Jared Kushner on postponing the election: ‘I’m not sure I can commit one way or the other’

Kushner at Coronavirus hearing at the White House

The November election feels too far away, so I’m not having an anxiety attack over it right now. Catch me in September, then we’ll see. A lot can change in five months. A lot will change in five months. But there’s one thing all of us can guarantee right now: Donald Trump and his minions will try to f–k up the election somehow. Even after the election, Trump and his people will do the most to delegitimize the results, I know that. But what if Trump and his people are already thinking about “cancelling” the election? Jared Kushner took part in a Time 100 interview, and he suggested that voting in November isn’t a for-sure done deal.

Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser, refused on Tuesday to rule out postponing the presidential election in November, a comment that fed directly into Democratic concerns that President Trump might use the coronavirus crisis to delay or delegitimize the contest and one that contradicted Mr. Trump himself.

“I’m not sure I can commit one way or the other, but right now that’s the plan,” Mr. Kushner told Time magazine in response to a question about whether the election could be postponed because of the pandemic.

The opinion of a White House staff member has no bearing on when the election is held. Even the president himself does not have the authority to unilaterally postpone Election Day, which by law takes place the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. But Mr. Kushner’s comment raised alarms both because of the expansive power Mr. Trump has conferred on members of his family who serve in his administration and because it played into the worst anxieties of Mr. Trump’s detractors — that the president would begin to question the validity of the election if he feared he was going to lose.

The presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., gave voice to those concerns at a virtual fund-raiser last month. “Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow — come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,” he said.

[From The NY Times]

“I’m not sure I can commit one way or the other…” Like it’s up to him. Like he thinks “running the election” is one of his many tasks, alongside “Middle East peacemaker,” Secretary of State, Middle East envoy, counsellor to Israel, campaign manager for the Trump campaign, shadow coronavirus task force chief, tax policy expert, labor expert and domestic policy legislator. Now he’s a Constitutional expert who knows that the president’s son-in-law could cancel a federal election.

Trump Meets Gov. DeSantis of Florida

President Trump holds press briefing on testing

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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117 Responses to “Jared Kushner on postponing the election: ‘I’m not sure I can commit one way or the other’”

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  1. Lightpurple says:

    I just can’t.

    • Lara says:

      Even if the Constitutional safeguards weren’t in place, elections are organized by states, not the federal government. Conflicts related to elections are always brought to court (Bush v. Gore, for example). Chief Justice Roberts and the current majority in the Supreme Court are problematic, but they at the very least are aware of how this would set precedent in case law. Given their decision re Wisconsin’s elections, I don’t think the current majority would rule to postpone. Now, what they would rule regarding anything around absentee ballots- that’s a different question.

      • Lucy2 says:

        Thank you! Either he has no clue how the elections actually work, or he’s just saying this to stir everybody up. No one in the White House has the power to cancel the election. And thank the Lord, the house was re-taken by Democrats in 2018, so they won’t let that happen either.
        I don’t doubt that it’s going to be a giant mess, and they are doing everything in their power to make it a mess, but the election will not be canceled.

      • I am Mimi says:

        Given the way they’ve been ruling, I think they’ll rule whatever Trump says to rule. If he wants a postponement, they’ll suddenly find precedent for postponement. There has been NO consistency in how they’ve ruled. If it’s beneficial to Trump, that’s the ruling.

      • Suz says:

        @Lucy2 I truly think he really doesn’t know how elections work. In fact, I’ve talked to more than one acquaintance who has met this dude and in their conversations, said it was very clear he doesn’t have a clue how much of anything in the world works. He knows his sheltered, privileged existence in his Park Avenue apartment and that’s about it.

    • Snappyfish says:

      I completely agree. First it isn’t up to this defective twit or the party who holds the WH. Second this idiot is playing with the Saudi’s, The Russians & Qatar (who all hate each other & he is taking huge amounts of $$ from each) when they are no longer in power don’t be surprised if something really horrible happens to him.

      Sadly I won’t shed a tear for any of them. I cut all ties w/those who were Trump supporters in ‘16 as it was clear Our differences were too stark. Like morals & simple common decency

    • Laura says:

      This just reminded me to get myself together and register to vote. Thanks Kushie!

