Donald Trump was bigly sad & demoralized by his pathetic Tulsa turnout

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Donald Trump’s bigly Tulsa rally wasn’t so bigly. The Tulsa rally – which happened on Saturday, the 20th – was hyped as Trump’s big return to MAGA Nazi rallying, and they expected hundreds of thousands of white supremacists to turn up. What they got was an attendance of 6200 people (for a 19K-seat stadium). They got pranked in a huge way by TikTokers, Zoomers and Generation Z.

Just fewer than 6,200 people attended President Donald Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Tulsa Fire Department said Sunday — a figure Trump’s reelection campaign is disputing as it also seeks to blame “radical” protesters and the media for it’s smaller-than-expected crowd size.

The department monitored the crowd at the Bank of Oklahoma Center, an arena that can hold just more than 19,000, and public information officer Andy Little told CNN that Saturday’s general admission count does not include suite holders, staff and media.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh disputed the department’s count Sunday, saying, “12,000 people went through the metal detectors so that number is way off.” He added that the lower bowl of the BOK Center, which admitted rallygoers on a first-come, first-serve basis, was mostly full.

The Trump campaign has tried to blame “radical” protesters, even saying some were allegedly blocking metal detectors, for frightening some of the President’s supporters from attending Trump’s return to the campaign trail in Tulsa on Saturday. Several CNN teams on the ground throughout Tulsa on Saturday said they did not see any prolonged activity by protesters that prevented attendees from gaining access, although one entrance was closed for brief periods of time because of efforts to block that entry point.

[From CNN]

LOL, the campaign trying to blame protesters! I don’t know why that’s so funny to me. I saw the videos – there were legitimately some protesters outside the event, but it wasn’t like some huge BLM demonstration or anything. That’s how much Trump sucks – protesters were too busy organizing elsewhere.

Maggie Haberman at the NY Times said that Trump was horrified and stunned by the emptiness of the stadium and he apparently “yelled at aides backstage while looking at the endless rows of empty blue seats in the upper bowl of the stadium.” By the time he exited the stage and the venue, Trump’s mood was described as “muted,” and this was his sad bigly waddle off Marine One later Saturday night (apologies to Johnny Cash):

For the Trump campaign, much of Sunday was spent lying and coming up with excuses for why this Tulsa thing blew up in their faces. Trump only tweeted once, that’s how broken and demoralized he was. It’s now believed that Trump will absolutely fire campaign manager Brad Parscale sometime soon, probably this week. True to form, Jared and Ivanka Kushner are playing this like they had nothing to do with it (they lie) and that they are also beyond pissed at Parscale. When Javanka hangs you out to dry, you know your time is over.

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107 Responses to “Donald Trump was bigly sad & demoralized by his pathetic Tulsa turnout”

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  1. SM says:

    Hahaha. It’s not like any of the protesters wanted in. It is not like deciding between two conflicting, equally good events that you want to get to. Well, they can always switch to the social distancing tactic for explanation of why no one comes out to those fascist rallies.

  2. Darla says:

    I will never get over the water thing. He drinks a glass of water and the crowd gives him a standing ovation. How is this not Saturday Night Live?

    • Chaine says:

      Right?!! Plus look how he held the water glass, with his pinky cranked under the bottom to steady it. I tried doing this and it was bigly-uncomfortable, who holds a glass like that and why?

      • STRIPE says:

        People who can’t hold a glass normally without dropping it. I hold glasses like that in the summer here in the south. Condensation is REAL here when it gets hot/humid out, and your glass can easily slip out of your hands. I also have short fingers like ol Donnie so maybe we just don’t have enough reach? Ha!

      • JaneEyreApparent says:

        I do. But… I have a neurological/movement disorder. lol

      • Suzanne Ambs says:

        I do…because I have neuropathy in my hands….and when I hold a glass…I always secure it by putting my pinky under it…. Why are you people picking every little detail of what this man does apart….? When I saw the original clip of him lifting his glass to his mouth with the help of his other hand…it appeared to me like I did when I had bursitis in my shoulder and couldn’t raise my arm that high. What is the sin in that if THAT was the case? The man is in his mid 70’s! Give him a break already.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      He got a standing ovation???? When he drank water? Omg, his supporters are truly the dumbest people on the planet. Dark ages stupid. The kind of stupid that gets inserted in history books.

