The Daily Mail’s gossip guy Sebastian Shakespeare has a “scoop” about the Duchess of Sussex. I tend to enjoy his scoops, even if I don’t always believe them – he’s like a throwback to old gossip-columnists and he really does have some legit connections. Anyway, Sebastian Shakespeare’s sources told him that Duchess Meghan was keeping a diary the entire time she was living in England, basically. And that diary could be used to write her own memoir at some point, or perhaps the diary could be used for an authorized biography (like Finding Freedom: Harry, Meghan, and the Making of a Modern Royal Family?)
This summer sees the publication of Finding Freedom, the book hyped as going ‘beyond the headlines’ to reveal ‘unknown details’ of Prince Harry and Meghan’s life together. But will that satisfy Meghan who, famously, chose to include three quills on her personal coat of arms, representing ‘communication and the power of words’?
For I can disclose that, according to one of the Duchess’s friends, Meghan — guest-editor of British Vogue in 2018 — kept a diary during her time in the UK. Such a journal could form the basis of a definitive, first-person chronicle of her extraordinary journey from aspiring American actress to member of Britain’s Royal Family.
The possibility intrigues Andrew Morton, doyen of royal writers — author of Diana: Her True Story, and of Meghan: Hollywood Princess. ‘She is a good writer, with a nice turn of phrase,’ he tells me. ‘Remember she studied English in her first year at Northwestern College.’ He adds that a first-person account, based on her diaries, would also offer Meghan a prize beyond price: ‘She would have total control.’
There would seem little doubt that Meghan would be willing to venture in print where other royals might fear to tread. Two years ago, she memorably inscribed bananas with messages expressing support for sex workers in Bristol, while before her marriage, she wrote a lifestyle blog, The Tig, which she closed shortly before her engagement.
I have a suggestion… perhaps we should refer to Meghan’s alleged writing activities as “journaling”? Because I bet that’s what she calls it. I bet she kept a journal, not a diary. A distinction without a difference, perhaps. But British people love “diaries,” and yet Meghan is American, with American New Age-y sensibilities. I don’t doubt that she did keep a journal – she seems exactly like the kind of person who would. And yes, I bet she *could* look back on journal entries to potentially write a memoir. I doubt she gave a diary or journal over to Omid Scobie though. Speaking of! There’s also a story about how Meghan’s “friend” says Meg wishes Finding Freedom was coming out right now:
Following the revelation that an authorised biography of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, entitled Finding Freedom: Harry, Meghan, and the Making of a Modern Royal Family, is set to be released this summer, it has been reported that Meghan is keen to hasten the publication.
Written by British-Iranian journalist Omid Scobie and American journalist Carolyn Durand – reportedly with collaboration from Harry, Meghan and their friends – the biography will be available on Kindle on 11 August and in hard copy from 20 August. A source described as a ‘friend’, however, told the MailOnline: ‘If Meghan had it her way, the book would be released tomorrow instead of three months from now. She said the book will finally set the record straight and show the world why they were left with no other choice than to leave royal life.’
The Duchess reportedly hopes that the book will convey ‘the genuine person that she is’, with the ‘insider’ stating that she ‘desperately wants to shatter this image of being a demanding diva who was rude to royal staffers and others on her quest for fame and power… She said the book will help give her and Harry a clean slate. Meghan seems to think that readers will finally understand the monumental anguish and turmoil she had to endure with a stiff upper lip.’
Elaborating on the Duchess’s motivations, the source continued: ‘Meghan said people need to see her vulnerable side, something the book does in great detail… I think [she] wants people to feel sorry for her, or at least have compassion for her and all she’s been through, which has been anything but a fairy tale.’ Meghan allegedly ‘had plenty to say about what went into the book, much more than the public is being led to believe,’ with the source revealing that ‘The only way Finding Freedom was ever going to be published, was if Meghan had the final say and gave her seal of approval.’
As a gossip blogger with an interest in royalty, I wish Finding Freedom was out right now too. I get why the publication was pushed back, but I also think Omid and Carolyn Durand could have published it this month and it still would have been massively successful – people would have been reading it in quarantine and we would have a sh-t ton of royal gossip for weeks, if not months. As for Meghan’s “friend” going on and on about how Meghan hopes people find her sympathetic… we already do. Let’s also be clear: Meghan hopes this book explains some things to Americans. I suspect she’s largely written off the British royal gatekeepers.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red and Backgrid.
