Nancy Pelosi ripped up her copy of Donny Smallhands’ SOTU speech

2020 State of the Union Address

If you’ve come here looking for extensive coverage of last night’s State of the Union, you are not in luck. I didn’t watch it. I actively avoided it. After years of Donny Smallhands’ crimes, treason, bigotry, hatred, misogyny and lies, why does anyone sensible pay attention to anything he has to say about anything? Well, it’s Nancy Pelosi’s job to at least pay attention for a moment. As Speaker of the House, she’s required to sit behind Smallhands for the SOTU. She was not happy about it. She never is. So at the end of his speech (in which I assume he slurred and lied), Speaker Pelosi ripped up the paper copy of the speech in front of cameras, in front of the world.

She later told reporters that the speech-ripping was “the courteous thing to do considering the alternative. It was a manifesto of mistruths.” It’s worth noting that before his speech, as he waddled into the chamber, Smallhands “snubbed” Pelosi by refusing to shake her normal-sized hand in greeting:

Pelosi’s face is cracking me up – she thought it was hilarious. To be fair, Smallhands didn’t know where he was or what he was doing. Or maybe he did and it was a purposeful snub. Who knows. Politico has a big story about how the Smallhands-Pelosi feud has grown colder and colder. Probably because she’s always had his number and she’s played him brilliantly more than a few times?

Also, I guess a lot of people walked out of the SOTU?

And people who did go and stay really regretted it:

2020 State of the Union Address

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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173 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi ripped up her copy of Donny Smallhands’ SOTU speech”

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  1. Nev says:

    Bitch thought he was snubbing her and she fixed his ass. WERK.

    • (TheOG)jan90067 says:

      I would rather have had pikes driven into my ears and forks in eyes than watch. But i did see the vid/memes of her doing both these things. Loved her dismissal flip of her hand as well. That woman is a #SHERO!


    • Frida_K says:

      Pretty much, yes, indeed.

      I love Nancy Pelosi. She gave him a snap of the chancleta with this gesture. Or … better… she’s an Italian grandmother, so he got the equivalent of the wooden spoon.

      However you call it and whatever the cultural lens through which you view the world, she whupped him and the whole world saw it.

      • Riemc526 says:

        😂 my grandmother was Italian and she was also not afraid to throw her slippers every now and again. And they always hit their target.

      • minx says:

        She’s my idol. Love her.

      • Nahema says:

        She’s amazing. It’s really lovely to see that there is still someone in a position of power who isn’t afraid to speak their mind when it comes to Trump.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      She forever sullied his televised message, she stole his thunder, and it will him mentally.
      He’s never gonna let this go. The next week of twit shitstorms from him will be epic.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      On the ride home last night, I heard 10 seconds of his speech and switched the station. They started playing Alanis Morrissette’s new song “Reasons I Drink”, and thought it was PERFECTLY timed by the radio gods.

    • jj says:

      Good for her!!! I didn’t watch, couldn’t stomach it. His giving Rush Limbaugh the award was the biggest insult to real Americans who have done something to deserve it. Shame on him.

  2. Sierra says:

    Nancy for the Nobel Peace Prize…

    Even the economy won’t save Trump in November.

    Now with Trump attacking GPA, the world is going to punish USA. With that many enemies, it seems that Trump won’t even be on the ballot this November.

    • Snazzy says:

      “Even the economy won’t save Trump in November.”

      You know, I hope you’re right, because I feel like the economy is the only thing that can get some people to change their minds. Not kinds in cages, not the slow removal of women’s and immigrant rights, none of it.

      • Christin says:

        Taking away their benefits and further decimating healthcare are things that *might* wake up the flock. But it would probably be explained away as being Dems’ fault.

      • Ripley says:

        But this economy isn’t that great… in fact more of a Trump Slump and slower than Jimmy Carter’s in 1979.

      • sassafras says:

        There are some great graphs out there that I have saved to my phone that show the economy growth since 2008 (Obama’s policies). There is literally no bump, no Trump effect, it’s a straight line up and to the right since 2008. Any time someone mentions the economy to me, I’m gonna pull those out. This isn’t Trump’s economy. It’s Obama’s.

      • Mac says:

        Trump’s base is a cult. Nothing is going to change their minds. The only chance Dems have is to get out every single person in their base.

      • Oh_dear says:

        I hope there will be enthusiasm for the Democrats as the election approaches – I am not an American, so this is an outside view. There doesn’t seem to be anyone that most people is pumped about. I worry that Bernie is far too socialist for middle and middle-right people to vote for. The rest of the candidates do seem to be inspiring to large groups of people. I worry that the Democratic Party missed an opportunity to find a really viable, personable, knowledgeable, and socially aware person (I’m saying this as a Canadian who is watching the Conservative Party go through the same process and still be absolutely tone-deaf about why their party is not gaining traction – thank goodness)

    • Rapunzel says:


    • clomo says:

      I soooo hope this is true, I am ill with the toxicity of this presidency. How could we go from an angel to a devil in the White House so fast?

      • Jerusha says:

        Lack of Civics education in schools, celebrity worship, social media misinformation, racist backlash against previous POTUS, laziness, systemic devised roadblocks to voting, Russian interference-a toxic stew of reasons.

