People are buying more processed food, cereal and cookies now by about 30%


In the US, our lives were turned upside down by the second week of March. Even if you were an essential worker who still travelled outside the home, your world was likely filled with a new sense of dread and fatigue became a constant in your new reality. Three months later, some have started to return to their routines, but not full time. The rest of us have just gotten used to this version of our lives, no matter how much it’s driving us crazy. And although we’ve all found various ways to cope, it seems the majority of the population has turned to an old friend during these dark times: Oreos. According to an article in the New York Times, our processed food consumption is up 30% during the pandemic.

During a spring conference call, the maker of Oreos and other iconic snacks shared some exciting news with Wall Street analysts. In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, cookie and cracker sales had shot up by nearly 30 percent, a gargantuan leap in the world of groceries.

The company did some investigating, and what it found has the entire processed food industry eagerly making new plans for our future. We may think that we turned a corner on our eating habits with all that sourdough baking we did, but Big Food isn’t about to let us off its hook that easily.”There was a huge surge in sales of packaged food in mid-March as all the panic-buying played out across the country,” she said. “But sales are generally still extremely strong across the board due to the collapse in food service sales to restaurants, schools, etc.”

Data from the research firm Nielsen that tracked Americans’ grocery buying from March to May bore this out. Campbell’s reaped a 93 percent increase in sales of its canned soup before settling back to a still-amazing 32 percent growth. At General Mills, breakfast cereal jumped 29 percent in late March, and jumped again to 37 percent in the third week of April. Deep into the pandemic, we were still buying 51 percent more frozen waffles, pancakes and French toast from Kellogg’s. And so on.

[From NYTimes via Jezebel]

The actual title of the NYT article is, “Has Pandemic Snacking Lured Us Back to Big Food and Bad Habits?” For me, no – Big Food and I have been in bed together for some time. In her Jezebel article, Megan Reynolds aptly refers to the NYT article as, “a pearl-clutching report.” The NYT article lists a four-part Master Plan of how Big Food is plotting to keep their claws in our everyday lives by subliminal messaging, shelf-space domination, world-expansion into new markets and promoting impulsiveness. Trust me, I don’t need COVID to impulsively purchase a sleeve of mini donuts.

I get it, we’re eating like crap. But I think there are enough bogeymen coming for us that the Big Food Bandit is just going to have to be allowed in. I believe the author’s point was that, with initiatives such as Michelle Obama’s and drives to improve the nutritional quality of school lunches, we were making some progress in better eating habits in this country. But our issues with processed food have a lot more to do with poverty rates and food security than visibility on a shelf. Maybe the author is much younger than me, because I remember my depression-era grandparents’ pantries filled with an array of canned fruits, vegetables and meat, all preserved in salt and various other mass-canning ingredients, in case the country closed down again. Stockpiling food that will fill bellies is not new to this country and the ‘comfort’ aspect is knowing it’s in the cupboard. There was a three-week span in which I couldn’t find flour or eggs, but I had all the Ritz and Oreos I could carry.

I’m not your doctor and lord knows how many pants size I’ve gone up during lockdown, so maybe you shouldn’t be taking advice from me. Take it from Megan instead, who said, “Bending over backwards to avoid buying Fig Newtons at the grocery store is an inefficient use of energy and time.”




Photo credit: Criativithy, Suzy Hazelwood and Oriana Polito from Pexels

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82 Responses to “People are buying more processed food, cereal and cookies now by about 30%”

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  1. Mina_Esq says:

    Yup🙋🏻‍♀️ 8 pounds later, I’m just grateful we sheltered in Ontario instead of Michigan because God knows how many jelly powdered munchkins (my personal kryptonite) I would have eaten on top of all the other copious amounts of snacks and flavored coffee’s that I’ve consumed. Whatever their evil plan is, I feel too weak to fight it.

    • manda says:

      I’ve managed to keep it to just under five, but that was also because we did not partake in all the pandemic baking fads that were going on. I did drink a lot of wine for a few weeks, but decided that wasn’t really a smart road to start walking down, so I reined that in. But it has been difficult!

