Dr. Anthony Fauci: When this is all over, we should stop shaking hands permanently

Members Of The Coronavirus Task Force Hold Press Briefing

I’m personally not crazy about all of the worship for Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has become one of the few voices of reason, sanity and calm during the pandemic. Dr. Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and he’s part of Trump’s coronavirus taskforce. Dr. Fauci has been blanketing the media for weeks to provide factual information in an apolitical way. That’s it. He seems like a good doctor and he’s doing his job. He’s not a “heartthrob” or a sexy zaddy. I do appreciate that he’s perfectly willing to spread his apolitical science-gospel to the people through all kinds of media. The other night, he did a link-up interview on Desus & Mero. He’s doing interviews on talk shows and all kinds of radio stations. And now he’s doing podcasts too – Dr. Fauci appears on The Journal podcast (associated with the Wall Street Journal) and he chatted about “the return to normal” and whether we, as a society, should just stop shaking hands. Some quotes:

The light at the end of the tunnel: The NIAID director hoped to see “light at the end of the tunnel” by the end of April. Speaking about the eventual return to normal life, Dr. Fauci said: “When you gradually come back, you don’t jump into it with both feet. You say what are the things you could still do and still approach normal. One of them is absolute compulsive hand washing. The other is you don’t ever shake anybody’s hands.” He also suggested that people might want to wear “cloth face protection” if they could not avoid being within six feet of others as life starts its return to normal.

The return to normalcy should come in phases: Asked to paint a picture of what life may look like once the worst of the novel coronavirus has passed, Dr. Fauci said he could see the country phasing back to normality by doing such things as limiting the number of people who can be at a restaurant or event at any one time.

An antibody test: “…When this goes down, and gets down to almost zero, when we get to that, then I think what’s important… there is an antibody test that will be widely distributed pretty soon, in the next few weeks, that will allow you to know whether or not you’ve actually been infected. I can imagine a situation where you take an antibody test and you are absolutely positive that you were infected and you did well, then you could hug the heck out of your grandmother and not worry about it.”

We should never shake hands again: “I don’t think we’re ever going to get back to free-flying lack of attention to what transmissibility of infections are. I think that people are going to be careful. I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease, it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country.”

[From Newsweek]

Because I’m a blogger who works from home, I’m not shaking hands with people on a regular basis anyway. I do shake hands with men in various business situations (car dealerships, lawyers) but in my everyday pre-corona life… I could go weeks without handshakes. But I’m sure most people live differently, especially if you work in an office and/or sales/banking/business, public service, etc. So will you stop shaking hands now? Will you do the “namaste” prayer hands? Will you just do the business-nod of acknowledgment? Also, I’m very curious about the antibody test.

PS… I really need the good doctor to STOP TOUCHING HIS FACE. He is shaking hands with his face!!

Trump Daily Coronavirus Briefing

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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114 Responses to “Dr. Anthony Fauci: When this is all over, we should stop shaking hands permanently”

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  1. Alissa says:

    I’m deeply hate handshakes anyway, so I will be thrilled if we just eliminate them. there’s really no need for someone to stick their cold, clammy hand in mine.

    • Sojaschnitzel says:

      Especially men. You know how many of them don’t wash their hands after using the toilet.

      • Ali says:

        Men are gross

      • Andrew’s Nemesis says:

        Not just men. Don’t know how many times I’ve been furiously working up soap gloves while some woman drifts past me, waves her fingers at the taps, and spends ten minutes fixing her lipstick.

      • Adrianna says:

        From what I’ve heard, not a whole lot of men are washing their hands after urinating in public restrooms, maybe around 30%, the “zip and go” society.

      • Adrianna says:

        Everyone hugs nowadays too, don’t like that either!

    • bettyrose says:

      So much. Japan has one of the most formal business cultures in the world and they’ve got it down with polite head nods on introduction – no need to touch every hand in the room. Can we please adopt that?

      • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

        Makes me wonder what the BRF will do once Walk-Abouts start up again. Will they continue to shake, and reach into crowds? Will there even BE crowds?? Will they wear gloves, like Petty Betty does? Enquiring minds wanna know! 😊

      • bettyrose says:

        I’m guessing handshakes with the public are off the table for good. No hate for that but I’m guessing the RF isn’t too sad either.

  2. Darla says:

    I’m in sales and shake a lot of hands, and I have always been SO grossed out by it. This cultural change will be one good thing to come out of this, but it’s such a small thing compared to all of the death and economic carnage.

