For years now, the Duchess of Cornwall has done a lot of substantive work on so-called “women’s issues” and issues involving domestic violence, rape and abuse. She legitimately cares and those are some of the most interesting charities and patronages on her plate. On Friday, Camilla delivered a speech at the opening of the Women of the World festival, and her speech was about an important subject: domestic violence. Tons of Royal Rota reporters were there and they all dutifully tweeted about the event. But… the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were in town, and Meghan posted some Instagram photos of her trip to the National Theatre, one of her patronages, around the same time as Camilla’s speech. So of course the story is about how Meghan “overshadowed” Camilla and maybe Camilla is “mad.”
The Duchess of Cornwall has been left furious after Meghan Markle broke a pledge not to overshadow her speech on domestic violence today, it has been reported. Pictures of Meghan Markle at the National Theatre were released as Camilla launched the Women of the World Festival at the Southbank Centre in London.
Buckingham Palace had urged royal correspondents to focus on the Duchess of Cornwall’s engagement on Friday which had been long-planned and came on a day when there were no other major Royal engagements. But after images of Meghan’s secret visit to the National Theatre on Thursday were released – Camilla’s speech was quickly overshadowed.
Camilla was said to be ‘very upset’ at the release of the images, insiders told the Mirror. One well-placed insider said: ‘Camilla’s work is very important to her and her decision to highlight the scourge of domestic violence at the 10th anniversary of Women of the World was a carefully thought-out plan. Of course it was known Harry and Meghan would be doing engagements this week, some privately, but everyone was in agreement that Camilla’s speech should take precedence. Unfortunately some people had other ideas.’
The move sparked anger within the palace after Meghan ‘refused to listen’ to the pleas of staff and not issue the images. A Buckingham Palace email to new organisations had said: ‘Please note that media arrangements have been designed specifically with a view to allowing royal correspondents to focus on the Duchess of Cornwall’s engagement on Friday.’
Well, it’s a good thing that Meghan and Harry are leaving then, right? No more overshadowing the (white) duchesses. It’s so weird how Meghan and Harry were expected to never, ever overshadow anyone in the family, yet the family continued to try to overshadow the Sussexes during so many of Harry and Meghan’s events. From William and Kate’s sudden, unannounced “events” happening at the exact same time, to curiously timed announcements to Kate doing a suspicious pap stroll… but hey, don’t let me stop the British papers from clutching their pearls about Mean Meghan hogging all of the attention. WITH ONE IG POST. That’s all it took!!
For what it’s worth, I think Camilla’s speech was important too. I also think that I wouldn’t have written about it – nor would many bloggers and reporters – without the “Meghan overshadowing Camilla!” angle. Funny how that works. In any case, this dusty family only has to worry about being overshadowed for a few more hours, really. I mean, that’s if you honestly believe that these petty a–holes won’t also cry and whine about being overshadowed by Harry and Meghan when they’re off on their own, being amazing.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, WENN and Instagram.
Yeah cause if not for Meghan, Camilla would’ve been alll over the front pages 🙄
IKR. As if the BM and tabloids had no choice but to report on the Sussex IG post. SMH.
Exactly Olenna. It was a post on Twitter. Nobody was forced to report it. Why didn’t the press run with Camilla’s speech — it was well done and important and deserved attention from them in and of itself? Because everything for the RR has to be about tearing down Meghan. Also wasn’t Harry at the car museum that day and didn’t the Queen also attend a function? Wasn’t Kate out buying books? Yet Meghan’s Twitter post completely overshadowed Camilla. Not buying it at all. That said, Camilla gave a great speech as President of WOW. Very much worth listening to and if Meghan’s post helps bring more press coverage to Camilla’s speech on domestic violence, then I say that is a win/win. Team Women! Team WOW!
@JA, you’re absolutely right–there were royals out and about ‘working’ that day, yet the BM’s focus is on Meghan, and it’s all her fault. Again, SMH. Will definitely listen to Camilla’s speech, though. #TeamWomen!
I think it a farce that Camilla speaks out for women, considering how she undermined a woman to get where she is today. Someone probably wrote the speech for her IMO.
If all it takes is an instagram post from a minor royal to be overshadowed you have a bigger problem.
IKR? Maybe they should just hire Meghan as a PR consultant.
Yup, If Meghan wasn’t overshadowing, I would not have known about Camilla’s event.