      • Mira says:

        I have a feeling people from the dark ages would feel insulted if they were alive to witness all this.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        He talked about his ramp walk for about 15 minutes straight! And then the big finale is that he can drink water from a glass. Trump supporters set the bar so low. They need to seriously raise their standards!

    • Haarper says:

      Sabotaging Trump’s rallies may backfire as some will see stopping his supporters from attending them as an attack on Democracy.

      • Juls says:

        I get the point you’re trying to make. And yes, his idiot supporters will believe trumpers were prevented from attending if he tells them that was the case. But that wasn’t the case. The tickets were unlimited, nobody stopped them from obtaining them. They were not blocked from entering the arena. Cops even drug a ticket holder away for wearing a BLM shirt. He had plenty of security to keep entrances open. The fact is, ONLY 6,200 people CHOSE to attend.

    • Nottoday says:

      Listen. I saw a tweet over the weekend that said basically, “If we started a rumor that Trump poops his pants, he would wheel a toilet out on stage and poop in it while the crowed goes wild.”

      I laughed until I cried because it’s so easy to picture actually happening. They are so wildly stupid.

  3. Esmom says:

    You know the only thing Trump cared about was drinking that glass of water. It was clear he had rehearsed that. It would be hysterically funny if it wasn’t so damn frightening to have him as the POTUS.

    All of the excuses are BS the were just pathetic to see unfold. You’d think they’d want to embrace the Tik Tok pranking more because it would give them an out from the admission that people, except for the die-hard loonies, just really don’t want to go to his shitty rallies anymore. Not even in red Oklahoma.

    My favorite image might have been of Gym Jordan looking around the stadium, seeming to be mighty distressed about the small crowd. Hopefully he realizes his days are numbered, too.

    • lucy2 says:

      That, and apparently he ranted for an hour about the ramp. A ramp and water drinking. That’s what the attendees got. Such leadership.

      • GreenTurtle says:

        Lol, it wasn’t that long. It was a good 15 minutes for the West Point Ramp debacle, maybe a touch longer, which is a long time when you’re listening to a speaker telling one story.

    • Bella DuPont says:

      Just to make a point regarding the small crowd: that the stadium was nowhere near half fiull. In fact, it was *just under a third* or 1/3 or 30% full.

      It’s important to keep the record straight, cause I see Fox News has already started drifting the numbers upwards to “half full” and now, “just over half full”.

      No. The venue was *just under a THIRD full*. Chuurs.🎉😊

  4. Lightpurple says:

    Trump is speaking at a Students for Trump event in Phoenix tomorrow. TPUSA, also known as America’s version of Hitler’s Youth, is a co-sponsor. As of this morning, they are still pushing tickets at

    Of course, my cat has a ticket. We’re setting up an account this morning for our new kitten to sign up too.

    Also, the Supreme Court issues decisions on Tuesdays and Thursdays and must issue all decisions by the end of June. Their decision on Trump’s tax returns might be released tomorrow. If it is, tomorrow’s speech will be beyond bonkers

    • Christin says:

      Congrats on the new kitten!

      Long live the Feline Resistance!

    • Jay says:

      Please thank your kitties for their service, Lightpurple!

      I worry this next rally will have more turnout due to Trump not wanting to be embarrassed, even if it means hiring seat fillers.

      • Lightpurple says:

        It’s being held at Dream City Church in Phoenix and it’s an event for kids, supposedly. Not sure what the capacity is.

    • Hoot says:

      Dream City Church is the venue, just north of Scottsdale, and seating capacity is 3,200. They’ll be packed in like sardines unless the a/c goes out and people are forced outside into the 109-degree heat. Oh wait, didn’t DT state that sunlight kills Covid19 germs? Never mind. /s

      • Hoot says:

        And I’m just wondering how his “team” will get around the wearing of face masks. They won’t have the Supreme Court of AZ pardoning (like they did in Tulsa) the mandates put in place at the end of last week by most AZ cities. This was after Gov. Ducey finally made a statement about requiring face masks be worn in public after Arizona’s Covid19 numbers spiked to new highs. Ducey said it was up to local governments (because he is too weak to stand up for the people of AZ and must tow the party line).