    • Reece says:

      I work in sales too. I hate shaking hands and I have no problem making it entirely awkward.

  3. B n A fn says:

    I’m all for not shaking hands, kissing or hugging. I’ll wear gloves and face mask for the foreseeable future, also keep my distance from strangers. I can live with these new normal.

    Btw, Fauci is the only one I trust. I believe he gives the facts, only the facts, that has put his job in jeopardy with con man.

    • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

      I prefer the head nod, or even the Namaste myself. I’ll even do the “Mr. Spock”( \\// Live Long & Prosper) rather than shake (if I HAVE to shake, there damned well better be a sink with soap and PAPER towels nearby!).

      As for Dr. Fauci…gotta *SORTA* disagree with this Kaiser:“ … not heartthrob” or a sexy zaddy.” Yeah… he’s not either of those…but damn…SMART *IS* sexy. Hands down… pun intended! 😄

  4. Trillian says:

    I don‘t like shaking hands anyway. A friendly smile and a nod will do just fine. Too many people have clammy hands and kind of just wipe their hands in yours anyway, that‘s gross.

    • manda says:

      omg, yes, that is so gross. I didn’t even think of that

      • Esmom says:

        I am getting more grossed out by handshakes than I ever have, thanks to this thread! I’d be happy to never do it again now.

  5. Edie says:

    I agree with your comment about being uncomfortable with the Dr. Fauci worship. It seems some Americans are looking for their white daddy savior to save them from the lying mess administration. Americans should have learned from Muellar.

    • Darla says:

      Yes, agreed

    • B n A fn says:

      Dr Fauci is a civil servant, he been working for the government for over 20 years I believe, for about 5 presidents. I’m looking for civil servants that refuses to kiss the con man A$$.

    • Erinn says:

      I get why that’s problematic. But when this man is receiving death threats on the simple basis that he’s telling the truth about a field he is VERY knowledgeable in… I don’t mind so much if people want to fawn over him a bit to balance it out.

    • Lua says:

      Omg. The white savior insult is overused. He’s a doctor fighting to get the facts out. No one but you cares about his race. We care about his credentials and his transparency. Don’t like him because he’s white? Ignore him and go back to not washing your hands and coughing and sneezing at people in overcrowded locations. People are so rude to public servants. He’s receiving death threats and being attacked from every angle for trying to help people. I’m so over the internet’s judgmental people sitting on their couches at home throwing tantrums over every. little. thing. Get over yourself and go back to Netflix. Excuse me, I have to go back to work. Treating COVID patients, by the way. Go ahead and talk s**t about me too. I’m sure you’ll find something to judge me for from the safety of your anonymous laptop 🙄🙄🙄

      • Slacker says:

        thank you Lua. Fauci doesn’t have to be doing what he does and there is little to no glory involved. He’s doing it to save lives. Going on as many talk shows, news, podcasts etc is spreading the word as widely as possible. It’s part of his job as a public health servant and he obviously takes it seriously. He is trying to help and getting threatened for it. He’s a 79 year old man, and hes risking himself for the country. I’m grateful

      • Seraphina says:

        LUA, I agree with you. Fauci is just doing his job. I love to see him chuckle when Trump interjects and won’t let him answer. He is a civil servant and only cares about trying to help. As far as using the color of his skin, that is an insult to us all. The Surgeon General is African American and I listen to him just like I do Fauci. And I live in Virginia. The Commissioner of the Health Department is African American and I listen to him like I do Fauci. All three speak clearly and with good information. Nothing political about what they say and that’s why people listen.

      • Joanna says:

        @lua, calm down. I’m white. Yes we do tend to trust whites more. Look how Obama’s every eye tick was questioned but look at what trump has gotten away with doing and saying. All people are saying is don’t make him out to be our white savior. White is an adjective just like how my mom talks about her black friends. But I trust his expertise because of his background.

      • T says:

        Spot on Lua. Just WTF? And the reference to Mueller in conjugation with Fauci? I just…no.

      • Soupie says:


    • lucy2 says:

      I think people are desperate for intelligence, leadership, experience, and competency. I know I am. I’m so glad he’s there and working to help everyone, despite the big orange turd of a road block constantly in his way. I’m not worshipping him, but I’m damn grateful he’s there.

    • Mismeasure says:

      He was one of the first scientists from the research community to take AIDS really seriously. He worked with AIDS activists very early on to increases knowledge and funding to help prevent it. He totally seems like someone to look up to.

