Duchess Kate talks ‘kindness’ & the pandemic with schoolkids over Zoom

The Duchess Of Cambridge Hosts Gala Dinner For The 25th Anniversary Of Place2Be

I somehow missed this or forgot about this yesterday, but here we go. The Duchess of Cambridge participated in yet another Zoom call! She will Zoom herself into an early grave, working so hard, Top CEO-style. This call was with school children taught through the Oak National Academy, and it featured Kate speaking to various kids about kindness and what they can do to be kind every day:

I suppose this is all connected not only to Heads Together and the Cambridges’ general keenness to “talk about mental health,” but it’s probably also about the Struggle Survey, the keen Early Years initiative and the well-being of British children. I honestly didn’t watch it all, I only watched a few minutes. Going by People Magazine’s write-up, apparently a few of the kids also contributed photos to Kate’s Hold Still photography competition too. So basically, one video fulfilled the needs of, like, three vague patronages?

“Today, I wanted to talk to you about the importance of being kind and looking after one other,” Kate said to kick off the virtual meeting. “We all have our ups and downs especially when things change in our lives as they have in so many ways recently.”

The Duchess of Cambridge acknowledged that everyone is experiencing a “huge range” of feelings brought on by not being able to see friends and family as normal.

“It’s been a really difficult time for us all,” she said. “But it’s important to know that these feelings and frustrations are totally normal, and that they won’t last forever. Talking to someone, whether it’s a friend, family member or teacher, is something you can do to make yourself feel that little bit better… And you can also play your part in helping others to feel better too — whether offering a friendly ear or helping someone in need. Small acts of kindness can go such a long way.”

The royal asked [the kids] what kindness means to them, and some of the children shared photographs they had taken and submitted to Princess Kate’s “Hold Still” photography project. One of its central themes is “Acts of Kindness.”

[From People]

I mean, it was fine. I don’t particularly associate Kate with “kindness” considering her Mean Girl antics throughout her life, but whatever. It’s just a basic message and discussion to encourage kids to be kind and thoughtful and helpful, and to talk to people when they’re feeling sad or worried about the pandemic.

The Duchess Of Cambridge Hosts Gala Dinner For The 25th Anniversary Of Place2Be

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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95 Responses to “Duchess Kate talks ‘kindness’ & the pandemic with schoolkids over Zoom”

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  1. Jess says:

    I just want something tangible from Kate. That is all im asking for when it comes to her patronages. That’s it, yet I’m still severely disappointed. She’s been at this role for nearly a decade, and if trying is all she can do…

    Sigh, i guess she’s tried to do something.

    • Amy Too says:

      Everything is so vague and toothless with her and William. Their entire mental health thing boils down to “when you’re sad, talk to a friend and then it will all be better.” I don’t think they have a real understanding of the diagnosable, pervasive, lifelong brain chemistry mental health stuff like depression, anxiety, OCD, ADD, etc. They seem to think “mental health struggles” are just the day to day ups and downs that everyone deals with and that can be fixed by venting to a friend or hugging the dog.

      They are consistently super surface level about everything. Their focus is as wide as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle. Like with Kate’s early years initiative/survey. 5 extremely broad questions on things like “nature vs nurture?” Nothing was specific enough to be able to formulate an actual project around. And it’s the same thing with their “mental health” stuff and with Will’s racism on sports/men’s health stuff. All of his anti-racism, pro-men’s health stuff is also just “talk to someone when you’re feeling bad.” Like okay? How is that going to help end systematic racism in sports? You’re just telling players that the onus is on them to make sure they don’t let it get to them overly much, and they can make sure that they deal with it well by talking to a friend.

      • Becks1 says:

        @AmyToo – YES. I agree completely with everything you said. William meets with athletes and says things like “racism is bad, we have to end it” but that’s just so surface level. Of course* racism is bad. But does he understand what racism IS? Does he understand how pervasive it is? Does he understand that he has profited from racism and white privilege maybe more than anyone else on earth? There’s no self-awareness there.

        And their mental health talk is the same way. There’s a lack of awareness, a lack of interest, a lack of curiosity. I remember when they attended the launch of a help line and Will was talking about how hard it could be around exam time because exams are so stressful.

        And yes, exams are stressful and in HS and college you can feel like they are the most important things in the world – but, sometimes people struggle with mental health issues for reasons other than exams?