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m only up about 3, but I’ve been working out more than ever before in my life, so that doesn’t say a whole lot, lol. I haven’t been eating horribly, I just don’t have portion control like I do at work (if I eat leftovers, at work I only have what I brought, at home I can just eat ALL THE PASTA.)

        But I’m trying to be kind to myself because these past few months have been nutso.

      • manda says:

        Good job! I wish I wasn’t so hard on myself, but here we are. And I think someone else said it further below–all I want is sugar and carbs. I read somewhere that these periods of uncertainty stress lead to eating because instinctually, it kicks in this response to fatten up bc of fear of not having enough food or something like that. So, I try to remind myself I can’t fight biology toooo much, lol

    • Ang says:

      Buying and consuming processed food has been the SAFEST way to eat at this time. It’s not just because people are snacking more; it’s because frozen and packaged food is safer than anything open and exposed to people and the virus. I’m surprised they didn’t touch on this. This is an obvious cause of the increase.

      • Mina_Esq says:

        I still fed my family our usual healthy foods, but I kept eating snacks and drinking flavored coffees between the meals. Like, constantly. I also ate a LOT of bread, croissants and scones. It helped ease my anxiety. I’m better now. I’ve cut things back down to 3 coffees and one treat per day. Bah! 😔

      • SomeChick says:

        Exactly. No one wants to touch anything, which makes it really difficult to select produce. All of this is going to create a plastic maelstrom.

        I am just as bad. I’ve totally been buying shelf-stable stuff much more since this all started. Cookies are not my jam, but pasta, cheese, and pickles (haha) certainly are.

        Isht happens. At least you’re not malnourished!

  2. Becks1 says:

    We have been buying more processed food because we’re home more. My younger son was at a daycare fulltime that fed him 3 times a day (bfast and lunch with a snack). My older son bought lunch at least once a week and got a snack at after school care.

    now they’re home all the time and omg they eat ALL THE TIME. They eat relatively okay, but we’ve gone through a LOT of cereal bars and granola bars and so many frozen breakfast sandwiches. Its insane.

    I haven’t really worried about corona weight gain but at some point I’m going to have to, because none of my “hard pants” fit lol.

  3. manda says:

    My mother was born during the depression and also was a SUPER picky eater, and I was born in the late 70’s, so I grew up with canned green beans and other processed foods, which my mother still eats. I think I learned that canned green beans have no health value like last month. Apparently, all canned veggies except for beans are basically neutral as far as nutrition? I think that is what I read. But I like canned green beans, and canned peas, better than frozen. I try to eat fresh fruits and veggies as much as possible, which is sort of tough now because I like to make my shopping trips last at least a week and a half. Broccoli seems to last, brussels sprouts, too. Carrots and potatoes last almost forever. A head of romaine will last far longer than I realized, and obviously much longer than a bagged salad. I used to run to the store after the gym two or three times a week. Life was so carefree!

    My point is, I think that at least some of the people were going overboard on processed foods so they wouldn’t have to go back to the store.

    • Darla says:

      ^^^^ Yep!

      For me anyway, yes. I’m in NY and I cannot tell you how terrifying even a trip to the grocery store was at the height here. And you could not get a slot for instacart or peapod, believe me. And I have my mom to shop for because there was no way I could let her go into a store at the height. So yeah I stocked up on processed foods because I did not want to make excess trips. It felt like going into a warzone I guess. It was really horrible.

    • Gil says:

      I totally agree with you. We are doing less shopping trips so we ended up eating more processed food.

    • manda says:

      Thank goodness frozen foods seem to be a bit better than they used to be!

    • GreenTurtle says:

      Potatoes are very good for you. They get a bum rep, because of the simple vs complex carb focus, but there’s a reason you can survive on a potato only diet. Lots of fiber, vitamins, amino acids, etc. They’re also one of the highest potassium foods you can eat, and therefore, good for high blood pressure. And no, I’m not with the potato council, lol. It’s just annoying that popular diet culture vilifies them.

      • NextToMe says:

        Yes! And a good way to up the “fiber” (resistant starch) in potatoes is to cook, cool, then reheat them. And don’t get me started on the different types of potatoes. They’re so great.