    • jbones says:

      Speaking of worship….I think it’s revolting in Catholic church services everyone shakes hands and then goes up to receive communion in their dirty hands; no sanitizer in sight. So gross. Happy Easter everyone, stay home.

      • Smacd says:

        Isn’t the sign of peace given at the end of mass, after communion has already been given? Are you also mad about other religions kissing religious objects after each another?

      • Cinnamon says:

        @SMACD, no the sign of peace is done before communion. We also hold hands during the Lord’s prayer, which is also before communion. Not to mention sharing the same cup of wine during communion, which is wiped between congregants but heck that’s a germ fest too! Us Catholics are a bunch of touchers (all jokes aside, I’m not even talking about the molesters) and it will be interesting to see how things adapt after this. I’m in California and what I call California Catholics tend to be a little more progressive with things so we may end up dropping all of the physical contact during mass.

    • Jaded says:

      @Edie – how dare you bring race into this. Fauci is doing an amazing job while trying to stick-handle the orange menace who spews nothing but self-congratulations, lies and vitriol at every opportunity. I’m surprised he hasn’t fired Fauci for telling the truth – he continues to censor him at pressers. Fauci has been a leader in research on HIV, ebola and many other deadly diseases. He is not a “white daddy” and you know what? Black, white, red, yellow, plaid, whatever – we need to be colour blind in order to kill COVID-19.

      • Kitkatdanke says:

        “plaid, whatever” — you’re not doing yourself any favours when advocating for colorblindess by listing races that don’t exist. You realize that corona is killing extremely disproportionate rates of African Americans, right? So a blanket appeal to colorblindess is kind of out of touch?

        Edie is absolutely right that the American public tends to valorize any white male who speaks coherently, who they can defer to as “the adult in the room” that will allow them to resume not caring about politics. Mueller, Avenatti, Cuomo, Fauci. America has a problem with the Great Man Theory.

      • Jaded says:

        @Kitkatdanke – it’s called having a sense of humour in a terrible pandemic. Lighten up. Of course I realize COVID-19 is killing disproportionate numbers of African Americans, but taking a cheap shot at a brilliant epidemiologist simply because of his colour is a low blow. Fauci is more than a white male who speaks coherently – he is an extraordinarily gifted man with over a dozen awards and honours, has written dozens of publications, has degrees coming out his ears, and has been key in controlling the transmission of HIV/AIDS, ebola and other deadly diseases. Just because he’s white doesn’t mean he’s nothing more than a talking head. Take that big chip off your shoulder.

      • Hoot says:

        Thank you Jaded.

    • Kitkatdanke says:

      Mueller, Comey, Avenatti, now Cuomo and Fauci. You’re absolutely right.

  6. Aang says:

    I think the Japanese bow with arms down at the sides is more professional than the prayer hands bow. I’d save that for friends and family.

  7. manda says:

    I am completely down with not shaking hands. So many people don’t do it well anyway, and then that turns into a thing, for me at least. I can’t stand a limp handshake! And then, I also don’t need you to break my hand. Hugging can also go away, but I’ve always been anti-hugging because too many people I barely know have tried to hug me. Get off! I’m very happy with respecting personal space

    • Spicecake38 says:

      We sound like the same person.Hand shakes are non essential,and so many people do something wrong…like the weirdo who holds on a little too long.And hugging-fine between people you know and love but having someone I just met hug me,no thanks.
      We can respect one another without being in each other’s personal space.

      • Hoot says:

        manda & Spicecake38 – thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! Ever since I was a child I was forced to hug and kiss my (mom’s side of the family) relatives, and I detested it… especially those uncles who kissed on the lips. Ugh. I always wanted to die. I thought I was a weirdo, but it turns out I just liked my personal space and hated others’ germs. I finally started turning my head when I was a teen. I now feel vindicated. Hooray!

  8. Becks1 says:

    I’m fine with not shaking hands anymore.

    Its going to be interesting to see when and HOW we return to normal. Its not going to be instantaneous.

    I think the Fauci worship is just because its such a relief to have someone who follows the science (as you would expect someone like him to do.) He’s willing to contradict Trump when he’s standing right next to him, which is something that fewer and fewer people are willing to do. I don’t worship him and I didn’t realize people thought of him as a heartthrob or whatever (that’s super weird, lol.)

    I just think we’re at the point in our country where someone who is knowledgeable, prepared and competent is a welcome surprise.