      • tiredTreaded says:

        I know we’ve been wired & tired since 2016, but putin would have invented social media if he’d thought of it…someone laid the cable & he sent the charge of hatred & division w/ calculation. That’s what got us this rotted orange of a “POTUS” instead of a Rock of Ages President. Truth prevails- Stand Up & Vote Blue!- WE GOT THIS~!!

    • Veronica S. says:

      Never underestimate the ability of a populace to vote against its own interests. The ethnocentricity of the United States means citizens are even less aware of how much American power is vested in its global cooperation. Plenty of people in his inner circle are looking to bank on deals like this at the expense of the general population, same as Brexit.

    • lucy2 says:

      We just need people to actually show up and vote, and to keep fighting voter suppression. If there’s the usual voter apathy, we’re in trouble.

      Please volunteer, donate, and support groups who are working to get out the vote.

  3. ChamomileLawn says:

    Nancy is brilliant. Maintains a sense of humour despite suffering through that torture.

  4. Chickaletta says:

    I’m sure Trumpets had to get their damn fainting couches out for this. Pearls will be clutched. Hands will be wrung.

    • Mac says:

      Apparently shredding a speech is worse than shredding the constitution.

    • Qzie says:

      As a brilliant friend commented about the pearl clutchers: Alert me when Speaker Pelosi sexually assaults someone, mocks the disabled, tears a child from their parents, pays off a porn star, insults a gold star family, calls nazis fine people, denies science, steals from a charity, or starts a fake university. Until then, take a seat.

      • Traveler says:

        That truly is brilliant!
        I would just like to add………………..does everything possible to deny citizens access to affordable healthcare, breaks the back of middle america in order to reduce taxes for the uber wealthy and corporations, has every intention of decimating social safety net programs, etc., etc., etc. Yeah, get back to me when SHE has sold her soul.

    • Lillian says:

      Love the ripping; as a note on showmanship- I feel if it were done stone-cold, the effect would be far greater, and might be a better example of her standing in her Considerable Power, and putting the other one down back in his place. Give it to me stone-cold next time.

      You know what, I watched again and it’s a quibble. Smirk after that nasty “god bless america” closing.

      I just have a preference for cold rage. I cannot imagine how good that must have felt and god bless her pride in the right actions of the moment.amen.
      (Sorry- I often put my comments in wrong place)

  5. Lua says:

    Part of me is over the pettiness and wants our reps to go high, but the catty b*tch side of me loved every minute of her shredding that paper up 😜

    • Megs283 says:

      Lua, you put it perfectly!

    • Esmom says:

      Yes and yes. And as someone on twitter pointed out, she managed to steal the SOTU spotlight from Trump, which is a victory.

    • Christin says:

      Agree. Her action pales in comparison to the sideshow of that speech (which was just a rally combined with reality show moments) – or any of the insults thrown around the past 3-4 years.


    • lucy2 says:

      I love it.
      Most of the time, the high road is the right path. This is not one of those times.

    • Sarah says:

      Nancy Pelosi has no time for anybody’s shit and will fuck you up like a bad accident…and I am here for it.

    • Traveler says:

      Yeah, that was the rallying cry during the 2016 election. Look what good it did then.
      Really, I wish with all my heart that that was the way the world worked, that good ultimately wins. I just don’t believe it anymore. We are no longer in the era of Nixon when even the republicans drew a line in the sand……………there is no limit to how low they now will go.

    • tiredTreaded says:

      What was Nancy’s alternative? If hitler had been up there, would we have been okay w polite applause? He’s hitler to the wildlife he destroys on a daily basis- Sounds extreme but that’s how I feel @the wall & his environmental holocaust!!

      • Lillian says:

        Yeah. It was THE thing to do. The only real “problem” (in perception) is that she enjoyed it, (as she should, but)….she just needs a GAME face. Like a dog with prey-drive. That’s way scarier. and awesome. So close… 🙂 we need full power bc like traveler said there’s no limit to how low they’ll go. I’ve seen this cancer in those I’ve known my whole life. Straight white male power is their only “truth” and they’re gonna kill us over it.
        It is really life or death. Ego has got to go if it’s not serving the purpose or strengthening the argument.
        Pelosi’s right- and I wanna buy her a boxing -coach so her righteousness isn’t going to waste, sweet Jesus.

  6. Amy Too says:

    He walked into HER HOUSE at HER INVITATION and then refused the shake her hand. No wonder she ripped up his speech. He wants to play? With Nancy F*cking Pelosi? Okay, but he’s not going to win that game.

    • ThePeoplesHouse says:

      It is NOT Nancy Pelosi’s house. It is the People’s House. It is defined as such. Just want to clear that up. I have nothing to offer on the rest of it.

      • Lillian says:

        With respect to marigold, it is important that it is the People’s House. Not otherwise specified. Just exactly that.
        (Sorry, wrong spot).

    • Marigold says:

      No, Girl, he walked into OUR HOUSE and snubbed US by refusing to shake her hand.

      Carry on. /wink

  7. Rapunzel says:

    So now the story is “Pelosi ripped up his speech” rather than anything about his speech. Or anything about he snubbed her. She literally ripped the attention and headlines from him. Brilliant.

    • smcollins says:

      Right? You don’t mess with the master. And I don’t really see how he snubbed her, he was already turning away as she was extending her hand out. Seems more like the media spinning it into something it wasn’t? Of course the Deplorables will lap it up as Trump dissing her.