      • Eugh says:

        I think the bad rap is from frying/browning potatoes. But damned if they aren’t my fave also

  4. Mellie says:

    The grocery store here has these cookies, they are sandwich cookies shaped like maple leaves, maple flavored, filled things….3-4 boxes of those I’ve gone through, by myself. The past two weeks they’ve been out of them and I’ve left the store pissed!

    • Cee says:

      that sounds delicious. no shaming from me lol

    • Alexandra says:

      Is it HEB? The central market ones???

      • Mellie says:

        They are from Fresh Thyme. They are just called Maple Sandwich cookies…so good!

      • Mellie says:

        They are from Fresh Thyme. They are just called Maple Sandwich cookies…so good!

    • Haapa says:

      Those maple cookies were a staple at my grandma and grandpa’s house when I was growing up. Thinking of them always brings me back to my childhood in my grandma’s kitchen. <3

    • Tiffany :) says:

      To get my nostalgia fix, I ordered a box of Lucky Charms and ate it all by myself over the course of a week. We’re also making 90% of our meals at home from scratch, so I don’t feel that terrible about the magical deliciousness.

  5. Lolo says:

    Great another food moral panic. Eye roll. Deprivation leads to overeating. Just enjoy the damn Oreos, there are worse things going on in the world right now.

  6. frenchtoast says:

    You would think, since people are at home more, they would have time to cook now. But no.
    That’s why obesity is becoming more and more prevalent. We need to stop normalizing unhealthy weight gain.

    • Darla says:

      Yes, we need to find a way to make fat people feel abnormal and uncomfortable. It’s gonna be hard because they’ve been encouraged and glamorized for so long. I’m going to give this some thought and come up with a plan. I’ll get back to you.

      • Elaine says:

        Lolol thanks Darla. I’ll come up with a plan too.

      • Renee says:

        Darla my dear…you said it all. There isn’t enough applause I can give you today. Your comment is PERFECTION! I love that you put the “weight patrol” people in their place. +1,000,000,000

      • Betsy says:

        Ha! Way to go, Darla!

        This obese mother is just sick to fcking death of churning out three balanced meals a day plus a snack for three kids (and my husband definitely pulls his fair share in the house). Guess what. They’re having Eggos in the morning with their fruit and yogurt and they’re going to have chips once or twice a week.

      • GreenTurtle says:


      • Liz version 700 says:

        Darla 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    • AMM says:

      Cooking with fresh food is hard when

      A) all the flour, eggs, milk and other perishables are bought up within 20 minutes of the store opening
      B) 40 million people lost their jobs and now are on shoe string budgets
      C) we were/are encouraged to go out as little as possible, so buying fresh food just isn’t in the cards for a lot of people. Why go to the store and be put at risk 2 times a week when you can go once every other week or longer.

      Temporarily eating more processed foods isn’t gonna kill anyone, and in this time frame may actually keep a few more people alive by allowing them to stay indoors.

      • Tiffany :) says:


      • Dee says:

        I came here to say this. In the first few weeks when the grocery store was out of fresh meats, bananas, eggs, flour, you name it, there was still food in the frozen section and the middle aisles. Then those shelves started to clear. There are people who are still sitting on big stockpiles and some people who had little choice of what they could buy.

  7. Eliza_ says:

    Everyone was hoarding non perishable foods. Cereals, cookies, chips included. I’m not surprised by that statistic. Shelves were empty!

  8. My3cents says:

    I thought everyone was baking?

  9. Jillian says:

    This is completely unsurprising, and I think it speaks more to the frequency of eating outside the home prior to pandemic lockdown. I wouldn’t hesitate to order a dessert if I was out for a meal, and my old habits were dinner out at least twice a week. If I was around my office, I’d grab packages snacks the kitchen was stocked with. Now I’m home all the time, and I’ve definitely got more snacks around here than usual – but I’m not eating more junk food overall, its pretty much the same

    • Cate says:

      Same. I have more chips and cookies at home than before but I’m not eating out. I’ve actually lost a few pounds while on lockdown now that I’m not going to business meetings with catered lunches!