      • Amy Too says:

        They really can’t think of or even imagine anything from outside of their own perspective. Like all of their jokes about how tough things are during coronavirus. “I’m eating so much chocolate! Homeschooling is hard!” And like you said about the exams. I highly doubt the people calling suicide crisis lines are calling because they’re dealing with the temporary stress of exams. But Will and Kate truly seem to think “mental illness” is dealing with a temporary stressor/annoyance. I don’t know why they pick such serious issues like racism in sports, childhood development, and mental health if they refuse to be seen speaking out about anything “uncomfortable,” real, raw, difficult, or life-threatening. Are they truly that wrapped up in their own bubble that they have absolutely no conception of what true mental health struggles, COVID struggles, and racism struggles are? Or is it that they do understand how deep and dark these issues can get but they want to “keep it light and fluffy” and cutesy and sweet and surface at all times? Either way, it seems like they’re just mocking these truly important causes when they wave everything off with “if you’re feeling stressed, take a break, do some baking, and call a friend.”

  2. Margareth says:

    Karen Kate the mean girl who talks about kindness. The irony!

    • kelleybelle says:

      Exactly, who never did a damned thing for her own sister-in-law. Mental health and kindness initiatives from Bill ‘n Karen? No thanks. You can tell KP is spinning the negative image of them lately. Everyone saw the snub on TV and the years of allowing Meghan to be crucified in the press. You can always, ALWAYS tell when KP has seen the negative press with fluff pieces like this. Her enthusiasm is way, way overdone and it became noticeable as soon as Meghan’s popularity became apparent, with kids and adults alike.

  3. Tessa says:

    She did not ‘look after’ her sister in law.

    • Mtec says:

      And honestly by being unkind to Meghan, and participating in the smears against her, she was therefore also being unkind to Harry (and their son who’s in the “Early Years” category she supposedly cares about; ages 0-5), the brother in-law whom she supposedly loves and was always there for her & served as a buffer for Will’s a-hole ways.

  4. October says:

    Look at the kids in the photo says a lot about her. She does these kids project because she will look smart when talking to kids. Everyone knows she cant even say two sentences together eventhough her mother tongue is english.

    • Jess says:

      Now that you mention it, that actually makes sense. Not only do children provides her an area of familiarity, it also does not require a great deal of intellect to talk to them. She cant do that to people her age and older.

      • Becks1 says:

        Exactly. I do think she genuinely likes kids and being around them, but its also easier to talk to them – she doesn’t have to have well researched questions, she doesn’t have to ask questions about the progress of a fundraising campaign or something. It’s much easier for her because of that.

        I actually don’t think she’s dumb, I just think she doesn’t possess an ounce of intellectual curiosity.

      • October says:

        You can see all adult during her engagement have hard time to understand what she says. For example that mary berry program she talks about addiction and cycle of pattern when she tries to explain she come across very terrible and mary looks confuse standing there. I think her speech got worst when she try to do fake push accent. Who she is fooling , everyone who live in uk knows that posh accent is exclusively for royals and blue blood and Kate is none of it and she is faking it so hard makes it cringe and fake as hell. She is trying so hard to fit in.

      • October says:

        Becks1 I do think she likes her own kids . I dont think she likes kids that much who are not hers. Harry loves kids you can see the interaction. Kate being mother Teresa for kids is fake pr . She is also only comfortable around white kids that too after george born. Before that she is no where near any kids and she only has one godschild. If my friend who love kids like surely I will want that person to be my godmother to my kids. Even william has more God kids than Kate. Have you seen her give attention to other kids than her own. Often times she looks uncomfortable around poc kids. When you compare her and harry you can clearly see the differences between them and who is genuine and who is fake.

      • Belli says:

        @Becks1, I’m going to add a little something to that. I think she’s genuinely interested in HER kids. She seems to find it easier being around children than being around adults, but I’ve not really seen anything that shows she has an interest for child development in general so much as her own parenting.

      • Sofia says:

        @October: I don’t understand why she doesn’t hire a pronunciation coach or something. If she wants the posh accent, learn it properly at least. And while she’s at it, she can also hire someone to help her with public speeches. She’s been on the job for almost a decade yet can’t give a decent speech. Not everyone can “naturally” do public speaking well but if she genuinely cared, she would try and improve herself.

      • Ginger says:

        I agree October. The press paint her as a child whisperer and she just isn’t. Before George, we never saw her interact much with kids. At the polo game where Meghan had Archie, she ignores him the whole time. It’s just fake PR because they need Kate to do SOMETHING so they pushed kids on her since she is a mom.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Belli – I definitely don’t think she has any interest in child development, not really. That’s why this whole “early years initiative” is such a joke. It’s a really important issue and she just doesn’t have the….grit? determination? interest?…to take it seriously.

