Kate Hudson isn’t eating with her family now: ‘I can’t hear anybody chew anymore’

Kate Hudson was on Katie Couric’s Instagram live on Friday afternoon, which Katie put in full on her regular Instagram. I wish more celebrities would post their Instagram live interviews afterwards, because I feel like I’m missing a lot. You can see the interview below. They opened by talking about Kate homeschooling her two kids. She said it was challenging figuring out how her kids learn. Apparently Kate has a vodka brand, which is the first I’m hearing about it. She said she drinks vodka because it doesn’t give her hangovers like other liquor. The interview was conducted around 2 in the afternoon and Kate and Katie made martinis and were day drinking. Katie got a bit tipsy and forgot her train of thought a couple times. My favorite part was when Kate talked about the fact that women are expected to do all the work around the house and that societal expectations for mothers and fathers should be more equal.

On not being able to visit her mom
I miss holding my mom. We snuggle and I haven’t been able to do that in so many weeks.

On having to let Fabletics employees go
[She said earlier they employ 600 people, but she talked around this and did not give specifics] I’ve talked to a lot of people that we’ve had to put in that position and my only hope is that we can get things moving safely in a way so we can bring a lot of those people back.

Why she’s not eating dinner with her family
I can’t hear anybody chew anymore. The sound of the food eating is – do you remember War of The Roses? She says ‘the way you eat makes me wanna smash your face.’ Internally that is exactly what I’m feeling.

Women are expected to do everything on our own
This idea that, especially as women, that we’re supposed to do everything on our own, that we’re supposed to raise children on our own. We aren’t meant to do this ourselves as women. As a tribe, we would assist each other in helping to raise our children. We could never do it alone. I’m thinking about that now. There’s no outlet, there’s no school to give the relief. There’s no friendships… [to help now].

My big policy change that I want in America is equal maternity and paternity leaves. I don’t know why my husband can’t choose to take those three months and let me work… in a corporate situation.

Katie brought up the importance of teachers
It’s devastatingly terrible how we don’t take care of teacher’s salaries.

On what her mom taught her about positivity
A positive outlook [doesn’t come] from pretending that life is happy all the time. [My mom taught me that] we have a very complex special muscle that we can control and that is our brain. She allowed us to understand that [happiness] is a discipline. We have the ability to make choices that can either help up to see the silver lining or not.

When you live in gratitude, you attack your day different. I want to choose happiness or at least a joyful day today.

[From Katie Couric’s Instagram live]

This was a great interview! I got a lot out of it and felt like I knew Kate and Katie a little better. Kate got super philosophical the more she drank. Plus Katie was kind of drunk and that was fun to watch.

I totally understand what Kate is saying about not wanting to eat with her family. I have a condition called misophonia where I absolutely hate to hear people chew. I’ve had it for years though. Background noise and music help, and I have/had favorite restaurants because of this. The more background noise the better. When I eat at home with my son I just make sure the TV or music is playing in the background.

Here’s that interview! Ryder comes in at around 16:30. He said homeschooling is great because he has the best grades that he’s ever had. Kate looks so proud of him! Kate’s other son, Bing, comes in at 18:30 and again at 31:30. I think her assistant or a nanny is there too because you can hear her talking to a woman off screen at one point.

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47 Responses to “Kate Hudson isn’t eating with her family now: ‘I can’t hear anybody chew anymore’”

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  1. Elizabeth says:

    I suffer from misophonia too and it has gotten worse as I get older.
    I can’t stand hearing people chewing, breathing too loudly (especially wheezing) and the absolute worst for me is hearing people sniff or suck back their phlegm or any kinds of snot related hacking type sounds.
    It becomes a total fight or flight response for me so if I am on public transport, I have to move away from the person immediately.
    I actually got all tense just writing, thinking about this!

    • LadyMTL says:

      I don’t know if I have misophonia or not (I’ve never seen a doctor about it) but I am the same way when it comes to what I call ‘mouth noises’. Chewing, lipsmacking, teeth sucking…even when people talk in whispers, it actually makes me tense and somewhat aggressive.

      I can’t stand most ASMR videos for that very reason, unless it’s something like cats purring and there’s zero talking involved. I can definitely sympathize with Kate Hudson as far as not wanting to hear people chew.

      • Spicecake38 says:

        Oh wow,the way you say * mouth noises *,is entirely how I feel!!
        I don’t know if I have true misophonia or not,but I get angry/nervous/anxious when I hear chewing and lip smacking,I’ll leave the room.
        I also don’t like when people cook on television and then they or someone else tastes the food and ooos and aaas about it while gobbling it down and talking.

