Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn & Rani Rose cover People’s Most Beautiful issue

goldie kate

Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson and Rani Rose Fujikawa cover People Magazine’s Most Beautiful issue. Three generations of Hawn girls, I guess? I’m not mad about it, but that’s because I honestly like Kate and I’m happy that she finally “got the girl.” Kate’s sons Ryder (16) and Bing (8) are fine and I’m sure Kate adores her boys. But she just seems so content now that she has a daughter. Goldie is beyond pleased with her new granddaughter too! Some highlights from the cover story:

Goldie on Rani: “When your daughter has a daughter, it’s a big deal,” said Goldie, 74, noting that Kate had posed for the cover of the issue in 2008. “I mean, it really is.” Kate: “And now with little Rani Rose. I was so excited. The third generation.”

Kate on the lockdown: “It’s definitely an interesting time for reflecting on what is truly important.”

Goldie is isolating with Kurt: Goldie, 74, now isolating with her partner of 37 years, Kurt Russell, 69, says getting through the crisis has meant focusing on “meditation, nurturing, loving kindness for all in my heart and staying safe inside.”

Kate on her mom: “My mom gave me the floor to be able to feel confident enough to go out and feel like my life could be my own. Mom was my greatest cheerleader. And it just made me think about Rani…going, ‘I hope I give her that kind of confidence,’ you know?” Goldie’s 37-year relationship with Kurt Russell has also inspired Kate. “To live up to that is really the goal,” she said. “Just the fact that they’ve been able to maintain a unit for all of us, in times of turmoil, they really are the center of all of our lives.”

Goldie on Kurt: “When you have your children and you have a man who loves your children, that’s a very tough bond.”

Kate on Goldie’s best advice: “Mom always said to me, ‘Don’t you ever let a man dim your light.’ So I’ve never defined myself through the way a man sees me, but I can define myself in the unit that we can create together. That is what Mom gave to me.”

[From People]

I actually think Kate has managed to live her life with all of her men never dimming her light? She liked to date rockers and such, but she always maintained her own separate identity. The closest she came to really “changing” for a man and perhaps dimming her light was when she dated Alex Rodriguez. I feel like he gets off on making women change for him. But that was over quickly. Also, I know there are always a handful of weird rumors about Goldie and Kurt, but I still love them together. I imagine they have a hell of a lot of fun together. And Kate and Oliver Hudson still completely adore Kurt and treat him like their dad.

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Photos courtesy of Getty, cover courtesy of People.

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60 Responses to “Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn & Rani Rose cover People’s Most Beautiful issue”

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  1. Snowslow says:

    I don’t understand the importance of this feminine bonding within a family. Your daughter or grand-daughter’s femininity may complete diverge from your own to a point where it’s not where you’re going to find common territory. It may be more of a barrier than a familiar thing. Moreover, the girl, future woman, can turn out to be a trans man.
    I prefer to bond over the little personality traits that enrich me much more than the construct of gender, unless there is something there that I can learn from or expand upon.
    I love the idea of ‘passing a legacy of joy’ in the article though.

    • Chrissy says:

      I agree with you. Somewhat tone deaf. Also, I wonder how her sons will feel after seeing this and hearing they’re not part of her “legacy of joy”.

    • Esmom says:

      I know, right? I know of a couple people who wished for a girl, or kept trying for a girl, and I truly don’t get it. It seems like having a healthy child should be enough.

      • Flamingo says:

        I find that it’s typically the people who can sneeze and get pregnant who obsess over one gender or the other. I had major fertility issues with my first and am having issues again trying to have a second. I’ve never really gotten the mindset of having to have a girl. I guess after months and months of jabbing yourself with hormones, popping clomid like tictacs, and having every gyno in town poke around in your undercarriage, you’re just thrilled to have a healthy baby.

      • HufflepuffLizLemon says:

        Sending hugs Flamingo! We spent years battling fertility issues, but we have one fabulous redhead and we’re so grateful! ❤️❤️❤️

      • Nicole says:

        I’ve got two boys and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My husband and I get asked all the time if we’re going to try for a girl. We always shut them down
        – nope, no desire for a third kid at all, girl or otherwise.

    • Gigi La Moore says:

      I see nothing wrong with wanting that feminine bond with your female family members. I love having it with my own. Besides, there is nothing that I have read about these ladies that makes me think that they wouldn’t support Rani if Rani’s true self was male.

      • Slowsnow says:

        @gigi it’s great if it’s there but you only find out once they grow up. And let me tell you I bond more in a feminine way with one of my sons who is gay and quite feminine than my daughter.
        By no means was I saying that these lovely women wouldn’t accept a trans person. I’m with you, I totally imagine them being ok with it.