        @Ginger -I don’t think she’s a child whisperer, lol. But I do think she likes being around kids. Shrug.

        I don’t think the polo match and Archie was about her not liking kids. It was about her feelings towards THAT child, which says a lot about her, and none of it good.

      • Nic919 says:

        She’s better at putting on the smiles with kids now that she has her own but I wouldn’t say she’s that great with them. We have a lot of pictures of kids going WTF when she approaches them with the forced grin.

    • Carrie says:

      Have Always, just always believed that she gravitated to engagements with children because she would not be at risk of showing herself up. Kate comes across as an extremely lightweight person, one who would find it very hard to conduct a conversation with the likes of Princess Mary, Queen Letitzia, Meghan. The few snatches of conversation that have been overheard in walkabouts and receptions range from : oh how amazing or how quaint to George/or Charlotte/ or Louis likes that too.
      Banal in the extreme. What a waste of a background and education to do so very little with ones life.
      The Daily Fail has an article about the impact of Covid being that because women have had to stay home to care for kids that Britain is regressing to the 1950s. Seems right. They’re are getting a 50s FFQ. Never worked a day in her life before she had children and likes to be treated as the little woman. What a role model. And then on top of that to be such a mean racist bitch. Just NO.

  5. Becks1 says:

    this is a basic, easy photo op for Kate, so while it was “fine” I am not giving any real credit either. Its good to talk to kids about kindness. Its also good to be kind, and I don’t think she really is.

    • Seraphina says:

      I agree. This is the bare minimum she can and should do. And we have all seen how mean she can be, to her own SIL no less in public. Imagine how she is/was to strangers behind closed doors. And Wills chose her because birds of a feather certainly do flock together. Typically, a woman who is kind and compassionate will not fall in love with a man who isn’t. And vice versa.

  6. Florence says:

    Says a snobby, racist mean girl? Ok.

  7. Ginger says:

    She should practice what she preaches.

  8. Geraldine says:

    I wish a reporter would report. And not with just Kate but in general. Just a good honest article about the hypocrisy of Will talking about mental health after calling his brother fragile or Kate delivering a message on kindness after the Commonwealth ceremony and the smear campaign against family .

    Also, why are we supposed to care about their opinions and thoughts? What have they done in life to make their thoughts and opinions carry any weight? Nothing! And that’s why they can only play act at this whole royal thing. They have nothing to add to any conversation that can be taken seriously.

  9. BayTampaBay says:

    This boring-boring and sameo-sameo.

    We need some real gossip like an update on “Rose Who” or a thread to discuss the Royal books coming out!

    • Sofia says:

      Not related to what you were asking for, but I’ve noticed Tatler is no longer writing articles on Kate. They’re mentioning in her in other articles yes, but she has yet they haven’t written anything about her specifically after the “Catherine the Great” article. I wonder if it’s because of legal issues or Tatler is just too pissed at her

      • Harla says:

        To be fair to Tatler, what is there to write about? All those zoom calls fade into each other and she’s not saying anything note worthy.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @Sofia – You are correct about Tatler not writing much about Cathy but Tatler is only going to post stories online that generate click$. The only reason to click on any story involving Cathy and only Cathy is to get a better look at the clothes and jewelry she is wearing. As lately she has not been wearing anything worth discussing, there are no stories because she is not generating clicks.

        @Harla – Tatler did a “cute” story on Sophie Winkleman, aka Lady

        Footnote: When Si Newhouse, Jr. died, they “family” took over Condé Nast and all editors were told to start making money ASAP. Tatler is owned by Condé Nast and is making a huge effort to expand their presence in the USA market. Get ready to see more Tatler stories about Yank expatriates living in the UK, Yanks married to British aristocrats and UK arts-media-fashion culture people with a high profile in the USA.

        @Harla – Tatler did a “cute” story on Lady Frederick Windsor, aka Sophie Winkleman basically about nothing.

      • Amy Too says:

        Either vanity fair or hapers bazaar did an article recently titled something like “10 other couples with even worse marriages than Catherine the Great.” It was about the actual Russian Catherine the Great and the portrayal of her terrible marriage on the new TV show about her, but I laughed so hard at the title after the Tatler article naming duchess Doolittle “Catherine the Great.” I imagine for the past month or so, whenever a royal reporter or royal reader hears “Catherine the Great” they think about Katie Cambridge.

