Eva Mendes & Ryan Gosling ‘are hands-on parents & don’t have any nannies’

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Old-school gossips remember how Eva Mendes used to operate. She was honestly one of the thirstier celebrities out there, constantly pap strolling to show off her outfits and her dog, and giving a million interviews to promote one supporting role in a film. She always had hustle, but yeah, she was a normal, thirsty celebrity ten or eleven years ago. Even when she first got with Ryan Gosling, she definitely set up some pap strolls and made sure that we knew about their life together. But things did change once Ryan and Eva had been together for a few years. She got pregnant and she would disappear for months at a time. She still disappears for months at a time. She’s basically retired from acting and her biggest gig these days is her New York & Co line. So… Us Weekly just wants to remind us that Eva is a stay-at-home mom and they don’t have nannies.

Like the rest of the world, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are hunkered down at home during the coronavirus pandemic — but the ultra-private couple are used to keeping a low profile.

“They’re hands-on parents and don’t have any nannies,” a source reveals exclusively in the new issue of Us Weekly. “Being confined to their home with two small children is exhausting at times, especially without hired help.”

That said, the Place Beyond the Pines costars have been together for nearly a decade, so it seems they are doing things just right.

“Eva has programmed her entire routine and career to ensure family comes first — then work fits in around it,” a second insider tells Us. “Ryan is protective of Eva and a very doting dad.” During their downtime, Gosling, 39, Mendes, 46, and their daughters, Esmeralda, 5, and Amada, 3, enjoy taking trips to “the park and farmers markets,” according to the first source, in addition to reading, watching movies and cooking together. The La La Land star, in particular, likes whipping meals up in the kitchen.

“That’s his big thing,” the second insider tells Us. “He encourages everyone to do it with him. It’s fun for the whole family.”

[From Us Weekly]

From Eva’s rare interviews, I know that she has her family VERY close-by, and her sister and her mother are always around, helping her raise her daughters. I’m just saying, it’s easy to “not have any nannies” when your babies’ grandmother and auntie are always around for babysitting and childrearing. Besides all that, yeah, I do believe that Eva and Ryan are pretty happy. I think he loves the fact that Eva is a stay-at-home mom and he probably loves that he’s surrounded by all of that feminine energy in his home.


Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Holding Hands After Lunch

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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26 Responses to “Eva Mendes & Ryan Gosling ‘are hands-on parents & don’t have any nannies’”

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  1. Snap Happy says:

    These articles always make parenting seem like a competition. Like they are winning because they don’t use nannies.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, I hear you. I thought the whole thing read strangely, sort of contrived. I feel like whoever wrote the Us story just has no clue about how parenting works.

    • Eliza_ says:

      As neither of them are currently working but don’t have to worry about money… do they want a cookie?

      • Adrianna says:

        The article was written about them, not by them. They don’t want publicity and prefer to live a quiet, low key life. People make assumptions which are not always accurate or kind.

      • Swack says:

        @adrianna, they most l I’ll kely had to approve the article. So if they truly want the quiet life then turn down the offer of not only having the article written about them but also being on the cover. Just saying.

    • MuttonChop says:

      Also, it kind of forgets that at the end of the day, most working parents need help with childcare. Celebrities have access to nannies and probably need more flexible options on top of the luxury of being able to afford it. But a ton of working parents use daycare or rely on family members and that’s not seen as passing of child rearing.

  2. Granger says:

    This article is so odd. Who is this source? Are we supposed to believe Ryan/Eva didn’t have something to do with this story? I’m guessing Eva is getting tired of being out of the limelight and will start to get her name back out there. (Goop “disappeared” too for a few years after she married a guy who didn’t crave as much attention as she needed. Now she’s thirstier than ever.)

    • Darla says:

      Well, why shouldn’t she have a career? She had one before she met him. This is just me, but I don’t find this big “oh she’s the little stay at home mom” lifestyle reflects well on Gosling. Not at all.

      • Granger says:

        Point taken — and I’m definitely not saying she can’t have a career! I’m saying that she was pretty thirsty before she married Gosling, and I think “disappearing” is starting to weigh thin. She wants to get back out there — not just to work, but to get some of that attention back.

  3. Joanna says:

    I don’t have a problem with anyone having help with children. So they don’t get a cookie from me for not having help.

  4. a says:

    The way they present themselves rubs me the wrong way. It’s as if she deserves a pat on the back for giving up her career for her kids. If that’s her choice, fine, but it’s not somehow more admirable than continuing to work.

  5. S says:

    Before I had kids, I used to think nannies were for people who didn’t want to take care of there own kids and, while I’m sure that’s true in a few cases, I have three children, two of whom had an esophageal issue (the little flap that keeps acid and food down after you swallow, doesn’t close completely; It’s a genetic thing that usually resolves itself in a year or two) that meant they didn’t sleep for more than 4 hours at a time until they were 18 and 21 months, respectively, and if they were awake, they weren’t crying, they were screaming. You bet your ass if we could have afforded help, I would have had it. And not because I didn’t love and want to spend time with my kids, but because, especially when they’re young, it’s exhausting and nerve-wracking.

