Lady Gaga is married to herself, ‘In sickness and in health, I’m with you’

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks after being declared the winner in the South Carolina Democratic Primary

Lady Gaga covers the May issue of InStyle, in a cover interview which was originally supposed to support the release of her latest album Chromatica. The release has been delayed because of the pandemic, but the latest release date is for May 29th. She talked about that and about her various charity work. But of course, the InStyle interview is just very… Gaga. It’s a lot! But I enjoyed some parts of it. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

She’s married to herself: “I feel very grateful for what I’ve been a part of and what I’ve been invited to be a part of. All these artistic experiences made me who I am today. It’s like when people get married and say, ‘Through thick and thin.’ That’s how I feel about myself. I feel like, ‘You know what, Gaga? You know what, Stefani? In sickness and in health, I’m with you, and I’m going to hold your hand whatever the outcome.'”

Her current treatments include medication, meditation, radical-acceptance therapy, and self-care: “I think it took me some time to grieve about the things that have happened to me, and I couldn’t be angry with myself for how long it took. I’ve been depressed and been at the grocery store and seen photos of myself and gone, ‘Well, I look like everything is good.’ But I was secretly freaking out, and the world had no idea. Or some people in the world. I hate using that phrase ‘the world.’ It’s so egocentric to assume the whole world thinks about or knows about me. It doesn’t.”

What more does she want out of life: “Marriage. More music, more movies, more charity with the Born This Way Foundation. I want to do way more philanthropy. I want to help fund more research about fibromyalgia and neuropathic and chronic pain by putting a team of doctors together. I have a lot of dreams and hopes. What I will actually accomplish, I have no idea, but I know that I’ll be doing it with the people I love. I will say I am very excited to have kids. I look forward to being a mom. Isn’t it incredible what we can do? We can hold a human inside and grow it. Then it comes out, and it’s our job to keep it alive. It’s so funny — everyone works out of my house every day. When they come in, I always say, ‘Welcome to the Womb!'”

On 2020 politics: “I want to make an informed decision as a citizen on who to vote for in the election, but I do not obsess over figures who do not deserve to be obsessed over. I’m not going to hang my hat for humanity on one individual. It’s also on us to run this country. Putting so much importance on the government as the overarching, all-knowing force that runs our lives — I just don’t believe that to be true. I believe that we have the power to decide what the culture of this country looks like. We have the power to decide how we deal with one another socially. And we don’t need to place too much power in anyone’s hands. That said, I’m watching what happens. I think we all know who I will not be voting for.”

[From InStyle]

InStyle notes that the interview took place just before Joe Biden won South Carolina, so she was saying that about the Democratic primary candidates and how she hadn’t endorsed any particular Democrat. She supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 and did some campaign appearances/performances for Hillary too. I suspect Gaga will do the same this year for Biden, but only if we get a handle on the pandemic. And I actually like what she says about being married to herself, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health. It reminds me a bit of what Emma Watson said about being “self-partnered.” Treating yourself like you would treat a spouse. We should do more of that.

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks after being declared the winner in the South Carolina Democratic Primary

Photos courtesy of InStyle.

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10 Responses to “Lady Gaga is married to herself, ‘In sickness and in health, I’m with you’”

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  1. Ni says:

    I wish some of these people would try radical self criticizing therapy. They’re talented but they’re so up their own butts.

    • Div says:

      Eh, she discusses how she worries about what people think but then acknowledges it’s egocentric to think that many care.

      In my opinion, Gaga is A LOT….but more in a Marianne Williamson/healing crystals/motivational slogan slightly annoying way (I like her, but it’s a bit grating at times) rather than self-important way she used to be 8 or 9 years ago during her Artpop era. I really think getting sober & “flopping” in the public (before she had the Super Bowl and the movie) kind of brought her back down to earth. She still has the occasional self-important moment in interviews and all, but it seems like she’s chilled out a lot. To be fair, while she annoyed me during the Artpop era there are men who are or were just as over the top and who received a quarter of the criticism.

  2. Martha says:

    What does she want out of life?
    More, more, more.

  3. Jenn says:

    I’ve found that it’s difficult to grieve the life you had before chronic pain, but it’s also a necessary step in appreciating what you have now. Wow, and radical acceptance?! It sounds like she’s really doing great.

  4. lucy2 says:

    “Putting so much importance on the government as the overarching, all-knowing force that runs our lives — I just don’t believe that to be true.”
    While this was clearly said before the pandemic, it’s also easy to say when you are wealthy and white. The government MATTERS. Who is running the government MATTERS, and yes, depending who you are, it can affect almost every aspect of your life.

  5. Carmen AIC says:

    Why are all celebrities so g-damned exhausting?

  6. Valerie says:

    I was prepared to roll my eyes when I read the title, but this wasn’t that bad? I feel like if more people talked to themselves that way, they’d be better off, myself included. It doesn’t hurt to give yourself a pep talk from time to time.

    And if she is able to put her time and money into truly charitable efforts, then good for her.

  7. Jules says:

    I like most of what she is saying here, but the recent photo shoot she did on transhumanism was incredibly disturbing. It is more subtle here, but she seems to be pushing an agenda. Saying one thing about accepting herself, then showing herself as half-robot.

  8. fishface says:

    Nope. No sympathy. Total narcissist.