True AF
Yes because a theatre jolly is so much more important.
No one asked you to follow or even read about Meghan………..that “theatre jolly” as you called it matter to some; it doesn’t mean that Camilla’s speech didn’t matter. Harry was out, some people were getting pap’ed but somehow Meghan still managed to outshine some as if she is forcing newspapers to cover her……..I wish I had her power!!!
I have never seen a country where mediocrity seems to be so appreciated! well Meghan showed you, she would not become mediocre to be accepted by your likes! Doria is Meghan’s mother and an American, we do know hard work and we respect those able to rise above what life might have planned for them!
It was International Women’s Day.
Every last working royal woman should have been out there working and promoting.
What weirdos.
Also, I refuse to believe Camilla cares about this. Refuuuuse.
I feel the exact same way. I really do not think Camilla cares about any of this except the fuss it caused upsetting Charles. More unexpected work for Camilla to keep Charles calm.
Yup, I have a hard time believing Camilla cares about anything except Charles. She does the work, drinks the drinks and tries to keep out of it is my sense of her. I think she got her fill of being slammed by the press and just wants to do her thing.
I would think all the women in the RF would want to be out there hustling the pro-women’s message on the day. Why is it a competition, not a group effort.
Agreed. Camilla could care less. She has never struck me as an attention hog.
Camilla has been pretty ruthless and is not shy about posing in expensive bling and grinning triumphantly, as I see it.
So, as a threshold matter – Camilla’s events, while often important and worthwhile, NEVER get the coverage that Kate or Meghan’s events do. Heck Sophie is in South Sudan now and that is getting barely any coverage from what I’ve seen.
Second- I honestly don’t think Camilla cares that much. sure, she might care in that she wants her causes to get attention, but I don’t think she cares whether she’s on the front page of the papers or not.
Third and finally – the papers COULD have put her on the front page. the papers STILL could have covered her. They didn’t have to expend all their energy on Meghan’s IG post.
(I did read somewhere that Sussex Royal posted that because the exhibit closes this weekend or something so they wanted to get the publicity out there before the weekend.)
I liked it when Diana sitting on that diving board pushed Camilla off the covers of the newspapers as she posed in the expensive bling that CHarles gave her for her 50th birthday. Camilla was said to be upset so I think Camilla does care.
Hmm. One IG post that, wait for it, if the press hadn’t all written about wouldn’t have ‘overshadowed’ Camilla. Seriously????
Was a great speech ironically overshadowed by this nonsense. None of the tabloids carrying this story seemed to carry the speech. Also why weren’t Harry, Charles and Anne also out that day accused of overshadowing? Because the press could care less about domestic violence and just an excuse to bash Meghan.
The Times reported that the royal family will still socialise with Sheikh Mohammed but not publicly despite high court ruling about his domestic abuse. I understand it’s a diplomatic issue too but of back of support for Andrew their speeches on these issues sound hollow
Aww poor dull home wrecker! Try harder CamCam.
Oh honey. Charles, Diana and Camilla ALL had affairs with married partners. Let’s not focus all of that hate on Cam when there’s NO WAY she gives a flying f-ck about being ‘overshadowed’. This is fabricated tabloid nonsense to stir the pot.
DIana went into the marriage in good faith,Charles didn’t that says it all to me.. I think Camilla does like attention, I see that very self satisfied look on her face in that picture.
Apparently the royal press is unable to cover two stories at once? When one of them has an Instagram post they can get on their phone while in attendance of the other?
It makes no sense to me. They could have given it the coverage but chose not to and I fail to see how that is Meghan’s fault.
It’s funny how obvious the press is. Camilla has never received much coverage. Blaming Meghan is laughable especially since it’s over a post. You can’t be that important if that’s all it takes to be overshadowed.
I don’t think she cares or would waste her energy resenting Meghan. Just another day for Camilla to be drunk with the horses, (still laughing).
Wasn’t Camilla’s last speech “overshadowed” by a rescheduled visit for Kate on her 5 questions tour? There wasn’t anything written about Kate stealing the spotlight from Camilla then. Hmmm.
It seems to me she’d be more bothered by Kate, who has been extolled in the media as being “classy,” Perfect, et al. And comments about her being a “great Queen” and could they skip over Charles. I don’t see how Camilla can stand this overhype.