  10. Piratewench says:

    Am I the only one who has lost weight? I can’t complain because I’m overweight so it’s good for my health to lose weight. But this extreme stress has ruined my appetite.
    And when I do feel like I can eat, all I want is carbs and sugar. So I get it with that comfort food life! I just can’t eat normally still, I miss a lot of meals due to the underlying stress of life right now, trying to keep a happy face for my little children while inside I wonder what the world will even be for them.

    Eat the Oreos if you can! Eat an extra one for me! 12 pounds down since March and it’s not from trying it’s from stress. What a time to be alive.

    • Darla says:

      No, I lost some weight but it was a side effect of about a 6 week really deep and scary depression I fell into at the height of the NY outbreak. I was so isolated, alone, and just fell into a scary depression, so I started going for these walks outside when the sun was out. I always felt the sun boosted my mood, and of course exercise does too. And the walks started getting longer and longer. It wasn’t purposeful though, the last thing I cared about was my weight, I was scared for my mental health.

    • Desdemona says:

      I started by loosing weight but then I had a really bad eczema rash and got two different infections on top of it and had to take for a month two corticoids, an antibiotic and antifungal pills and creams… So, I’m a little bit bloated, swollen… 😕 But I’m getting back to normal now….

    • Dazed and Confused says:

      I’ve lost weight also. I’m not really eating processed foods while I’m at home. I always crave sugar, so I don’t keep it in the house. I get one sugar treat (usually a candy bar) when I get my groceries. I go to the grocery once a week because I get fresh produce. I supplement it with frozen so I don’t have to go every other day.

      When I am at work, it’s much harder to stay away from unhealthy food. I’m a teacher and the junk food is everywhere! People appreciate teachers with unhealthy food. And we all know which teachers have lots of candy rewards for their students. So we’ll swing by and get a treat if we are having a stressful day.

    • Cee says:

      Weight loss can also be attributed to losing muscle mass as it weighs more than fat. My boyfriend has developed a belly but has lost 10 pounds. He is losing muscle.

      We’re all mostly stuck at home and can’t exercise. Add to that stress and fear, and yeah, weight loss is just as probable as weight gain!

    • Cdnkitty says:

      I’ve lost about 10lbs but part of that was gains I had made at the gym (I can see all of my muscle melting away 🙁 ) but I think I’ve stopped losing muscle now and I’m just eating in a deficit and losing weight overall. I went through my pandemic cookies-chips coping in March-April but since then I’ve tried to keep it in check. Although garlic potatoes are my undoing.

    • MaryContrary says:

      At the start I lost weight because I was so nauseated from anxiety. I also made the decision to do yoga every day, take long walks and only drink alcohol on the weekend (and just one drink). I absolutely did not want the “Covid 15”. However, as time has gone on, and this whole thing continues to spiral, so does my emotional health. I’m eating way more chocolate, not exercising, not doing my yoga-and I feel like crap.

      • Hecate says:

        Oh my gawd – I can’t believe I slept on making a COVID 19 (lbs) joke in this post. I’m so ashamed.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I started off losing weight because I was so nervous and essentially rationing my food.

      I started having to go back to the office in late April, and I feel very vulnerable because they are having 80% of the office come back and work at the SAME TIME (not staggered schedules). So I am not using the kitchen for lunch…that has lead to a lot of carbs. Now I have a little cooler I bring with me and some ice packs, so lunch options are getting better, but for weeks lunch was a peanut butter sandwich everyday. Of course the weight loss reversed itself.

    • Becks says:

      I also lost some weight. I am eating less and added HIIT to my running and yoga. I have always been a healthy eater, so the extra exercise caused the slight weight loss. I usually stay away from processed food, but with this pandemic, you really have no choice sometimes. I just try to buy veggies and fruit that have a longer shelf life. It is what it is, we just have to adjust and not be so hard on ourselves.

  11. OriginalLala says:

    We’ve had the opposite happen, cooking every single meal from scratch since lockdown started 14 weeks ago. I’m not judging what others are doing – you do what you gotta do to get through this, it’s a pandemic. If people want/need comfort food, that’s ok.