  2. Priscila Bezerra-Fischer says:

    Fascist Dictators come to Power through legitimate means, instill fear in the population by making a great enemy up and then start changing the rules of the game as they go along, until everybody is so confused that they can simply ” cancel” democracy.

    Good job, U.S.A- you have been played.

    • Lara says:

      You make it sound like Trump planned this, which is giving him too much credit. He is a rich white male surrounded by other rich white men who felt threatened during the Obama years, when they suddenly had to face a black president and experience a cultural shift where women and people of color were empowered. He is also a narcissist, and people don’t know how to deal with that kind of personality. Narcissism is not simply thinking too well of oneself. So many people have attempted to be the “power behind the scenes” (see eg: Bannon, Bolton) without truly understanding what a narcissist is and the sheer mental and emotional abuse (and physical- I have no doubt he’s raped several women) they can and will inflict on everyone around them.

      There was a phase after he was elected president where every Republican was saying he would finally “get serious,” but this never happened. Then they started making excuses for his behavior. Then they started defending him. The press couldn’t stop giving him all the attention he craved and at the time, the economy was doing well. If anyone is to blame, it’s the spineless, hypocritical Republican supermajority currently in the Senate. Congress is supposed to act as a check to executive power, not bend over backwards to accommodate it. I remember during Obama’s presidency, people were saying the Republican party was in danger of dying out because they were comprised mainly of white males, who could no longer hold claims to being the majority (if they ever were). Now we have wealthy white males leveraging every systemic advantage they have in their power to try and stay in power.

      • Priscila Bezerra-Fischer says:

        I don’t make it sound Trump planned this, I am just speaking on historical terms- that is how it happens. I am speaking in general terms, Power being achieved through legitimate means, by playing the game, and then, shifting the gears.

        The ” charismatic leader” part of fascism is what people tend to get when they study. Hiter and Mussolini. That is why you are thinking TRUMP- I am not speaking about Trump. Fascism is very insidious, very generic. Very adaptive. It survived the turn of the century by wearing new masks. Obviously, it could not have stayed as it was in the 1930´s.

        This is to say: it is not planned in a domino effect way but as a virus. It will not infect everyone, but it will absolutely cause damage to the ones infected to the point they become automatons.

      • Lara says:

        Got it – I interpreted your sentence as emphasizing the dictators, not how fascism works in and of itself. I think in the end, we’re actually saying the same thing; that there is a systemic way by which democracy can be perverted to empower one person/faction of a country. I think a key difference between Hitler, Mussolini, etc is that they had very enthusiastic support among the majority. They persecuted the minority and leveraged their power to go to war against other countries with aspirations towards empire. However, in this case the majority does NOT support Trump (he lost the popular vote), yet his has a vocal minority who makes headlines and looms large in the US media. Which makes me wonder, do we give more weight to his followers because they are mostly white men? Because in discussions, it often feels like we forget women and people of color comprise a huge segment of the population. It’s true there are unfair hurdles imposed when it comes to access to polls in elections, but there is a silent majority out there.

        It’s funny you mention Hitler and Mussolini – I was actually thinking of Putin. He is truly someone who has been legitimately elected but over the years has changed the rules while in power. I personally think he is the best modern example of what you described. He IS by all accounts charismatic- granted, in the Russian sense, which is different from Western charisma. He’s carefully managed his ascent to power and has now been the head of the Russian Federation for 26 years. He’s very effectively undercut the Duma and he goes around systemically assassinating journalists, defectors to the state, etc. He has cultivated support among the oligarchs and the thing is, Russians mostly support him because he HAS brought more material prosperity to their country. Russia was in total shambles after the fall of the Soviet Union. Now their quality of life has drastically improved. It’s one of the reasons why it was so important to undercut Hilary’s power – she would have continued the sanctions against Russia and therefore seriously endangered the prosperity he “built” during his regime.

      • Allie says:

        It’s not only Russia… Hungary, Poland, Turkey. They are on the same path. Those countries have been stripped of free press, fair elections and became increasingly corrupt, racist, anti-LGBT, anti-women and have stripped opposition, justice and even the parliament of many rights. The degree of all this still varies between those countries but they are getting there.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Trump didn’t plan this. He’s just their talking monkey. He has the charisma but is otherwise utterly inept. Republicans absolutely have for the last two decades, though. What we’re seeing is an slowly ongoing consolidation of the power structure to their advantage. Mitch McConnell and his cohorts know exactly what they’re doing.

