Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Tyra Bank’s model utopian theme park, ModelLand, has delayed opening in Santa Monica, CA, indefinitely. ModelLand was billed to be a fantasy version of the modeling world brought to the masses in a Walt Disney sort of way. Banks hopes it will make people feel ‘more beautiful and powerful than they ever believed possible.’
Despite the delay, Tyra hasn’t slowed down from breaking other barriers. According to a press release, she will be the new host and executive producer of Dancing with the Stars. Banks is set to replace Tom Bergeron, the original host of the show, and his long-time co-host Erin Andrews. BBC and ABC productions stated that they are moving in a different direction as their official reason for the decision to let Andrews and Bergeron go.
Banks will not only be the new host, but an executive producer, according to a news release from ABC obtained by CNN.
“I’ve been a fan of ‘DWTS’ since its beginning … The fun mixed with raw emotion, seeing celebrities push past their comfort zones, the sizzling dance performances … it’s always transported me to my days of turning it up 10 notches on the catwalk,” Banks said in the news release.
“Tom has set a powerful stage, and I’m excited to continue the legacy and put on my executive producer and hosting hats.”
Longtime host Tom Bergeron on Monday broke the news that he will not be returning to the dancing competition show after 15 years in his role.
Co-host Erin Andrews will also not be returning.
The decision comes as ABC and BBC Productions, which produce the series, say they are heading in “a new creative direction.”
Bergeron had been host of “Dancing with the Stars” since the show began in 2005. Andrews had hosted since 2014.
As a fan of the show since its inception, I think Banks has some big shoes to fill. However, I believe she is eager to take on the challenge and deliver. I am sure there will be a lot of pressure on her not only because she’ll be one of the executive producers of a very popular show with a loyal fan base, but because she will also be the first Black host of the show.
Perhaps it is just time for fresh ideas or perhaps producers wanted a woman of color at the helm. And that’s not to imply that Banks didn’t earn the job. She created, produced, and hosted the highly successful America’s Next Top Model, which became a worldwide phenomenon. I hope that Banks will breathe new life into the show. With that being said, I am sure the new season of DWTS will be highly entertaining if nothing else.
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Tyra once said that she never wears makeup when traveling so that people don’t recognize her. At an airport once she overheard someone say, “she look like Tyra, but ugly.” Which pleased her, because it clearly works.
I don’t really watch DWTS (I’ll catch a few clips on you tube if its supposed to be good) but I like Tyra and think she will do well here. She’s definitely earned this.
Don’t watch the show, because of their lack of morals which can clearly be seen by some of the people they’ve had on the show. The show has no standards, or integrity, and in my opinion some of the most bottom of the barrel people on the show. They are sell-outs! I cancelled DWTS once they had Bristol Palin on the show. Need I say more!
Yep, not to mention Mike Huckabee & Sean Spicer. Nope to normalizing bad people.
Sean Spicer seemed to be a tipping point for Tom Bergeron, he was pretty vocal about his opinion and wonder if that was a factor in his being let go.
I look forward to seeing the changes, and Tyra makes a lot of sense. The double host thing created a strange bifurcation that I hope they can now get rid of … “go up to our Sky Box for chit chat.” And maybe they’ll knock off inviting the polarizing political shills for shock value. But, awww, I love Tom Bergeron. 😢
Over the top..
Ughh. The show is ughhh Tyra isbuhhhhhh
Tyra will be all over the place trying to get all the attention. It will be exhausting like her…
It will be a GLORIOUS MESS!
I cannot WAIT! Hell…I might even start watching!
Have never watched an episode, but I would if Miss J. Alexander was joining Tyra.
I used to watch religiously, but stopped last season when they had Sean Spicer on. It wasn’t just the fact that the show invited him, it was the crazy MAGA voting that kept him on endlessly, while clearly one of the worst dancers of the season, if not the history of the show. Same with Bristol Palin and others. It became too disheartening to see good dancers who were learning and growing and putting themselves out there get voted off while these jerks remained for political reasons. I also looooved Tom Bergeron, such a quick wit, and clearly a good man. Doubt I’ll watch again.
Tyra is all about Tyra. She will want the focus to be on her “OK enough about you, what do you think about me?!” She will try to insert herself into everything. It will be an awkward glorious hot mess and I’m here for it.
I hope that each week when a contestant gets kicked off she will be like “I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!”
I’ve never watched the show, but I will now!
I’m in the camp with I used to watch fairly regularly but they lost me at Sean Spicer. Part of the appeal was definitely Tom Bergeron. He didn’t take himself or the show too seriously and always treated everyone with kindness, even when he was teasing them about something.
I understand that shows have to change things up and am totally behind replacing TB with a POC and especially a female POC, but Tyra? I’ve basically run out of TV and have been watching old seasons of ANTM on Hulu and my goddess that woman put the cringe in cringeworthy and as others have noted it’s always all about Tyra. I can just see her doing the interviews and being all “well, when I was in the music business and released my first video, I had to learn my choreography in 30 minutes…blah, blah, blah.”
But… does Tyra know anything about dance?
Did Tom?
Erin A was a sports reporter before they hired her, and I don’t think she was as good as the woman they replaced.
I stopped watching when they had that Duck dyNasty chick on. Which was disappointing because there is so little dance on the tee bee. But, just no.
Loved Leah Remini on it. Also, surprisingly, Snooki. The rehearsal/personal stories were nice.
But the “voting” allows the producers an excuse to keep or get rid of anyone they want regardless of the judges’ scores.
I didn’t love her as host of AGT but I hope her co-host will also be a WOC. Out with the vanilla hosts!
My understanding from reading an article and social media posts about this change is that they are doing away with the cohost and therefore the interviews in the skybox or whatever the heck the place with the co-host and other dancers was called.
Not a fan of Tyra and will not watch. I think she is a mean spirited person and won’t be nice to the contestants. Tom was very funny and will be missed.
I second this. I used to watch ANTM all the time but she started to turn me off with how she treated and spoke to the contestants. She is not a very nice person form what I have read & observed about her. The way she dragged out that whole thing between her and Naomi drove me crazy too. So all this too say, I will also not be watching.
Tyra taught me everything I know about posing for photos lol I think she will be great. I respect her hustle. She likes to say that she went to Harvard, which annoys all my ivy friends, but you know what? Good for her for going for that certificate, promoting education and entrepreneurship, and standing up for Tyra. More women need to do that. Maybe I’ll start watching this mess.
Erin Andrews has a terrible, grating voice and I will be glad to see her go. I could get behind Tyra and Tom. I don’t see Tyra being quick enough with quips to take over Tom’s roll. I’ll be more on board if she brings Miss Jay with her.