Donald Trump eats French fries & watches cable news until noon before going to work

Members Of The Coronavirus Task Force Hold Press Briefing

What do we know about Donald Trump’s daily schedule at the White House? We have enough data from his three years and three months in office – the man is a buffoon who watches cable news all day and eats and tweets. He used to break up this schedule by golfing on the weekend, but during the pandemic, Trump has mostly stayed in the White House on weekends. Which led to a New York Times story about how Trump is sad, isolated, binge-eating and watching TV during the lockdown:

President Trump arrives in the Oval Office these days as late as noon, when he is usually in a sour mood after his morning marathon of television. He has been up in the White House master bedroom as early as 5 a.m. watching Fox News, then CNN, with a dollop of MSNBC thrown in for rage viewing. He makes calls with the TV on in the background, his routine since he first arrived at the White House. But now there are differences.

The president sees few allies no matter which channel he clicks. He is angry even with Fox, an old security blanket, for not portraying him as he would like to be seen. And he makes time to watch Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s briefings from New York, closely monitoring for a sporadic compliment or snipe.Confined to the White House, the president is isolated from the supporters, visitors, travel and golf that once entertained him, according to more than a dozen administration officials and close advisers who spoke about Mr. Trump’s strange new life. He is tested weekly, as is Vice President Mike Pence, for Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

The economy — Mr. Trump’s main case for re-election — has imploded. News coverage of his handling of the coronavirus has been overwhelmingly negative as Democrats have condemned him for a lack of empathy, honesty and competence in the face of a pandemic. Even Republicans have criticized Mr. Trump’s briefings as long-winded and his rough handling of critics as unproductive.

His own internal polling shows him sliding in some swing states, a major reason he declared a temporary halt to the issuance of green cards to those outside the United States. The executive order — watered down with loopholes after an uproar from business groups — was aimed at pleasing his political base, people close to him said, and was the kind of move Mr. Trump makes when things feel out of control. Friends who have spoken to him said he seemed unsettled and worried about losing the election.

[From The New York Times]

HE ARRIVES AT THE OVAL OFFICE AT NOON. I cannot get over that. George W. Bush and Barack Obama started their work days, in the Oval Office, between 8 am and 9 am, but they were often meeting with senior staff, making calls or getting briefed outside the Oval before then. In the evenings, Obama would go up to the residence to have dinner with his wife and children, then he would sit in his office in the residence for hours after his girls went to bed so he could catch up on reading – briefing papers, reports, scientific journals, law journals. Meanwhile, Dipsh-t Orange Man can’t put down the French fries as he mainlines cable news for six-plus hours every morning. Anyway, this Times report was so “damaging” to Trump’s reputation that he sent his chief of staff to personally refute it:

President Trump’s schedule is so packed amid the coronavirus crisis that he sometimes skips lunch, his aides told The Post — refuting a report that the commander-in-chief spends his days obsessing over TV coverage and eating fries. White House staffers said the president works around the clock and can make five dozen work-related calls a day during the pandemic.

“I can tell you that the biggest concern I have as a new chief of staff is making sure he gets some time to get a quick bite to eat,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told The Post. He said that Trump recently called him at 3:19 a.m. He wasn’t expecting the call and was asleep when the phone rang. “I can tell you that he will go back in and have a lunch just off the Oval Office and more times than not it is interrupted by several phone calls,” Meadows said. “If he gets more than 10 minutes of time in a given day I haven’t seen in the five weeks I’ve been here.”

A different White House official said that Trump, some days, doesn’t eat lunch. “There are times when lunch isn’t even a thought,” the official said. “A lot of time there’s either no time for lunch or there is 10 minutes for lunch.”

[From The NY Post]

Um…. he doesn’t need to eat lunch if he spends six hours every morning binge-eating fries and watching cable news. As for the 30-plus calls he makes every day… he’s calling political allies to threaten them or to get his ego massaged. That’s also not work. Also, he tweet-denied it with such specificity, you know it’s true:

President Trump Meets with Recovered COVID-19 Patients

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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70 Responses to “Donald Trump eats French fries & watches cable news until noon before going to work”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    Basically your country is run by an angry teenager.
    I am sorry for you.