      • Adrianna says:

        Maybe I do it too but I hate watching people’s mouths gape open as they prepare to accept the food from the fork. I also couldn’t watch that Diners, Drive-ins and Dives guy anymore, Guy something, the way he lowers his face into the food smacking loudly with his lips…made me feel queasy. Blowing noses at the dinner table gives me a gag reflex. I have to take public transport and hearing people sniffle every few seconds makes me feel like throwing up.

    • Kimberly says:

      I have misophonia and once I was aware I was able to understand my feelings a little better. Now we play music or have something on the TV during meals. Sometimes though, it doesn’t help and I want to throw a glass of water at someone.

  2. tmbg says:

    My dog barking and children screaming outside do a number on me. It gets especially bad during PMS time.

    • Spicecake38 says:

      My dog has been barking excessively during shutdown/quarantine even though she’s an indoor dog who still gets walks about 5 days a week.
      She is on my last nerve and I adore this dog,but twice in two days of paying bills over the phone her barking has kicked me out of the phone payment system and it’s driving me nuts….

  3. Kyla says:

    I wonder if I have the same condition. Hearing people sneeze multiple times just enrages me. Before Covid, I worked in an office that was all open concept, with everyone sitting at long tables (I can’t imagine that now). I had a coworker who could sneeze 12 times in a row, usually with 15 seconds between each. I’d have to get up and leave once she started. The sound and repetition of it infuriates me.

    • Snowslow says:

      Same. Add to this the fact that my parents sneeze-shout. You know the kind? I have allergies and trained myself to sneeze very quietly so as not to upset people. But the rest of the world just sneezes-barks. Why?
      Misophonia is a b*tch as you can see from my rant. Ugh.

      I actually wonder if it’s not connected with Aspergers. I often wondered if I didn’t have the mild kind. It affects women differently and once I read an article that really had me wonder…

      • Kate says:

        I am lol’ing at @Kyla’s and @snowslow’s comments. My husband sneeze shouts. I can hear him from inside my office over the garage when he is downstairs in a room on the opposite side of the house. Some people DO NOT CARE about how much noise they make and unfort I live with one…

      • Spicecake38 says:

        Mine too!!And mine (husband )is one of those coughers who does what I call a bark or yelling cough-it comes from the upper chest instead of using the diaphragm muscle.
        I actually think he had corona virus last January-February and is thankfully fine,but was scream-coughing soooo hard and for so long.Im so glad he’s fine from whatever he had,but that cough nearly had me in fits!

      • kgeo says:

        As a sneeze-shouter, sorry. I don’t know about others, but I truly cannot help it. I used to get in trouble for it as a kid, so I’ve tried, but there is nothing I can do.

    • Erinn says:

      I worked in an open office. One woman whinnied like a horse. No joke. She’d clear her throat in a way that sounded like she was imitating a horse. And it was like every 20 seconds some days. I’ve never felt so much rage towards someone at work before. She’s gone now, though, so I don’t actually have to hear it. It also wasn’t because she was sick.It was at first, but it turned into a nervous tic. And I feel really bad for her in that regard, but holy hell, it was infuriating trying to concentrate while hearing that every 20 seconds.

      • Elizabeth says:

        I think I would have died if I had to sit through this scenario in the workplace.
        Anticipating such a repetitive sound like this every 20 seconds would have pushed me over the edge.
        I’m so happy you no longer have to deal with it!

    • SomeChick says:

      The dude who invented open plan offices (and cubicles) eventually deeply regretted it.

    • Adrianna says:

      I totally get that. My husband has loud sneezing fits and I can feel the anger build. Poor guy as I will cattily say, “Are you done now?” Also, why do people honk when they blow their nose? It seems totally unnecessary.

  4. Snowslow says:

    I have misophonia too and I agree with @Elizabeth, it gets worse with age. Mine is not only body noises but also screams, things crashing on the floor, they way my house carries the sound of laughter drives me nuts. It is a terrible condition because I’m considered a nag so I don’t say anything (also, children laughing during a pandemic cannot be censored right??).
    On another note, ‘happiness is a discipline’ is very wise and sounds nuts but I think she has a point.
    That’s why happiness is overrated: JOY is the word. Nothing is more important, it’s love’s spark.

  5. Lucy2 says:

    I’ll agree with her on that – I have misophonia too, and the eating sounds are the WORST. Instant rage, and it can totally ruin any experience for me.