    I’m in Maryland and people are fawning over our Republican governor’s response and talking about Hogan for president in 2024 etc. And I think he’s handling this really well, but its sad that people are so excited and happy when a leader responds to a crisis in a competent, nonpartisan manner.

    • Esmom says:

      Becks1, I read and interesting piece by a journalist locked down in China for 45 days. His account of when they were allowed to go back out was fascinating to me, people were really tentative and hesitant, which is not surprising at all. Something tells me that in the U.S., where we STILL cannot get some people to physically distance, going back to the old ways will be a piece of cake for many people.

      And I hear you about people being so grateful for leaders who are acting baseline competently. Such a contrast to the shrieking, petty partisanship that comes out of MAGA-land.

  9. Jerusha says:

    I’m not a handshaker or a hugger or a toucher in any way so that won’t be hard for me. I also thought I wasn’t a face toucher, but I never realized how often I scratched my nose or rubbed my eyes or leaned on my chin. Now I grab the tail of my shirt or a wipe when the urge strikes.

  10. Sarah says:

    I will be thrilled for shaking hands and hugs hello go by the wayside. I *finally* have an excuse to refuse hugs from my MIL every time we see each other. Makes me so uncomfortable but they get SO offended when I try to decline.

    • Hoot says:

      Well Sarah, it really is THEIR problem, not yours. You have absolutely no reason to feel like you’ve done something wrong by declining in-law hugs. It is your personal preference (and your right) to greet people the way you see fit. (I sure wish someone explained this to me decades ago instead of letting myself be bullied into “touching” my relatives/close acquaintances.)

  11. McMom says:

    I have hyperhydrosis, which means my hands are oftentimes sweaty. It’s a medical condition and it’s not easily treated. I would love for handshaking too go away – it’s an incredibly awkward situation for me and the people I’m shaking hands with. Or, we could bring back cute little satin or leather gloves, a la Jackie O. I’d be good with that.

    • Ang says:

      @MCmom, same here. My hands are almost always sweaty, it’s gross for me, imagine what other people think? I’ve ALWAYS hated handshaking and couldn’t wait until it wasn’t a social norm anymore. Plus people are disgusting and I don’t ever want to touch a strangers hands.

    • Esmom says:

      While old school gloves may be cute I am starting to realize that gloves are worse than bare hands, because at least we can wash our bare hands easily and often!

    • Feeshalori says:

      @MCMOM, does your handle indicate you own Maine Coons?

  12. IMUCU says:

    Mr. IMUCU has been avoiding handshakes for the last couple of years because he had someone squeeze his hand so hard, it hurt for several weeks after. If someone insisted on a handshake, he’d say he fist or elbow bumps and everyone respected that. He said he figured everyone would think he is a germaphobe, but he didn’t care…now A LOT of us will be germaphobes! I’m happy to see the handshake go away and will be substituting it with something like the head nod with smile, bow, or namaste hands (which I did occassionally anyway already, but more as an evasive move for avoiding a shake, now I’ll just be up front about it being a substitute for the handshake).

  13. Busyann says:

    Im just trying to figure out how I’m going to have my hair done safely when the all clear is given. How are we going to do that safely? Because quarantine hair is not pretty.

    • Joanna says:

      I just took my acrylic nails off yesterday. It will be so backed up too once everything opens back up. I already had a hard time getting into my favorite nail place. 😥

    • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

      Thing is, they’re expecting a 2nd and a 3rd wave (China is already seeing the 2nd). Considering how badly people are “listening” and following directives now, just how safe WILL it be when we’re “allowed” to start going out?? Will we still need to wear masks and gloves? Can someone get close enough to cut our hair, do our nails (both of these have someone within 1-2 ft. of us to do this).Will we be able to touch things w/out gloves & taking them home to furiously wash them before use/unwrapping/unpacking? Will we still keep over 60s indoors indefinitely, due to lack of a working vaccine and/or medicines?

      SO many IFs with this… I don’t think we’ll be “back” to anything “normal” for a very long time, if ever.

      I don’t think I was ever this scared, not even when I got my cancer diagnosis.

      • Jaded says:

        I had to cut Mr. Jaded’s hair the other day. Good thing I’m used to giving myself in-between trims and have proper scissors. Yes we will see 2nd and 3rd waves of this and people are going to have to be more self-reliant when it comes to mani’s, pedi’s, hair colouring, etc. It will be at least another year or more before things can get back to some semblance of normalcy and I too am scared, even though I live in BC and we seem to be flattening the curve quite well. At least when I got cancer I had my surgery and got on with things within a couple of months. This will go on and on….