    • MellyMel says:

      Yeah this has been me as well. I’m cooking more than I was before and not eating junk. But that wasn’t part of my diet before, so I’ve tried to keep that the same. Not judging though…we’re living in a very stressful time.

  12. KellyRyan says:

    I’m in the 10lb virus weight gain, less due to less frequent hiking. Keep a good amount of healthy food in the house, easy to cook as our summers are moderate. Husband shops, “off the hill,” 120 miles r/t to the nearest grocery stores. We have an organic fresh foods store 15 miles away, on my list. I understand the need for comfort food in times of stress, isolation, inability to get one’s needs met. More than anything I miss my hiking group.

  13. lana86 says:

    donnow, I eat more healthy during home office, cuz I can relax and cook whenever i want, all hot and fresh… While in the office I snack with whatever is around, like sandwiches and cookies and sweets.

  14. wheneight says:

    Guilty! I have definitely contributed to the Oreo numbers. And yes I’m cooking more at home too, but when EVERY meal and snack is at home both can be true in terms of cooking/baking more at home and eating more junk food.

  15. Cee says:

    I’ve been quarantined since march 19th and I’ve gained 3 kilos (about 6 pounds?) If eating our fear, anxiety and sadness is how we get through this, then I am for it. I’ll eat better once this is over. Lack of exercise also plays a part. I haven’t been to gym since the beginning of quarantine and walking/running outside is prohibited.

  16. Dazed and Confused says:

    I think school lunches have remained incredibly unhealthy and processed. I’m at a school that is part of the government food lunch program and that food did not change at all. The only things that happened: our students are required to take a fruit, salad is always available, and the calorie counts were lowered (making our 8th graders hungry unless they supplemented with the a la carte junk food). All of the other unhealthy food is still there. One lunch that is offered is basically breadsticks with cheese in them. When kids ask me what is for lunch, I tell them “something yellow” because everything is still in that brown/yellow family. There’s no rainbow happening on those trays. It’s very unappetizing.

    • Desdemona says:

      True, for many schools… I’ve worked in schools in south Portugal and the food was absolutely delicious! Better than at any restaurant and for the nice amount of 3 euro, the most expensive 5 euros… Freshly made juice (your choice of mix :carrot, orange, apple, beetroot) salads, soup with at least 3 t veggies… I miss those school cafeterias…

      • Dazed and Confused says:

        I wish that was the case in America. That sounds amazing. The food in most American Public schools is dreadful and unhealthy.

    • Desdemona says:

      @dazed many schools also have crappy food here, these were schools that the cafeteria workers were actual cooks and were part of the school staff and enjoyed cooking, the schools bought the groceries to local farmers and markets and all had the professional course of Chef, the students cooked really well too.. . In many schools I have to take my own food from home, because the food is not nutritious enough…

      • Dazed and confused says:

        That’s what I have always done, too. If I ate the school’s offerings I would definitely gain weight. I hope you get to be in a good food school again soon!

    • Desdemona says:

      @dazed hopefully I will… 😊

  17. 10KTurtle says:

    That excerpt doesn’t mention this, but a lot of people don’t know HOW to cook. People who eat out for almost every meal didn’t know what to do when all the restaurants closed, and packaged food and boxed meals might have been the best they could do.

    • Desdemona says:

      THIS! Many people can’t cook mostly because they never had time for it. I think that’s one of the reasons we are seeing so many people posting photos of food, some are learning with this pandemic, but many still can’t do it.. Choices.. I’ve always cooked and I always leave lunch done the previous night and take it to work in a lunch box… But many people always ate at restaurants…

      • Becks1 says:

        Its also hard if you cant find the ingredients. I usually make a meal plan every week and my husband grocery shops off that, but for the past few months its been pointless because he’ll go to the store and will text me things like “no chicken broth. No butternut squash. no chicken sausage.” so it just became a pain.

      • 10KTurtle says:

        That happened to me when I tried the grocery delivery service for the first (last!) time. They either couldn’t get what I needed or substituted stuff that didn’t really work. That wasn’t the shopper’s fault at all, but if I can’t get *all* of the ingredients then I don’t need *any* of the ingredients.