BG had this blind about Meghans´s diary, so I think it does exist. The thing is with how these people do their spins: In BG, Meghan was using the diary as blackmail tool. If the poor RF did not give in her demands, she would publish the thing and take them down, folks! Because the Queen farts according to Meghan! Oh no!
Now, the more rational spin: she will use the diary for publishing purposes, earn some money and some sympathy.
How can a diary be a blackmailing tool? It’s literally one person’s word against another – it’s not solid proof of anything like photos or correspondence.
I work in the legal field and for a.woman was killed and the cops found her journal and if she wrote how ex beat her and threatened her, you better believe the cops would be lookinh at that ex. Journals while are one sided can be useful tool into the author’s state of mind and surrounding environment.
That’s true in HR issues too. If someone has carefully logged a pattern of harassment or other illegal behavior, that goes a lot further than a one off claim. Of course someone could be Machiavellian enough to fake a journal, but having specific dates and descriptions to go by certainly provides fuel for an investigation.
Gawd I hate BG , basically another outlet on the Willileaks payroll. I don’t know how a diary can be used as blackmail also.
BG is actually an outlet for Elites/Employers/Powerful people to “leak” damaging info on liberal celebrities.
Natalie Portman spoke ill about Jared? BG has an item on her being in love with him at Harvard. Gabrielle Union spoke ill of NBC? they had an item about her getting drunk at a party and breaking a bottle somewhere. the list goes on.
It is so ridiculous that they make sure to only reveal the blinds that supposedly touch on liberal celebrities. They did not reveal the blind about one of the Royal buying bots to compete with a couple because it turned out to be the Cambridges.
Funny thing is that they curate their comments to reflect their Agenda. I used to read more out of fun factor, but it got old quickly. The last I read was hilarious though: Meghan was laughing her ass off about the coronavirus, hoped she transmitted to the RF when she visited and that they would all die and Harry would be KIng.
I used to read it as a trashy guilty pleasure, but it can be quite mean, especially when speculating about fake pregnancies and assuming hollywood relationships are beards to cover for gay actors (which can be true, but there’s something quite vindictive about speculating people’s sexuality, and it’s not my business if people feel like being out might hurt their career).
It stopped being fun and just downright nasty.
I don’t know how they legally get away with it. I know that blinds don’t mention people’s names, but someone very powerful people must be pulling the strings to keep celebs in check.
Ewww, David! I’m so grossed out by the idea of Natalie Portman crushing on the porcelain son in law. Did BG really claim that? One’s standards don’t have to be that high to require some charm and personality in a crush.
BG lost whatever shred of credibility they may have had when they claimed avocados aren’t sold here in Britain. [Takes a bite out of avocado toast.]
Honey, don’t buy into these nonsensical made up crap, or pieces stating the obvious as ‘exclusives’. Those ‘friends’ talking to tabloids and gosip media don’t exist. Certainly not Meghan and Harry’s close and real friends, knowing damn well what hell they’ve gone true with the UK tabloid press, commentators and TV and radio show hosts. If you were to believe these outlets, their ‘friends’ must be on speed dial 24/7 talking to them and that they must have tons of friends.
Besides, when some of Meghan’s friends did talked to People meg – amongst other things, the letter she wrote to her father- it (almost) brought her into trouble: it’s the basis of a lawsuit. That in itself might scare off her real friends (or she might have asked them) to ever again talk to the media/RRs about her private matters. So, keep this in mind the next time you read another article, especially in the UK media, about Meghan or Harry and Meghan, citing conversations they had with (very/close) ‘friends’.
I don’t think keeping a journal is strictly part of a New Age practice. I keep a journal and I find it to be very helpful in helping me process things internally, especially if there is a lot of chaotic things going on at the moment. It doesn’t surprise me Meghan kept one. Girl probably had no one to confide in while all the vitriol the British press was spewing was aimed at her. And of course, this will probably be put to some sort of memoir or whatnot.
I think a lot of people kept journals already, but it did kind of blow up in the last 5ish years? Maybe a bit longer. I was constantly seeing things about bullet journaling in the last few years – but I’ve never really been interested in keeping one myself.
I can see why it would be useful, though. And it’d be nice to look back on a period of time in your life years down the road.
