“Naomi Campbell was preparing for the coronavirus for years” links

Naomi Campbell made a YouTube video about her hazmat-wearing flight. [Dlisted]
Reese Witherspoon insists that she’s BFFs with Beyonce. [Just Jared]
Lainey on the royal privilege of Balmoral summer plans. [LaineyGossip]
Cate Blanchett, a style retrospective. [Go Fug Yourself]
This is the kind of public shaming I can get behind. [Pajiba]
California is closing the state’s bars. New York too. [Jezebel]
Can we learn from the AIDS crisis during the coronavirus crisis? [Towleroad]
Sebastian Stan washes his hands a lot. [Seriously OMG]
The costumes of Westworld are still amazing. [Tom & Lorenzo]

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18 Responses to ““Naomi Campbell was preparing for the coronavirus for years” links”

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  1. Mac says:

    I wish America had prepared like Naomi.

    • Yeahbutt says:

      Us “Chicken Littles” do well in national emergencies. Stocked up, used to worry, at home w paranoia 😳

  2. Juliette says:

    I hope every single one of these people that bulk bought things like wipes, TP etc. get stuck with it all and lose tons of money. Disgusting behavior. There is a guy where I am that bought thousands of dollars of wipes to resell at a huge markup.

    He was interviewed on TV and was so flippant & arrogant about it. Said he was a “hustler” and no one is helping him pay for his $20K school for his kids. He was so publicly shamed he’s gone into hiding and has been kicked off of Amazon and Ebay.

    A further check of his name and surprise he has an extensive criminal record and his construction comp;any has been sued multiple times.

    Let’s look out for one another and share if you’ve got extra. I’m checking on a very elderly neighbor daily so make sure she’s OK & doesn’t need anything. They have started opening the grocery stores around me an hour early to let the elderly shop first. These are scary times.

  3. Veronica S. says:

    LOL, that Pajiba article is even funnier with the followup about the legal ramifications if you read the original NYT article first. I remember thinking as I read it, “Are these idiots seriously giving out their full names when this shit is notoriously illegal in most states?” Funniest thing I’ve seen all week.

    Less funny note: I do hope everyone catches on to the point other people are making about the way huge drug companies do this kind of price gouging with life saving drugs like insulin and epinephrine, which are sold at costs far greater than their worth.

  4. Trillian says:

    These suits and masks are meant to be worn by people caring for the sick, not by ex-supermodels who think they absolutely HAVE to travel during a worldwide crisis. Dumb B*tch.

  5. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    I love Sebastian Stan. The Winter Soldier is my favorite Marvel character. I have no shame.

  6. Nev says:

    Naomi may be bitchy or a hard working bitch as she has said but she is definitely not a Ex-Supermodel. No way.

  7. ZsaZsa Fierce says:

    I died at the end. After all that ‘protection’, she kissed her hands with the used gloves still on.

  8. lucy2 says:

    Idris Elba just announced he has COVID 19.

  9. Larelyn says:

    So, did anyone watch the White House press meeting this afternoon? You know, the one where Trump said he took the Covid19 test, but then couldn’t describe it? I hate everything about this timeline.

  10. Sure thing says:

    Tone deaf idiot.

  11. phlyfiremama says:

    NOT MY IDRIS!!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁

  12. She looks great, no matter what.

  13. Otaku fairy says:

    The Towerload article brought out some good points. There have been a lot of racist responses to this outbreak, sadly not just from the usual suspects. Anyone can be guilty of feeling entitled to pick and choose which marginalized communities they don’t have to be careful about, but the reminders about the homophobic response to HIV should be a nice wake up call to everyone. On a more positive note, it’s been reassuring to see all the racism being called out too. Now is a time for more compassion.

  14. Yeppers says:

    LOL at that shot of her peering so unselfconsciously out the car window! #coronaviruschic #falseeyelashesbeforegoggles #pandemicchic

    (Just to clarify, I’m chuckling bitterly at this woman’s social media’ing of the crisis. The crisis nothing to be laughed at and I hope everyone is taking good care to limit infectivity as much as possible so the elderly/vulnerable get the best possible chance, but I’m laughing at Campbell.)

  15. MangoAngel says:

    She’s utterly ridiculous. Stay home. Don’t travel unnecessarily. Can’t she think of something interesting to do at home she could plaster all over Instagram, or is blowing kisses at a pandemic her only option?

    And Sebastian Stan…soooo many heart eyes 😍😍😍