    • KellyRyan says:

      I wonder of the Bighorn fire will necessitate a change in plans. It started north of Tucson is currently in the mountainous areas of Phoenix and Mesa, 180,000 acres up to this point. Covid-19 increase in AZ, one of 20 states this am.

      • Hoot says:

        No change will be necessary. There are three separate fires burning in AZ currently, and none of them will affect this area. The Bighorn Fire is just north of Tucson and far removed from this venue (my cousin lives very close to it, in Oro Valley). The Bush Fire is the second largest to ever burn in AZ (near Mesa), but it’s not nearby the Dream City venue, and the Magnum Fire is near the Grand Canyon. But yikes, we can sure use some rain!

    • Marjorie says:

      I think the shenanigans over SDNY this past weekend were because Beer Boy told Barr that SCOTUS is going to rule that Trump has to release his taxes. They’ve already decided tge case, they’re just editing footnotes now. Maybe he won’t have to disclose publicly, but to Congress and the Justice Dept.

      Super news on the kitten, LP!!!

    • lucy2 says:

      Yay for kittens! I have 2 cats, I should sign them up too.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Please do!

        Puling a similar action with this rally will not only really rattle the Trump campaign but it will also greatly undermine their whole Hitler Youth movement. Charlie Kirk has been promoting himself within the party as the voice of young conservatives, able to rally the largest crowds of young conservatives ever, along with their parents money, and claiming he knows how the youth think. He’s tight with Trump Junior and Trump retweets him frequently. He has big Republican donors behind him. Trump, Kellyanne, Junior, and other high ranking Republicans attend his events. Except he was bragging on Friday on Fox News about how Trump was able to pull 1 million requests for Saturday’s rally and Biden could barely get people to watch his basement videos. Someone so in touch with the youth of America should have known the TikTok thing was happening and would have warned the campaign. He didn’t know. Another failure would expose him for the fraud h e is and their organization will be in shambles.

    • Swack says:

      What is the purpose of Trump doing a children’s event? Melania – maybe but Trump has no interest in children as they are of no use to him. Look how he ignores Barron.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        it’s a group that will tolerate him speaking to them for however long he wants to. THAT is the purpose; anyone who will give him a stage/platform and a mic to spew his garbage will be accommodated, age be damned. look at how he spoke to the boy scouts.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “Their decision on Trump’s tax returns might be released tomorrow.”

      This gives me so much anxiety! I worry previous “good” decisions were a compromise to go bad on this one. GAH!

      I love the Kitty Rebellion!

    • Kriseth says:

      My pup just got his ticket 🙂

  5. Diana says:

    This makes me giddy!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Astrid says:

    Makes my day!

  7. Naomi says:

    Just a friendly pointer: When people call what teenagers did a “prank” it diminishes their political force; ‘prank’ sounds like they egg’ed or TP’ed a house or something. In fact this was a bold calculated *political* move. For teens who can’t vote this November, this is their form of political expression. I’m becoming increasingly aware how adults (myself included) tend to belittle teens, when in fact they are incredibly politically savvy (ex: TEENVOGUE) and brilliant when it comes to undermining the system. TL; DR: Language matters, and try to use words like “tactic” or ‘strategy’ (which suggests logic & politics) instead of ‘prank’ (which sounds like a silly hoax purely or the sake of a good laugh). lol thanks for coming to my TED talk

    • Lightpurple says:

      What they did was activism. Activism can take the form of a prank but it is still activism. Junior was screaming for Teen Vogue to be shut down the other day so it is definitely hitting a nerve; I’m guessing Kai Trump has a subscription

    • Emily says:

      Thank you for this reminder! So true.

    • Sophie says:

      This +100%!

      • KellyRyan says:

        Heartily agree on the use of the word activism. “Honest, deliberate, necessary action.”

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Great points!

    • lisa says:

      well said Naomi!