I’ve been out of nursing school more than 15 years now but journaling was part of the clinical part of our training. Journaling is not really a very recent thing. Good for Meg if she kept one, but again DF knows nothing about anything Sussex. And Sebastian Shakespeare is another of those tools sorry to say that. No actually I’m not sorry to say it, SS is a mean tool.
Bullet journaling is different. (It has also been kind of co-opted by hand lettering and drawing.) In a bullet journal, you simply have an ever-evolving to-do list, essentially. It helps you keep track of projects and tasks, and you roll over anything you didn’t complete. The prettier stuff on Insta calls itself bullet journaling, but isn’t really. The only things in common are the use of symbols to designate tasks, and a table of contents. But all these complicated spreads for cleaning, and habit tracking, and calendars – that’s not bullet journaling.
They say the Queen never misses a day of writing in her diary. Of course Megan keeps a journal, she taken on a historical significant role. Wouldn’t she be expected to do so?
This makes total sense. She has been thrust into extraordinary circumstances. Of course she’d document it and write about things just to process what’s been going on. She is a prolific writer, even in the time before Harry. I’m sure she documents everything from her daily work schedule to people she intersects with, to what she eats. This is not unusual. People are projecting all these motivations onto this because they know the behavior of the Royal family and British press toward her was neither normal nor decent. It’s no one’s business but hers.
They really are scared of what could come out, aren’t they!
That’s definitely what I’m picking up….
Yup. If there’s nothing to hide and it’s the Sussexes that are wrong like the RR keep telling us then what’s to fear?
They really are. There are other books coming out on the Sussex’s and no one cares. THIS book is causing meltdowns. Especially from Don Wooten. Interesting. I can’t wait to read it.
They are sooooo scared.
Does anyone else think it’s shady to call her an “aspiring” actress? She was a successful actress. As a regular on a reasonably large show, she’s probably in the top 10? 15? percent of her profession. SO many actors would kill to be in that position. SO many never make it beyond community theatre or whatever. Sure, there are bigger and better gigs out there. But let’s not pretend she hadn’t also experienced professional success.
// Enough with the bloody bananas. It wasn’t her idea.
// Great “otherizing”. Does it matter what nationalities the two authors are? Or do we just need to point out that Omid Scobie is *gasp* not a TRUE Brit, while the other journalist is *sneer* an American.
// No ”friend” would say this: “She desperately wants to shatter this image of being a demanding diva who was rude to royal staffers and others on her quest for fame and power.” What tosh.
I need to stop clicking on H & M articles before bed (I’m in Australia, it’s late here)… they always get me so riled up!
I have an actor cousin who has been trying to break into the big leagues for years and would give her left arm for a part like that. She’ll go wherever she can for a small role.
These are all such great points. They try to be subtle with the digs as if no one can read through what they’re really trying to say.
I think the same thing. These stories just get me angry. It’s negatively all around with demeaning stereotypes.
In Aus as well and get equally riled!! I am also sick of Australian media repeating talking points from UK media and giving a voice to the likes of Tominey, Arbiter et al. They are truly vile. Seriously thinking of a creating a fandom in Aus! 🤪
It is shady, and frankly shows ignorance. Most actors would kill to have steady work on a TV show for seven years. The vast majority have to hustle just for commercials and bit parts. It is that competitive. The household name superstars are not the norm.
I know aspiring actors who either had to give up their dreams or settle for backstage work (which is extremely competitive as well).
96% of the members of the Screen Actors Guild make less that 5,000 per year. She’s in the top 1 percent of all actors, maybe even .1 percent. I hate when people dog her career. She achieved more success in her career than most people on the planet will EVER achieve in theirs, in a career that is monumentally difficult to break into. She was a working actor on a long-term show. That’s a huge success in acut-throat industry in which 99.9% of people who try fail. Think of all of the Uber drivers, food servers, gig workers in LA–think how many of them are going to acting classes, auditions, attending parties because someone from “the industry” might be there. It’s a hard, hard road, and that’s not even considering the seedy underbelly, and all the touted “opportunities” that are really just fronts for porn or even for human trafficking (NEVER go to a “party” where Saudi Princes will be. EVER).
Screen Actors Guild…is that a Union,do all actors have to join it?
I don’t know if they ‘have to’ join, but the benefits are immense and include medical coverage for active members. I believe there is also a life insurance policy attached. If you’ve acted, you can join and as long as you keep paying dues, you remain a member in good standing, whether acting or not.
