Tiffani Thiessen and her husband celebrate their kids going away for the weekend


Last week we read about Tiffani Thiessen and her husband, Brady Smith, celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary with a redo of their original 2005 wedding (scaled down to comply with quarantine, of course). Thank you, by the way, to those who referred me to her IG stories for details, like menu. On the heels of the Wedding Redo, it sounds like Tiffani and Brady are getting a honeymoon redo as well. Saturday, Tiffani posted this video to her Instagram:

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#check ✔️

A post shared by Tiffani Thiessen (@tiffanithiessen) on

What Tiffani said in her post is:

Week-long cleanse: check
It’s Friday: Check
The kids are at my parents: Cheeeeeeck

(dancing , dinking and general celebrating ensues)

[From Instagram via SeriouslyOMG]

Tiffani and Brady’s are parents to Harper, 10 and Holt, 5. Given the ages of the kids and the fact that everyone has been locked together for the past four months, the couple’s reaction is actually quite subdued (although they have no one but themselves to blame for the cleanse). No word on how long they fobbed the kids off on her parents but I’m sure any respite is welcome. By the look of Tiffani’s subsequent IG posts, their weekend was full of delicious food and drink and long soaks in the pool, exactly how I would do it… if I had someplace to ship my kids off to, and could afford caviar, and had a pool.

I’m not knocking the kids, either. I think any change in routine is such a gift right now, we’d all embrace it. I need to head back down to my folks to check in on my mom’s recovery and my dad invited me to bring my dogs, that’s how much they want a change of pace. Not that he doesn’t like my dogs, but my pups are big energy for my folks’ sleepy existence. I’m willing to bet taking the grandkids was Tiffani’s parents idea.

My kids are a little older than Tiffani’s. I can leave them alone for anevening or even an overnight, so I’m not as eager to ship them off. But we were talking over the weekend about what would we be doing different if we were not in lockdown. For me, it would be malls – I love window shopping and people watching – movies and art museums. But all of us agreed we would love “to go” somewhere, anywhere involving a hotel stay. I think if I had to option of safely sending my kids somewhere for an overnight, I’d take it. Again, they aren’t bugging me, I’d just like to shake up my routine. As it stands, the kids, dogs and I are headed south in two weeks and my husband will get a week-long staycation out of it. Maybe Tiffani’s parents can take me for the weekend?



Photo credit: Instagram and WENN/Avalon

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5 Responses to “Tiffani Thiessen and her husband celebrate their kids going away for the weekend”

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  1. Larissa says:

    Our boys (11 and 8) had 3 nights with their grandmother a few weeks ago and it was bliss. We didn’t go anywhere, unless you count the hardware store and bottle shop, there was sleeping in and cooking things the boys won’t normally eat (mushroom risotto, yum!) And we watched grown up things on tv….like Grand Designs, without anyone complaining.

    • Salted Watermelon says:

      My MIL took our boys (3.5 and 10 months) overnight and it was the best day ever. It was the first time the baby slept anywhere other than home since we brought him back from the hospital. It wasn’t even a weekday – I worked and my husband studied. But it was quiet and I could work as long as I needed to, and even had a chance to do some gardening. And then didn’t have to wake up at 6 a.m.

      This has by far been the hardest year of my life, and any break is welcome.

    • Anya says:

      I love it when my kids (10 and 6) go to my moms some Fridays. It used to be our date night, but since restaurants are off-limits, we do takeout now. It’s not the same, but still, a night without the kids is worth celebrating.
      I am very happy for you, @Salted Watermelon. Sending a baby away for the first time can be scary and exciting at the same time.

  2. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    If you would’ve told me years and years ago that I would appreciate, understand, commiserate and laugh with Tiffani Thiessen, I’d have given you Lucifer’s smirk. But here we are. If you would’ve told me years ago that I’d be lecturing my 14yo about how easy he has it with stay-at-home online school requirements and that I’d be standing over him during SUMMER SCHOOL watching his daily percentages like a damn hawk because finishing the school year online threw him off course (seriously???), the devil in me would’ve laughed in your face. These kids do not know what real work, real studying, real retention, real testing and real stress is. So I’m a bit pissed and a bit jealous that all he has to do is check in, do some work, do some listening and ta-da! Terminado!

    Sorry. I guess I needed to get that out. I’m ready for a break too Tiffani.

  3. Ana says:

    Hubby won’t let the kids go to their grandma, she lives in a place with very high covid rates…then again her house/yard is 4 times bigger than mine, that would be a nice weekend for them. Oh, my toddler wants to play baby shark for the 72646th time today…Ok I’m ready to beg…