    • I am Mimi says:

      Priscilla–So right! Maybe not planned by Trump (he’s too dumb), but definitely by those around him. Bannon had been speaking about this since at least 2014 (about the barrage of lies, so you can then say you told the “truth” and no one knows what to believe). This was definitely planned by the GOP on some level. Trump is just the puppet.

      • Priscila Bezerra-Fischer says:

        Exactly! If I remember correctly, Bannon said something along the lines that, if he had to live in a dictatorship, he would be ok if Trump was the man in charge.

  3. Digital Unicorn says:

    They are going to try, Nancy needs to be ready to slap them down if they do.

    Its scary that they are being open about this and scarier still that the MAGATS are behind it.

    • Lara says:

      Which is ironic since they’re the ones who want the country reopened yesterday.

    • Erinn says:

      Even scarier when the idiots MAGATS are out there banging on about their FREEEEDOOOOMMMMS while supporting an authoritarian regime.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Erinn- they don’t hate authoritarianism. They actually crave it and want it… they just want the authoritarianism to be dictating what they think is right. They are selfish, mean, stupid people.

      • Juls says:

        Rapunzel, something that has been bothering me: These Trump supporters have been getting everything they ever dreamed of, especially the first 2 years of Trump when they controlled Congress as well, yet they are still so angry. Frothing at the mouth, screaming, ranting, waiving guns around, and I keep asking myself why are they so mad and have such a victim complex? I know there are a lot of reasons, but I think you really nailed it with your comment about authoritarianism. They are angry because a huge swath of the country disagrees with their view. They are seething with rage because people dare to challenge their narrow views and tell them they are wrong. They probably DO want a government that forces people to think like they do, through fear and terrorism if necessary, or get the heck out. This is why they see trump as a God and will threaten violence on anyone that says anything negative about their fuhrer..

      • Bucky says:

        Juls, I think his supporters come in three main forms. #1 wealthy extreme conservatives who will stop at nothing to get their judges in place. They need a republican, any republican, in the oval office. There constituents are people who vote exclusively on one issue, such as pro-life, pro-tobacco, pro-guns for fun, etc. When Trump is gone, it will be generations before the party recovers and they might get another shot. Trump controls them only because he’s in office. They control Barr. So, they control the justice department too. #2 Trump campaigned to dirtbags, and people who self identify as dirtbags. He cozied up to white supremacists, xenophobes, and criminals of all types. He told them he’d be their advocate…they finally had someone ready to play ball. #3 is manipulated by groups one and two. These are less educated people with conservative ideologies who normally wouldn’t care much about politics, but Trump got them excited about being represented as racists or anti-abortion advocates when he made them feel angry and violent. Saddest of all, group #3 is impressed with him because they think The Apprentice depicted a real-life successful businessman.

    • Arpeggi says:

      If they try to cancel the elections, then Nancy becomes POTUS on Jan 20, 2021 at noon: that’s in the Constitution. I’m sure that the thought of losing to an 80yo woman should be enough to get him to not cancel the election.

      Unless his team is too stupid to not even have read what happens if the electoral college doesn’t vote for a POTUS before the term ends

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        It’s actually more complicated than that because house of rep terms will also expire. But the skinny is that we will have a Democratic Interim POTUS. Trump and Pence will be out of a job unless they are actually re-elected. And once Trump is no longer a sitting POTUS, he will be hit by a nice legal shit storm. And yes, I think Kushner is way too dense to get this.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Yeah, it’s more than just the POTUS position, Congress would be empty and that would cause a lot of problems (because whoever is POTUS doesn’t have all the powers)… It’d be a mess and all the blame would go on 45’s administration… But that’s all too complicated for their little brains…

        I can see a lot of mail-in ballots… Maybe that’s why he wants to destroy the USPS??

      • kesley says:

        It’s more complicated and confusing than that.