You can’t work in most productions without a SAG card. Especially not in North America.
They make a point to carp on her successful career because Kate never had a career or any notable achievements to her name. And actually, Meghan’s success and her whole self-made life makes all the royals look bad. Her success exposes them for the mediocre, basic, and unimpressive basic frauds that they are. And That’s from the queen on down.
Exactly. The people above me have made good points so I won’t repeat them too much but she was on a show for 7 seasons (and one that lasted 8/9 seasons in total) and she was main character (not even a guest – her name is in the opening credits) and was allegedly earning 50k per episode. Not to mention the international versions it spawned (and a short lived spin off)
There are actresses trying to make it in Hollywood that would literally kill for a role like that.
Also, as long as any of her work is shown on tv or streaming, she’ll get a check, whether it’s Suits, Hallmark movies, or guest episodes of CSI or bit parts in movies like Horrible Bosses. She’s still earning money from her acting work.
…also I hate the A, B, C, Z lister aspect of it. Do we do that to other professions? Nurses, doctors, teachers? If you aren’t teaching at a name private school/ university are you a Z list teacher/lecturer? If not working at a name hospital are you a z list medico?
It is putting down a profession that smacks of meanness.
I take no issue with someone doing honest work in their profession, but I did use to side-eye the idea that she was an especially well known actress given that I’d never heard of her or her show when this all went public. But having now watched the show, she actually was a pretty important character, despite being 4th in the credits. And someone here said Suits was 2nd only to GoT in ratings, which I also side-eyed having never heard of it, but then I did read that in some reputable publication somewhere (not gonna look for the link). Funny thing is I totally knew who Abigail Spencer was because she just happens to have been in several shows I watch, so if she’d been the one suddenly RF, I’d be like “yeah, how’d you all not know her already?”
The Brits and their reporters in the media disrespect and always deminnish Meghan’s accomplishments. Yeah right, that aspiring actor, who was a millionaire in her own right, most of it earned with acting, before she even met Harry. And still counting, being a syndicate actor with lifelong lasting revenues.
I wonder “how much” will really come out in this book. I find the timing interesting as the book will come out before the “one year review”.
I think very little that people like us (who have followed this whole drama fairly closely, and not just the DM headlines) will find interesting. I think there will be some context given to some of those headlines, and I think there will be a lot about the personal impact on H&M. I don’t think there will be anything especially interesting about the royal family.
+ 1
Omid is not gonna burn his bridges in the royal reporting business, he just started a few years ago. He won’t unveil too much dirty stuff about the BRF (if he knows any for a fact), his access (to engagement etc.) will be diminished if much of the content is unwelcoming to them. So don’t expect too much of this book, it’s just normal royal biography-stuff. Claims of collaborations with ‘close friends’ are being hyped (people are easily upgraded as friends for the convenience of the reporters/writers) and a H&M’s spokesperson already said that they have not collaborated with the writers, so all is just a marketing trick. Besides…
Be mindful of the fact that most of the 100+ biographies about the British royals are not written by highly skilled/trained journalist or historians (some are though). Most are just former staff of the monarchy in lower positions, distant ‘friends’, former suppliers to the monarchy,…. and royal reporters, aiming to go ‘higher up in the picking order of royal reporting, looking for opportunities to make extra cash and therefore just follow the standard pattern to become a ‘household name’. The minute they have a book (biography) to their name, they will be consulted by the media in Brittan and worldwide as a British royals’ expert.
Steady paychecks assured, even without any updated knowledge or any real access to the subject(s) of talking.
My guess is more detail on the courtship, wedding planning, future plans etc. with very little or super weak tea. I can also believe they’d like it out now as opposed to August because they are locked down for another two months and potentially longer. The general public has a short attention span.
I honestly think this book is being overhyped by both fans and critics. No this isn’t going to give the royal tea we all want because Omid and Carolyn don’t want to burn too many bridges. And no this isn’t going to “harm” the royal family’s reputation (the pedo amongst them has got that covered).
I honestly think we’ll get the basics. They felt trapped and blocked and wanted to branch out. Maybe some behind the scenes info. And some more info on their courtship.
