Pink: My talent is far more important than my face


Singer Pink made some headlines when she tweeted a letter to herself, pledging not to have plastic surgery. I’m not sure what prompted this treatise on self-love, though. Pink turned 40 in September so maybe she’s been taking some time to reflect back on her years and consider the future. Whatever it was, she sent this series of tweets, telling herself that she would age and look different, but it didn’t matter because her talent was more important to her than her face:

I have no problem with Pink’s thoughts on her aging. I also have no problem with plastic surgery and Botox. I don’t think there is a right way to age or a wrong way to age. I know how I am choosing to do it, but my decision doesn’t reflect at all on those who is choose to age a different way. I did laugh a little at Pink mentioning her nose getting bigger because I mentioned how bulbous I found my aging nose last Saturday. Instead of a declaration of support, however, my family spent the rest of the day claiming they could not see various landmarks because, “Mom’s bulbous nose is in the way.”

I appreciate Pink’s comments about how she’s focused more on her talent than her face – as they pertain to her. But I don’t think it’s an either/or. A person can enjoy both their talent and their appearance. Again, everything Pink said is valid, I understand wanting an expressive face and accepting that she’s made choices like smoking that have given her lines. And I appreciate that she prefers her aged face to one assisted with cosmetic surgery. But as this seemingly was posted without provocation by some troll, it sounds like she’s shaming those who don’t chose her method of aging.

Kelly Clarkson weighed in on Pink’s thought with her signature Kelly humor. She agreed to also age naturally, but that she’d leave the high-wire act to Pink:

I do adore Kelly. Her talk show, not so much, but her I adore. I will avoid the aerial acrobatics as well, although I can definitely see tutus in my waning years. And I have no idea what my face will look like. Maybe my nose will bug me enough that I will want to alter it or maybe I learn how to contour and highlight properly. Maybe I find a plumping cream that fills in my eyebrow crease or maybe I’ll name each line and wish them a pleasant morning when I see them. The only thing I can assure anyone is that I will do what I can to make myself happy as I move along down my path. And I hope you all do the same, whatever that is.




Photo credit: Twitter and WENN Photos

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20 Responses to “Pink: My talent is far more important than my face”

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  1. Ravensdaughter says:

    I’m 55 and I look pretty decent except for the bags under my eyes (!!!!). I can’t seem to fix them with makeup, either. I guess I’ll just have to do my best and accept that they are going to be there…one good thing is I wear glasses and they hide the bags!
    Ageing is hard, especially when you’re a single woman, which I am.

  2. Sass says:

    “I want my children to know what I look like when I’m angry”


    Seriously though, I wish I had good enough genes not to worry about this. I have a very weak double chin and even if I exercise it away it’ll still be weak and saggy so that’s gotta go. Might get rid of this weird bump on my nose that popped up over the past five years too. Everything else is fine.

    • Sass says:

      (Which btw I’m about 30 lbs. heavier than I want to be so I’m working on that.)

    • Marigold says:

      I have a really crappy chin, too. If I ever get a cosmetic-only procedure done, it will be an overhaul of my chin and upper neck. I feel you.

      • Sass says:

        It really sucks. It’s absolutely genetic, all the women in my family have it. Strangest thing to me is how my mom got her nose done but not her neck. Her nose looks nothing like her original one. Honestly my hope is once I lose this weight my neck m/chin will not be like this and I won’t get any surgery at all because I’m a giant scaredy cat. I had two cesareans in less than a year in my early 20s and that was enough surgery for me.

  3. Biff says:

    I’m not against plastic surgery per se, but I feel like it has become slightly to normalized. I feel like we’ve come to the point were we are so desensitized to it that we are more shocked to see (especially women) age without nipping or tucking. The process of aging is normal and you can be beatiful even with signs of aging, but that beauty is drowned and forgotten. I wish I could have phrased it better, but I’m at the end of my shift and I’m typing this on my phone so this is what you get.

    • lucy2 says:

      It really has become normalized, which is kind of scary. It’s gotten rare in the media to find women (and some men) of certain ages who haven’t done something, but whats’ really worrisome to me are the much younger people who are already tweaking again and again, and everyone is looking the same.

      If something is really bothering a person and hurting their self esteem, and they can change it, great. But the idea that so many people are changing themselves to look like everyone else is sad.

  4. Branvoyage says:

    I just turned 40 as well, and I’m noticing the same things. No one ever mentioned how your nose gets bulbous yet here it is, happening to me. Wtf!
    I find myself googling ‘sexy women over 40’ to reassure myself that it’s still possible.

    If you ever find that cream to fill in the forehead crease let us know!!!!

    Also, I’ve always liked Pink. Her voice and her fiery personality. And I find her face beautiful.

  5. Chaine says:

    I didn’t read it as she was shaming anyone, more as if she is looking reassurance.