    We also didn’t live near family, so it was a ride. We didn’t even figure out the exact cause until it happened the second time—with the third kid. Because, let’s face it, if both the first two had, had it, the third wouldn’t exist.

    Now, they’re all a little older (4-12) and a lot easier to physically care for, but there’s still a lot of shuttling around to the point where, in normal times, I spend more time in my car than my house, and that’s without me being very gung-ho about activities—the opposite actually, but it still adds up. If I could delegate the pickup/drop off/wait routine or have someone else doing the tedious but necessary bits of momming (endless laundry, cleaning, shopping, etc.), I would, and this is from someone who is already luckier than most as I’m a full-time mother at this point.

    What I’m saying is, actually having kids has made me a LOT less judge-y about other people’s parenting. For the most part, we’re all just doing our best.

  6. sassbr says:

    Heaving family living near you who may or may not help with the kids (what a wild speculation) is a normal for a lot of people and doesn’t replace or substitutes the help/work of a real nanny. Nothing wrong with having a nanny at all but I would say the standard non-celebrity person does not have true nannies. Mother’s helper maybe but actually nannies like a very busy person would, no.

  7. Mia4s says:

    Considering this seems to be the only story about these two that pops up, maybe they should just not bother until Ryan’s next movie. They don’t have nannies because either Eva decided to stop working or it was decided Ryan’s career took priority over everything. Fine. Here’s a cookie. I don’t get the need to keep telling us this? Truth is they could alternate who works when, or, and here’s a shocker, the kids would actually be fine if they had a nanny. Hell Ryan doesn’t work every year anyway. Crazy wealthy couple has only one partner who works. Wow…I’m soooo impressed. 🙄

  8. Fleur says:

    This article hits me the wrong way, I don’t have children so I’m speaking from a no kid zone over here but.. we really need to take the stigma out of nannies ( or routine child care or whatever). We are one of the first generations not lo live with extended family in the house or across the street—people routinely around to help relieve the psychological and economic pressure of child-rearing. Children are wonderful, but exhausting, emotionally and physically. I think most households would be better served by having the occasional ‘helper’ or occasional daycare than by 2 emotionally and physically knackered parents who are too exhausted to be there for their kids or each other.

    And why shouldn’t she be allowed to have her own interests? Must her identity be wholly subsumed by her children’s needs and her husband’s needs?

  9. Mama says:

    This quote… ““They’re hands-on parents and don’t have any nannies,” a source reveals exclusively in the new issue of Us Weekly. “Being confined to their home with two small children is exhausting at times, especially without hired help.”

    Wow. However do they manage without hired help? How did I do it while working full time with a son who is incredibly difficult for various reasons. Imagine… I hate quotes like that. Yes, parenthood is exhausting. No shit.

  10. Petite hirondelle says:

    I think she talks a lot in her recent interviews and she is answering to all the comments on instagram. Even said what They are cooking. She has given more informations in some months than in 10 years. So it is maybe why there are new stories about them with non stories Then… she was a famous star, she wants to come back mauve. It would not be strange after all that time at home

  11. LunaSF says:

    I would love to have the resources for a nanny and /or have family close by to help out a day or two a week with my 10 month old! I just want a nap and go to Starbucks by myself. No shame in having help if you can get it. These stories are so ridiculous, having family close is even better than a nanny and she has the option to stay home as well which many working families don’t have!

  12. Mee says:

    LIES!! They have a nanny. Always have. Even with her mom living with them

  13. Kimberly says:

    weva was in the movie with the girl from the freeform shows the fosters and good trouble…it was super cute…..

  14. Guesting says:

    No shaming having a nanny and no shaming those who can afford or choose to stay home with their kids. It takes a village and kids are tough to raise any way you look at it. This is a non story for me

  15. MaryContrary says:

    Even if there isn’t a “nanny” per se, maybe there’s a part time sitter? I had one when my kids were little. A friend tried to give me a hard time about having help since I was a SAHM. My feeling was, my husband has assistants at work-if we can afford it, why can’t I? It allowed me to work in my older kids’ classrooms, take one kid some place on their own, or run to the store or the gym on my own. It’s a lot to have little kids-mine were never great sleepers, so I went years without a full night’s sleep, and my husband traveled and worked long hours. I never shame anyone for having help-family or paid.

    • Tanya says:

      I took it to mean there’s no nanny now, with everyone self isolating. Not that there’s never a nanny.

  16. SJR says:

    Good for them.

  17. Stelly says:

    When I was still living in LA Ryan came to my baby’s music class with one of his daughter’s who was a toddler at the time. It was so surreal! He sang along and danced and everything. You could tell all the moms were dying inside but trying to play it cool. So yeah, I believe he’s hands on. After that I switched to a different class time cause I didn’t want to have to primp before every class in case he was there again!

    • Vernie says:

      I love reading anecdotes like this. Thank you for sharing, Stelly! (And I’m sure you would’ve looked just fine, primping or no primping.)