    • AB says:

      May I respectfully disagree? I think he tends to have more traits of a toddler than a teen. Although, I would trust most toddlers and teens to have more compassion than the orange menace has displayed.

  2. Darla says:

    Oh it’s all true. As far as skipping lunch, yeah IF it ever happens it’s because he shoves greasy junk food into his mouth for breakfast, dinner, and again in the middle of the night. I mean, at some point your stomach is going to revolt. I’d hate to be a fly on the wall of his bathroom, I can tell you that.

    • AnnaKist says:

      I say let him eat himself to death.

      Honestly, what we’ve been hearing about his medical advice, then saying it was deliberate; to test/taunt the journalists. Is this how a mentally-healthy leader operates? Is this the behaviour Americans want from their president? He’s a moron, and I’m sorry if it offends, but his supporters are cretins, incapable or unwilling to think rationally. I hate to think what America is in for if he’s re-elected. Feed him more junk food. Don’t let him move from his seat. Let him watch cable news all day and just keep putting food in his hands. Eat. That’s something he can do for America.

  3. Catwoman says:

    Yeah, he totally looks like he doesn’t get enough to eat.

  4. Becks1 says:

    Yeah, its totally true. The denials are so specifically worded that it has to be true – he doesn’t have time for lunch? but if hes not coming to the oval office until 11 or 12, why would need a lunch break? And even if he works late in the oval office, that doesn’t negate the story.

    And it makes sense. My husband and I were talking after the disinfectant story from last week, and we were like, “he’s been watching daytime TV all day, and seeing all these ads for cleaning products and medical devices and he just kind of put it all together in his head and this is what came out.”

  5. Chrissy says:

    Yes, it sure looks like he’s packing on the pounds. Not being able to go golfing or having his idiotic rallies must be killing him too. The timing of this awful virus offers one silver lining- it exposes his bat-shit craziness to the whole world including his lunatic base as everyone is glued to the tv hoping for some words of empathy and encouragement. (He’s even losing Seniors to Biden in battleground states with his antics). The fact that he’s incapable of any like that exposes his psychopathy like nothing else could. Go Biden!

  6. Mellie says:

    Did anyone see the “Noble” prize tweets yesterday? Those were the best…oh yeah, he’s working overtime. hahahaha.

    • LadyMTL says:

      I did, they were so funny! Like people were saying, there is no “Noble” prize for journalism anyway, that would be a Pulitzer…as if he could even spell Pulitzer if he couldn’t get Nobel right. LOL.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        oh my dog…his excuses for THAT one…”the committee that awards the journalism prizes is made up of ‘noble’ people – that word was intentional to describe their work and that the people who won aren’t ‘noble’ or worthy of the award” or something to that effect. I mean, that’s not even close to verbatim but that’s the excuse he used. that the awards that journalists get are “noble” and they shouldn’t have gotten them for their coverage of the impeachment because he wasn’t convicted.

      • Esmom says:

        whatWHAT? Those excuses were the most unbelievable sh^t I have ever read. How many people did it take to come up with that? But sadly his supporters are probably parroting it right now.

    • Jerusha says:

      He’s since scrubbed his feed of all those tweets. Or ivanka, jared, or Goebbels Jr. did.

      • Mellie says:

        Yeah, he then used his usual “sarcasm” excuse….sure. So convenient.
        No one is buying what he’s selling…except the usual MAGA’s.

      • petee says:

        I have alot of friends that are so sweet and loving and they voted this fool in and believe everything he says and they main reason for it was for building the wall.That is never going to happen.It just can’t be done.But what I want to say is this is in no way shape or form is he a President or a human for that matter.Thanx for having us locked up now when this could have been avoided months ago.I know three people that have died already.He is a sorry excuse of a person.

      • Killi says:

        Petee, I’m sorry but if your friends voted yes b/c of the wall, they’re not sweet and loving.

  7. Boxy Lady says:

    “Haven’t left the White House in many months…”
    Dude had a political rally in Charlotte, NC, on March 2nd. Which was last month.

    • Truthiness says:

      March 2 feels like it was 15 years ago. This administration is aging us in dog years and then some.

