We can all relate to Molly Sims on her kids’ chore chart: ‘It’s not really working’


Like the rest of us, Molly Sims is just trying to stay sane during quarantine. Molly is in lockdown with her husband, Scott Stuber, and her three kids, Hayes, seven, Scarlett, five, and Grey, three. To help her cope with her new normal, Molly has been posting a series of Instagram posts and TikTok videos showing the chaos of trying to parent right now. It’s easy to roll your eyes because even in the “how crazy is my life” photos, her perfectly appointed house is still immaculate and Molly still looks every bit a supermodel while she does her workouts and sips her wine from a beach chair in the living room. However, in her latest interview with Kit Hoover and Mario Lopez, it becomes apparent that Molly isn’t faking anything, she’s ready to get the hell out of the house.

You guys having the little kids, I bow down to you. I love your chore chart! You’re holding everybody accountable, Molly.

It’s not really working. It’s like a little magnetic board I got off Etsy a little while ago and ‘make your bed,’ and they have to move the things. ‘Do your homework,’ ‘take your trash,’ ‘pick up your toys,’ and, you know, they’ll say they did it and I’ll know they didn’t. Like, literally Stuber is doing first grade, next door, while we’re doing this. I’m in charge of pre-school and they’re supposed to be upstairs and they’re watching Scooby-Doo. But, if the chore chart… yeah, I’m trying to like, also, as much as we can have fun, you know, hold accountability – you get iPad time, its all about screen time, between that, candy donuts and screen time, I have a lot of power.

[From YouTube]

This is very much Molly’s brand and I love it. Molly has blended into a lifestyle guru and she really is a very capable cook and crafter with creative ideas for parties and other activities. But she also shows you her fails and misfires. So I love hearing that she can’t find the energy to enforce her chore chart and that she thinks Scooby Doo is acceptable pre-school learning. I entered into quarantine with the best of intentions. If I laid out all my charts with schedules, routines, family time activities and schoolwork I’d made on my IG, you would all be dazzled by my organizational ability and creativity. But I’m like Molly, the only use my kids found for any of those pages was to start a campfire. So now we eat dinner on the sofa and my sole response to just about everyone under my roof is, “get your sh!t together!”

Molly lost her mother, Dottie, in April while in lockdown. She was incredibly close to her mom and struggling with her loss has been very hard, especially as lockdown makes it harder to reach out to folks. But the family had their own memorial that she allowed us to be a part of on IG. Molly, Scott and the kids dressed up, said goodbye and released butterflies next to an altar with photos of Dottie. I’m mentioning this not to be a bummer but we’re all trying so hard to find ways to celebrate with virtual proms and graduations, drive-by weddings and socially distant birthdays, while most memorial services are just being postponed. That’s fine, of course, but I think folks should celebrate a life whichever way they can during quarantine. And I think saying goodbye properly is just as important as the rest.

Photo credit: YouTube, Instagram and WENN/Avalon

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5 Responses to “We can all relate to Molly Sims on her kids’ chore chart: ‘It’s not really working’”

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  1. Erinn says:

    As someone who is kid-free, I always wondered how these kinds of things would pan out. I assume it would greatly depend on the kid – some people just aren’t as reward dependent as others. I can also see a lot of kids being super into it… for a little while.

    I will say – her kids look like they’re ACTUALLY having fun in most of the posed photos. Like – some people will do these super staged photos and the kids just look like very unhappy props. It seems like hers actually enjoy it to at least some degree.

  2. frenchtoast says:

    wow! her face has changed. She needs to stay away from the needles, she would have aged gracefully without the surgery…

  3. Seraphina says:

    You have your good days where you enforce and you are vigilant about school work and chores and they eat right, meaning veggies and fruits and proteins. You have Your bad days where everything just slips because you are focused on work and they eat three meals but not around the table with everyone. And then you have your fuck it days, where you just say screw it. I would love be June Cleaver and have it all under control but I don’t. It’s good to hear others that struggle. We are human.

  4. Becks1 says:

    I have a color coded schedule, lol. It worked for the first month or so, actually pretty well (at least for my second grader, the one in PreK is a different story) and now I’ve found we don’t really need it because they know the routine, and my second grader likes to get all his school work done as soon as he can in the AM, which is nice. Some of my more optimistic ideas, like an hour a day for art, have gone by the wayside though, lol.

    And there is definitely more TV time and tablet time than I like, but they cant see their friends, weather has been iffy here in Maryland (some days are gorgeous, some days are rainy and gross and cold) so, it is what it is.

    We’re surviving, lol.

  5. Flamingo says:

    I love Molly! Her Instagram is one of my favorite celebrity instagrams to follow. She is 47 years old and looks amazing all the time!