Trump retweeted a scene from Curb Your Enthusiasm that mocked his supporters

Donald Trump retweets disturbing images, lies. He’s retweeted and deleted a tweet that names the alleged whistleblower, and shared what is most likely an image taken by a classified satellite or drone over Iran. He does it to stoke his base, to rile up his detractors and because he’s reckless and doesn’t care about consequences. So far, he’s managed to avoid them for his egregious behavior.

Every once in a while, though, one of his tweets causes a reaction that he probably was not expecting. This week, for a bit, it was laughter, because on Monday night Trump shared a scene from Curb Your Enthusiasm that was mocking his supporters, though he didn’t appear to realize this. He tweeted, “TOUGH GUYS FOR TRUMP!” along with the clip. As of Wednesday morning, it’s still available.

Here’s an explanation in case you can’t watch it:

On Monday night, President Trump tweeted an expletive-riddled scene from the HBO hit show Curb Your Enthusiasm in which Larry David, playing a caricature of himself, puts on a MAGA hat to de-escalate a potentially dangerous situation. In the scene, David nearly hits a motorcyclist with his car and the man immediately starts threatening violence. David puts on the hat and the man, presumably seeing a kindred spirit, no longer wants to hurt David, just telling him to be more careful before riding off.

But the president may not have been aware that the point was actually to mock his supporters. In an earlier scene, David gets the idea to use a MAGA hat as a way to get out of having lunch with an acquaintance after his manager Jeff Green (Jeff Garlin) refuses to golf with a Trump supporter.

[From Yahoo!]

And Twitter had a field day, as it well should have:

Larry David has made it very clear (with NSFW-language) exactly what he thinks about people who wear MAGA hats.

Is this funny? Absolutely. However, it’s also really jarring, too, because Trump, who is incredibly thin-skinned and can’t stand being laughed at, obviously does not understand the joke. He does not recognize satire. He does not realize that he and his supporters are being mocked, or he doesn’t care, which is still terrible. Wanda Sykes told Stephen Colbert, It’s not normal that I know that I’m smarter than the president. (She also said this in her Netflix special, “Not Normal.”) Agreed. I don’t need a president who is known for being funny all the time, but I’d like a president who is both able to take a joke and recognize when he’s the butt of one.

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Photos credit: Getty

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12 Responses to “Trump retweeted a scene from Curb Your Enthusiasm that mocked his supporters”

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  1. doofus says:

    that was one of the funniest episodes he’s done.

    the MAGA hat driving people away from him…like, literally don’t want to be seen with him.

    and the bit about how his friend looks a little like Harvey Weinstein. I laughed so hard at this ep.

  2. Mac says:

    It’s so obvious he is in cognitive decline. When is the media going to address this issue?

    • (TheOG)jan90067 says:

      Not just cognitive, though that is RAPIDLY increasing. But physically…go back and notice the shoulder jerking motions, especially, that line up when he has a speech malfunction. It’s really jarring when you’re aware of it. He doesn’t flail his arms when he speaks anymore, but holds onto the podiums for dear life.

      His family/circle HAS to be aware (and how many more secret trips to Walter Reed have been made, or doctors going into the WH, that WE don’t know about?). They are all using him to further their agendas, political, financial, and ideological. When it’s past the point of no return (ie: COMPLETELY obvious to everyone), he’ll be put out on a “medical” resignation, with a pre-accepted plea deal to avoid prosecution by SDNY for him and family members. Remember this.

    • AMA1977 says:

      I mean, I wish the media would talk about it, but journalistic standards constrain what the media can publish in a case like this without independently confirmed proof like medical records. But the fact is that the cabinet has a CONSTITUTIONAL OBLIGATION to address it, and they continue to refuse to do so. The sheer number of political hacks, toadies, sycophants, spineless idiots, willful enablers, and malevolent actors who are disregarding their constitutional obligations (Senate, Cabinet, Justice Department, Judiciary, I mean ALL OF YOU!!!) and endangering the country for this fool is infuriating and horrifying.

  3. Liz version 700 says:

    I am not a doctor so this is just observational, but the way he repeats words and says phrases like “insert crazy phrase…I don’t know or maybe not.” That is the stuff my dads would do during his decline from Alzheimer’s. Also, the balance issues are similar. The main difference being that my dad was a sweet man and became more so during his decline before passing, but Trump is evil and he now seems an evil man in Severe mental decline. The people propping him up are truly evil he is dangerous, unable to stay on tasks even if here were interested in them and his cruelty is breathtaking. And he seems to have some kind of illness that being President can’t be helping. But no one around him cares enough to intercede.

  4. Valerie says:

    And his rabid fanbase STILL finds a way to spin it. Oh, they say, he’s taking a negative and turning it into a positive. The left tried to own him and he still won by having a sense of humour. The guy who bangs his little baby fists against the keyboard twenty times in one hour if someone forgets to genuflect toward him? He can’t laugh at himself.

  5. Nev says:

    Dumb jackass.

  6. Bambilee23 says:

    Also, is anyone else FLOORED that the President of the United States retweeted a video with MULTIPLE f**k bombs dropped throughout it, and it didn’t even cause a blip on the news radar? But GOD FORBID OBAMA WEAR A TAN SUIT. Oh, right. We’re in the dumbest timeline. Evangelicals will praise him for defending their toughness or something. Cool cool cool.

    • Angela82 says:

      Or eat Dijon mustard…

      • AMA1977 says:

        Or forget his flag pin!! Treason, all of it. Agent Orange acting like a complete lunatic all day every day? NBD.

        I never thought I’d see the day when I would have to turn off NPR in front of my young children for fear that the PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY would say something so unhinged and reprehensible that it would frighten them. But that’s new new normal, every single day.

      • Bambilee23 says:

        RIGHT!!! THIS. Completely this.