  6. Ali says:

    Not all eating gets to me but cereal is the worst. Slurp, crunch crunch. Slurp, crunch crunch. Aaaaah!

    • Juls says:

      I agree. Cereal sends me over the edge. I have to leave the room because if I don’t, that bowl of cereal might end up being poured over the offender’s head.

  7. TeamAwesome says:

    Every breakfast of my childhood started my day in the worst possible way: the slurping, the gulping, the scrape of butter on toast. My family used to make fun of me but omg I was so miserable. I swear I cultivated being slow in the morning just so I could breakfast alone.

  8. Rhos says:

    That’s funny about hating chewing sounds! There are thousands of Youtube videos (called ASMR) devoted to just that, the sounds of people eating for those who find it incredibly comforting. Crazy, how people react to the same thing in such different way. Makes me wonder if it means that we can learn to like or dislike something, since it’s all in our head anyway.

    • SomeChick says:

      The people who like it, like it, and they probably couldn’t tell you exactly why they like it.

      The people who are bothered by it, are bothered by it, and they probably couldn’t tell you exactly why they are bothered by it.

      Some people are optimistic by nature; some are pessimistic by nature.

      People are different. You can’t just tell a depressed person to just cheer up or an anxious person to just chill out and expect them to magically be able to transform. Do you think they wouldn’t if they could? That’s not how the brain works. Misophonia is like being afraid of spiders. You just are.

      • Rhos says:

        Why are you yelling at me? I’m in the camp of people who have a hard time focusing on the positive, and so I’m constantly looking for any solution to change this. Including wondering out loud about different ideas that are inspired by these posts and comments. You need to deal with your issues before jumping at people.

    • Kimberly says:

      I didnt read that the poster above yelled at you. Also, would like to add for my personal case: it’s the saliva moving noise and the sound of people genuinely doing yomyom, lip smacking, finger licking noises.they are usually unaware they make the noises, but to me it’s engaging and not endearing. it is not something I can train my brain to be ok with, but blaring music to cover up the noise and not watching the people I eat with eat helps.


    I love what she said about happiness and discipline! I think it was a little oversimplified, but that makes sense for an interview. Happiness can be hard to achieve for everyone, and I’ve struggled with it a lot (and was scared but relieved when I got diagnosed with a mental illness, that helped me make sense of it). You can’t force yourself to be happy, but you can work on trying to build a positive outlook. It can feel like hell to try to have a sunny perspective when you’re having a depressive episode, but if you can pull it off, it can truly, truly help with the “this too shall pass” aspect of things. I think that goes for people that have experienced a loss, a fight with a loved one, a bad day, etc. “Being happy” is way too simple and you can’t force yourself into it. But you can work toward being happy, and it’s worth it.

    • Kate says:

      Me too! I kind of want to hear more from Goldie about this. I totally imagined her as just being sunny and happy all the time (I guess conflating her with all the characters she played in movies). It’s interesting to hear that it’s something she intentionally pursues and taught her kids.

  10. lizzieb says:

    This actually makes me understand an unknown co-worker I had who actually lodged a formal hr complaint about me for coughing too much after I had had surgery (I was not contagious). It’s in my permanent file and was humiliating for me. At least now I know that it may have been a condition on their part and not just being a hateful person. Is there treatment/therapy for this condition? If so I hope they get it before someone offends them by sneezing repeatedly or wheezing from an asthma attack. For anyone who has this condition please consider therapy…

  11. Marjorie says:

    She called her (unemployed) employees “those people”.

  12. Sophie says:

    My husband eating potato chips or nuts makes me insane.

    • Jules says:

      an ex used to bite his nails. so loud. omg just thinking of it makes me cringe.

  13. Shoshone says:

    I have it. Mine has fortunately gotten better with age, though. It’s the anger (most often directed at someone you love because of proximity) that is the worst part. I caused my beloved father so much pain with my anger over the relatively minor sounds that he made when he was eating.

    I didn’t know that it was a condition or even that others had it until a few years ago. Background noise definitely helps. Also, it helps that people do not chew gum in public places the way that they did decades ago. Gum “popping” sounds if you are trapped in a car, theatre or plane can be intolerable.

  14. Other Renee says:

    My daughter told me years ago how the sound of people chewing drove her crazy. She used to be invited to the neighbors’ house often for meals because she was friends with the daughter. She said sometimes the sound of all of them chewing made her want to run outside but she controlled herself so as not to insult them or appear ridiculous.

    However, I asked her about it today and she said yes it still bothers her but she feels it’s actually gotten better. She’s in her 20s.