      • Hoot says:

        So if I have a son getting married out of state the beginning of October I should be prepared that the event will not happen, right? I’ve already cancelled an upcoming early bridal shower. I have relatives flying across country to attend (in CA), and my future DIL has relatives flying in from Ireland. Just can’t see it happening. (Need to get my head to stop spinning.)

        Things could be a LOT worse, I realize that. It’s more important to be safe than sorry. I should suggest they elope. I don’t see it being safe enough to have that many people together at the beginning of the next flu season (and I’ll ignore my stomachache thinking about depo$it$ they’ll lose). At least the receiving line will be a moot point. For now my fingers are crossed, but I don’t even know for what?

  14. Nia says:

    This is such a brilliant opportunity for someone to be creative. A little dance instead of a handshake? A macarena type maybe? Could be fun.

  15. Omelette says:

    I hate shaking hands and never saw the point of it, but I’m from one of those countries where you greet your friends and family with a kiss on both cheeks and I would find it utterly depressing to stop doing that. It’s such a nice, affectionate way to greet those close to you. Just saying hi without touching and standing there awkwardly would be pretty awful (not as awful as getting Covid19 of course, but ugh). I think it would be extremely hard to get people to change on that matter because it’s so ingrained in our culture.

  16. KellyRyan says:

    I haven’t been directly in the business world for over ten years. I work from home, so hand shaking is no longer an issue. I am a hugger, friends, family, women’s hiking group and this may be at a pass for a time but it’s really a non-issue for me.

  17. Leducduswaz says:

    I’m all for getting rid of handshakes, but then again, I get nervous when people stand too close me. Not because of germs or viruses though. I got beat up a lot as a child, so I have serious trust issues with people who breach my privacy bubble.

  18. Godwina says:

    I have been anti-handshake for years because obviously. (And French bisous, cute as it may be, depending). SUCH a vector for cold and flu and WE’VE KNOWN BETTER FOR CENTURIES. I’ve spent many years rapid-assessing every situation re. whether I can politely get out of it, especially when meeting people in restaurants. I will NOT shake your hand right before we start eating. I often “have a cold” just to not look rude or hurt people’s feelings.

    Living in Germany is a particular nightmare because colleagues will greet other colleagues every morning with a handshake–not just reserved for meeting new people. And men are extra-insistent about it. Germany really needs to revise that shit (and I’m looking at cheek-kiss countries, too).

    Hoping hoping hoping… But you know what? after this I’ll just flat-out refuse anyway, because Covid cast a bit more enlightenment on people and I can probably get away with it more going forward.

  19. Kat says:

    Good riddance perfunctory handshakes, awkward hugs and cheek kisses. I will do prayer hands or small wave and nod. I don’t like when casual acquaintances want to touch me. I attend 12 step meetings and everyone always wants to hug and then circle up with hands around each other at the end for the serenity prayer. The hugging always made me uneasy because strangers and particularly men that are strangers would want to hug. I always politely refuse, but now it will be socially accepted to not touch!

  20. Bavarian says:

    I am european. I can not imagine a world where you dont shake Hands, hug a Person or double kiss on the cheeks to welcome someone. That sounds just horrible.

    • Becks says:

      Same. My family is from Latin America and cheek kissing is the norm amongst friends and family. I just can’t imagine not being able to do that.

    • FHMom says:

      I’m from the US , but my background is Italian, Syrian and Polish. My family and family friends are very affectionate. I ‘ve always felt that Americans are cold and inhospitable. When I studied/lived in Spain and France, I got very used to the double cheek kiss from strangers. I’m all for wearing face masks, though, especially in flu/allergy season.

    • Omelette says:

      Same. See my comment above. I’m all for changing our habits and starting to wear masks like they do in Asian countries when there’s a flu going around, but I don’t want to spend my entire life in a sanitary bubble, never hugging or kissing or expressing affection with simple gestures. That doesn’t sound like a life at all.

  21. Esmom says:

    One of my best friends is renting an Airbnb because he’s between homes. He recently went to go look at another one because his booking with his current place is about to run out and he said the guy who showed it to him was over-the-top touchy-feely, hugging him and even kissing his cheeks and constantly touching him! Right now, in the midst of a pandemic! He said he couldn’t get out of there fast enough to go home and completely scrub down.