      • Lady D says:

        Is the Tatler a newspaper? I thought it was a monthly or bi-monthly magazine. Someone mentioned that this edition was their June/July issue, so two months of Catherine the Great on the newsstands, right?

    • MA says:

      @BayTampa – I love how you never give up on the Rose story. It’s really the best gossip from the BRF and the truth needs to come out! (but i don’t think it every will…)

  10. Bri says:

    I would feel sorry for her because with that Tatler piece and lack of interest if Harry and Meghan’s name aren’t in any story or using their kids, that media is going to end up knocking her down even harder. They will try for a little bit to keep abusing and scapegoating Meghan but you can tell Kate is going to get an even bigger backlash because they ain’t touching William. They got what they wanted out them regarding access but best believe, they’ll turn on her despite the access. In that regard, Harry and Meghan were smart because it’s a waste of time.

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    Golf clap for Kate, but it just rings false after all she & William did to Harry & Meghan. Those kids would do better with the CNN m/Sesame Street town halls.

  12. Priscila Bezerra-Fischer says:

    She obviously like kids and is more natural with them, but Kate is the last person on earth I would turn to when seriously discussing children´s education and upbringing.

    I say that not as a former teacher and not in relation to her shameless ” struggle survey” , but as a mother. Catherine, and William, might be hands on parents, but they are not good parents.

    Good parents see each child as an individual and adapt to each child´s needs. Five year old Charlotte could very well return to school but is not because George, the heir, wants a playmate. It has been killing me and it bugs me everytime she opens her big mouth to share anedoctes about her kids, that it reveals a very depressing experience for the smaller ones. Remember when she said George was jealous of Charlotte for not having proper homework? She seems to think it is cute. It is not. It is a red flag that shoul be immediatly addressed and not stimulated.

    Instead, they keep Charlotte at home to play with George, because it is what George wants it. They use Charlotte to deliver food to people during a pandemic on her bday as a photo op…and they use their kids as props on a misguided airplane photo op to stick to evil Sussexes.

    There is nothing cute about Catherine and Will´s parenting. They use these children as shields, as excuses for not doing their jobs properly and they are raising the two younger ones to fulfill supporting roles in the life of the eldest, not a care about theri own needs and wants.

    The best thing Harry could do for Charlotte and Louis was to have walked away. If he is sucessful,which I believe he will be, then these two will stand a chance. It is their only chance at happiness—this or buying into the brainwashing.

    • C-Shell says:

      I agree with everything you said here.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      But this is how Willileaks was raised as Diana made similar anecdotes about William and Harry. What we are seeing is the same heir and spare dynamic being recreated with George and Charlotte – I hope George doesn’t grow up to be like his father.

      • Priscila says:

        The problem is not with sharing tidbits or sibling jealousy. The problem is a mother who obviously stimulates this entitled attitude if the eldest. Diana, for all I heard,made sure to treat Harry not in relation to his brother,but as his own person. Catherine and William are not doing this. They are keeping a five years old away from her friends and teachers because the eldest would not have access to his own friends and teachers.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana was appalled when the Queen Mother would pay the most attention to William and Ignored Harry. She did not like the “spare” being treated second rate. The bad sign is when Little George was put into a “dynasty” photo and little CHarlotte was left out of it. And William let Charlotte run behind him without taking her hand, instead holding on to the heir George.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Diana considered Harry the one better-suited to being king, Good King Henry (GKH).

  13. Sofia says:

    Maybe she should have been kind to her sister-in-law. Take your own lesson Kate.

    One thing I’ve always wondered with Kate is, what will she do when her kids are grown up? Early Years feels “relevant” to her now but what happens when her kids aren’t so young? I mean George has grown out of the Early Years and Charlotte is in her “final year”. So that leaves Louis but he’ll grow out of it in 3 years too. Will she keep having kids so that EY stays “relevant” for her? Will she keep having interest?

    I only ask this because in almost all the articles about this, Kate’s interest in the topic is basically summed up as “She’s a mother to 3 young kids”. So like I said before: what happens when said kids are teens/adults?

    • Nic919 says:

      They will come up with some other basic subject because Kate has shown no capacity to handle complex thoughts or issues. She badly repeats talking points provided to her by her aides, which you can tell she doesn’t actually understand because it is usually vague nonsense that makes no sense if you pick it apart.