      • Lightpurple says:

        A handshake at that point is traditional. There is also a traditional welcome and introduction from the Speaker. She skipped the welcome remarks.

      • BecauseOfCourse says:

        It was absolutely a snub, no question about it.

      • Marigold says:

        It was a snub. The President ALWAYS shakes the Speaker’s hand after the invitation. It has ever been thus. It was intentional…or stupid, take your pick. Either option is just an embarrassment of immaturity. I don’t know why I’m surprised anymore.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Exactly, Repunzel. She took the attention away from him. It was a risky move, but it actually paid off. He fell into her trap, and has been tweeting about HER all morning. What a fool!

    • Lillian says:

      Speech was sh#t. Heh. There we go.

  8. Becks1 says:

    That was brilliant.

    I’m seeing very little coverage of the actual speech. My twitter and IG feeds this morning are full of the image of Nancy ripping the speech. She knew what she was doing when she did that.

    In general I’m curious what the ratings were for last night’s SOTU compared to other years. I almost always watch it and last night I didn’t. I didn’t want to hear his voice, the lies, etc. I imagine there were a lot like me.

    • clomo says:

      I wish this guy would just have a heart attack already, heck even Pence sounds like a relief at this point, at least he doesn’t tweet like a lunatic. Trump appeals to the lowest common denominator. Dark times, I hope the mid-terms were a sign.

      • Jerusha says:

        I’m not religious, but I pray for that every day. I also work my voodoo doll as backup.

      • Marigold says:

        @Jerusha – I am religious, and so while I don’t pray for bodily harm (I can’t go that far however sorely I am tempted), I do pray for him to go.

        I will admit, however, that if he did have a heart attack, I’d have to pray for forgiveness because I’d probably be happy about it.

    • Lillian says:

      I mean, in a way….it took our attention off of what an abomination he is, as if we need more proof- but it’s so easy for people to get used to the last worst thing. Him in a vacuum is nearly a better spotlight for his….what is it, even? Just depravity,,,no bounds to it…., but couched in so much personal assurance they still eat it up with spoons…his “supporters” (including those who say they arent) still see it as a man “owning” a woman per status quo- I just think she needs to move “up a level” somehow- it would show she IS the power she has…
      Forgive my quibbling. Had she stilled that small smile, we’d have a full win. I’m just so anxious. WORK ON YOUR/OUR GAME FACES! (sorry. maybe. I don’t know anymore.) What the F# are we gonna do¿!

  9. 10KTurtle says:

    I enjoy a good petty clap back as much as anybody else, but I really wish she hadn’t done that, same as I wish Adam Schiff had never paraphrased the Ukraine call. Those kind of clips are just fuel for the MAGAt’s fire. Now more than ever, when we live in a nation where one of the most preeminent racists in the nation got the Medal of Freedom while a 100-yr-old Tuskegee Airman was in the same room, we still need to be better than him!

    • Rapunzel says:

      I’m all for “let’s go high” except it doesn’t matter to Trumpsters. I once saw a fake tweet going around attributed to Pelosi. It was obviously fake; it had a stamp saying “created by Tweeterino. When I told the Trumpster who posted it that Tweeterino was a fake meme generator, her response was literally, “it doesn’t matter, it’s what she’d say anyway”
      People like that won’t be swayed by you going high. They’ve already decided you’re low anyway.

    • Nopity Nope says:

      Yeah no but I like your early 2016 energy.

    • pineapple says:

      10KTurtle … they cheat and they lie. Trump and his troup are unethical and immoral. No one should be voting for him. No one.

      I once had a friend who said I had innocent as a lamb down pat and now I needed to work on being shroud as a snake. Sometimes you need to fight fire with fire. There has to be a harsh intolerance to what Trump is doing. Handshaking and accepting a dictator is dangerous and probably ultimately wrong.

    • MattyLove says:

      I agree and I also wish she hadn’t done it. I absolutely despise Trump and what the vast majority of what the Republican Party has become. But that was petty and undignified. It lowers us to his level and likely will not be well-received by independent and undecided voters. Additionally, it will just add fuel to the righteous fire of his deplorable base.

      And I also agree that the economy is what is saving him right now and I heartbrokenly believe he will be re-elected. When it really comes down to it, it’s all about the $$$.

      • Patrizio says:

        You know what? The days of manners and dignity are over! It is time to start fighting! Almost threw up when he gave Rush Limbaugh an award! That hate mongering POS! Only wish Nancy Pelosi was my Congresswoman because she is the BOSS!

      • Giddy says:

        Normally I would agree, but these aren’t normal times. If you show Trump and the deplorables good manners, they view it as a weakness, and as a perfect time to attack. He Whose Name Should Not Be Said will never get the best of Nancy P. and I love getting to be in her admiring audience.

      • What. . .now? says:

        I’m with Patrizio — “The days of manners and dignity are over! You have to start fighting.”

        The only thing they see is as viable is “force.” That orange moron always says he fights back 1000x times harder than the offense. Well then, THAT is the playbook they understand. We need to hit them with a sledgehammer. Going high, has gotten us what? NOTHING. Republicans will kick dirt in our faces whether we go high or low. Sometimes you need to get down to their level for them to understand that we are serious.