    He said it’s extremely common in gay men’s culture to be very touchy feely and he’s never been comfortable with it and is hoping he can use this pandemic as an excuse to permanently distance himself from the practice.

  22. Kay says:

    As someone deeply dependent on touch to feel whole and happy and loved, all this “we’d be better off if we just stayed apart forever” talk is extremely literally depressing and makes me feel like my heart is gasping for air. I can’t spend my whole life not being touched. I need hugs. I need physical contact. There’s risk, yes, but nothing we do will mitigate all risk. There are times to take extreme measures to mitigate risk, but “why do we still do it?” Because humans need touch to survive.

    This whole thing has been an incredible wear on my already shaky mental health and while I know that we’re doing the right thing, and I’m staying inside, not going anywhere, not seeing anyone, for the greater good, it f-ing sucks and I feel like I’m falling down a well and the idea of hugging my friends close when this is over is all that keeps me going some days and to see people saying that shouldn’t happen? It hurts! In a way I feel like it shouldn’t, but it hurts!

    • a reader says:

      Kay, are we the same person?

      I am a very tactile extrovert and I hug everyone I care about. Like you mentioned… humans require physical contact to stay alive and remain mentally healthy. Hugging produces endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. THAT is why people like you and I are suffering so hard right now – our brains are literally being drained of our happy chemicals.

      I absolutely cannot wait to HUG all my friends as hard as I possibly can once this is over. Yes, I’ll ask first, but there is no way that I can function without that type of contact. All of you folks that are like, yeah this is easy I don’t need to be touched…. Must be nice.

    • Becks says:

      Same. Although I am more of an introvert, I can be very tactile
      and affectionate with my loved ones.

    • Esmom says:

      Kay, I’m sorry you are struggling during this crazy and uncertain time. It really sucks to be so isolated. While I think getting rid of handshakes is good, I don’t think anyone’s advocating for never touching our loved ones again. At least I hope they’re not!

    • AMA1977 says:

      @Kay, I don’t think the suggestion has been made to avoid all human touch of any kind forever; there is a vast difference between perfunctory actions like greeting distant acquaintances and business contacts with a handshake and hugging/kissing family and friends. If you and your friends all agree that the reward of a hug is worth the risk of possible infection, then you should continue to hug. Some people may no longer feel comfortable with those behaviors and may ask to show affection another way. There are lots of ways to show love and affections, and ways to show respect in a business setting more safely than through indiscriminate hand-to-hand contact.

      I’m sorry you are struggling with the requirements of social distancing and thank you sincerely for adhering to them even though it is difficult for you.

    • Omelette says:

      Totally agree, well said. Humans aren’t meant to spend their existence in a sterile bubble and 0% risk simply does not exist. There will come a time when we’ll be able to hug again. Stay strong and take care <3

  23. Case says:

    I think this is a good idea. I have a disability that makes handshakes awkward anyway, so it would be fine by me.

    Was just reading yesterday about how the chairman of Disney expects when they do reopen, they’ll scan people’s foreheads for fevers before allowing them in the parks, similar to what China is doing in some places for public transportation. I think it’s a great idea (I love Disney but the thought of going back there anytime soon is terrifying), but it’s just dizzying to think how different the world will be when we start going back out again.

    • Esmom says:

      Interesting. I was just at the grocery store where staff was being checked for fevers by their manager. It’s confusing, though, because the disease can still be transmitted when people are asymptomatic. I feel like doing this regularly everywhere might give people a false sense of security.

  24. Em says:

    Handshakes are archaic and I’d be thrilled to stop them. There are at least 10 things wrong with handshakes that I can think of
    1. Viruses, of course
    2. Nasty people who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom
    3. Toxic men who use it as a chance to show off their “strength” and basically assault you
    4. Perverts who use it as an opportunity to kiss your hand or pull you in for a hug/groping
    5. Sweat. Ugh!
    6. People judge you if you wear long nails
    7. People judge you if you have put in hand cream and they don’t like the scent
    8. There’s always a wrestling over duration if handshake – it’s weird and invasive
    9. If you are holding something, you feel compelled to put it down or balance it somehow.
    10. I just don’t like strangers touching me (including those “I’m on your side” arm touches that make me want to break fingers)

    So yeah, I’m all for ending the handshake.