      • Sofia says:

        This is why I think she needs to do “bread and butter” engagements more. She doesn’t seem to have much interest in anything beyond young kids. So she should be taking on the more general stuff. She’s had a decade to do something tangible and yet nada.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Sofia – I agree. If she doesn’t want to do a big project like the kind that Harry and Meghan are good at , then fine. But then do the other stuff. Do the Princess Anne type of events. But she won’t.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @Becks1 – Your post is so on point. One of the reasons for the high respect level Princess Anne has achieved is due to all her bread & butter engagements over the last 50 years. Anne connects with the people (peasants) on a local level (their turf). She will come back to the same annual village fete anytime she is invited and can fit it into her schedule to sprinkle the Magic Royal Dust.

  14. Royalwatcher says:

    Wait…kindness?! The woman who participated in bashing and smearing and spreading lies and racist narratives about her sister-in-law for YEARS…
    and who gave her the cut direct in church on CW day…
    and who allowed staff members to leak to the press about her without being fired…
    and who allowed her own mother to make snide comments about her in an article…
    and who had the nerve to talk about the importance of maternal health but bashed said SiL throughout her pregnancy…
    and who wore white(ish) to her wedding…
    and on and on?!

    This is the woman who wants to try to instruct kids on kindness or even allow that word to come out of her mouth?!

    Honestly? IMO she can shove it. I can’t wait for ALL the Camb secrets and lies and cheating and connections to the tabloids to come out. I know I sound like a lunatic but I cannot stand her or her nasty, lazy, keen peen with teeth husband.

  15. Laalaa says:

    I keep being distracted by her right eye since the last few zoom calls, what’s going on there? It seems smaller than before

    • Mary says:

      Haha! I get weirded out by her eyebrows. Way overplucked and painted on differently everyday! Someone (Carole?) has overplucked her right 70’s eyebrow. With all the money and services available to her, how does she end up with such wonky, uneven caterpillars? Sorry about the rant but it is the first thing I see in photos of Kate. Her right eye has always been smaller it is just more noticeable sometimes, particularly if she is carrying a bit more weight.

  16. Izzy says:

    I mean, she could start by learning kindness herself, but… 🤷🏻‍♀️

  17. Melissa says:

    Eh, I like Kate too. I don’t believe MM caused problems though, I think she was always too good for the BRF and I think Harry wanted out. 🤷‍♀️

  18. Laalaa says:

    Edit: a reply to a deleted comment

    I don’t agree that Meghan caused problems, and I like both of them, I think the whole Royal Family is so old and not progressive and a woman has to keep her mouth shut , even the mf Queen keeps quiet when she should be saying something!
    Combined with racism, Meghan didn’t have a chance. She didn’t deserve any of it, she was considered a problem for existing alone. And her and Kate are like oil and water, it just doesn’t mix.

  19. Harper says:

    Hello children, it’s Kate the Duchess of Early Years. I am here this morning to tell you that we must all be very kind to each other, unless someone is taking the attention away from you, and then you might feel very mad or jealous. In those frustrating times, there are things you can do to make yourself feel happy again. For instance, you might want to ignore this person or spread a story about him or her that isn’t true. My husband likes to threaten to sue people when he gets especially mad, but you would need your mummy and daddy’s help to do that. So be kind when it’s easy, but when it’s not there are lots of things you can do to make yourself feel happy again. Remember, feelings are passing and the other person will just have to get over it.

  20. Beach Dreams says:

    Oops, original comment I was replying to got deleted. Anyway, this engagement was a joke for obvious reasons. You can preach about kindness all you want but it means nothing if you can’t even show basic civility in your own life. Kate’s “grand” attitude is going to cause her serious problems down the road. There was already a glimpse of that with her “friends” mocking her and her family in the Tatler feature.

  21. February Pisces says:

    Reply to a comment was deleted:

    People keep trying to convince themselves that Meghan was a ‘trouble maker’ yet I haven’t actually seen her say or do anything that was out of turn.

    But Kate aka the world most perfect mother, didn’t seem to mind a woman who was 37 and pregnant with their first baby being abused on a daily basis, as long as it made her look good. Given she’s an ‘expert’ on child bearing you would like she know that stress is the worst thing for a pregnant woman, especially one in a high risk category.

    • panda says:

      We don’t know how either one of these women treated the other behind the scenes. Maybe Kate was a mean girl. Maybe Meghan wasn’t sweetness and light. I would love to know the truth.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @panda – You are not the only one who wants to know the WHOLE truth.