    • otaku fairy.... says:

      Normally, I’d agree. Pink does have a pattern of playing that kind of game and it’s a habit that a lot of her feminist and right-wing fans both have too though, like Taylor Swift fans, so the suspicion is somewhat understandable.(Yes Pink, you have relied on both talent and appearance. No shame in it, but you’re not Better Than Those Other Girls, and it would be nice if your fans stopped pretending otherwise). Demi Lovato got raked over the coals for doing a post like this about her weight by women from Pink’s demographic. Pink is also quite privileged, so the fact that she’s even able to address this issue without getting a certain kind of dismissal is noteworthy. Her message is good though.

  6. Jenns says:

    delete comment

    • Adrianna says:

      It looks like she’s going gray too which is wonderful. I am so glad I quit dyeing mine, my decision reinforced by the recent study of 47,000 women linking hair dye to breast cancer. (I had breast cancer in 2016 after dying my hair for 30 years). I wear violet matte lipstick (Milani 34) which looks fantastic with gray hair….now if I could only do something about the bags under my eyes.

  7. Jane says:

    I’m not sure I can get behind the “it’s okay to get plastic surgery and it’s okay not to” sentiment as though both choices are equal with regards to mental health. There IS something incredibly uplifting about someone who chooses to let nature take its course in the looks department because, without a doubt, that person hasn’t overestimated the importance of their looks. And it’s going to be a choice she’ll make over and over again, because every day society will remind her that she’s aging out of relevance, particularly since she is a woman. Pink is being incredibly brave, and vulnerable in her honesty. It’s a good example for women like me, who are nearing thirty and beginning to notice the smile lines that stay after the laughter is gone, and the under-eye bags that require more and more concealer.

    • Sass says:

      I don’t usually give unsolicited advice but here it goes. You’re not in your thirties yet. I’m almost 36. The best advice I can give you is less make up and more skincare. Invest in a good anti age moisturizer with SPF. Use under eye gel pads. Drink 64 oz. of water a day. Use a mask once a week. Get a serum with vitamin C peptides and another one that’s straight hyaluronic acid. Moisturize twice a day. A gentle cleanser is fine, I use micellar water because it’s gentle and requires no water and removes waterproof eye make up too. A toner also helps. I really wish at your age I was better about this instead of piling on concealer and foundation like I used to. I do it now but still have some damage. And stay out of the sun! Or wear a big hat. 🙂

      • Sammy says:

        1. Genetics : it matters what one is born with…and there is not much that can be changed with genetic material, if you are not meant to be 6 feet tall, no matter what you do, it will not happen, so try to make peace with it

        2. Lifestyle : eat closest to what Mother Nature provides, Mother Nature is wise…don’t starve yourself, but also do not indulge too much, extremes are very rarely a good idea

        To each his own, but plastic surgery is not for me. I think that it has become way too common to see women with huge deformed lips and foreheads that look like a slab of smooth stone, it creeps me out.

        I follow my grandma’s, my mom’s and my aunt’s footsteps, I eat clean, drink lots of water, I do not smoke and luckily I could not care less for the taste of alcohol or coffee. (it’s so dehydrating)
        All three of my female relatives look wonderful and much younger than their age.
        I never leave the house without good sunscreen applied at least 1/2 hour before going out and I focus on skincare 99% over make – up.
        I only wear mascara for make – up, I want my skin to be the star, not my make up.
        After a quick warm shower morning and night, I use good quality products, less is more for me.
        I always do my research before putting anything on my skin and hair, I love to learn about skincare products.

      • Adrianna says:

        I love the micellar water, got rid of my facial redness. All this nonsense out there about how to reduce or prevent wrinkles with expensive products is a scam. Wear a wide brimmed hat or sun visor in the sun along with a good SPF 50 sunscreen and don’t forget your neck and hands. That’s what you do for great skin.

      • Sass says:

        @sammy yes genetics is a huge thing. My mom, grandma, great grandma and I all have the same chin (or lack thereof) and my mom got a nose job a few years back…it does NOT look anything like her nose at all. She got a brand new nose. Things like that freak me out about plastic surgery even though I’d love for this extra neck skin to be gone. It makes me look so much older than I am.

        I don’t smoke, can’t do coffee, and drink alcohol rarely. I also gave naturally red undertones in my skin which is also pale so I stay out of the sun and avoid foods that can cause inflammation. And lots of skincare like I said! Nothing too abrasive. Most of my stuff is very gentle

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      Well said, Jane! Thank you, Sass!

  8. Kristen Francecesco says:

    I find Pink to be insufferable. Good for her that she wants her face to develop into a wrinkled prune. There is nothing wrong with plastic surgery of any kind if it makes a woman (or man) fill better. Somehow people are applauding something that does not require applause. First of all, noone asked for her opinion on either the topic or her face. Second, for someone who claims to be a big ole feminist, she shades the shit out of women who have made the choice to smooth out wrinkles. Sorry folks, but she’s a twat.

    • hunter says:

      Brandi Gainville’s face looks terrible so I can say I think there is definitely something wrong with that.