    • Cinnamon says:

      So true Naomi! I’m 41 but I’ve followed Teen Vogue for a few years now. Their content and commentary makes me so unbelievably proud of the youth in our country and it really does give me hope for the future. I got on TikTok during quarantine because I just couldn’t deal with the trash that is Facebook anymore. And you know what I found, amazing, intelligent, astute and active teenagers that want to participate and engage. When I started seeing videos about signing up for tickets to his rally a few weeks ago, I knew this was going to be something! The next generation is a bunch of ass kickers 🙂

  8. Jerusha says:

    There are dozens of the sad waddle set to deliciously perfect tunes and I’ve retweeted every single one of them. Mean girl? Proudly so!

    • Sarah says:

      Ooh I need to look for these. i’ve just watched the one above and while I aim to never watch/listen to him in action this is just a thing of beauty.

  9. Mia4s says:

    The key tell about his mood was the lack of tweets about this. They can spill all they want, he felt humiliated….and I hope he feels humiliated again and again and again and everyday for the rest of his miserable life. (Eva Braun-wannabe and her Daddy-got-me-into-Harvard husband can join him).

    • BeanieBean says:

      Right! Has he EVER allowed himself to be photographed with his tie undone? Weirdly enough, I think this is major.

  10. Emily says:

    “Radical” protesters lol. Here’s the thing— they blame the media for scaring off Trump’s base with talk of coronavirus (which they had waiver for), while the campaign is fear mongering about protesters.

    The polls are wrong. The crowds are wrong. It’s the “fake news” media, their excellent testing and every single other country in the world and every healthcare professional in the world plotting against them with COVID-19.

    But it definitely was NOT the teenagers … because that would be too embarrassing? And if it was the teenagers, then they committed fraud and lock them up blah blah blah.

  11. Lauren says:

    Honest to god. If I had no idea who this piece of trash was, what he has done and what he stands for I would feel sorry for him, watching that video of him walking off his helicopter. You can tell he is disappointed af. Then again I do know what piece of trash he is, what he’s done and what he stands for and honestly this couldn’t have happened to a better person. Eat sh*t Don.

    • Poisonella says:

      OMG- I laughed and laughed when I saw the scowl on his face and his clown tie flopping around his thighs!

  12. Digital Unicorn says:

    LOL at that video – u just know he cried on AF1 on the way back. And you can bet that his retaliation will be swift, like all bully’s he will lash out when he’s been humiliated. And that he has – the future has truly shown him his ass.

    GOP can try and vote rig all they like but the will of the people will not be denied – thats what i’ve taken from what the kids did. Plus we shouldn’t forget that many MAGATs didn’t go because, unlike him, they are taking COVID-19 seriously.

    • Christin says:

      Whether fear of the virus and/or waning interest led to the smaller crowd, it shows that the bark is louder than the bite with his base.

      Same thing with the results of his tweet a couple of weeks ago about supporters having some kind of party outside the WH during the protests (few if any showed up). He talks as if his supporters will face any threat for him, and that is clearly untrue.

      • Melody Calder says:

        I feel like announcing the 1 million ticket requests was a mistake. If I were someone with a ticket who was actually considering going, I wouldn’t have gone for fear of the insanely “huge” crowd- virus or not. His bragging likely contributed to the poor turnout as well

      • Christin says:

        Good point! The campaign marketing “genius(es)” really didn’t think it through.

        This was an example of why it is better to underpromise and overdeliver. It was an utter failure for what they purport to be true, and live coverage showed it for what it was. Empty seats and NO overflow crowd outside.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “This was an example of why it is better to underpromise and overdeliver.”

        So very, very true.

    • Chaine says:

      You are so right about them taking it seriously. The biggest Trumpster I personally know told me that they are wearing their mask whenever they go out and they wish the president would, too. Unfortunately, somehow this does not diminish their intent to vote for him again.

      • Mel M says:

        Yep, while I think this whole thing is absolutely hilarious I still know plenty of dump supporters who either wouldn’t go right now because of the pandemic or who just aren’t the type to go to these things or they are out of work so they can’t afford to travel out of town for something like this. These 6200 were just the most ignorant rabid of his base who are either local or can afford to travel to the middle of the country for a weekend. To me it doesn’t show the actual support, maybe cracks in the support but that’s it. I mean he’s holding a rally in the middle of a pandemic and made you sign something saying you can’t sue if you get infected, that means they are acknowledging that it’s not a hoax. I’m just not going to let my guard down or get my hopes up that this is the beginning of the end.