        All the House members are up for re-election this year too and if there is no election then their term ends January 20th as well. That takes us to the Senate. There are 35 Senate seats up for election in 2020. If there is no election, those 35 Senators lose their seat on January 20th, 2021. For the remaining Senators, if the majority are Democrats then Patrick Leahy from Vermont would become President since he would be the longest-serving Democrat Senator. If the Republicans have the majority than Chuck Grassley from Iowa would be President.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        @kelsey Governor’s have the power to appoint senators in an emergency though. Since most of the senate seats up for reelection are in states that have Democratic governors, we would likely end up with a Democratic senate and President Patrick Leahy.

    • I am Mimi says:

      Unfortunately, Nancy is outgunned. You can only have checks and balances if all the arms of government agree. Right now, the House is half an arm. The GOP run senate is complicit and the Supreme Court majority has been bought and paid for. We’re on our own.

    • amandla says:

      I’m old enough to remember “Bush is going to bring back conscription and cancel the election!!!!!!!”

  4. emmy says:

    His eyes scare the crap out of me, there’s just nobody home. I’m no fan of armchair diagnosing people over the internet but if ever someone seemed like a sociopath …

    • Tammy says:

      Was just thinking the same thing. He’s not aging well and his eyes!! He looks like some crazy movie character, I just can’t put my finger on who tho.

    • pineapple says:

      emmy … don’t you remember at the start of Trump’s term when a group of psychiatrists got together and stated they didn’t think Trump was fit for office? I remember being amazed because they hadn’t treated him, none of them had, but, they saw the earmarks of the narcissism and were afraid for their Country.

      They were silenced but that was something I found shocking. And look, they were 100% right.

    • Lara says:

      I know his eyes are freaky, but have you heard his voice? It’s hilarious. So high pitched and squeaky.

  5. Kyle Owens says:

    My understanding is that only Congress can change the election date. Trump has been elected for a specified period. When his time is up and if no election has been held, Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house assumes the presidency.

    • Lara says:

      However, Jared Kushner is also an esteemed Constitutional scholar and as someone who got into the white house through nepotism, is eager to upgrade to despotism. /s

    • Jen says:

      Her term would be up the same day as Trump’s. There would be a power vacuum. It’s one of the many, many reasons why this couldn’t happen.

      • Arpeggi says:

        No she would effectively become POTUS on Jan 20 at noon, but the Congress would be empty thus the power vacuum because there’s not only the POTUS that’s elected

      • Lightpurple says:

        Congress would not be empty. 2/3 of the Senate is not up for re-election.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Sure but the House would be and and 2/3 of Senate and 0 representatives wouldn’t be able to do much. It’d be a “governance” of SCOTUS and constitutional scholars with Nancy as interim while they try to figure out how to get out of this clusterf*$k.

        But the likelihood of this happening is very low; 45 wouldn’t want to risk losing to Nancy

    • kesley says:

      Trump has never respected the rule of law and he has packed the courts. He is banking on a GOP-majority Senate and his ultra-right wing judges to protect him and allow him to do whatever he wants. It is scary. He wants to declare himself a dictator and leader for life (and then pass the Presidency on to his kids).

      That is why when people say “he can’t stop the election” I say – well who has stopped him from doing whatever he wants so far?

      • holly hobby says:

        Packing courts – what people seem to forget here is that yes while he got a lot of judges in, there are still a majority of judges dating back from Carter (senior judges) who are working. The judiciary as a whole is not corrupted (SCOTUS is different). There are judges from six administrations who are competent and apolitical. So yes, these judges can base their decisions on precedent and the law. Also, when a new judge joins the bench that doesn’t mean the previous one quit. Many take on senior status and still accept cases.

        When a case is filed, it enters into a lotto system so the case isn’t necessarily going to go to a “trump” appointee. With the exception of melty turtle’s protegee, Justin Walker, you don’t hear any news about these new appointees – which is a good thing because that means they are still following the rule of law and not making decisions that are far out. Justin Walker got an unacceptable rating from the ABA because he was never a trial atty (he taught law which explains his stupid rant over Easter – see the crazy ones get the press).

        I hope that helps.

  6. Sarah says:

    Only an act of Congress can postpone the election and Nancy is not here to play.