The book won’t blame anyone specifically for the smear campaign nor will it explicitly name names. Might hint at things that a royal watcher will pick up but a casual fan won’t but once again: wont name anyone exclusively
Too much worrying/excitement coming from both “sides”
I don’t think the book is going to spill any real tea either. I think we get some more context for some things, or maybe some more info about something like the Hubb community kitchen, and I’m excited to read it, but I’m not expecting anything shocking or really new to be in the book.
The very idea of this book – and the fact that it was clearly done with H&M’s okay, if not more involvement than that – is setting off the RRs though and clearly seems to be rattling some people over there, so it makes me wonder what “they” think “could” be in the book, you know? I don’t think we are going to learn anything really new in it like I said, but I’m getting the vibe there “could” be something new, which is making people nervous. Does that make sense?
Becks I know what you mean. But I don’t think anything will /actually/ come out but the RR are scared something /could/ come out. Like I said, I don’t think anything will actually come out. It won’t be the Morton/Diana tell all we secretly want
And this book is being overhyped because it’s being co written by the one guy who doesn’t hate Meghan. People are also forgetting/don’t know what his co writer Carolyn is not the biggest fan of Meghan. She has stated in the past I believe that she doesn’t see Meghan as a “princess” like she does with Kate. So this book might not even be too “sugary”
The Royal Rota are sure doing a great job promoting this book!
I think the press are attempting to make it more controversial than it actually is, they need something to clutch to. They did the same with Diana’s book, and I read it recently and she never really threw any of the royals under the bus, well except for Charles, but she still held back a lot. When she refers to how ‘they’ never supporter her or how ‘they’ never gave her any validation, the ‘they’ she’s referring to is mostly a collective of the entire system including RF, courtiers etc. The Diana book mostly made revelations about herself, like her bulimia, and it think this book will be similar. Also as a lot of people mentioned they are scared that certain revelations will come out meaning those naughty royals are hiding something major.
As if anyone close to her would go to Tatler lol? At this point I don’t think she really cares about changing people’s minds(especially in the UK). She’s back in the US where she has a ton of allies and once production starts back up in Hollywood she and Harry will probably get a huge streaming deal because it doesn’t matter what the British press writes about them: just that international press writes a lot and that the general public is interested and buys(British Vogue and the Smartset proves that). Plus if you look at the screaming who still showed up at their last events it’s clear they still do have supporters even they’re press is being so pissy.
I agree with Kaiser- I do think she kept journals but I doubt she’s given that up to Omid when she could get a huge check for a Becoming-like memoir at some point down the line. I’m not sure i even believe they did a new sit down with him: probably just gave him access to their friends and team.
That part, I think they know the UK is a lost cause. So they’ll be focusing their plans on the US and will return for visits.
Excuse me, the UK is *not* a lost cause.
Just because we don’t own newspapers or have our own TV shows, it doesn’t mean she and Harry don’t have plenty of support her. I think that the people who are only tangentially interested in the RF – ie the majority – will find the context and actual facts enlightening.
Em … don’t forget the school Meghan visited on her last trip. All the women, men and children of the Hub Cookbook Kitchen, etc. etc. There are loads of humans in the UK who appreciate Meghan and Harry, at least I think there would be. The military seemed thrilled to see them on Harry’s last engagement with them.
I think many people don’t really care too much about Meghan and Harry or support them. You always hear so, so much from the vile haters but they are usually a smaller group. Just loud, greasy wheels, as it were.
They’re giving this book too much power. It’s not exposing anyone. Although I wonder why they’re so scared?
Plus it’s yet another reason to keep talking about the “irrelevant” H&M and to smear and attempt to frame how the book is received.
I second this. The RRs wrote so much about Meghan being a diva and pushy that if truth comes to light that she was subjected to bullying particularly sexist/ racist, it’ll completely show up their own narrative.
They cant handle the truth. Omid is going to throw the RF or BM under the bus, no matter how much they deserve it. They’re afraid that because he’s known for not having a negative bias against the Sussexes, BM is trying to spin that as a bad thing. For them, you cant write about H&M unless you’re tearing them down
I too would keep a diary or journal or whatever. Hell yes. I keep a journal of the messed up stuff when I work too. It’s called documentation. The mind tends to forget. I find this HILARIOUS. Well played Meghan. Well played.
I do this at work as well. Most of us have always heard “Document document document” whenever anything remotely shady is going on. So the question is: What were her motives? Did she journal, or did she document? Or, did she journal with the idea that having an accurate account would be needed one day when the ess hit the fan? I think it’s option C.
