics of the Queen and her children happen with the Cambridge kids. George = Charles, Charlotte =Anne, Louis = Andrew.
Sadly I think you are spot on
Except it will be George = Charles, Charlotte = Andrew, Louis = Edward/Anne
I don’t believe it. Like I said yesterday, if William and Kate are a big reason why the Sussexes now live on a different continent, that is not something that is just “water under the bridge.” Harry’s wife and child are getting death threats, but sure, we’re buds again. NO.
Will is a narcissist.
Oh Harry ended that feud alright. He dropped the mic and noped out to another continent, that’s how he ended that s**t.
This mess is Game of Thrones 2.0 and William is the Jeffrey of this crisis. There was a story in Express with courtiers whispering that Harry was suppose to stand shoulder to shoulder with William during Billy’s reign and take on the things Billy is not good at. So much being the king in waiting; this shows William is not ready for prime time. This also shows Kate is FAAR from ready to become queen consort. This throwing the Cornwalls under the bus is like a sleeper cell being activated. I think William has never forgiven Camilla for being Dad’s sidepiece and hurting Diana; and he knows the majority of the British people does not want her as queen after all this time. Billy is using Sussexit to eliminate a rival that is his brother and shut down a potential rival court from Harry and Meghan and exact revenge on his father and his mistress turned wife. Kate and the Middletons aren’t in the catbird seat. William said no more kids so Kate can’t use her womb if William goes Rose gardening again. (Hell he can install a harem in KP and Kate better not make a fuss; Carole neither if she wants a bailout for Party Pieces.) Also Kate better not find solace with another man. William would be low enough to get a vascetomy and not tell Kate.
Ok, new theory about Richard III and the Princes in the Tower. Maybe the Princes’ relationship was just as toxic as all the other siblings in British Royal history and — when locked in a room together — they killed each other. Poor Richard has taken the blame all these years. Just saying. 🤔😝
Completely valid theory!
Lol, good one!
I remember a play on PBS several years ago, called Charles III. It was rather off the wall, but it sure was prescient. In it, Charles was weak and unsure, William was weak and dim-witted, and oddest of all, Catherine was the vicious, scheming, conniving one, pushing Will to get in there and oust his father. At the time, I thought is was campy and crazy, but now…the writer of that piece either had a crystal ball or was a complete fly-on-the-wall insider.
Oh, and there was a ghost of Diana, confronting Charles. Campy stuff, for sure.
Thing about that play is, while I buy Kate a schemer, I don’t buy her as a *that* clerver a schemer. But, as you noted, Charles and William are both portrayed as either weak or dim witted, so in comparison, Kate would come off as the “smart” one in it all.
Counterpoint: I don’t think William actually cares that much about Charles and Camilla anymore. I think that it deeply bothered him at the time, because it was uprooting his life as a he knew it at such a young age, but I think he’s stopped caring about it in the time since then. I don’t think William really cares about anyone except himself.
First of all I think all of this is Carole.
I also wonder how they are possibly going to justify William as King. He’ll inherit Sandringham and Balmoral, the income from the Duchy of Lancaster, Highgrove, the jewels, the art, the gold piano. It’s one thing to have a woman who served as a truck mechanic in WWII and despite obvious mess-ups really has dedicated her life to the job. It’s quite another to have a dad-dancing dimwit who couldn’t even hold down a job playing with helicopters.
Just my rant du jour.
William is the epitome of privileged, entitled mediocrity. That’s the reason why he hates Meghan so much. All he’s ever had to do in his life is show up. He has never worked for anything, nor has he ever achieved anything. He has no smart advisors to help him realize how he could use the Sussexes to his own benefit. He could have had them crisscross the globe on his behalf while he and Kate sat on their asses. So what if they got attention? They would be the perfect cover for him, and he’s top dog anyway. If he wasn’t such a narcistic fool, he wouldn’t be jealous–just realize that he has different skill sets from his brother. He could have had a whole harem of Roses and gotten away with it. Now, the press will be circling the Cambridges, and sooner or later, they’ll scent blood in the water. The royal rota pushed out the meal ticket that would have sustained them for the next 30 years. So all they have to look at are the Cambridges, and what incentive will be had to call off the rabid dogs?
William’s behaviour is just indicative of the sort of nonchalant cruelty that I think the aristocracy engages in as a general rule. They might not be overt snobs and they might be perfectly nice and polite when it comes to engaging with commoners, but they absolutely have clear ideas of who “counts” and who doesn’t. And the plain indifference to people who they think are beneath them, the sheer lack of empathy or kindness in their interactions with such people–I think William, just generally, doesn’t think people like Meghan are worth his attention. And when the world decided to show him that that’s not the case in reality, he showed his actual ass in a big way.
This is just like that “William is not a bully” statement. This is all from William, by William and inane spin. Harry didn’t even drop WIlliam’s name in his speech on the matter at Sentablae. That is more of a “tell” than anything IMO.
I thought that too @morrigan01 and when he said “respect” for the Queen, not love. It reminded me of a lesson from my grandma about praying for people and I didn’t want to pray for everyone, especially when I was mad. She said pray the way I want to, naming who I wanted to and at the end say “and everyone else.” It was a really good lesson and simple, send out good wishes to all in the best way you can.
Who Harry mentioned – or didn’t mention – by name in his speech and how he mentioned them is such an old-school political move. I’m a (mostly retired) political junkie, so I’ve seen this stuff done before.
Harry saying he “respected” the Queen, calling himself “Diana’s second son” and thanking his family for the support for “the last two months” was ALL very pointedly worded and telling. It was saying a lot without saying it directly.
The Future Future King sits on a THRONE OF LIES.
I think they did sit together and have a talk with each other about everything that went down. And i do think they were honest with each other about certain things and determined to leave on something of a good note. I don’t think they made up fully, and I don’t think they really want to, at least not until William or whoever offers a full, unconditional apology for what went down and an acceptance that the reason Harry had to step away from being a royal was in part because William did not support him in a visible and meaningful way.
I think that Harry would have gone on with it if William had been by his side, and I do think that William is the type who does not really accept blame for his own mistakes. The sad thing is, William is on his own now. For the rest of his reign, he will be alone. I don’t think he’ll ever fully realize the extent of how much Harry did for him until he’s really in the weeds. Being a monarch is not a job you can do on your own. Charles, for better or for worse, has Camilla, Anne, Edward, Sophie, William and Kate to split the duties with and share some of the burdens. But when William becomes monarch, there is no way any of the senior members who are left will continue with what they’re doing. He will probably rely on Kate and his children, but the simple truth is that Harry is the only other person who will still be around when the time comes who will have shared in the unique experience William has of being born to a future monarch and as the grandson of a monarch, who grew up with the family and saw it through its tough times and its good times. He’s gonna feel that loss deeply, even if he’ll always be too stubborn to admit it.
And yes, you can write and call and Skype with your sibling, but it’s not the same. I’m really close to my sister. I’m currently living half a continent away from her. I can call her and I chat with her and it’s like nothing has changed, but it takes work, and if we didn’t already have a great relationship, it would be tough to build one in this way. It isn’t easy or simple.
Well said. This is the really sad thing about this whole affair. They all need each other. Harry wouldn’t have left if he thought there was any other way. Some of them must realize this. Change is always possible. Maybe absence will make some hearts grow fonder or knock some sense into these people. Him leaving is a big loss and I think they realize it or will very quickly.