    • Lara says:

      Nancy Pelosi has really risen to the challenge during this time. I can’t even remember who’s the Senate Minority Leader right now (Chuck Schumber, probably) because Pelosi has basically taken on the mantle of the Democratic opposition. I think her refusing to back down on the government shutdown and refusing to allow the State of the Union to go forward were extremely important symbolic acts of resistance. That and all the twitter pics of her utter condescension towards Trump.

  7. Mina_Esq says:

    Suggestion – can you not use actual photos of Jared when writing about him? Like, can we all agree to use a photo of a wooden toy instead? Or a porcupine? Or something else? Seeing his smug face first thing in the morning is not ideal.

  8. Aang says:

    Our democracy is in peril. Unless millions, and not just one but several or tens, are willing to take to the streets this administration is going to turn us another Russia. Russia but without a president that looks good shirtless. I have absolutely no faith in the majority of my fellow Americans to do the hard thing or make any personal sacrifices. They won’t even vote. Even that is too much trouble. We are anesthetized by cheap consumer goods and corn syrup and will get the government we deserve. I have abandoned hope and am watching with the detachment of a Buddhist and the interest of a historian.

    • Allie says:

      Isn’t that a case the 2nd amendment is aimed for? Only the problem being that most of its radical defenders are his base?

    • Lara says:

      All this feels overwhelming but come election time, I think the best we can do is be proactive and help as many people as possible obtain an absentee ballot. No time like the present to start researching how to get one in your state – I know some of them take a really long time to get. I know things look really bad right now, but don’t let despair get to you. Historically, we’ve been through similar times (eg many presidents after Ulysses S. Grant and before Theodore Roosevelt), and we can pull through again. The US has been through many waves of corruption and then years of reform. This is part of a historical cycle and progress has been made – we call out racists who show themselves on Instagram, we hold people accountable for their words, we’re not afraid to point out misogyny and talk about rape. People are more aware of privilege and more likely to call it out. There’s definitely been a cultural shift, which is part of what these neo-Nazis are trying desperately to fight. Perhaps I’m speaking from confirmation bias because I avoid Fox News and have like minded friends, but don’t give up. It hurts to hope, I know, but despair doesn’t help anyone either. If you decide to act, more people around you are likely to act also, even if it’s a small thing as becoming the resident expert in your social circle on how to obtain an absentee ballot.

      • lucy2 says:

        If your state doesn’t allow absentee or vote by mail, call your representatives. Make sure you are aware of deadlines and restrictions, and spread the word.

  9. Mina_Esq says:

    Alan Dershowitz (I know, I know) wrote an article called, “Who takes control if there is no election this year?” The good news is that it’s definitely not Trump. The even better news is that, given that most Republican senators are up for re-election this year, the actual majority of senators still serving their terms would be Democrat…so Democrats would get to choose the interim president. In my fantasy, however, Nancy is the interim president:)

    • Em says:

      Um, Nancy as president would give Trump an aneurysm.

      Oh, ok, I see what you did there.

    • Sarah says:

      Bold of everyone to assume Republicans will play by the rules should this come to pass. They haven’t done that yet during Trump’s tenure, why should this constitutional crisis be any different?

  10. Victoria says:

    Vanity post: How does he have three kids with Ivanka?? Two very unsexy people who look like robots. He is creepy looking

    • Chrissy says:

      IVF! It saved Ivanka’s figure too!

      • Jen says:

        IVF doesn’t save anyone’s figure. You still go through the entire pregnancy.

    • Lightpurple says:

      In vitro.

      Their marriage is a business merger. Nobody in the New York power and social circles they aspired to would have either one of them and she flunked out in desperate attempts to score someone from the sports or entertainment worlds. They’re both damaged goods and the marriage brings the two questionable family corporations together.

      There’s no sex, at least, not with each other.

    • Chrissy says:

      Sorry, Jenn, i mispoke. I meant IVF and surrogacy.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I think the third one was surrogacy or gestational carrier.

        Ivanka’s figure is thanks to procedures any way. Nothing about that woman is natural.

  11. smee says:

    That effer makes me sick.

    Bridget Bennett wrote an article this week in the NYTimes about voting during the pandemic. It’s sobering. Vote by mail isn’t going to save us – most states aren’t set-up for processing the ballots and the post office might not exist by November….