        The tweet I saw about how this is the absolute most deflated he’s ever looked during his presidency and it has nothing to do with an actual crisis or tragedy or what millions of Americans are going through right now and instead it’s because he didn’t get as many people screaming “lock her up!” and worshiping him speaks volumes. But we’ve known what he was. I’m just surprised he actually got off marine one like that and let the “fake news” photograph him looking like that. Maybe they forgot his adderal at the WH because the non tweeting also tells you he didn’t get the energy boost he usually does after these things.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        His lack of mask might not influence their vote…but I think his looking like a loser may. He’s had a string of bad luck, and I think for a lot of people who like his strong man shtick, they’ve got to be embarrassed by his buffoonery.

  13. reef says:

    Gen Z is the one thing Gen X did right. The kids are really alright.

    • EviesMom says:

      @Reef Gen X for the win! 🎉 raising these little ramble rousers has been challenging in the age of technology but Oh So Worth It!

    • OriginalLara says:

      Considering that upcoming generations shape our world that’s a mighty feat. And according to reports it was Gen Xer – a 51yo woman- who started this, or at least helped start it, so I’d say Gen Xers have done more than one thing right.

    • Juls says:

      Yep. I’m technically an xennial (1981) but identify mostly with x. I’m raising two z’s ( had them young) and it is amazing how in-tune and engaged they are.

  14. Va Va Kaboom says:

    I’ve never seen Trump look so disheveled, especially while wearing a suit. And this from the guy who supposedly humiliated Don Jr for not wearing a suit and tie when he visited him at college…

    Trump can be quite performative so this may just be an attempt to garner sympathy and better turnouts from his base, but it’s still quite odd. He’s so obsessed with being seen as “dominant” and “strong” that it’s almost shocking to see him look so pitiful. He genuinely looks crushed by the failure of that rally. I’m actually a little worried what he’ll do next. This is an incredibly powerful narcissistic, mentally unstable man who just had his a$$ handed to him. His retaliation is not going to be pretty.

    • Also Ali says:

      His retaliation is not going to be pretty.

      This. He’s not done by a long shot.

    • Lady D says:

      Who do you think he is going to use for a target? He can’t go after the K-pop generation, so who is he going to retaliate with? My guess is household staff, or he’ll decide it’s the protesters fault and order in the army.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        He’ll go after the platforms that the kids used – Tik Tok and Google.

      • Va Va Kaboom says:

        That’s the truly scary part, he’s unstable enough that he could direct his anger at anyone. He’s certainly proven that he has no problem targeting the most vulnerable amongst us. And I agree that the platforms themselves are high on that list also. But they have their own power and he’s social media savvy enough to know it won’t be enough to just go after the sites.

        I really think it’ll be whichever group is the most expedient for his purposes. With our current unrest I’d guess he’ll go with a conspiracy/campaign orchestrated by BLM, Antifa, perhaps even a foreign country since it involved Kpop fans and TikTok.

      • MsIam says:

        He’ll go after his campaign manager for sure. I heard on CNN that he was upset when it was announced that some of the campaign staff in OK tested positive for COVID and he felt that suppressed the turnout. He’s blaming his campaign staff for supposedly letting that info get out. It all revolves around Trump according to him, even the pandemic is a conspiracy to thwart him,lol.

      • anon says:

        He’ll go after North Korea too, because K-Pop. Some of his idiotic trolls (not the Russian ones) are already saying something like it. Electoral interference! Pelosi! Korean Antifa!

        Gosh, they’re dumb.

  15. Katrine Troelsen says:

    Hahahaah how much bronzer has he got on in that bottom pic?? OMG. Usually I cant forget that he is a child rapist and thus I dont enjoy laughing at him but this amount of bronzer ahahahahahahha

  16. Betsy says:

    My favorite discussion related to the topic of his limp race rally is whether or not it will be a factor should he pull his favorite move – cutting and running. How nice would it be if he weren’t the nominee? And he knows his poll numbers look horrible (vote like we’re 20 behind!), but this had to have just frosted the cake for him.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Given all the legal cases against him he can’t cut and run, that combined with that fact that he is due to make a payment of $700mill to Deutsche Bank for his loans (I might have read this on Twitter) he can’t afford to walk away now. He ain’t done fleecing the US Treasury to pay off his personal and company debts.