Noodle, I believe she knew and knows how historical the events were that she was living. Anyone would journal it. And considering the high profile individuals she knows, they have her some very good advice. She is a smart cookie. She probably knew it as well.
I can believe she kept a journal/diary. I don’t think that means she’s going to use that as the basis for her tell-all in a few years though lol.
But even if she did, if the British Royal Family did nothing wrong to her, why be so concerned?
Man that gossip “writer” is a shady b!tch. “Aspiring actress” indeed. And again another “friend” of Meghan’s as a source blabbing to a gossip columnist in the U.K. Please, more like a palace spy.
It’s absolutely believable that she kept a journal. I think that’s kind of what The Tig was? I don’t think she lended any parts of it to this book however. Why do that when she could keep it for a much more interesting memoir 10-15 yrs from now? I pre-ordered FF but I don’t think it’ll be the steaming hot cup of tea the BM is making it seem like it’ll be.
Today, Omid was explaining the difference between a Biography and an Autobiography on Twitter, wonder why.
Because all the breakfast morning shows were going on and on about it and saying Harry and Meghan are writing the book themselves, which is another fabrication. These people keep saying Harry and Meghan are irrelevant and they won’t be reading the book as if they haven’t preordered it themselves and if it isn’t already a bestseller. The entitlement and delusion of the BM is truly a sight to behold. No one cares about them especially in the states. That’s why they’re trying to follow Harry and Meghan to the states and we will see how that pans out considering Harry and Meghan have deep connections with the media especially through Oprah, Gayle, Sunshine Sachs etc.
The people screaming about this book aren’t well educated?
Aren’t all royals required to keep a diary?
This book has been overhyped to the 9th degree. I doubt the Sussexes participated or ok’ed it. I doubt it’s spilling serious royal tea. It’s become whatever anybody wants it to be.
I’ve read in several books that Prince Charles keeps a diary. Isn’t this something all royals would do for historical purposes?
Right?! This is all equivalent to also saying she kept a … calendar! And updated it daily.
Wanting people to view you as a human being and wanting people to feel bad for you are not the same thing. I imagine the former is more of a concern for her than the latter. To this day, the UK media has centered the feelings of everyone else (Harry, the RF, her father) over Meghan’s, when she’s experienced the most life changes out of anyone. They use her as a money making punching bag, but got forbid she’s allowed to share her story.
” …but got forbid she’s allowed to share her story.” This is what kills me taylor. Female humans, women of color are entitled to share their stories. This poor lady and what she goes through. For gosh sakes, it is truly unreal.
She and her husband left the friggin’ Country and they still are not being left alone. It is truly unreal. It seems so illegal to me. If there are paparazzi laws how is this even legal? Unreal.
Since they looked like morons attacking them for staying in a mansion that taxpayers have nothing to do with, they went with something else. Clearly they didn’t see with the Vogue issue that attacking is going to make the book more popular. At this point, these people are bitter, jealous and don’t have control over the narrative anymore. They want engagement so badly from Harry and Meghan. The irony is that the people who are truly irrelevant are the people who want Harry and Meghan to be irrelevant. At this point these people are blowing hot air and it’s honestly boring.
Leave her the F— alone!!!!
I remember when H&M first announced their leaving, one of the UK morning shows were worrying that she may write a tell-all book or give a tell-all interview. They were particularly worried about the RF being accused of sexism and racism – not actual sexism and racism, but being ACCUSED of it.
These people are so scared of anything coming out. They are so used to having complete control that this really bothers them.
FF is not going to have any salacious secrets. It’ll probably be a more sympathetic account of what we all already know, a bit like the Lifetime movies.
What I do find amusing is that all these RRs with their ‘sources’ know exactly what Meghan’s done and wants with regards to this book, but they cannot give one single detail of what’s actually written in the book.
One of the best books I’ve read was “The Heroin Diaries” by Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue. It was based on his Journaling during the biggest and druggy-est years of Motley Crue in the 1980s. The creative part i loved was the present day commentary from Sixx and people who knew him during those years in the margins. The looking back brought more context. I highly recommend the book.
And if she does publish her journals I hope she does something like that.
Must hurt that the palace sources have been cut off if they are having to re-run this diary story- seen it a couple of times now.