    • Lara says:

      Amazon has very effectively been building their own shipping branch. Bezos has no love for Trump and I would find it hilarious if Amazon leveraged their resources to personally deliver and collect absentee ballots.

  12. Chattycat1 says:

    How the hell no Repub is bothered by this turd being in charge of a great deal of issues I’ll never understand. His eyes are definitely dead. He also needs to lay off the Botox. Look at his forehead and the area between his eyes. My gosh.

    • shanaynay says:

      The republicans first need to remove there lips from DUMPS a** before they can be mad about this moron.

    • ATLMathMom says:

      It is very creepy and unnatural how smooth his face is.

  13. Kay says:

    Evil just radiates off of him. Total creepshow.

  14. lemonylips says:

    I hope there will be some solution for USA to get over this without more issues. Reading about Trumps investments in the army (have you seen his answer on Mother’s Day question – talking about military, wth???), sending armed goones in the statehouse to protest, sending “liberate” states messages… it reminds me of a start of something horrible. I just hope my gut is wrong. This man and his crew need to be stopped somehow. But how?

  15. Leigh says:

    It makes me rage that JARED F$$$ing KUSHNER even THINKS he has a say in postponing our country’s election!! I hate this family soooo much!!

  16. OriginalLara says:

    Jared of all trades, master of none.

  17. Rapunzel says:

    All the Trump supporters I know are screaming that if we can go to Walmart, we can vote in person. They are against mail in voting, not in person voting. If you point out to them that mail in is good enough for overseas military, they sputter. They believe the Dems will use mail in to cheat. Keep repeating to them: but it’s good enough for overseas military, so why not the rest of us? They can’t answer that except to keep screaming “voter fraud”… keep repeating: “if military overseas are forced to use mail in despite possible fraud, the rest of us can too.”
    They will sputter and cannot give a real response.

    Jared and Trump know that states will move to mail in voting if the virus is an issue. Watch them start caring about “safety” all of a sudden. They’ll get their supporters crying that we must delay cause in person is too dangerous and mail in is Dem fraud. Remind them of how they kept this virus alive and screwed themselves and they must settle for mail in or nothing.

    The states/Congress decide this, not Trump. Not Tom Riddle Kushner. And if they somehow postpone, he is out in January anyway. Demand they follow that constitutional law.

    • MsIam says:

      We’ve had mail in voting in many states for years, so that “fraud” claim is bull. The deplorables wrap themselves in the flag and scream about patriotism but seem perfectly happy about denying the constitutional right to vote.

  18. grabbyhands says:

    I’d love to believe that we’d all somehow be saved by the Constitution if he tries to pull cancelling the election (spoiler alert: he will), it considering how much the right has stomped all over it unobstructed so far, that brings me zero comfort,

    To be quite frank, this pandemic hasn’t hurt him politically as much as it should have and it’s working for him as much as it is against him. We have become a nation of spoiled children and the longer this lasts, the worse it becomes and the better his ability is to turn the narrative into, “look I tried and everyone kept saying no”. People are more concerned about getting a haircut than they are death tolls. He’s playing to people’s selfishness.

    And ultimately, none of them have plans on going anywhere and they still have all the tools to manipulate the game any way they want. It’s depressing as hell.

    • Lightpurple says:

      The pandemic hasn’t hurt him so much yet because the worst of it is still confined to the bluest of states. What people are missing about the pandemic numbers in those hard hit states it that it grew very, very slowly and was actually behind in the estimated dates of when it would surge and when it would plateau. Here in Massachusetts, we were told that surge would come around April 10, that we were two weeks behind New York, except it really didn’t start the surge until a week later. We still haven’t really plateaued. Because of the measures governors put in place, it slowed the movement of the virus but opening everything up again will give it freedom to spread and it will spread south and west and it will be devastating.

      • Lara says:

        Especially since the medical infrastructure of the South and West is so weak. Hundreds of hospitals have gone bankrupt and closed in the past eight to ten years, many don’t have the capability to deal with even one severe covid case. Most of these people are uninsured, so that puts the hospital further into debt. On the one hand, cities were hit hard and fast, but they also have the infrastructure in place to deal with it. This cannot be said of the poorer rural areas where many of Trump’s base resides.