    • doofus says:

      nah…the dems are usually sitting at the checkerboard, contemplating their next move, and the GOP has set the board on fire.

      Time to throw the flaming gameboard IN THEIR STUPID FACES.

      • Gabby says:


      • Christin says:

        The time for dignity and ignoring the obvious has passed. They need to bring it down to simple words and actions that fit a ten-second window. Trying to be overly analytical is lost in the news cycle.

      • Lillian says:

        Good analogy per checkerboard; Christin’s comment is excellent.
        Next speech-rip: stone-cold stone-face.

        That’s it. That’s my boxing advice.

    • 10KTurtle says:

      You’re all not wrong, but I still feel in the long run this behavior gains them votes and costs us votes. Now every time Donald does something psychotic, they have this gif to post.

      • Lillian says:

        So, we need to give good gifs is what I’m hearing…(I’m being serious, that was only halfway flip- EVERY MOVE COUNTS)

    • 10KTurtle says:

      Also, brace yourselves for the footage of Donald symbolically ripping the articles of impeachment in half in the Oval Office. You know he already has the cameras in position, and Pelosi set him right up for it.

      • What. . .now? says:

        So? How does that hurt Dems? They know he’s just a reality tv clown–we already EXPECT that. All that is, is play acting for his base. Anyone with a modicum of sense isn’t gonna change their vote based on that. It’s just red meat for his cult members.

        QUIT with saying WE always have to play nice, but giving the other side a constant PASS for their ridiculous behavior. When they start policing their own behavior, then you can worry about how we come off. They paint the Dems as ‘devils” practically any way, NO MATTER WHAT. Time to throw some dirt in their faces to get them to pay attention.

      • 10KTurtle says:

        It hurts Democrats by him playing it over & over ad nauseum in his re-election ads.

      • Original T.C. says:

        So people won’t vote for Dems because Pelosi torn up a speech of lies but will vote for the guy that lies, cheats, is a traitor and a rapist?

        The reason Independents won’t vote for Dems is because they are push over weenies. They like strength and confidence as do Trump’s base.

      • Lillian says:

        I read 10kturtles comments as “abusers twist everything to suit their own agendas so be wary as every good thing you do or say can be used against you -be careful– life’s not fair!” – which is good advice, even if I misinterpreted their statement.

        And “throwing dirt in the face” is their game, not a real move informed by truth and power, and god help us, there’s still gotta be some of that out here somewhere…

  10. Feedmechips says:

    That’s how you take out the trash!

  11. Delph says:

    My god, guys I feel for you. Happy to be French and have Macron. Good luck, I mean it

  12. Lightpurple says:


    • Diana says:

      She is savage…. amazing… precise. I love her! Wish she was running for president.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. The polar opposite of your favorite daughter-wife. Did you catch her pre-SOTU whispery video? It was physically painful to watch.

  13. Jan says:

    EXACTLY! All of this. Every single word you wrote!

  14. boredblond says:

    I didn’t watch- life’s too short–but what analysis I hear about his economic victory points is they were all lies A reporter who’s interested in truth should show him the numbers, with charts of course because he only understands pictures, and call him out to his face. The dems were too polite, as usual..they should have treated him like he treated the nat anthem (shame that video’s not getting more play)

    • Rapunzel says:

      That anthem video needs to be in his opponent’s campaign commercials. He needs to be dragged hard for it.

      • doofus says:

        I agree. he literally was acting like a 10-year old who can’t sit still in church, fidgeting, mock-conducting, etc. AND he sat down before the song was finished. I NEVER EVER EVER want to hear any trumper say ONE WORD about Kap and his respectful protest against police brutality on minorities.

    • lucy2 says:

      I tried to avoid seeing or hearing him, but I just watched that, and it’s appalling.

      He looks like a hyperactive toddler, or, probably more accurately, someone hopped up on a lot of something.

  15. KellyRyan says:

    I avoided this as well. Watched Netflix and local news. I’m on US Informed Delivery which scans most incoming mail. Kevin McCarthy R, has sent me a flyer, “Look what I have accomplished for Kern County, send money.” It will be ripped into pieces, returned with a note, “Kern County is turning blue, we support Pelosi and the Democratic nominee.”

  16. Christine says:

    We need more fearless dems like Nancy

  17. Sean says:

    I watched some of it. He actually said Space Force will be used to put the next man (then he quickly added “or woman”) on the moon and America will be he first country to plant our flag on the moon. Sixty-three million people actually voted for this man. Ugh.

    I also can’t get excited about Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech or the democrats who attended but walked out or stayed seated during Trump’s diatribe. So what? It was an empty victory. I don’t know why Democrats love to celebrate empty victories.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s all we got.

    • Traveler says:

      I don’t see it as empty victories. I think it is important to take EVERY public opportunity to delegitimize this would-be dictator, what his says and what he stands for, whether symbolically or otherwise.

  18. Momof2rats says:

    I am all for hating the Orange Man for policies and morals, but I am sad that Pelosi was so disrespectful. It just makes her and the Democrats seem petty to those undecided voters.

    We are going to have 4 more years of this Cheeto, and acting childish like this isn’t going to change any hearts or minds. Acting like Trump is not the answer folks! Work on policies that help us, and stop wasting my tax dollars on useless impeachments and acting like a spoiled baby Pelosi!