    I fell into a depression that contributed heavily (hehe) to my eight-pound weight gain. I started a new medication for my depression (was already on one antidepressant for my mental health issues) and it’s made me so so hungry. I admit in the beginning I wasn’t as resolved as I should have been, feeling very “woe is me” and “it’s not fair” and “It’s so cruel my appetite is so out of whack, many people don’t have this obstacle” and kind of gave in, feeling sorry for myself.

    And now I’m accepting that everyone has their own obstacles, and a pity party isn’t going to help me shed the pounds. It’s all about CICO.

  19. Case says:

    It’s understandable. People want non-perishable items in the house and treats to make up for not eating out. I never used to keep Tastykakes in the house but now that I don’t feel comfortable going to a restaurant or even Dunkin, I keep little things like that around as a treat.

    Even with some extra snacks on hand though, I’ve lost 12 pounds! All this alone time has allowed me to really listen to my body and not eat excessively. I have a mid-morning brunch (usually eggs and fruit or toast) and then a fairly early dinner. I still eat pasta and have some crummy snacks around, but I think realizing I don’t need a full breakfast/lunch/dinner and then doing some intermittent fasting has really helped me out. Better yet, I think it’s something I can sustain post-quarantine. Even if I go out to dinner, I can eat light the rest of the day and then not worry about gaining extra wait.

  20. Chlo says:

    That’s because I don’t have time to cook! I used to eat a more-clean-than-not diet, but between trying to watch a baby, crazy work hours, and working more in general, yeah. I’m eating a lot more processed food than I used to. On the other hand, I used to graze all day at work because I was bored and hated being in the office. I don’t do that at home. So, I actually haven’t gained the dreaded quarantine-15. Thank goodness, because I’m trying to lose the last of my pregnancy weight.

  21. Lady Keller says:

    I don’t own a scale which is usually nice, but sometimes annoying. If I had to guess I’d say I’m almost up 10 pounds. The only junk food I’m buying is potato chips and trail mix but I am baking a lot, snacking all day long, and for some reason my sense of portion control has gone out the window. And I broke my toe, sprained my ankle, and completely messed my foot up back in March. I could only do minimal walking for 2 months. I still sometimes feel it if I’m doing yoga or when I do lunges.

    When it comes to things like cookies, donuts, snack cakes etc the rule has always been if you want it we will bake it ourselves that way I can control the ingredients and it feels a little bit healthier. And it means we aren’t in the habit of mindlessly grabbing oreos every time we go to the store.

  22. Mia LeTendre says:

    I don’t get it. I haven’t worked since March. Ive been cooking and jogging daily – no one can say they don’t have time to cook fresh, whole foods. Im eating healthier than i have in years and losing my belly. My fridge is stocked full of fresh fruit and veggies. Why are people eating worse when they have so much time to treat themselves well?

    • GreenTurtle says:

      Really? People cope with stress in different ways, and not all of them are healthy. It’s one of the most stressful times in recent memory, and there are obviously a lot of people who eat because it comforts them. A lot of people are drinking way more than they should. Journaling and jogging don’t really give the level of instant dopamine hit that people grasp for when they’re anxious and/or depressed. It is what it is. Everyone could use a little compassion right now.

    • Becks1 says:

      I don’t feel like I have that much more time, actually. On weekends I do, but during the week after working and dealing with school work all day, by dinner time I’m often like “eff it, here’s a frozen pizza.”

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “no one can say they don’t have time to cook fresh, whole foods.”

      NEWS FLASH! Not everyone gets to stay at home! Some of us are being forced to go back to work and aren’t given the option to stay home. Some families are working from home and having to educate/watch their children at the same time. It is incredibly presumptive and arrogant to assume that everyone has the privilege of time that you do.

    • Elaine says:

      Eye roll… refer to Darla’s comment above please

  23. Caitrin says:

    I tend to buy pantry supplies before hurricane season – canned goods, cereal, etc. – and given the panic about the grocery supply chain, I can understand why people are doing this.

    The first month of the lockdown here in New Orleans, I was absolutely that basic white lady who was baking boules and banana bread. It was therapeutic.

    And still, at the back of my pantry, are easy to cook meals JUST IN CASE I can’t go back to the store once the infection rate picks up here again.