Given volume of ridiculous stories these tabloids run on them a day, can see why now they said they won’t bother engaging anymore. People who want to believe the tabloids will& they probably see that as a lost cause. Tabloids won’t change unless law requires it.
I’d be shocked if there’s much real juicy tea in this book-I think it’s being hyped up& it’s only because courtiers etc don’t know what it contains so are rattled. It may address negative press and impact it has had eg being forced to move from that cottage which the media barely covered, but doubt things like real origins of the smear campaign etc will be addressed.
I wonder if the “friend” is Kate because one day Meg said, “Yah, I keep a journal.”
So…Meghan kept a journal. My BFF keeps one. Has since we were children. Who cares. No, Meghan is not going to reveal its contents. No, her friends aren’t talking to gossip columnists. No, she doesn’t care what people think of her. She knows her worth. She knows there are people out there who aren’t going to give her a break and aren’t going to treat her fairly so why waste her time and energy on them.
I used to read The Tig, she said on there that she’s been journaling since she was a teenager and that it was a good way for her to process things and also occasionally look back to see how far she’s come. Everything Meghan does is not going to be tangentially related to her short life as a senior royal. Unlike some others, Meghan had goals and ambitions before joining the BRF, and habits too. Also no friend of Meghan would talk to Tatler, UK publications are running on fumes at this point.
I think all that content from the Tig will be used in a book or some sort of tv deal in future. I didn’t follow it but looked at some of the archives and it was good. Very different from the GooP juggernaut. More Martha Stewart living for millennials. All that content won’t be kept in storage forever.
What is the protocol for keeping diaries for royals? I thought it was expected for history.
Writing a diary is the first thing that is adviced to do in a mobbing set. Meghan is a wise woman.
The tabloids are really running out things to write about Meghan oh no she might have a diary she might print it at some point let’s whipped up the Racist again. I think a lot of the royal reporters are Afraid of these book coming out not because it’s has any good gossip it’s has another narrative that might make people who don’t follow royal gossip might sympathize with Meghan they might starting asking questions about the royal reporters actions . God forbid Meghan wants people to see her as human being not as this cartoonishly character the British tabloids and royal reporters made her out to be . The way the royal reporters attacked Meghan during her pregnancy was disgusting and unbelievable cruelty they treated her without any regards to the fact that she could lose their baby’ . While Kate was pregnant she treated with kid glove and protection at all cost I hope that the behavior of the royal reporters are put in the book and a lot of them get their karma because the way they behaved turns Meghan is disgusting .
This so-called “ friend”, who talks to the blocked Daily Fail, seems to be going on and on a bit too much. Just saying all this anguish on behalf of Meghan lacks credibility. Like Kaiser said, Meghan knows the UK is a lost cause and she is so over their press. Someone one twitter pointed out that we want continuous daily content and coverage from the Sussexes, and they’re not going to provide it, because that’s not their job. Hence this glut of silly, sad sack stories which are just baseless speculation.
I don’t think this book will spill any truly hot tea about the royal family proper, but I don’t see how this book can talk about their engagement and wedding without mentioning Bad Dad. If they gloss over it the RRs will use that as proof of guilt on Meghan’s side (“see, if her father had actually DONE something to deserve his abysmal treatment then it would’ve been in the book”). On the flip side, if they do detail what was really going on behind the scenes between Meghan and her dad to set the record straight, that would be extraordinarily messy and also would probably implicate certain disposable members of the British press directly. It will be interesting to see which way they go.
As far as the Sussexes have discussed publicly, their enemy has always been the unfair treatment by the press – they’ve specifically called out the media many times, but have never explicitly fired shots at the family (yes, they’ve heavily implied certain things and we can all read through the lines, but that’s very different than saying it directly). If anything, I think this book will continue that trend, with the majority focus on the rota and media at large as the enemy rather than those in the palace pulling the strings.
Also: my comment above autocorrected “despicable” members of the press to disposable and honestly it still works lol.
“Disposable” accurately describes the whole lot of them!! Sometimes autocorrect does know best 🙂
Yes they call out the press. They also say, “If you knew what is going on behind the scenes,” they talking about that disgusting family! When Meghan said, “not many have asked how I am doing,” she was speaking on that disgusting royal family!!!
This is another tactic to vilify Meghan and taint this book. The whole British press is ganging up on Omid and Carolyn because they are petrified that it’ll put spotlight into their organised smearing campaign against Meghan.