    • Esmom says:

      If you think Democrats haven’t been working on policies that help us, you haven’t been paying attention. And lol at “useless impeachments” and “spoiled baby Pelosi.” Is that you Don Junior?

    • Sierra says:

      I am sorry but why do Dems have to be the ones constantly behaving like angels?

      If there are still undecided voters out there then that is fine. If by now they haven’t understood how dangerous Trump is then they never will.

    • Swack says:

      300+ pieces of legislation from the House sitting on McConnell’s desk because he refuses to bring them to the Senate to be voted on. McConnell had the USMCA for almost a month before he had the Senate vote on it after the House passed it. Who’s not getting the job done?

      • lucy2 says:

        Thank you!

        Anyone who thinks the Dems haven’t been trying to do productive stuff hasn’t been paying attention.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He awarded the medal of freedom to a racist pig who advocated denying healthcare to women suffering ovarian cysts and endometriosis. He’s lucky she didn’t throw the Mace of the Republic through his teleprompter

      • doofus says:

        he didn’t just advocate denying healthcare, he went so far as to say that if HE (and other taxpayers) are paying for this woman’s birth control (spoiler: THEY’RE NOT), then she should videotape herself having sex so that he could watch it.


        he’s just SO GROSS.

      • Christin says:

        I can’t even describe how vile his mocking of Parkinson’s sufferer Michael J Fox was.

      • Lillian says:

        Lightpurples last sentence awesome.

    • sassafras says:

      There are no undecided voters. Everyone in the country has an opinion on the Orange One. It’s going to be about turnout.

    • Nic919 says:

      Neville Chamberlain tactics got Europe into WWII so maybe it’s time to fight back and not worry about being polite. Dump has torched all norms anyway. Ripping a speech full of lies at the end is nothing. And people are tired of being stepped on by the grotesque supporters of the mango mussolini.

    • What. . .now? says:

      Again with this BS, about being polite to the Republicans. WHAT FOR? Do you think they will ratchet back their diatribes? NO. Being polite little doormats has gotten us what? NOTHING. And you know what they say about our nice behavior? That we are wimps. So, enough with that BS. It’s time to get out a big can of whoop ass and break that sh** open.

      And as Sierra said, Why do Dems ALWAYS have to be nice? You are literally give the Repubs a FREE PASS for their ridiculous lies and tantrums. Why? Why aren’t you pissed off and holding THIER feet to the fire instead of ours?

  19. Gabby says:

    I bow to the Head Mistress of Shade, well done Madam! The entire narrative this morning is about that moment, and I am here for it!

  20. grabbyhands says:

    That is was a big, lie filled GOP circle jerk did not surprise me in the least. Not shaking Pelosi’s hand? Not shocking -pretty typical infantile, petty behavior from him.

    What I found most offensive was inviting Nigel Farage and that fellow pig Rush Limbaugh and then bestowing one of the most loathsome, hateful people on the planet with the medal of freedom. Just when you think we can’t sink lower, we do. By the time we’re done (if we ever are), he will have effectively rendered what were once tremendous honors completely meaningless.

    So friendly reminder – this is why you don’t throw temper tantrums on Election Day.

    • Gabby says:

      When a 100 year old, Tuskegee Airman is in the room, and Rush Limbaugh is the one getting the Medal of Freedom. No words.

  21. Lena says:

    Didn’t watch but glad Nancy made sure his speech was overshadowed this news cycle. She’s as good at politics as, I hate to say it, Dolt45. You have to fight fire with fire. He won 2016 by being sympathetic to Bernie and taking the strongest candidate the democrats had and pounding on a fake outrage and making her seem like the most corrupt politician on the planet. He’s doing the same thing now and maybe a controversial (here) opinion but has weakened the best chance Dems have to beat him. So he wins again unless there’s a turnaround from the first two states.

  22. Marjorie says:

    Since when does Melanija Knavs have the authority to put the presidential medal on someone?

  23. Busybody says:

    I watched it for about 10 minutes while I was cooking dinner and so only heard the Medal of Freedom part out of the corner of my ear (how do we say that? Lol) and ran back into the room in disbelief. My poor kids were like “what’s happening? Who is that?!” because I don’t normally swear in front of them. What a disgrace. Pelosi should have balled that f***ing speech up and thrown it at him for that stunt.

  24. sue denim says:

    our democracy dying is no longer a hypothetical, maybe the fall elections will change that, but I’ve been thinking more now — what is the GOP end game? Do they want war — domestic and/or int’l? Do they want to seize our assets? Throw more people in jail for cheap labor? What? I just have a sense of growing dread…

    • Bella DuPont says:

      You should be asking instead…”What is Russia’s endgame here….”.

      Once you allow yourself accept that you genuinely have a Manchurian candidate for President; a man who is an actual Russian asset and merely carrying out orders, (most of which he doesn’t even understand), things will become much clearer to you.

      Russia owns Trump and most of the Republican caucus via the NRA, other financially led means and compromat. He is systematically dismantling you democracy, piece by piece and most people are either too short-sighted to see what is right in front of their noses, or too afraid to accept it. 😶

      • sue denim says:

        yes…Russia and a syndicate of anti-democratic interests, I just wonder what their end game is at this point, I guess just total control, and we’ll have to see what direction it’ll take… I just think of people fleeing Nazi Germany or Syria, how do you know when it’s time to get out…?