Or perhaps Camillas speech was overshadowed by Kate’s attempt to overshadow Meghan by doing the blue coat pap stroll to the bookstore?
LMAO luckily I wasn’t sipping my coffee at the moment I read this. Thanks @Chaine
Hahaha. Very funny. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
BRF has been claimed to be the firm, in that case due to subordination shouldn’t Meghan follow what her “boss” tells her to do while she still has “contract” with them till the end of March?
Yes, but whats the firm gonna do? Fire her?!
If you’re able to be overshadowed, it’s something YOU’RE doing wrong or lack…and not the fault of the person that can overshadow you.
1/There are 24 hours in a day. The RR can cover two events at the same time, especially when one event amounts to an Instagram post.
2/ Royal events outside of W&K’s and H&M’s rarely received media attention. Acting like it’s something new, solely due to Meghan’s presence and posts is disingenuous at best.
3/ I would not have heard of this speech if it was not for the dubious Meghan connection so it’s actually a good thing. But again, see 2/
4/ I don’t really think Camilla cares any way. Charles? That’s another matter.
The British press are some gaslighting f-ckers. “LOOK what Meghan MADE us do! We had to cover HER instead of CAM!”
Knowing damn well they never really cover Camilla anyway.
This is really such a spectacular self-own type of article. “Hey everyone! We, the royal press pack, are so singlemindedly obsessed with Meghan, that we can’t even cover an important speech about women’s issues and domestic abuse that we were specifically told to cover by the royals! They told us this was the number one top priority and we ignored it on purpose even though it’s our job to cover this stuff! We would prefer to write articles about an Instagram post than write about a more senior royal giving an actual speech in person in real time. And the speech that we missed was all about women being abused and treated poorly, and it went so far over our heads that we’ve chosen to write articles dumping on one woman, and pitting women against each other, and insinuating that our actions are all the bad black woman’s fault! So not only did we not do our job by not covering the important speech about important issues facing women, we’re also actively working to undermine the ideals expressed in the very important speech!”
They’re so hypocritical. Screaming that Camilla’s speech about women’s issues was so important and needed to be heard because women are treated so poorly, all while trashing another woman and trying to justify that trashing.
You are on fire here Amy Too. Love it. To quote another celebitchy poster from last week: Please pick out the Tiara of the day. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
you know what the worst thing is of all of this: some people actually blame Meghan for her lack of respect, her not knowing her place in the pecking order of royalty, no wonder she is leaving……those people completely forgot there were other royals out on that day; I know there is definitely a serious lack of critical thinking involved in all of this but Meghan is out of that country! I couldn’t be more ecstatic for her!!!
They can go back to having the RF they have always wanted and frankly really deserve
It’s not like they were covering the event itself. It was literally an Instagram post. The press had no excuse not to write up Camillas event.
It’s not about overshadowing Camilla-she could not give a duck. It’s about overshadowing a speech on a very important topic that needs a lot of attention.
Yes, because no one can read two news articles in one day.
The Sussex Instagram post was posted at the same time as Camilla’s. The press are salty bc they respected the embargo on the school story, but then the National Theater photos were released anyway. And allegedly the Sussex team was aware of the timing and had been asked specifically not to post or release pictures so Camilla could have her moment.
I agree. Even this site has done what it accuses the British media of doing.
Domestic violence IS an important topic and news/gossips sites can cover more than one thing at a time.
So why isn’t Celebitchy doing better than the UK press and giving us information about Camilla’s speech?
Two separate issues.
The topic and speech are important. It was wonderfully appropriate.
This assumes mass coverage of the speech if Meghan hadn’t an IG post. Not likely, it’s just easier to throw blame.
If I may borrow from someone above, all BRF women should have been marking the day in a meaningful way. Rather sad how some sat it out or tweeted pics.
Lizzie, that is exactly it. this speech wouldn’t have gotten significant coverage regardless of what Meghan posted on IG. That’s unfortunate because it is an important issue, but that’s how it goes, Camilla’s events do not get the same coverage that other royals get.
how is that Meghan’s fault? Did she force people to cover IG posts? my goodness, is this dissonance thinking or what? Even CB acknowledged she wouldn’t have covered it without the Meghan overshadow BS…………what prevented you from listening to Camilla? Harry was out and wasn’t the only one out……all of your obsession with Meghan is somehow blamed her! She is the witch who is preventing you from being on the right path!