        There’s also the fact that farms have suffered immensely due to the trade war with China, as well as other blue collar jobs because of the steel/aluminum tariffs.

      • lucy2 says:

        Well said, and we’ve had the same thing here. I’ve watched it ripple through NJ in a wave from NYC. It’s going to do the same through all those other states, especially if the people aren’t adhering to the guidelines.

  19. Megs says:

    I swear to God, this party. I’m a WI resident and they we’re all “this election needs to take place no matter the current pandemic” and no, seeing as though things may not go as favorably as hoped they want to cancel. This is nothing new I realize but it’s the f$&king hypocrisy that gets me every time.

  20. TIFFANY says:

    He really speaks like someone whose father had to buy him a admission to Harvard.

  21. Emily says:

    Jared looks like the kid from omen all grown up.

  22. shanaynay says:

    When will this entire family of thieves and liars just disappear!!!!!!

  23. KellyRyan says:

    JK, evil personified. The administration cannot touch CA. We easily vote by mail. Last time I read news on the lawsuits CA has against the current administration, 68.

    • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

      CA Gov Newsom (LOVE him!) has already said mail in ballots WILL be sent to EVERY registered voter, to take advantage of. There will be some in-person voting, but it will not be widespread (in view of the fact we will most likely be in the 2nd wave of this pandemic in the fall). I’ve been voting from home for years. One of the easiest things to do.

  24. Mumbles says:

    When he went to college, his father bought him some rental properties in the Boston area so he could learn how to manage them and make some money. (Most of us get, what, a sweater or two? A computer if we are lucky?) The Boston Globe interviewed his former tenants and surprise surprise, he was awful. Point being this little jerk has spent his entire life being handed little projects by parental figures and he always screws them up. Like the New York Observer too. Anyway, unsurprising that he know thinks HE is in charge of Election Day and that he is unaware it’s set by statute.

  25. Leah says:

    The Constitution says otherwise, Jared.

    On Jan 20, 2021, if that orange frump doesn’t leave the people’s house I am looking forward to his forceful removal by the secret service and of Madame Speaker giving him a few choice words. I have no doubt that he’s not going to leave easily, he will claim voter fraud and democratic wrong doing. He will probably enlist his nutter followers into making sure he doesn’t leave when he has too.

    The White House is going to need a complete fumigation.

    • Jerusha says:

      Fumigation won’t do the job. Would you want to sit on a toilet trump’s ass sat on? Raze and rebuild, I say.

  26. Jerusha says:

    Richard Grenell delivered a list of Obama staffers to Barr, ones who were supposedly behind the “persecution” of Flynn. I can hardly wait until Biden’s DNI delivers the evidence of Kendoll’s participation in the murder of Khashoggi.

  27. nicegirl says:

    Brahms, go to your room. You’re grounded.

    This terrible human being, I cannot.

  28. Nic919 says:

    Someone needs to just leak the tax returns at this point.

  29. Jaded says:

    This election will not end well either way. If the GOP tries to postpone the election and Pelosi becomes POTUS I can honestly see the orange menace telling his base to pick up their firearms and storm government buildings. That the evil Democrats and fake news manipulated voter results. And you know what? They will rise up because they’re a bunch of moronically stupid, violent lemmings who will do whatever Trump exhorts them to do.

    • Bucky says:

      That’s a best case scenario, in my opinion. He got GOP lawmakers to storm the impeachment in an effort to cause a minor delay. Actual professionals who work in the white house went that low. He got some rando guy to go in there and scream to delay it just a few seconds more. When he’s about to be removed from office permanently, it will be his most vulnerable and desperate point. I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t get more people killed. Of course, he’ll call the killers “very fine people.”

  30. Marie says:

    I H A T E this twerp. I can’t believe this reptilian of a person has as much power as he has in our government. It’s beyond me. If this country didn’t postpone elections during the middle of a civil war, then there is no reason to do so now.

  31. Christin says:

    Things like this are why it’s “Blue not matter who”. Imagine any other President having family so inept and grift-focused influencing the running of the country.