      • Em says:

        I totally agree- how in the hell is this tone deaf? Now women are not allowed to be excited about having daughters because they might identify as male later? Jesus.

    • lisa says:

      @SnowSlow, I totally agree with you. This is just more gender bias and stereotypes camouflaged into looking like feminism, when it’s not.

    • Em says:

      Ever cross your mind that it has nothing to do with femininity? Just that maybe it’s exciting to raise another female to be strong, empowered to make her own informed decisions, educated, intelligent, etc.? It’s okay to be excited about having a daughter just like having a son. I’m not sure why that has to turn into some statement about how it’s essentially discriminatory because what if you’re daughter transitions to becoming your son.

    • SK2 says:

      I agree. I find it really unfortunate that people want/hope for a particular gender when they are pregnant. Particularly if it’s the second or third and they for example have two girls, the pressure to have a boy …. when actually all children are unique and precious, regardless of their gender

  2. emmy says:

    That’s an adorable little girl but people need to stop selling out their kids. And she never put her boys front and center like that. Whether it’s IG or People, it’s getting too much and I mean in general, not in Kate’s case specifically.

    • SM says:

      That was my thought exactly. Why put your child who can’t consent to being on the cover practically naked on the cover of a magazine to what? Promote yourself? It is especially disturbing that girl is wearing only a diaper. As for her boys. I dunno. Maybe the fathers had some say over how their kids can be used for self promotion. It seems like she finally found her fit in her current partner (sorry I do not remember his name) because he seems like the person who is completely ok with just living her life. And didn’t her oldest son shamed her into posting something about him on social media?

      • minx says:

        I was thinking, obviously a lot of time was spent on making Goldie and Kate look nice, do the same for the little girl. Put her in some cute outfit. Aesthetically the cover just looked odd to me.

      • Jess says:

        I mostly agree with you but can we please stop sexualizing baby girls like that? It’s no different than a baby boy being shirtless, she doesn’t have boobs that need to be covered. I let my daughter wear bottoms only at the beach from birth to 2 or 3 years old, I would’ve kept going but I couldn’t take the comments from family and strangers anymore.

        I do agree with not putting your baby on a magazine cover simply because they can’t consent yet.

      • SM says:

        I get your point Jess. I think babies and kids can run around wearing nothing as long as they want. It is quite different putting you child naked on the cover of a magazine for all sorts of strangers to see. I just think that it is our responsibility as parents to make decisions for our children who are too small to make them based on judgement of the real world. It is wrong to advertise your child who can’t consent. The fact that she is also not wearing much is only making matters worse.

      • Otaku fairy says:

        What Jess said. I don’t see any real harm in them letting a baby be photographed though.

  3. Mellie says:

    These women are beautiful, they just have such a glow, and that little girl is just a ray of sunshine!

  4. Smalltowngirl says:

    My third child was a girl after two boys too and I get it, I adore my boys but I am so happy to be a girl mom to be on the other side of that amazing mother and daughter bond I have always experienced with my mom.

    • Em says:

      Yes, agreed- the bond with your daughter and son is equally wonderful and amazing in their own ways. I love seeing my daughter grow up and her interests develop.

  5. Esmom says:

    The photoshop on the cover is strong, eek. And the photo of Kate with the pixie reminded me that I thought she looked really cute with that hairstyle.

  6. Some chick says:

    Most Beautiful blond white chicks.


    Some People!

  7. Spicecake38 says:

    Yeah the photoshop is epic,Goldie hasn’t looked like that sine 1995.

    You can really see how much Kate and her daughter look alike when Kate has the pixie cut,very cute!

  8. Flamingo says:

    I like Kate. She seems like she would be a really fun girlfriend, but in the world is she wearing here? This looks like some sort of Victorian disaster.

  9. SJR says:

    What a load of bs this cover is.
    Goldie actually started with talent, Kate has ridden Goldies wealthy coat tails to make even more money, and using a half dressed baby to all pose as the family we should aspire to..barf!

    Goldie and Kate are far too full of themselves.

    I’d like to hear from Ryder. His Father, Chris Robinson of The Black Crowe, is a self made man who came up from nothing to create his band, his international fame, and that Dude can sing!
    If Ryder writes I book, I will get my $25 ready.