      • Blueskies says:

        The following countries need to be added to the: List of foreign powers with ownership of the US NaziMango :
        1. A China: multiple issues; corruption, nepotism/criminal and shady business deals, abuse of power/ criminal and shady business deals, consolidation of power via criminal activity. code of conduct violations, lol
        1. B Saudi Arabia via MBS; in regards to 1) Spying on US citizen/Abduction/Murder Kashoggi and 2) Cyberattack/spying/blackmail Bezos. Featuring the Israeli company NSO Group and their TERRIFYING Spy Software Pegasus.
        2. Turkey via Erdogan; in regards to Kashoggi, compromat via evidence of NaziMangos & Jared’s complicity in abduction and murder >> Abandonment of US ally, Kurds, in favour of Erdogan/war crimes complicity.
        3. Israel via Netanjahu; on multiple & diverse issues, also see NSO Group, corruption, criminal real estate/ landownership deals/ violations of human rights & Geneva Convention, war crimes complicity.
        4. Korea : Kim knows & has evidence of NaziMango’s status as Vlads puppet.
        5. Syrien via Baschar al-Assad/Putin: Assad also knows &has evidence of NaziMangos owned status, war crimes complicity.

        With each “connection/assosiaction” most likely continuously producing further compromat and leverage on the NaziMango, his family, his enablers and all hitherto unknown partaking beneficiaries of/in the criminal conduct. But that works both ways. NaziMango has compromat on them as well.
        How likely is such a realtionship, with these kind of player personalities, high stakes and trust issues, going to run smooth and well longterm? And how likely does this kind of geopolitical game-setting end well for us, the citizens?

    • Veronica S. says:

      It’s a power coup. The GOP have been working at it for years. People just didn’t want to listen to the warnings.

      • Sean says:

        This. The Republican party is dying and America is slowly becoming less white. By 2040, only 40% of the population will be white. The Republicans want to stay in control. Most of them are also in Russia’s pocket.

  25. adastraperaspera says:

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not in a “feud” with Trump. A feud implies a personal or family argument of some kind. We are in a national crisis! Speaker Pelosi is standing up and defending our country against a tyrant! She is asserting her power as the leader of a co-equal branch of government. Tearing up his speech was her message that he will not succeed in his quest to hand our country to Putin and “the boss of all mob bosses” Mogilevich. Pelosi knows so much more about this presidential imposter than we do; she has the highest security clearances. I take great comfort in her defiance.

    • Sean says:

      If Pelosi is asserting her power, why hasn’t Congress hauled everyone who defied a Congressional subpoena away in handcuffs? It’s okay though, she tore up a few pieces of paper.

  26. Jerusha says:

    Pelosi/Schiff for Prez/VP! Or vice versa, either is fine.

  27. Jules says:

    I do not support Trump at all! However, she acted like a child. Very disappointed in her behavior. She brought herself down to his level. I don’t want my children to see or model her or his behavior.

    • Esmom says:

      Please. Ripping a couple pieces of paper is nowhere close to the insults that Trump hurls on a daily basis like an emotionally stunted middle school bully.

    • Allergy says:

      His level? His level is so low no one could reach it but him. Or perhaps McConnell could. Their level is lower than the deepest coal mine.

    • lucy2 says:

      She’d have to imprison children, destroy the environment, and put an attempted rapist on the Supreme Court to even come CLOSE to going down to his level.

    • Bella DuPont says:

      The surely, you must have your kids permanently blind-folded and their ears stoppered, to keep them from seeing or hearing the avalanche of obscenities and lies (>15,000), meted out on a Minister by minute basis by the president?

      Personally, I think she could have done a little more to twist the knife further in.

      You will not beat this beast by fighting clean or fair. It’s really just that simple.

    • doofus says:

      so, one rips up a copy of a speech that was essentially nothing but lies and braggadocio.

      the other MOCKED A DISABLED PERSON. sexually assaults women. puts kids in cages. IS A RUSSIAN ASSET!

      but please, tell me more about how “childish” Pelosi is. SMDH. go clutch your pearls somewhere else.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      I pray that someday my kids are in a position where they can look liars, cheaters, misogynists, bigots, xenophobics, traitors, tyrannicals, criminals, megalomaniacs, unenlightened and grossly stupid humans in the face and shread their speeches. Two wrongs don’t make rights, but treasonous bastards having their written words torn in front of them as an act of defiance do not coexist…they reside at opposite ends of our universe. If we do NOT purposefully, and with great dramatic effect, express and illustrate our collective disgust with what is happening in our country, we are letting millions upon millions of humans down globally. If there was ever a time to step up whenever and however possible, it is now. Nancy didn’t showcase a public faux pas. She didn’t raise her voice, fist the heavens and curse. In fact, she didn’t say a word. She picked up a monster’s words and quietly eviscerated them. We are at war, a war for righteousness. Sun Tzu would give Nancy a nod.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I’m getting really annoyed with the stereotypical sexist language being used to describe the actions of one of the most powerful people on the planet. Speaker Pelosi, age 79 years and 10 months, was not petty or childish; she did not have a temper tantrum; she wasn’t “trying to be cute;” and her acts were not “unbecoming,” a word Republicans seem to only hurl at women. She, the most powerful woman in US history, provided him the opportunity to present a constitutionally mandated written report in public and when he delivered a package of lies and celebrated racism, sexism, and gun violence in a campaign rally style instead, she demonstrated the disdain his behavior earned. It would have been within her rights to order him forcibly removed from the Chamber but she didn’t. She wasn’t childish or petty; she was doing her job.