    Two presidents had brothers (with no proximity to the WH) who liked to drink or whatever, and it was brought up constantly. One had a mother-in-law residing in the WH, and it was supposedly an abuse of tax dollars. Now we have adult children draining tax dollars via security, travel, etc. and it’s “nothing to see here”.

    • lucy2 says:

      The hypocrisy of the GOP has been infuriating for decades, but has reached boiling point with this sham of an administration.

  32. Valerie says:

    He looks like that creepy dude from Hunters. Sorry, Dylan Baker… :O

  33. Maida says:

    This guy DEFINES the old adage “born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.”

  34. Marjorie says:

    Dear Jared, I know you went to Harvard but that doesn’t mean you ever read Shakespeare, so I did it for you. In Henry VIII, the amoral “adviser” Cardinal Wolsey gets caught by the king doing similar shenanigans like you’ve been up to (conspiracy to murder, abuse of power, theft, etc) and is arrested. He says, upon his fall:

    “Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition.
    By that sin fell the angels; how can man then,
    The image of his Maker, hope to win by it?
    Love thyself last, cherish those hearts that hate thee;
    Corruption wins not more than honesty.”

    You could have read this stuff, Jared, while you were in Cambridge. They have books there. If you had, you would have learned that actions have consequences. And you are going to face consequences.

  35. sassafras says:

    Lordt. These people. *IF* the election had to be delayed (even though I agree with people that this is NOT a scenario that the federal government is in charge of) then that is a TACIT ADMISSION THAT Y’ALL F’ED UP. Them talking like this is only convincing more and more moderates with half a brain to become Democrats.

  36. Lizzie says:

    He thought this was a better answer than ‘I have no idea’.

    Also, my understanding is if the election is cancelled the speaker of the house becomes president. Lawyer’s, is this true?

  37. Babs441 says:

    WHAT THE FCUK? WHAT THE FCUK? WHAT THE FCUK. Please tell me we are being Punk’d!

  38. Bucky says:

    I submitted my application to vote by mail yesterday. I think that’s important.

    I don’t want to risk that this election will be decided by only those people who think Covid-19 is a hoax, or those people who know it is a risk, but are willing to take that risk to vote. We need some votes cast by reasonable people.

    Can you imagine what the election lines would look like if we all stand 6 feet apart and have to wait for machines to be sanitized after each use?

    My personal theory is that A) Trump will try to use stalling the election in an effort to delay getting arrested and having his tax details released -or- B, he’ll start some conspiracy theory that the vote by mail elections are fake and demand all sorts of recounts and exceptions. Either way, we’ll hear him whining and ranting about nonsense on cable news for years to come.

    It is absolutely clear that Trump will not leave the White House peacefully or with any semblance of dignity.

    Strain your imagination as hard as you can…is it possible for you to picture him at that podium with Biden, acting presidential? He’ll, at the VERY least, start commenting that his inauguration crowd was bigger and embarrass us more. That’s the best case scenario I can imagine, a lot of scenarios are really scary.

    He is not a long term thinker. He is constantly focused on trying to delay his problems. And, when he starts feeling desperate, he is reckless.

    It will probably get a lot worse and Trump will cause more people to die before it gets better.

  39. CJT says:

    Wait, so Trump and the GOP are clamoring for businesses to reopen, but they want to postpone the election. What bullshit artists.

    • Bucky says:

      The sooner the country reopens, the more likely the country is to have to re-close mid-fall when we get a resurgence + influenza. Lots of countries that already reopened are reclosing now.

  40. Hannah says:

    That’s bl**dy terrifying. I’ve just watched a montage of Trump attacking female journalists (think it was on CNN or Huffington Post) in light of what happened in yesterday’s briefing. It obviously goes back throughout his whole (cough cough) “presidency” and I am spitting mad 🤯 blood boiling, raging at my husband. We have our own 🤡 in 🇬🇧 Government. Please America, the world cannot have another 4 years of this 💙🇺🇸

  41. Ina says:

    Who the f*ck does this slumlord fake millionaire think he is!

  42. Tashiro says:


  43. MaryBeary says:

    What a f**king moron.

  44. paranormalgirl says:

    Is it just me feeling extra during stay at home, or is his face extremely punchable?