  8. Lama Bean says:

    This was reported about a year ago by axios. He was mad then too. Funny how he claims to be working so hard in the OO when we can ALL see when he’s not in the OO bc the Marine is only stationed at the door when dotard is in the OO.

    His definition of working is old fashioned and very different, still hella wrong but different. He thinks he’s working when he’s calling people to make them do things personally. Case in point: remember when he was so excited after he called the ceo of an auto company and they promised to keep a plant open? He honestly believes he’s working hard. He’s just an idiot and doesn’t realize he is nothing close to the smartest and hardest working man. That’s what happens when you have people coddling you for 65 years of your 73 year life.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, although I wouldn’t say his notion of working is as much old fashioned as it is delusional.

    • Reece says:

      1. I doubt he knows that the Marine is only there when he is there.
      2. I thought I remembered this story from somewhere earlier. I thought it was older.

  9. boobra says:

    ag nee man! you guys are entertaining an orange emo toddler having a permanent bad hair day. when’s it going to change America?

  10. Alexandria says:

    Hey let the man eat whatever he wants. He is in great shape, he’ll manage. Pour on the cholesterol it’s the best the greatest. Very very good.

  11. Jerusha says:

    Cholesterol, do your job. NOW!!!!!

  12. KellyRyan says:

    FEMA confiscating medical supplies from the VA, hospital providers, all of which were in the pipeline. JK, “explaining,” no one is entitled to anything, and these become part of the national storehouse. Uh, huh, nothing more than Drumpf punishing those who do not bow to him, and providing supplies to those who worship him.

    • Jerusha says:

      Just who is getting supplies? I live in a super red state and we haven’t gotten squat, except for 5800 rotted masks. And they stole the supplies we ordered and paid for.
      drumpf and jared probably plan to sell them and pocket the proceeds.

      • KellyRyan says:

        I agree Jerusha. The US, under this administration, is a profit making organization for Drumpf and cohorts. His agreement with Gov Cuomo was obvious, I’ll give you x in medical supplies if you test and promote my anti-maleria investment.” Cuomo agreed on a limited basis, FDA to handle it, which they did and it failed. Drumpf, (PT Barnum), promoter, follows money supported by ego.

      • AbominableSnowPickle says:

        FEMA diverted a shipment of PPE from my super-red state, Wyoming. And people are having protests and get togethers because the unofficial motto of this place is “You can’t tell ME what to do!” I’m in EMS and I just feel like screaming all the time. I get ONE N95 mask per shift, it’s ridiculous. I’m just glad I work in a low call-volume area, but it’s ridiculous.

  13. emmy says:

    Yeah, listen, I’ve had weekends like that but I was in my 20 and NOT THE PRESIDENT OF A SUPERPOWER! And no, he’s not missing any meals. Bitch, please.

  14. Edna says:

    3,012,112 Cases in the world.
    987,322 Cases in the US, or 32.7% of the world total, with 4.25% of the world population.

    207,856 Deaths in the world.
    55,415 Deaths in the US, or 26.6% of world deaths.

    1,916,274 Active cases in the world.
    813,126 Active cases in US, or 42.4% of the world’s total.

    Vote Blue in November

    • pineapple says:

      Oh Edna, nice job! Nice job.

    • Alexandria says:

      The Democrats should keep running one ad: the clip where he says he doesn’t take responsibility plus the clip where he suggests injecting disinfectant into yourself. Just keep repeating it.

      • Liz version 700 says:

        Yep it is already an add. They are running the object yourself with detergent as on Fox this week (per Twitter I shall not be watching to see). Best ads are just his stupid words so many stupid words.

      • lucy2 says:

        They could just run his old Ebola era tweets about Obama, with the video of him saying he doesn’t take responsibility, on a loop for the next 6 months.

  15. Jerusha says:

    I don’t eat lunch either, ‘cause I’m never hungry. Big whoop. Can I get some applause?

  16. Joan Callamezzo says:

    He probably read-no heard-that Princess Anne doesn’t eat during her work hours. We all know he is strapped into a mirdle and dresses like an elephant in pajamas. He hasn’t skipped a meal ever but who cares? His focus right now should be all issues related to the pandemic. Article 25 anyone?