  15. Lisa says:

    OMG!!! I really wish this was more commonly known! It elicits a visceral reaction for me and the reaction is anger. Chewing, smacking lips to moisten them, just the sound of food in someone’s mouth makes my entire body tense up. There is no way to politely explain to people that the sound of them doing normal things, I.e. existing, is excruciating is literally painful to me without coming off like a total B, but I am extremely fortunate my husband knew what he was getting into before we got married. I do feel super guilty for my kids though. I try to suck it up for them as best I can but it’s really tough. So happy to know I’m not alone.

  16. Anna says:

    I never knew there was a name for that kind of sensitivity. Have to look into this further because from what other commenters are saying, it looks like I fit this category and then some…

  17. Dazed and Confused says:

    In 2019, I made the decision to find something positive in every time of year, every situation. I was amazed at how much it helped my overall outlook and sense of well-being.

    Three cheers for what she said about teacher’s salaries!! Teacher’s salaries have been on the decline for decades now. When adjusted for inflation, teachers make less than they did in 1999. On average, it’s down 4.5%.

    • Rhos says:

      Did you read any books on this or was it just something you figured out for yourself? I would like to learn. I’ve looked into some reading material but so far I do have a hard time separating that “but if I focus on the positive it’s like being fake” from an actual, real understanding of how to do it.

      • Dazed and Confused says:

        @Rhos, I didn’t read books- for the same reason you mentioned. I was starting to get very negative and I didn’t like how it was affecting me.

        I take time to focus on what is special about each given time of year and celebrate it. It is always something simple — “peaches are in season” or “daylight hours are getting longer” but I have found that taking joy in the simple bleeds into the rest of my life.

        I think the reason it works for me is because they are really things I enjoy and look forward to. There are beautiful things happening all around us all the time. I just made myself stop and notice them. It really does help. I don’t try to force something to be positive, I just try to focus on the positive of things happening at that time. Even if it is only one thing and everything else stinks. Does that make sense?

        Find what is authentic for you and give it time to become more organic. I hope this helps!!

    • Tok says:

      Yes, it does make sense, thank you for sharing.

  18. Lululu says:

    I have misophonia too, hearing someone gulp anything sends me through the roof. I can’t listen to anyone drink anything. Chewing is annoying but I can kind of deal, but don’t audibly gulp your water around me or we are going to have a problemo.

  19. Winnie Cooper’s Mom says:

    I use to work right next to a woman in a silent office, who would snack on chips and crackers regularly and I would internally become so enraged, I could feel my face turn red. I didn’t know this was a condition, but suddenly I feel so validated! I also cringe when babies cry in public, but it’s not as anger-inducing to me as the loud munching.

  20. Faye G says:

    I feel the same way, can’t stand the sound of one of my family members eating. He makes weird popping noises while chewing, and also strange hacking sounds while he is swallowing. It sounds like he is gasping and popping gum at the same time, I don’t know how to describe it. I dread dinner time and being subjected to this symphony of horrors!

  21. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    Oh, God – majorly triggered misophonic here. Squeaking pages when they’re turned > epic Godzilla-style rage meltdown. People who talk slushily like Wicked Stepsister Samantha Markle. Apple-chewing. People who eat with their mouths open and pap their food. Anyone overemphasising the letters X or KS when speaking. Computer keyboards clicking and clattering. Slurping of tea. The sighing during gum-chewing. Shout-sneezing. Children tantruming.
    You can guess that I work from home, can’t you.

  22. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I can’t remember a time I could stand mouth noises. I remember being a kid in the back seat writhing when Mom chewed her gum. Omg. So yeah, since then (about eight years old). Sucking teeth makes me leave the room. Crap in the throat? I’m out first strike. When people eat on film, I forward through it. I’m about to trigger some of you here, me too probably. The landscaping guy was next door and was walking by my window when he put a finger aside his nose, leaned over and blew. I had to run to the bathroom and hurl. Truly hurl.

  23. Cakes says:

    Oh god, I have this

  24. Skatrine says:

    I have misophonia too, and in my case it also encompasses the physical aspect, like when someone sways from side to side on a rotating chair, or taps their foot or swings their legs (with or without sound), or when my younger brother twirls the same strand of hair on his head endlessly, etc etc. I once quit a job in large part because I couldn’t stand my coworkers’ habits. Now I work from home and everything is much better in my world

  25. Hildog says:

    I can’t watch/hear/smell anyone else eat, but I’m in my first trimester.