  17. Rianic says:

    To get a student ticket, you have to give your name, age, email, school name, and a link to your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

    • Jay says:

      That’s not a problem – most of my students have several “finstagram” accounts or old Facebook accounts they could use, and this will have the additional benefit of messing with the campaign’s data mining operation (which is what they really value imo).

      @lightpurple, did they still have a health waiver about covid-19? I wonder if all of the students would even be old enough to sign it?

      • Lightpurple says:

        Yes, there is still a requirement that you sign a waiver. My cat had no problem agreeing to that as she won’t actually be visiting our Arizona relatives tomorrow.

        I googled “high schools in Phoenix.” My cat has her own facebook page and email address. She gave her actual age.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oh, Lightpurple, you just made my day.

  18. Becks1 says:

    People did not want to go to his rally. full stop. If more people had wanted to, they would have. And that’s driving him crazy.

  19. Veronica S. says:

    Highly entertaining, though I don’t discount anything happening because of the rampant voter suppression going in places like Kentucky (95% OF POLLING PLACES SHUT DOWN BEFORE THE PRIMARY) and the inevitable reality that people will vote for him down the line because their “principled” straight ticket voting means not having to do any critical thinking. (And that applies to people on both sides of the political spectrum.) Either way, I’m planning for the worst and hoping for the best.

  20. KellyRyan says:

    Dumpty has zero ability to deal with embarrassment. Women, powerful men, and now teens. 🙂 He’s on a Twitter roll this morning, “foreign governments are printing our mail in ballots.” CA plans to mail 20.6 ballots to all registered voters in due to Covid-19. I can visualize our Gov Newsom in a dialogue with Dumpty on our printed ballots in CA. 🙂 And he did look disheveled exiting the plane and must have been aware of how bad he looked leaving Tulsa. The pancake make-up was an inch thick.

  21. Jerusha says:

    Here’s Sad Waddle with added commentary.

    • KellyRyan says:

      Ted Lieu had a larger glass. 🙂 Tiny fingers, tiny glass.

      • Jerusha says:

        Ted Lieu’s campaign ad designed by his kids is hilarious. And Ted didn’t even have to look at the glass while guiding it to his mouth.😅😅

      • Lightpurple says:

        And he also put in the throwing away of the glass.

        Henry Winkler also did a great Tweet of him drinking from a glass that has the Trump supporters screaming.

  22. Marie says:

    I don’t buy it. I believe that was staged to garner sympathy from his base. I have a hard time believing that the guy with the most famous comb over doesn’t have his staffers check what he looks like before he disembarks a plane. The loose tie and hat in hand look like props.

  23. Jerusha says:

    The Lincoln Project is truly killing it with their mock trump ads. This one just out.🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • lucy2 says:

      That tweet from them up there is pretty savage.

    • KellyRyan says:

      Following Lincoln Project, won’t go near Conway. I didn’t care for LP’s approval of Kristol’s comment. Never, never underestimate the power of Americans across generations. DT’s attempt to divide and conquer is a failure and we are in process of a needed and valuable turning around, (revolution.)

  24. jferber says:

    He may be able to drink water from a glass (barely), but he sure as hell can’t govern a country. Just goddamn.

  25. Sean says:

    The Lincoln Project created the best ad for #WaterGait:

  26. Jerusha says:

    Anyone here not on twitter, it’s worth signing up just to follow the Lincoln Project. They are driving trump crazy with their mockery of him, shoving the knife in and twisting it. You can always drop out after 1/20/21.
    This is how they promo-ed one of their ads-“You’ve probably heard this before, but it was smaller than we expected — and it sure wasn’t as big as you promised.”
    Nice double entendre.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Also Meidas Touch. Their ads are blistering and they come up with them very quickly.

      I enjoy The Lincoln Project’s work and I follow them but I constantly remind myself that George Conway and Rick Wilson are behind them. It’s the enemy of my enemy is my friend situation.