  24. Other Renee says:

    I put on about 10 lbs. since mid-March. I only ate processed or frozen foods until recently when I began buying fresh fruits and vegetables. I had not baked in YEARS but suddenly I got this urge to bake. When I couldn’t find flour in the stores, I ordered some from a mill in Pasadena. I cooked comfort foods like a lot of pasta. About 3 weeks ago, I finally got a hold of myself, quit baking, began buying fresh stuff, started working out with my daughter, who made me realize that I did not need to lift weights at the gym to build muscle and tone up. I honestly had no idea I could do that at home. So we Zoom 2-3 times a week and wow, she was right. The results are already obvious. I’ve increased my daily walks. Already my afternoon slumps have disappeared. I have had fun cooking new recipes. I’m ashamed of myself for letting it all go to hell in a hand basket but realize that it happened and I need to let that go. Lockdown gave me a great deal of anxiety but improving my physical state has improved my mental state.

  25. AMM says:

    My husband was home for 3 months and beat his boredom by cooking. He was bored enough to cook 3 meals a day, and I gained weight. The meals were way healthier and more balanced than my usual meal plan (tons Of coffee in the morning and then one big, crappy meal around 3 before I went into work for the evening), but I was eating way more often and way more food than I usually do.

  26. Kkat says:

    I gained weight. We stress ate snacks in March.
    But I got the virus April 3rd. I did not lose my sence of taste it appetite.
    And my attitude is I might die so I’m sure as hell going to comfort myself with my strawberry fanta and powdered donuts, raspberry zingers and my crunchy cheetos.

    I’m almost better now, and unfortunately 10 pounds fatter. But I survived the virus and so did my husband and kids. My oldest son was the last to get it and he is almost recovered.

    So far we aren’t having blood issues or kidney problems.

    We’re all a bit fatter, but I like to keep focused on the really positive fact that were all breathing.

    • Becks1 says:

      Glad to hear you all are (almost) recovered!! I agree, I would not worry about any weight gain in your situation.

  27. LunaSF says:

    My husband started stockpiling processed and canned food for the pandemic around February. We have a ton of cereals and canned fruits and vegetables that we typically don’t eat. We weren’t eating much fresh stuff for most of March and April since We were avoiding the store and it was affecting my mood and health (usually we eat a lot of fresh produce). I finally decided going to the store once a week or so was worth it for fresh produce. I felt like the benefit outweighed the risk. This pandemic definitely has shown me Americans need to take better care of themselves since it’s killing more people with pre existing conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc that are linked to eating habits. I know food access and cost is a huge barrier as well and if I relied on food pantry’s and SNAP and lived in a Food desert my diet would be way different than what it is now. Everyone deserves access to healthy and affordable foods period. But we also gotta enjoy the processed junk sometimes as well.

  28. SJR says:

    My stress and anxiety levels are still up there, I am not buying fresh produce yet.
    You betcha I have been buying shelf stable and frozen veg because since early March I have been trying to only go about 7-10 days.
    I have really noticed that I my cooking from fresh soup is much better tasting vs. canned soup, which surprises me because I hate to cook and have little skill.

    Between The Orange Turd in the Oval Office, the virus, and the general awful behavior of people not following the Stay.At.Home orders, I freely admit I want a cookie = I am having a dang cookie.

    Here’s to better days everybody!

  29. Allie says:

    So, your grandparents were unhealthy. Why not eat exactly like them and see what happens?

    The point is—eating like crap is a bad plan. It may make you feel better short term, but long term how you eat controls how you feel and it’s a self defeating thing.

    Go buy some fresh fruit and veg. Or get a CSA box. So much better for ya.

    • Jules says:

      yup, though in general people have truly lost the ability to look at themselves and reflect. much easier to say- oh poor me.

  30. Marigold says:

    Between the boredom eating and the lack of physical exercise/going outside…I don’t want to know how fat I’ve gotten.

    I’ve begun limiting myself and have stopped bringing any junk food into the house. Cooking every day has become my only weapon against this, and it still doesn’t feel like enough. America was fat enough before COVID. This is going to be an issue.