  17. Jerusha says:

    This is a story that flew under the radar. A snake oil salesman who has been peddling the bleach cure for ages was cited by the FDA last August. He wrote a letter to trump recently and lo and behold, trump then goes on tv and rambles about disinfectant cures. Coincidence??

  18. Veronica S. says:

    Of course they’re panicking. I’m betting the the UVW model for disease casualties will be blown out of the water by the end of May. That model was based on if everybody stayed home through May, and it was….frankly, it was naive. When I read the numbers they were predicting and saw they were close to influenza, I said, “They’re literally just going to consider this the appropriate number of lambs to slaughter and won’t take it seriously now.” I’m betting we’ll hit close to 100K by the end of June/early July now with everybody opening up, and that’s low balling it on the presumption we don’t see another NYC situation.

    Makes me terrified to think of November, though. I’ve been avoiding anything negative about Biden because….I know, I KNOW he likely is a piece of predatory shit, but I can’t listen to it at this point, and I hate that. I live in a swing state. We don’t get to keep our hands clean, unfortunately.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      You are so right. I read last night that Georgia has 1200 new cases in 48 hours after opening up. They were no where near ready to open things. In 2 weeks it will be insane.

    • Aimee says:

      Whatever Joe Biden did in the past (and if any of it is true obviously, I am appalled) he’s got nothing on the shit Trump has done. To other people, to women, to our country, to the world. NOTHING.

  19. Liz version 700 says:

    Close to 55,000 people dead in the US with not one word of condolence from the President and he feels sad? Poor Baby. Estimates are being put forth by scientists that we could have lowered the death toll by 80-90% if the President has gotten his job done rather than watch TV all day. He needs to seriously stop talking, thankfully he won’t which is finally helping some of his voters break off. Not the die hards, just some of your middle of the road “But her emails folks”.

  20. 10KTurtle says:

    He retweeted a deep fake video from an account which calls himself “rapey” in the title (Trump & Biden Are Rapey). Is this sarcasm? Please advise.

  21. Lightpurple says:

    60 phone calls a day is standard for a President or member of Congress. An elected official’s day is usually scheduled in slots of 10 to 15 minutes when they aren’t in hearings. This tells me that, not only does Trump not do his job, but Meadows wasn’t doing his when he was in Congress.

    And that story had the Trumps in hysterical overdrive with defensive attack tweets yesterday. Junior was lashing out at the whole world. Ivanka was tweeting on her own account yesterday at the same time those “Noble” tweets went up. I believe she often tweets on her father’s account – she is as stupid as he is, she just hides it better – and I wouldn’t be surprised if she tweeted those. She even attacked Hunter Biden, claiming he used the office of VP to rip off taxpayers while she, Princess Nagini of the most sacred Horcruxed Vagina, was so very successful in her own right with her wonderful businesses but sacrificed all that to serve us peasants with love, now go watch Jared brag about stealing PPE instead of that Sondheim thing.

    • Esmom says:

      I’m so glad I stayed off Twitter yesterday. My day was unusually peaceful.

      • lucy2 says:

        I rarely use it, but when I do read twitter, I end up angry or depressed. Best to stay off completely these days.

        Gotta laugh that he thinks the best defense to “he’s lazy and doesn’t work much” is to spend hours reading that and trying to defend himself. An actual busy leader would have no time for that nonsense.

  22. Chickaletta says:

    You know who else skips lunch? People who are un- or under-employed and slowly starving in D Trump’s great economy. Parents trying to stretch their food now that they can’t rely on school breakfast and lunches to make sure their kids get enough to eat. Healthcare workers who are pulling 12, 16, 18, 20 hour shifts trying to slow the tide of dead bodies from this disease the president downplayed and dismissed. Also, the sick and the dying, not much of an appetite. People too afraid of leaving the house because states are reopening and it is not truly safe anywhere. Those struggling with depression, anxiety or other conditions made so much worse by isolation and uncertainty. And very few of those people have a staff cooking their meals, cleaning their house and wiping their ass for them either.

  23. Sean says:

    I just want to say I love the pictures of Trump Celebitchy picks to accompany posts about him. They adequately demonstrate what an inept, crazy person he is.