      • Tessa says:

        I am basing it on evidence I have seen. The Commercial Jet PR appearance and Kate willingly participated in it with william to bash Meghan and Harry. And the way she treated them the last time they were seen in public. ALl Kate’s biographers talk about the death stares she gave to women who got near William.

      • panda says:

        Maybe we’ll find out someday! 🙂

      • MA says:

        Well we do know that Kate has only refuted through KP the stories involving Meghan when she’s painted in a bad light or when Kate’s accused of using hair extensions (which she does.) But never once refuted any negative portrayals of Meghan, even when blatantly untrue or absurd. Did she take issue with any of the Meghan slams in the Tatler piece? Oh that’s right, Tatler only crossed a line when they snickered at Kate for being middle class, the horror.

      • February Pisces says:

        @panda behind closed doors Andrew is a peadophile and yet they are still publically nice to him. William and Kate took whatever personal issues they had with harry and Meghan to brought it to the public arena.

        My guess is that they didn’t and still don’t know Meghan. Their issues were based on fear, fear of change, being overshadowed, looking less popular and not being able to be as lazy as they are.

        They didn’t need to be best friends with her, but they didn’t need to try and turn the whole world against her.
        Even if Meghan was the worst person in the world, the Keenbridges didn’t care about the wellbeing of their unborn nephew when they were slandering her every single day whilst she was pregnant,

      • ABritGuest says:

        we do know a lot of what’s happened..because the palaces ran to the press to tell us. I think the ‘Meghan made Kate cry’ because of tights/hemlines was meant to be an example of Meghan being a bitch but to me sounded like someone who wasn’t the bride overstepping. That’s why reports of these incidents are vague. when more details are filled in it the ‘Meghan is so evil’ narrative becomes meh.

        If they had better examples sure we would have heard them by now but maybe there will be more if Finding Freedom makes BRF look bad. Even story of Meghan shouting at an employee is prefaced by suggestion that some in royal household looked down on her because of her heritage&were gossiping to the press about nasty nicknames etc.

        People have been predicting on blogs for years that some family/in laws would make life difficult for whoever Harry married if she wasn’t a complete dud. reports around the engagement talked about the Cambridges being cautious even though Tom Bradby said Harry’s friends had urged him to propose. Bradby probably knew of potential drama already as he said at the time Sussexes have to be careful because of inevitable tensions in the Firm around money, status& position& fame. Which is probably at heart of this drama

    • Tessa says:

      I really disliked the nastiness when Meghan was accused of “upstaging” Eugenie’s wedding when she “declared her pregnancy.” to the wedding guestsThat was nasty gossip.. And the royals did not hing to deny the story. Her pregnancy was announced to the public after the wedding. She was in the first stages of a pregnancy but the media and blogs were ruthless and rumors of Eugenie’ “being upset. So horrible.

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree. She kept her coat open to try to hide her pregnant belly as much as she could in front of the media and that was turned into flaunting her pregnancy. Women can’t and shouldn’t cover the bodies when pregnant and just existing as a pregnant woman is not upstaging someone else’s wedding. Mike Tindall did mention they knew she was pregnant through the what’s App group but so many reporters and others attacked Meghan for daring to look pregnant. It was grotesque really.

  22. paddyjr says:

    As Kate has become such a children’s development advocate, she knows or should know that children learn from example. So perhaps she should have shown kindness to H&M. They don’t have to be the Fab Four or besties, but maybe not be blatantly mean.

  23. Abena Asantewaa says:

    According to Kate’s friends in Tatler, her friends said Kate made it a point not to take Meghan under her wings, because she was circumspect about the relationship of H&M. Now she preaches about Kindness! They could have been friends who met atleast once a month for tea, or an evening out, make Meghan feel welcome in England, but all kate and her wretched husband cared about was how to be popular at the expense of Harry and Meghan, especially, Meghan. She is too passive aggresive for my liking.

    • Ginger says:

      I was reading old comments on this site a couple of months back; they had a story on how Harry and Meghan were pretty much engaged but had to hold off on announcing it. The commenter said that no one in the RF wanted this marriage to happen and they were trying to talk Harry out of it but he wasn’t being swayed. It just makes me sad that they did not want her in that family. At all.

    • paddingtonjr says:

      ITA, @Abena Asantewaa. In the best of circumstances, I would think it would be hard to marry into the BRF. Kate is the only other woman who knows what it is like to have a husband who is the son of the PoW and lost his mother at an early age. They could have helped each other, even if they just had dinner every once in a while or did a small engagement without the husbands every few months.