LOL, the only reason I even knew Camilla did this event was because of articles describing it and how Meghan “overshadowed” it, how ironic.
Same here. However it might be a nice gesture if the Sussexes at some point in the future highlight all the work Camilla has been doing for this important cause. Maybe later when they are back in Canada and can’t credibly be accused of trying to save face on the latest pearl clutching.
Absolutely not. H&M dont owe anything to anybody. It would be a nice gesture if Camilla apologized on behalf of the RFs racism.
It would be a nice gesture but they will no longer be working royals so why would they spotlight a working royal? Another thing I’m sure not forgotten is Camilla’s silence when directly asked about them by a reporter. Best that everyone goes their own way and if Camilla want’s more media coverage hire a competent PR person/team instead of using royal sycophants who are 30 years past their due date.
Absolutely NOT!!!!!! It is not Meghan & Harry’s problem to highlight others’ work! you people couldn’t stop reminding Meghan & Harry how low they are in the whatever list, you will have to pay attention to your senior royals by yourselves; Meghan, especially her because she is the one people really object to; had H marry another Kate you would have all be fine, has important problems to solve!
@Mercury ——– THANK YOU
Oh yes, I know I can’t read more than one news article a day! *eye roll*
To be fair Meghan is so popular she overshadows her own events. The same weeks she did the National Theatre event, she then did the Endeavour one with Harry that overshadowed that, and then the Military Musical one that overshadowed the Endeavour one. People are just very eager to see either of them and as long as that sells, it’s gonna grab all the headlines.
She may not have cared; this can all be, as ever, fabricated bullshit; but why not put out ONE statement to deny it? Why are there always, ALWAYS crickets when it comes to Meghan?
Just like Kate who never denied the gossip that Meghan “made her cry.”
Camilla being overshadowed for the last 6 months by the “Future Queen” who “everyone depends on” and who is “holding the monarchy together”?: *crickets*
Meghan posts some pictures on Sussex IG on the day of Camilla”s “major speech”?: Fury!! Rage!!
These people can’t get out of their own way. The suck so bad.
Even when H & M return to Canada, the news will continue to blame Meghan for upstaging the rest of The Firm even though she is in a different country. The fact of the matter is that Meghan overshadowed Kate and she wasn’t having any of that, which Wil heard an earful of since she was angry that she was no longer the most adored royal, and lazy too! They will never be able to get away from the hatred from the British public and The Firm and it will become worse once TQ passes away.
Well they better get used to it because that will be happening more often now that the Sussexs have no BP office and wont be communicating with the palace about their future plans😏
My thoughts exactly! They only have a few more hours of the Sussex’s “You Couda Had A Bad B*tch” tour. So suck it up and be quiet.
As important as Camilla’s work is, let’s be fair: she could be overshadowed by a blade of grass blowing in a cute direction.
@redweathertiger This is a weird and, frankly, kind of a gross comment.
Wow. How so? Grass is small and casts a tiny shadow. I’m not sure what you’re trying to read into it.
Redweather you are correct. Camilla has NEVER grabbed headlines except for when Charles cheated on Diana and even then Diana was the star. Poor little rich woman.
Im sorry but who cares about Camillas speaches? Yes its important but not much attention there for her. It’s just another dig at Meghan. Shes only there for a few days and they cannot let it go. Everything for clicks. They are really the worst.
I tend to doubt lil daydrinking Camilla would really be all that bothered. A few G&T’s and all is forgotten.
An Instagram post shouldn’t be able to outshine a whole speech by the future Queen Consort of England. Harry said he didn’t like the Rota, so they should stop covering the things Meghan and Harry do.
Oh Lord, this whole summer is going to be full of stories about the Sussex Instagram “overshadowing”, “copying”, or “shading” whichever royal engagement happens to fall within the same 48 hour period. Like, how dare Meghan take up any space at all! It proves that her very existence is a threat even from afar.
Simply amazing that Camilla is given any country at all. Her claim to fame is being the other woman who while married had a decades long affair with the heir to the throne and helped him emotionally abuse his young naive wife into a eating disorder & several suicide attempts.
How Charles convinced his sons to accept her as a maternal figure is astounding.
The cheek of her speaking about domestic violence (I know she has family members that were directly impacted by DV) while she has a history of emotional and psychological abuse towards another woman.
I hope Harry & Meghan continue to shine so bright they burn this entire institution to the ground.