  10. Vaya says:

    People magazine dropped the ball on what’s most beautiful. It would have been an awesome opportunity to highlight health care, sanitation, and retail workers. So many good people that I know I’m missing some. *Shout em out please * I don’t have time for this tone deafness. Sorry to rant if you’re looking for some escapism. This sh!t sucks

    • lucy2 says:

      Yes! Completely tone deaf, and kind of dated – sure they’re kind of forever famous, but relevant? Timely?

      Highlighting others would have been great at this time. Maybe the photos of all the medical workers with the marks and scratches on their faces from wearing their masks for so long? A couple in my state both just survived COVID 19 in time for their 70th wedding anniversary. Or the guy holding up signs for his wife stuck in a care center.

    • adastraperaspera says:


    • Granger says:

      Thank you, @Vaya. This cover is unreal. All the beautiful people in the world right now who are sitting with other people’s family members as they die, alone, from COVID-19, and I’m supposed to venerate Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson? (On another note, I agree that Hudson seems like a joyful person, but she strikes me as very vapid/shallow too.)

  11. Watercress says:

    Oh man I like Kate and Goldie but why is that child virtually nude?

    She could have worn a cute suit or dress and it would have been adorable.

    I feel…awkward.

    • Andrea says:

      As the parent of a young child I think she refused to get dress. They were like: “Ok, we can take her out of the shoot or we can photograph her in her diaper.” They kept the baby in because otherwise it was just a photo of two basic plastic women.

  12. Fleur says:

    Glad to see I’m not the only one who thought the cover was absolutely tone deaf? Three blonde, white women on a magazine cover that states the ‘most beautiful people’’ issue? The combination of the title plus the exclusively blonde cover is awful to me. I can’t believe this got past an approval group of many, many people. My goodness, magazine people are stupid. No wonder the industry is dying

  13. HK9 says:

    Are they running out of people to choose from? Yes they look good but I’m sure there’s someone more interesting than them.

  14. Chaine says:

    Those multi generation family photos always generate warm fuzzy feelings, but OMG could Goldie look any more juvedermed and photoshopped?

  15. Joan Callamezzo says:

    These two have had so much work done to their faces. Most beautiful? Please.

  16. No Doubt says:

    I was always in awe of how beautiful Goldie was back in the day. She’s a lovely woman and I adore her relationship with Kurt.

  17. TyrantDestroyed says:

    That cover is aesthetictically strange. Besides the heavy photoshop it looks odd to have the 2 women overdressed and the little girl only in diapers. I know it might be an issue with the girl not wanting to dress up (I have a toddler) but is not like if they paid for a photo session and time as up and running so they just rushed into the photos.

  18. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I don’t know how to articulate my feelings about the Hawn women lol. I’ve grown up watching Goldie and okay, fine. I’ve seen the daughter in some stuff and okay, fine. The most interesting thing I ever thought about Goldie was Kurt and his goofy cult action movies. And the most interesting things about Kate, to me, are her ex’s. When Reese Witherspoon carries more interest, shit gets real lol. They’re just nothingburgers. As celebrities go. I wouldn’t hate having ritas with them, I just don’t care to read about them or seek them out in any way, you know what I mean?

  19. Texas says:

    I love this family. I think they are adorable. My family is very matriarchal too and there is such a strong bond. I have two daughters that I adore. I would love to have had a son as well, but it didn’t happen for me. I totally get what Goldie says about having a man who loves your kids. My kids LOVE their stepfather and he loves them like his own. It makes for a very strong love story when that happens. I feel really lucky.

  20. Mee says:

    It’s 2020 and People magazine picks……blonde and white. How many times have they put a POC on this cover? Once or twice with Halle Berry?

  21. Deanne says:

    Really? More photoshopped, botoxed blondes representing beauty as defined by People Magazine. Tone deaf much? know a family of health care workers on the front lines of this sh!t show going on right now, who are better examples of beauty than these photoshopped, tweaked and injected pair will ever be. The naked baby is cute and all. but really, in this climate, this is who they choose as most beautiful? It’s easy to be “joyous” when you are white, rich, famous. privileged and not worrying about feeding your children, paying your bills or dying because your job puts you at risk of contracting a deadly virus. I’m sorry, I know that a lot of people love Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson, but sometimes their “joy” comes across as lack of depth to me. I don’t recall ever hearing about them doing anything particularly charitable either. Sorry for the negativity ,but the lack of diversity and substance in this ridiculous magazine is getting really old.

    • another Nina says:

      Rany Rose Fujikawa is half Japanese, named after her Japanese grandpa and represents a variety of Asian beauty. Why doesn’t it count for diversity?