    I especially love the picture of him “reading”. It appears like he’s concentrating not on actually digesting the information on the page but just looking like he’s busy. “Look like your (I’d bet he doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re) reading because a camera’s on you. Look like you’re reading because there’s a camera on you. Your the biglyest (because that’s how he spells that made-up word in his mind) president there ever was. No one better. Obama wishes he was you. Obama wishes he was as successful as you. Obama’s a loser. I have no idea what these words actually say but neither would Obama. SAD! The camera’s still on you, look like you’re concerntrating (we know he’s a very good speller, people are saying) very hard. Nobody does it harder.”

    • sassafras says:

      I’ve read that Trump can’t read/ see without glasses but he refuses to wear them in public (again, like a toddler). Every time you see him squinting at a piece of paper, he’s literally trying to make out words. We get his crappy off-the-cuff communications because he’s too vain and childish to put a pair of glasses on.

      • Sean says:

        Glasses are for losers. Trump has the best, most stable eyes. Ask anybody! Obama wishes he had Trump’s eyesight. Is that Melania or a ficus? I guess it doesn’t matter. Neither wants to hold his hand.

        Seriously though, I think you’re probably right. He’s so narcissistic he can’t acknowledge anything he might consider a weakness.

      • Christin says:

        I read that he made fun of someone wearing glasses, so I can completely believe it’s viewed as a weakness. Thus the need for sharpie-written notes in the equivalent of 40 point font size.

      • Lightpurple says:

        At 73 years old, I suspect his hearing may be diminished as well yet he wears no hearing aids. Hearing loss contributes to isolation and lack of brain stimulation because the person misses so much, which then exacerbates any problems with dementia.

  24. Rapunzel says:

    Meanwhile, food chains and supply chains are breaking due to factory infections. We’re facing serious food shortages, and all people want is to golf and go to the beach.

    And, as I posted in another thread, his followers love him cause he’s dumb, and lazy. One recently told me, “To me he is actually speaking like a human instead of reading or trying hard to remember what he is told. ”

    Sigh. We are doomed.

  25. sassafras says:

    I read Alyssa Mastromonaco’s memoir of working for Obama (highly recommend!) and for some reason a story of hers just popped in my head. It was during the ’08 election (I think) and they were stopped for lunch and the campaign had ordered everyone the same thing that Obama ate: salmon and vegetables. She wrote that she grumbled that she’d like something that wasn’t healthy and he just looked at her and said in a level way, “Food is fuel” and then turned back to his salmon and vegetables.

    The contrast between 44 and 45 will keep historians in research for centuries. If we last that long.

  26. jferber says:

    Can’t read the story or comments about him (traumatized), but I heard there’s a great Youtube video out called The Liar Tweets Tonight. Haven’t watched it yet (see above), but I heard it was excellent.

  27. Velvet Elvis says:

    Trump has never held a real job before and it shows.

  28. Louise says:

    He’s still awake at 3:00a.m from the sugar rush. No wonder he doesn’t stroll in til noon.

  29. Redgrl says:

    He is so dangerous to the entire world. I have to limit how much I read and watch because it’s wearing on my mental health. On a lighter note after reading the headline i started thinking about French fries and I would really like some chip stand fries right now. Or a poutine.

    • Valerie says:

      Me too. I’ve cut way back on my twitter consumption because I got sucked into reading their cultist shit. It’s just so screwed, and even though I don’t believe in any of it, I started to understand how they hooked people in the first place. They make all sorts of emotional and moral appeals and guilt-trip folks with low self-esteem… And then they repeat ad nauseum. They plant the seed and then it’s open season on your psyche. (I’ve studied cults in the past, so it was immediately obvious to me that this one was, I’d just never spent that much time reading their stuff.)

      Even me: I don’t believe in their theories, but now whenever I look at certain celebrities, what do I think of first? Not their movies, not their work. What these people have said about them online. And if you don’t build up a mental resistance to it, you can slowly get sucked into it.

  30. Carmelita says:


  31. Valerie says:

    lmao, ‘work.’ Unfortunately, as funny as this is, it’s also not… It’s fucking sad and dangerous.

  32. badmuthagoose says:

    @ddale8 publishes the President’s daily schedule every day on twitter. He’s a great follow–works for CNN.