    • Tina says:

      I thought she came across as petty. If she had let him snub her with the handshake, quietly and dignified sat through the speech, and then given a press conference afterwards to debunk the lies it would have been much better. She is playing to his game and he’s the master troll.

      • Sandy Eggo says:

        A Pelosi press conference would have been utterly ignored and accomplished nothing. The orange a** clown is fact checked and debunked on an hourly basis and NO ONE CARES. It’s way past time stoop to their level and play dirty. Three years of playing nice and going high has had zero results.

      • Jaded says:

        She came across speaking his own language. He doesn’t understand or respect “nice”, he would have shredded her if she’d curtseyed at him. He is so childish, so unnuanced and has such a frail ego that the only way you can get through to him is with a physical act of shove-back. He wouldn’t shake her hand, which is customary, so she rips up his speech. Tit for tat. He got the message and I’m sure it riled him up terribly – time for action, not words.

    • Lillian says:

      I do. I don’t have or want kids, but I love that even my dog knows how to stand up to a bully. I’d absolutely want my child to rip that sh!t up on tv because they know how to stand up even if it’s just themselves and/or for other folks whether they benefit or not, whether it cost them or not- (Just save the private smile for 10 seconds later, little old-fashioned judgment there, no big offense… :)…)

  28. Allergy says:

    She stole turd’s Big Moment! Hahaha. She really knows how to get under his orange skin. Pelosi is so amazing and will stay in history as a true hero.

  29. THEREALME says:

    It certainly did overshadow his speech. But is that really a good thing? He said a lot in that speech that millions heard and will process but no news station is refuting it much because they are talking about her. He basically got a pass on everything he said no one is calling him out. The speech for the average person was very convincing and now they will believe most of it. Unfortunately what was said in response was missed as well. So I don’t think this was in anyway power move. Unless the democrats start to take the lead instead of react expect 4 more years of this.

    • Shirleygailgal says:

      Yes, this is exactly my concern with abandoning the `high`road. Everyone is focused on what she did vs what he said…and he MEANS what he says (at least he does whilst saying it). HOW do we reach those still beguiled by this twisted, small, weak and petty despot?

      • THEREALME says:

        Do it with real talk and actions. Stop talking about Trump! Stop reacting to him! What would have been better would to have had a press conference after and talk about the bill they have put through around the cost of medications. Or has it been passed? Nobody knows any of the accomplishments of the house. Instead they know about her ripping up the speech papers. People gave them the house last election and unless they can message better it makes it look like that was wasted as they have done nothing. I know they have done things but their messaging is just horrible.

      • Lillian says:

        Stop trying. They’re lost to bigotry. Grieve and mobilize those who truly feel they have little to gain from him. Most humans care mostly about personal gains, and anyone who’s still at his level feel they gain from keeping others down. The time to proselytize is gone. Move on from them (I say with empathy).
        Do what you can to get out the vote in underserved communities. Don’t waste time arguing with relatives (I’m assuming). Wasted. Time.

    • olliesmom says:

      Watch Steven Colbert’s opening monlogue from last night (he was live) on YouTube . He called him out on many points.

  30. The Recluse says:

    I bet the Smithsonian is scrambling to get Pelosi’s copy of the speech. She made a statement with it that was recorded live and they would want that in their archives.

  31. Jules says:

    Agree that it did overshadow his speech. Trump’s State of the Union address was a campaign rally. It was not appropriate or warranted. It was ridiculous, but par for the course. Sure Pelosi was appalled by it as many Americans. But… by ripping up his address. What good did it really do? She acted like a child. It is not commendable to destroy a piece of property. And now people are not talking about the horror of his speech, but about her silly act.

    • Lightpurple says:

      This “acted like a child” rhetoric is coming straight from the Trump campaign, as is the bit about destroying property. He behaved like the buffoon he is. Those pages were her personal copy to do with as she saw fit. Pence’s copy was probably tossed in a recycle bin minutes later.

      • Allergy says:

        Trump is the one who’s been a toddler all his life. A revolting creepy sociopath toddler.

    • Traveler says:

      His base will never, ever, ever see the “horror of his speech”.

  32. qtpi says:

    I seriously cried a little last night. I’m terrified of four more years of this man. There is going to be so much shady stuff going down in the election. It is going to be do horribly divisive. The mud slinging and dirty play is going to be epic.

    I love many of the DEMS but I don’t know if any of them can bring “it” against him. I’m seriously considering Bloomberg as the only alternative. He has so much money and he isn’t afraid to “go there” when he needs to.

    Kamala was high on my list but she is out. Biden never hit back during any of the impeachment/Hunter stuff. Sanders is going to be labeled a socialist and frankly I don’t think he has been properly vetted. Same probably for Warren. Mayor Pete doesn’t have the support of the spine and heart of our party – African Americans.

    So yeah… felt like a really dark place night. Felt good to let some of the tears out.