    • lucy2 says:

      All of this! I am not a touchy feely person, so I’d be happy with all that going. I hug my family and my closest friends, and that’s enough. I don’t like people in my personal space at all, so I’m good if we keep this 6′ buffer too! I do hope it cuts down on colds and the flu too. I’ve always been cautious, but now I hope to be even more aware, especially since I get sick every time I travel.

      The day before our office closed, an engineer came in and he and 2 other guys all shook hands. I just looked at them in disbelief.

      • Em says:

        It’s funny, I’m actually very touchy feely. Just not with strangers! I love hugging my family and holding hands with my husband, and Am very touchy with close friends. It’s comforting.
        On the other hand, having a stranger paw at me for social convention does nothing for my emotional well-being.

  25. Nina Simone says:

    Regarding the antibody test I am concerned about it’s long term viability – there are reports of people getting reinfected and not having enough antibodies to stave off reinfection. There’s still so much unknown about the virus. So yeah there needs to be more definitive studies, I get they want to reopen the economy but not at the expense of people’s lives.

    • ME says:

      I wonder how long this virus has actually been circulating? Just my thoughts here, but maybe this is the second or third wave of it. The first wave went pretty much undetected because it was mild. When you catch the virus a second time it causes more damage, and perhaps a third time causes death? So much is unknown it is very scary. How are we ever going to be able to live “normal” again? I just don’t see it happening for years. With all the stupid anti-vaxxers, will the vaccine really be effective in providing herd immunity when so many won’t get it? I just want to give a huge thank you to those working in labs trying to figure all this out.

      • Nina Simone says:

        You make a good point. I had a really bad illness in early jan with flu like symptoms- worst flu ever took me 2 weeks to get over. I’ve seen a lot of folks share the same experience. Could it have been Covid ? It was also a bad flu season We just don’t know! I think a game changer will be getting everyone tested to check for if they’ve already had it. There has to be clear and definitive answers before any major steps are made to “reopen” the economy. Otherwise will people die? Will it spread again? Etc the unknown is frustrating.

      • lucy2 says:

        I know someone else who had that in early January, after going to Italy. I think he had it too. Antibody tests will be interesting for sure.

        So far most reinfections seem to be people who were discharged too early, and some false positive tests, most of the leading scientists seem to think reinfection isn’t likely, at least not right away. But who knows.

      • jbones says:

        @Me- valid point. These cases where people seem to recover from it, then they decline quickly…I often think of the whistleblower doctor who was likely exposed repeatedly; a healthy 34 yr old man who then died from it.

    • Sankay says:

      An antibody test would be great. At least we’d know if we had the virus. Yes, there is a lot we still need to know about COVID-19 but I think knowing that are bodies were successful at fighting the virus would be a huge step forward.

    • theotherViv says:

      I have an appointment for the anti body test next week. I was in Munich and then Milan in Jan/Feb before crap hit the fan and I already hadn’t wanted to go to Milan because of the virus so I prepped like a dooms prepper for a possible quarantine for when I came back and disinfected like a queen while in Italy. Then right after I came home all hell broke loose and I stayed home for two weeks. I did develop a cold after, I called my doctor since they didn’t just want patients with to show up with cold symptoms and he told me to stay in longer since it was a bitch to get hold of a test at that time and the hotlines were jammed. I stayed put and recovered, I don’t think I have had it, but if I did, wouldnt that be awesome! It would sure make taking care of my elderly parents and aunts easier. If I test positive I have already decided to volunteer for helping the elderly. My local supermarket is full of little old people shopping themselves because it’s the only time they get out. People with immunity need to go visit these people because they need CONVERSATION. Lets all get a test asap and help out.

  26. Whatnow says:

    I won’t be crying if the new norm is to not touch people without permission.

    I despise Huggers and kisses of the world.

    For the life of me I don’t understand why people think it’s okay to touch me when I’m so obviously standing there stiffly leaning away from you– I just don’t want you near me.

    There is so much emphasis on realizing how words affect people and their feelings. How about thinking about how your actions affect people.

    Look but don’t touch thank you

  27. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    I am totally ok with not shaking hands anymore. I’ve found most people to have a limp fish grip and it’s gross. Let’s just wave and say hi from now on.

  28. Marjorie says:

    Anthony Fauci was already a hero long before coronavirus developed because of his work in the AIDS epidemic.

    • crummycake says:

      Yes, I absolutely agree. Fauci is not only brilliant, he oftentimes has to correct the garbage coming out of the idiot in charge without pissing him off and getting fired (which would make it worse for all of us in the United States). He walks a tightrope every joint press conference & that alone takes a great amount of skill. I greatly admire and respect him.