    • February Pisces says:

      I get that William and Kate and the rest of the family being cautious of Meghan in the beginning. The Kardashian’s act the same way whenever one of them dates someone new, they seem to act with suspicion of someone new being in their inner circle. I get that when your into the public eye you are very cautious about who you can let your guard down with in private. So I was never expecting William and Kate, or the rest of them to welcome Meghan with open arms and be the best of friends. The probably thought all kinds about her by default, cause those princes do attract all kinds of women looking for a come up. Kate should know, she was one of them.

      They didn’t need to share all their secrets with Meghan, But they should have just been polite and slowly got to know her. They might have really liked her and got on. They only reason people had to hate her back then was that “they didn’t TRUST her”. They hated her based on a feeling, not anything factual. They should have atleast given her a chance to earn their trust, but they didn’t. Harry was always going to marry someone, they would have hated anyone he picked. They still treat harry and Meghan as some whirlwind romance but they have been together for a couple of years now and are still going strong, despite how many people have tried to break them apart. So I guess Meghan has proven them wrong in that respect, cos she’s always been there for harry they way he is for her. And no matter how much the rf have slandered her to the press, she hasn’t once slandered them back.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agree with everything you’ve said. We also can’t forget that the BRF is not supposed to be at all political. Kate basically spent her late teens/20s learning to keep her mouth shut about everything. You want to marry Will and be queen? Well, show them you don’t have any opinions and can tow whatever line they want you to. So after years of only allowing herself to have vapid thoughts, and never exploring anything intellectual, Kate meets Meghan — this intelligent, articulate, independent woman with developed arguments and ideas that had a political bent to them. I think Kate thought to herself, well, THIS can’t happen. After years of doing what I’ve been told, I will not be pushed aside by THIS. So she made it her mission to get rid of Meghan.

      • February Pisces says:

        @anonymous I think kate had been groomed for this years before she even met William. It’s like ma Middleton beat submission into Kate, hence why she can’t think for herself. Even when she’s in public with William, she’s always watching him when she speaks in case she does something he doesn’t agree with. It’s no way to live your life. When you look at Diana ages 19 to when she was in her 30s she had grown leap and bounds in confidence. She grew into becoming more comfortable with herself. Meghan grew up outside of the spotlight into the woman she is now. Kate is stunted and it really shows. Meghans arrival only highlighted how useless Kate has been all these years. Every year the RRs write how kate has finally ‘come into her own’, And yet she’s still exactly the same.

  24. Digital Unicorn says:

    Farrah Fawcett from the 70s called and wants her wiglet back.

    As usual with CEO Kate is basic AF, and seriously who has a video conference call IN FRONT OF A WINDOW! Its amateur hour at KP again!!!

    While she generally seems more relaxed around children, the whole gnashing and baring her teeth really bugged me (am tired today) – which I think comes from her trying to talk posher than The Queen. But again she was reading from a prompter, faking interest and kept repeating ‘absolutely’. She had her responses already prepared. It was quite painful to watch.

    • Molly says:

      Back in 2011, the Cambridges picked anti-bullying charities for their wedding donations. It gave a very useful contrast to the tabloid coverage. Now, Kate’s still reeling from the Tatler article and any blowback from her treatment of Meghan so she’s pushing kindness. If she makes that her message, people will associate as a kind, sweet person and not a Karen.

      • notasugarhere says:

        They picked 25 charities to receive donations from the public, only one was related to bullying.

  25. aquarius64 says:

    Have you notices that Kate only gets coverage in the pink press alone? Serious press outside the UK don’t touch unless in context with the BRF. The serious media does not take Kate seriously.

  26. MA says:

    I refuse to participate in the coddling of this very ordinary woman and the absolute hero worship she receives from smiling maniacally in photo ops with kids who never quite seem to match her reaction and wearing nice clothes. Remember Vogue saying we’re in the Golden Age of Kate Middleton and how she’s ABSOLUTELY NOT JEALOUS OF MEGHAN because she… wore some pretty dresses and smiled confidently when she returned from maternity leave?!!

    Interesting thought experiment: switch everything Kate has done with Meghan and see if it resonates differently. If people were honest with themselves, they’d see the crazy double standard at play here — laughable bar lowering for Kate and extreme bar heights for Meghan. And by people I mean not just the insane tinhats but also the so called progressive White Feminists who are now ardent BLM activists yet Refuse to grapple with their complicity in the racist nitpicking and did not offer Meghan the same benefit of doubt or allowance to be human.