      The Meidas Touch is run by Democrats.

      Also, Biden’s own ad team does stellar work.

      • Jerusha says:

        I like Meidas, also. I know once trumpism is excised from the body politic we’ll be at odds, but right now we’re working for a common cause, so I’ll take it. Plus, and maybe most importantly, I love seeing Republicans savaging each other. They’re usually in lockstep, so this is a real treat.

      • ClaireB says:

        @Jerusha, it makes a nice change from them savaging our country, although I’m sure they’re still keeping a hand in.

      • says:

        The Lincoln Project and Meidas Touch are tag-teaming Trump and it is gloriously brutal. I’m so glad that the gloves are finally off!

        Also, are you noticing that news is reporting more “realistically?” Instead of tap dancing around Trump and trying to stay neutral, some are sticking in pointed commentary:
        – Fox News lately has published several polls showing Biden ahead by double digits
        – Fox’s lead political reporter calling him the “Tweeter in Chief”
        – Chris Wallace calling out a trump campaign person by telling her the campaign and she look “silly” for denying the reality of the low turn out for the rally
        – Senators announcing they aren’t all in for trump’s re-election,
        – Nominations of judges are starting to get held up

        They are starting to smell blood in the water. . .they feel trump is weak and probably won’t be re-elected and feel “safe” starting to speak out more. The more the Senate starts to push back against trump, the more they think he’s going to lose and they will try to save their own butts. . .like I said, blood in the water–chum–honestly, it could turn into bloodbath — and all Biden will have to do is just do what he’s doing, and stand back and let the repubs take each other out.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Yes, Conway and Wilson are republicans…but they acknowledge the threat Trump poses is more important than getting more tax cuts. We can go back to bickering about policy in 2021, but right now I am glad to have them as allies against the biggest threat to our nation.

        They aren’t afraid to burn bridges with republicans that support Trump, and that means something. That is actual risk to their brands as conservatives, but they still sticking their necks out. Same with George Will. I don’t agree with him on policy at all, but he’s left the party and recognizing the threat for what it is and I respect that.

        What’s more, is that they are doing the kind of vicious ads that aren’t consistent with the “nice guy” Democratic Party. They let the Dems keep their hands clean while the Lincoln Project gets dirty. It helps.

      • Jerusha says:

        @What….now? It looks great now and I love the takedown of trump, especially by fellow Rs. He dismisses the criticism from Dems, but the skewering from Rs is really getting under his flaccid, orange skin. I love it.
        ***But I hope we don’t get complacent and not prepared for the usual October Surprise.***

      • NightOwl says:

        There’s a part of me that worries about Trump being pushed off the ticket in early fall and someone else being inserted that might actually be competitive.

  27. Ann says:

    It will be a 109 tomorrow in Phoenix. 109 degrees of bone dry heat that beats down from above to the point where you very literally feel like you’re in an oven. This makes me happy knowing all the idiot suits who chase president sippy cup around will be roasting. And his idiot loyalists deserves it too. I just hope the protesters find some shade, stay hydrated, and remember their sunscreen.

    Also, f’ing Ducey is being real unhelpful about the mandatory mask situation and is already beefing with Tucson’s new Latina Mayor. He’s working harder to stay in trump’s good graces than protecting Arizona. To my fellow AZ peeps we need duchey out STAT.

    • Juniper says:

      Ducey can’t run another term but he can try for Sinema’s senate seat or another congressional seat. He has higher goals that just the governorship. One of his former cabinet members is
      Assistant Deputy Administrator of the EPA.

  28. Miasys says:

    Ok, just registered both of my cats to attend. Fun fact- if you enter students for trump dot org into your browser….you are redirected to Kamala Harris’ website! Massive burn!

  29. phaedra7 says:

    Drumpf looks like a sad-azz child who NOBODY wants to talk with or play with ANYMORE! LOL!🤣😂😁

  30. El says:

    Honestly, this is the most human I’ve ever seen Trump be (the video).

  31. c8h10n4o2 says:

    If I could consider getting close enough to anybody to do so, I’d hug a tween/teenager. Fortunately, the panic attack will keep everyone from being extremely uncomfortable.