  29. Minal says:

    Too bad white yoga moms ruined Namaste for everyone.

    • Jaded says:

      The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. There’s no need to blame “white yoga moms” for ruining it, it is universal and kind no matter who performs it.

      • SciLady says:

        In South Asia, where my parents are from, “namaste” is very much a Hindu greeting, like “salaam” is for Muslims. The meanings behind each can be thought of as universal and lovely (and they are, as e.g. salaam aleikum means peace to you), but they have very specific religious connotations too. As a non-Hindu, I never feel comfortable saying namaste to random people, just as I wouldn’t greet strangers with Salaam.

      • Jaded says:

        @SciLady – I respect your comment, however “namaste” has been in use worldwide for decades and not ruined by “white yoga moms”. My comment was meant to deracinate Minal’s statement which is clearly racist.

  30. Dee Kay says:

    I’m pretty sure my husband and I both had COVID-19 late last year. He flew through China on a work trip in the fall and felt very ill a short while later, then during Thanksgiving week, and the following week, I had a running 101.5 degree fever. The doctor said it was upper respiratory infection, but I wonder. An antibody test would be helpful. However, as others have said, antibodies don’t guarantee that even if we’ve had the virus already, we can’t get it again.

  31. Suz says:

    Please let’s go back to bows and curtsies Jane Austen style, please and thank you.

  32. Giggles says:

    I adore Dr. Fauci!

  33. SJR says:

    I would be thrilled if people would stop shaking hands.
    I have been hugged my against will during job events.
    I have also been kissed on the cheek during job events. Yes, sales.
    Which rarely happens to men, IMO.
    I am a “No Touchy” person. I just cringe when people are physically over familiar with me.
    My family and friends are welcome to hug, etc. at will. They know who they are. 🙂
    Everybody else…Hello, pleased to meet you..How you doin’?…please do not touch me. 🙂
    It even freaks me out at drs. appts., dr. comes in to shake hands…Hi, no thanks.

  34. adastraperaspera says:

    I was raised to give a brief, firm handshake in professional situations–this was in the 1980s midwest. I’ve now lived in many other regions of the country and world where this isn’t done, which I’ve found out the hard way by putting people off by initiating one. I get it now, and always wait for the other person to reach out first. In our current situation, however, where climate change will undoubtedly continue to spur on more pandemics, I am in full support of doing away with the practice. I admit, though, that I’ll miss the positive connection a good, consensual handshake can give.

  35. Amelie says:

    I am someone who does not enjoy strange people touching me and I feel sometimes awkward even hugging my closest friends. The only people I feel comfortable really hugging/kissing me are my immediate family (I don’t currently have a significant other). So I’d be okay with no longer shaking hands and doing the namaste/bow gesture that the Japanese do. I personally think that’s such a great acknowledgement of the other’s presence without actual physical contact!

    And I am half French and I’ve never enjoyed la bise either!! I’m really hoping the European countries that do that stop doing it from now on or it at least becomes more culturally acceptable to opt out of it and just wave. There’s a British comedian living in France called Paul Taylor and he has a standup show called “Franglais” on Youtube where he does a whole bit about “la bise” in France and how ridiculous it is. I was laughing because I related to it so much as an American person.

  36. Claire says:

    Oh praise ye gods! I’ve always detested the handshake. To me, it always seemed so performative.

  37. MJM says:

    After an asshat man squeezed my fingers so hard I cried in pain I loathe handshakes. Would not miss them in the least.

  38. Anabe says:

    I don’t like people that I don’t know/aren’t close to touching me, period so I am down with no hand shaking, no hugging. At least ot will be justified and I won’t look like a weirdo when I back off.

    • Ramona Q. says:

      What is scary to me is that “close” is anything less than 6 feet. Anyone closer than that (so everyone we talk to mostly always everyday) is spitting their germs in your face. Waitstaff hovering above you at your table, spitting germs in your face and all in your water glasses. Just as one example. We all need to back up and stay backed up.

  39. PNWer says:

    I feel like the discontinuation of handshaking could be symbolic of the discontinuation of the Trump presidency. It started with those absurd 5 minute alpha male wtf handshakes. Both disease spreading things can GTFO.

  40. CuriousCole says:

    Am I the only one hoping the Wakandan salute becomes the new handshake?