    Obviously photo ops with kids are not a bad thing but imagine if even in her first 2 years as a royal all Meghan’s done is this and call bingo numbers? Would people say things like “Meghan really shines around kids — these engagements with kids are her STRENGTH”? Imagine if the first project Meghan released was not the Hubb Community cookbook but a garden for a flower show that only privileged kids can access. What if Meghan released the struggle survey or mumbled vague platitudes which boil down to MENTAL HEALTH GOOD? Or invented a log bench? Or took that ridiculous and cutesy wrecking ball photo?

    Now imagine the opposite: what if KATE had guest edited Vogue and put a diverse collection of women on the cover instead of herself? Raised half a million for Grenfell victims? Created the Smart Set? Held 100 meetings with different charities prior to becoming a royal? Mentioned #MeToo? Knew how to speak multiple languages and did just ONE of Meghan’s speeches? Said she’s a feminist at any point in her life or BLM or did UN Women or substantive volunteer work before becoming a royal? Kate would be canonized and her legacy already set. She would be the matron saint of White Feminists and you would not escape the cries of YAS KWEEN resounding through the inter webs from those who already give her an extreme pass even though she’s never given any indication she’s into female solidarity.

    • Sofia says:


    • Becks1 says:

      “also the so called progressive White Feminists who are now ardent BLM activists yet Refuse to grapple with their complicity in the racist nitpicking and did not offer Meghan the same benefit of doubt or allowance to be human.”

      this is what I feel Emily Giffin epitomizes. She identifies as a liberal feminist, she posts lots of Black Lives Matters pictures and links, and she was one of many white women “committing to reading” books about race as a way to learn.

      But she still could not make the connection between racism and her treatment of Meghan.

      • Molly says:

        I would say that people like Emily Giffin know what they’re doing. The phrase I saw on Twitter was “Pet or Threat.” It’s more about control and being a white savior than caring about racism.

      • MA says:

        That’s why they’re more dangerous. Kate had tinhatters too but you never heard about it until you accidentally stumbled on niche sites and troll accounts. But the Emily Giffins of the world are mainstream and until her insane Meghan postings came to light, would probably appear normal to everyone. She’s an educated lawyer and a successful author with a large platform, not some troll with a miserable life lurking in a basement, and she somehow believes she’s anti-racist and an ALLY. The cognitive dissonance is actually stunning. How do you overcome something like that? People who think they’re part of the solution but not aware they’re part of the problem. I’d say the same applies to other progressives like Eholmes, fug girls, Janetti and the random C-listers lurking on his page and only laughing at the cruel Meghan posts (except none are as unhinged as Giffin).

      • notasugarhere says:

        I’m sure she connected it, Becks1, but she doesn’t care. All of the RRs are claiming complete ignorance about how their treatment of Meghan is racist, have been for years.

    • Bohemian Angel says:

      @ MA VERY well said! 👏👏👏

  27. Harla says:

    Does her team not understand how much she gets dragged when she speaks about kindness or when either one of them speak about mental health? Can no one who works for them see the hypocrisy?

    • bamaborn says:

      They are kind of desperate now with the exit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Throw anything against the wall and hope something sticks.

  28. Awkward symphony says:

    The audacity of Kensington Karen to even say anything about kindness. She’s a real life Regina George and we got our proof during the CW church service

  29. Lizzie says:

    Don’t we all love preaching from the most entitled free loader of all?

  30. Jessica says:

    I do 5-8 Zoom meetings a day and have since March 13th when we went on Distance Learning/Shelter in Place. One Zoom meeting a week or heck a couple of times a week is definitely CEO material lol.

  31. Awkward symphony says:

    @JESSICA Most of us working from home have no set time for finishing work! My dad for example who’s a chief director at a construction company has no clear working hours, he’s litterly calling people and going to sites at 8 or 9PM!! Now that restrictions are ending, even more people will be the same
    This women is so infuriating to listen to. How dare she claim these 20mins calls as “work” and then complain about them😠 Katiekeen better keep her mouth shut

  32. Miss C says:

    OMG they are playing up Kate with fluff pieces. I really wasn’t a Royal watcher until H&M marriage. What a waste of space for her and Will. All I can see is they copy everything that H&M to then they do a friggin zoom call about it I can’t believe in the USA that they are doing this type of mess talking about her Jewelry and if Charles likes Megan more than her what a piece of shit. She will be pregnant soon so she won’t have to do shit again