I dont know if Meghan has a diary or not as I dont know her personally or live with her so i cant judge her on that! Also, this is similar to the 5am calls story aimed at making Meghan as a manipulative person😤
They aren’t going after Carolyn. I haven’t seen any vitriol thrown her way. It’s only Omid being raked over the coals. They can’t stand that a young POC outsmarted all of them simply by reporting fairly on the Sussexes and now he’s got an almost guaranteed NYT best seller on his hands and all the good that comes with a Sussex association. They hate that of all the royal reporters, the Asian kid is gonna be able to ride the Meghan wave to major success.
I don’t feel bad for Meghan. I feel badly for people who can’t afford to pay their rent right now, or feed their kids. Not a chick who is living in an 18 million dollar mansion with her husband and kid. I feel badly for families that just lost a loved one to this virus. Or, kids in cages. Meghan chose to get into this, and she is living a lot better than if she hadn’t. She has to get over herself. Yeah, the English are a bunch of racist snobs and the Queen is a dick. But, she has food on her table, a healthy beautiful baby and her health… so….
Get over yourself.
I don’t think she expects anyone to feel bad for her and you’re interested too. They want to get on with their lives and some of us like them . By the way, Jeff Bezos is set to become a trillionaire and Trump is still a horror show. That has a lot more impact on those concerns than where these two sleep. But glad you’re so compassionate. Pat yourself on the back.
Question: Do you feel this way about the royal family or just Meghan, I ask this because it’s more effective to go to the source of the problem. Like for example, if you have a problem with how a company is being run you go to the head running it, there’s not much a lesser employee can do.
Lol, the jealousy jumped out!
@Chrissy. Ma’am, this is Celebitchy. A gossip site. If you’re so consumed with empathy for everyone but Meghan Markle (because she lives in a luxe house with her hot husband and cute baby and doesn’t have covid), then you should take yourself to church and stop mucking around in here. FFS.
One of the most disturbing things about Meghan haters is that they want her to be deprived of everything, including empathy from others. It’s not enough for them to take her and wish ill will join her, they want everyone to hate and attack her. This is why they’re losing their ever loving shit over Tyler Perry’s mansion. How dare he let her stay in his mansion. How dare he help her. How dare he show her kindness and compassion. How dare Omid Scobie write a book that will portray her as a human being with feelings instead of the evil monster they’ve imagined her to be. It’s completely sick. I’ve never seen anything like it. Only the unhinged white rage towards the Obamas comes close. And this is why I don’t think it’s hyperbolic at all to say these white women and men want to see her dead in a ditch. It’s their ultimate dream. They don’t even see her as human. Thank God Harry got her and Archie away from these people.
@Nyro: I think that’s what I find so disturbing about the whole Meghan hate group. There are plenty of celebs that I dislike, but I don’t actively seek them out to trash them, spend convincing others to dislike them too, nor am I that invested in their lives. The only people in public that I dislike who I might follow are politicians who’s policies can affect my life.
There seems to be a real gratification for her haters to all join together and discuss how much they hate her. They’re mesmerised by her.
It’s pretty obvious you’re a white woman telling a woman of colour to just “get over “ racism. Maybe you should change your handle to Karen.
The mention of the ’18 million dollar’ mansion… some people are really bothered about self-made people buying homes they can afford and letting their friends stay there.
Looks like tumblr and the Fail are leaking posters again.
WTAF is wrong with Andrew Morton? It’s Northwestern University. Google is free. And everyone studies English in freshman year. FFS. Do better, man.
These RR’s are so blatantly hypocritical. I had the Jobson book on Prince Charles on my wishlist until the smear campaign launched. I just looked back at the description on Amazon and it clearly lauds the author for getting cooperation from Clarence House. So what’s the difference with the Sussex book? Oh, yeah, …
Here’s an excerpt from the description:
New York Times bestselling author Robert Jobson debunks the myths about the man who will be king, going beyond banal, bogus media caricatures of Charles to tell his true story. Jobson―who has spent nearly thirty years chronicling the House of Windsor, and has met Prince Charles on countless occasions―received unprecedented cooperation from Clarence House, the Prince’s office, in writing this illuminating biography.
I saw this quote from Viola Davis-not sure if she is the author of it.
If you don’t like how you are portrayed in my story….you should have behaved better.
Dear Diary,
Oh, hell no.