    • Janiet says:

      We are in the sample place, I agree with your entire summation and I’m looking hard at Bloomberg now too.

    • EMF999 says:

      Mayor Pete and Stacey Abrams would kill it though. That’s the ticket I am hoping for. But as I said to my boss this morning, I’d vote for a tree stump to get Trump out.

  33. mar says:

    He will win the election, I am sorry to say. There are way too many people with way too much money that have his back. Get use to four more years of lies, shameless self promotion and being Russia’s b$tch.

    • olliesmom says:

      Yep. And too many people are afraid of the “evil Socialism”. They also want to stick it to the Dems/libs.

      • Allergy says:

        I wish they stopped calling it socialism. The Scandinavians themselves call their system “social democratic.” The leftist party are the Social Democrats.
        Also, there are millionaires in these social democratic countries. When Sanders got a lot of money from his book, even the CNN reporters were like “well I wonder if this changes his thinking?” No – you can totally be wealthy in Sweden, for example. You just pay your fair amount of taxes. (Only whiny loser millionaires move to Monaco.)

    • Tina says:

      Yes we all need to get ready and hopefully save the senate from total trump control. A moderate is the only shot because the winning candidate needs to win the swing states that were lost in 2016, and they are not going to for an extreme progressive. I think it’s Joe or Amy K with the most realistic shot but I doubt they will get the nomination.

  34. Dani says:

    Man…I wish we as a country can do better. By doing that, the fire has been fueled. The moderate and independents have been displaced and with the candidates we have as options, this petty back and forth isn’t helping anyone.

  35. Mandy says:

    Queen. Icon. Legend.

  36. Aimee says:

    I watched Finding Your Roots on PBS and I’m a better person for it.

  37. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    The state of the Union is corrupt and broken.

  38. Valerie says:

    His base flips the fuck out over this while forgetting, or ignoring, the fact that he ripped up official documents all the time. His team had to tape them back together. This has been known since last June. Ripping up a weakly delivered and plagiarized speech isn’t unconstitutional, especially not when you compare it to what he’s done. His guppy-brained followers do not have a single critical thinking skill among them,

  39. Tiffany :) says:

    Romney is voting to CONVICT!!!!

    They will be able to say that it was a bi-partisan vote to convict him, even if they didn’t meet the threshold for removal.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      He’s the 1st senator in US history to vote for removal of a president from his own party.

      Trump DESERVES this kind of historic rebuke.

    • KellyRyan says:

      Drumpf will fly up his own anatomy for a day. I’m hoping MSNBC and CNN catch Romney for an interview, whistleblower speaks out, Bolton reveals more, and our focus remains strong on the Democrats.

      And we are all to familiar with the Drumpf agenda, as soon as he is not the focus of attention he manufactures another crisis.

  40. Middle of the road says:

    I for the first time am not voting this year at all. The elections are clearly rigged and despite what we want, we already know he’ll be re-elected, so what’s the point? This country has gone to sh!t and the election process is a joke.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      The elections aren’t rigged. That sounds like Russian propaganda.

      Sitting out is the worst thing you could possibly do. I do not see the logic in choosing forfeiture as the method to defeat the worst threat our country has ever faced.

    • Leah says:

      Sitting out is basically giving the orange fat man and his toady’s the win.

      But it’s up to you if you want to sit by and watch the country die.

    • Traveler says:

      OMG. It’s statements like this that scare the crap out of me.

    • Jerusha says:

      Please don’t take that attitude. That is what the “bad guys” are counting on. Don’t give it to them. I first voted in 1968. Since then I have voted every time the polls are open-primary, general, local, state, national. If the polls are open, I’m there. The only times I have not voted are Republican only primaries. I don’t vote for Rs, never have, never will. My candidate doesn’t always win-living in Alabama my candidate seldom wins-but I will never give up my right to make a choice.

  41. Wit of the Staircase says:

    Nancy played it perfectly. Trump ran an infotainment SOTU so she responded with infotainment–and upstaged the orange turd. It’s all anyone is talking about today. Well played, Nancy, well played!

  42. Leah says:

    Her shade completely overshadowed his ridiculous speech and it was delicious. She has more self control than me.

    Woke up to a lot of whining on twitter from trolls. Heh.

  43. Over It says:

    Ignore the bad theatre designed to distract us with culture war BS. Backstage the establishment Democrats work hand in glove with the GOP to sell us out to Wall Street, war profiteers and the donor class. Keep your eye on the real fight: people vs. profit.’

    • Tiffany :) says:

      This comment is absurd. You sound like a Russian bot. As we have seen in the contrast between the Trump Administration and the Obama Administration, there are VAST differences between the GOP and the Democrats.

      • Over It says:

        You sound like a corporate stooge. Trump wanted a massive increase to the millitary budget and the establushment Democrats voted in favour of giving him even more than he asked for. If they aren’t working hand in glove with the GOP in the service of Wall Street, the war profiteers and the donor class why did they do that?

  44. Notafan says:

    One of my four year old twin girls asked me if President Trump was going to take her away and put her in a cage.

    I will never forgive anyone who supports this mockery in the White House. I weep for my girls, for everyone’s children and for our country.

    Good for Nancy Pelosi. I hope she dedicates her life to making his life the hell he has made ours.