      • Deanne says:

        In over 20 covers about beauty, there’s been maybe three covers that weren’t featuring a caucasian. Kate’s already been on one. Rani’s Father is half Japanese which would make her a quarter Japanese herself. So no, for me, two blonde women and a quarter Japanese baby who is also blonde, aren’t enough in terms of diversity in 2020.

      • another Nina says:

        Rani might be blond so far but she has distinctly Asian almond-shaped eyes, nose, etc. Kate is very much in awe that her daughter looks differ so much from hers…

        Many years ago I audited a grant provided to an Indian tribe. According to its description, it was allowed to be used to provide a free healthcare to people of Indian descent. And there was an occasion, where once they vaccinated an adopted kid, whose adoption was not finalized. And I had to literally calculate percentage of Indian blood in this kid to prove that the grant was spent accordingly. It was one of the most unpleasant jobs in my career because of that procedure… In other words, it’s just a cover of tabloid. For diversity purposes, do we really need to calculate percentage of blood of different origin? I am just asking, I am really trying to understand the issue…

      • Deanne says:

        I wouldn’t have ever noted her heritage, percentage or otherwise, had you not mentioned it. The baby isn’t the focus of the cover. She’s a cute little kid in a diaper. Goldie and Kate and the fact that Kate finally has the girl she always wanted are. There are many much more diverse, multi-generational celebrity women who also love their families and could have been on the cover if that is what they wanted to have represented, but they clearly were staying with a specific type, as they always do. I get that it’s a PR thing, but as neither has a project to promote, it’s just press for the sake of press.

      • another Nina says:

        Kate actually explained in an interview why it was so important for them to get that cover for her daughter. She told that her mom gave her a similar cover years ago and it was a huge boost to her confidence. So, Kate wanted to give a similar present to her daughter… Goldie also seemed to be genuinely moved by this story…
        I understand your point, Deanne. It just that, for me reading Kate’s interviews about Rani was a very surprising experience. They are all about diversity, about accepting different cultures, about being amused that your daughter is so different from you… (And I’ve never even liked Kate Hudson 🙂 I do like Goldie and Kurt though.

      • Deanne says:

        I don’t know why a one year old would need to have her confidence boosted by being on a People Magazine cover but I guess Kate figures she benefited from nepotism, so why not extend it to the next generation. I’ve ever been a Kate Hudson fan, but she does seem to be a very loving Mother to each of her children. I love Goldie and Kurt as a couple. Of all of the celebrity pairs that have lasted, they seem to still be truly solid and not just faking it for the cameras. I’d honestly feel really sad if they ever split.

  22. L4frimaire says:

    I think it’s a cute cover but wished they’d dresses the baby . It’s People, so everyone is going to be made up, blow dryer, and photoshopped. Typical. Kate has quite a large spread in her kids ages. 16,8, and 1? I wonder what her custody arrangements are like coordinating with different dads. Does she still act much anymore? I actually liked her work back in the day.

  23. Severine says:

    I thought the baby was a boy.

  24. Amelie says:

    This is such a weird cover and I didn’t even realize People still did their “Most Beautiful” issue, it sounds so dated just like their Sexiest Man Alive sounds so cringy nowadays. I’m glad Kate is happy to have a daughter but it just seems weird to highlight three generations of “Hawn women” when Kate has two older sons. If this was her first child I might be more understanding but it’s not. It’s like she’s highlighting the “golden child daughter” she always wanted. No thank you. What are these two even promoting? When was the last time Kate was in a movie? She’s more involved in her Fabletics label than movies. It would make more sense if this was her first baby but it’s not.

    Also it just seems like a weird choice to have the child naked on the cover, she can’t consent to having her picture plastered on a cover of a magazine.

  25. Mrs. Peel says:

    That baby obviously didn’t get the physical attributes of it’s mother or grandmother.

    • another Nina says:

      Yes, she does look like her Japanese grandparents. I have only seen pictures of her grandpa, and he was really handsome.

  26. Jules says:

    All I see is a white doily coming alive and swallowing the human wearing it.

  27. Val says:

    Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson leave me indifferent but if Kurt Russell ever decides his relationship with Ms. Hawn is over I hope he looks me up….

  28. ravynrobyn says:

    They ABSOLUTELY should have put our front-line heroes on the cover. Not only tone deaf but shockingly insensitive. Bet they would have sold so many more issues.

    With that being said, my shallow side would have squealed like a school girl if Keanu was on the cover. He’s loooong overdue. For me he’s ALWAYS been the most beautiful-inside and out. No photoshopping necessary as he just gets better with age…sigh.