Sean Penn married Leila George after he ‘won her back, he worked hard to get her back’

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Over the weekend, we heard that the Ham no longer stands alone. Sean Penn married his girlfriend of four years, Leila George, at some point during the lockdown. Details were vague at first, although this week the Hamface did appear on Seth Meyers’ show (via Zoom) and he confirmed the fact that he got married. He married Leila last Thursday and said “We did a COVID wedding. By that I mean it was a county commissioner on Zoom and we were at the house, my two children and her brother. And we did it that way.” I can only imagine what Dylan Penn thought of her father marrying someone one year younger than herself. Here’s the video and note how Seth Meyers looks really HOT with longer hair (and Penn looks like a sad ham).

So, a happy-ish story, fine, whatever. I just thought we would never really hear any details about Leila and Sean’s relationship or what led up to this. I was wrong! People Magazine had this exclusive:

Sean Penn put in work to win back Leila George prior to their nuptials last week. The Oscar winner, who turns 60 later this month, tied the knot with George, 28, on July 30, during an intimate ceremony with only a few loved ones present. Though the pair have been romantically linked since 2016, a friend of George’s tells PEOPLE that the pair reunited early this year after a stretch of being on and off.

“Leila has been in Sean’s life for a while. They got together and then they broke up, and Sean won her back,” says the source. “He realized he had made a mistake and when he felt he might lose her, he worked hard to get her back.”

Penn split from Charlize Theron in June 2015. He was previously married to Robin Wright from 1996 to 2010, and Madonna from 1985 to 1989.

The source adds that the time self-isolating together during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic helped strengthen their connection. Penn and George even embarked on humanitarian efforts with each other throughout the public health crisis, including helping set up testing sites in Los Angeles.

“They got back together during COVID and became really close and got engaged a few months ago, early during quarantine,” explains the source.

[From People]

This reminded me of something so I went through the archives to find it. I have a clear memory of Sean whining about how Robin Wright never really loved him in some interview years ago – here it is, he said NO ONE had ever loved him. This was one of his favorite subjects circa 2014-15, he made several references to that narrative – he had been divorced from Robin for several years (after being off-and-on for years before that too). Especially when he was with Charlize Theron, he talked about how he hated his second marriage (to Robin) but he was a big believer in the institution of marriage and even back then, he was completely open to remarrying. Anyway, I’m not sure what triggered those memories, but if I had to guess, I would say that Sean was a dick to Leila and she backed away and then he love-bombed her to get her back. I’d also like to say to all of the women out there: pay attention to what a man says about his ex-wives. You might end up legally tied to a 60-year-old ham who will turn on you and tell the world you never really loved him.

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39 Responses to “Sean Penn married Leila George after he ‘won her back, he worked hard to get her back’”

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  1. You Must Be Joking says:

    Thoughts and prayers.

    • Juls says:


    • blacktoypoodle says:

      Ah, to be 28 and married to a 60 year old.
      38 and 70….48 and 80.

      • LidiaJara says:

        Right?? When I was 28 and starting to think about marriage for the first time there was this guy who was like 50. And he was pretty cool, but all I could think about was in 10 and then 20 years…. Instead I married a 28 year old when I was 32 and I am *so glad* I did.

      • BraveLilToaster says:

        Not to mention, to be 28 and married to a low key manipulative and possibly abusive piece of ham steak…

  2. Laalaa says:

    Ex wives and his mom! What he says about them says a lot.
    The Ham no longer stands alone, hahahaha

    • LaurenMichelle says:

      Sean must have a majestic baked ham…how else does he get all these beautiful women? Madonna, Robin, Charlize, Scarlett, and Leila! I have always liked Sean’s acting, but he seems very difficult & controlling. Hope he treats Leila well.

  3. Sarah says:

    But he is SO pretentious! What about his ‘book’? How does anyone put up with that?

    • Biff says:

      God, the quotes from that book was pure cringe! And the interviews with him about it afterwards were just as bad. Imagine living with that cretin?!?

  4. Keekey says:

    A freelance writer I really liked (but sadly can’t remember her name) wrote a piece about 15 years back where she mentioned that she went to high school with Sean Penn and what an entitled tool he was even back then. I always think of that when I see his ham face.

  5. Case says:

    So they got back together during COVID and then got married? That’s only a span of a few months. Not exactly setting themselves up for success.

    • Mia4s says:

      Not only that (short timeframe) but I cannot begin to count how many therapists and psychologists have stressed that if at all possible this is not the time to be making big, life changing decisions!! We are all a mess whether we realize it or not and life is so far from normal.

      This is a disaster waiting to happen!!

  6. Mia4s says:

    Oh this is soooooooo not going to end well! Please just don’t have a kid so that I can enjoy the upcoming drama!!

    Yeah ladies if he says that every woman he was previously with “Didn’t understand him” and was the problem? Guess who was actually the problem.

    • Granger says:

      Seriously, what’s the common denominator here???

    • Blueskies says:

      Oh, they’ll definitely have a child, her first! His…third? Fourth? That’s how these May-December relationships and marriages go. Then they’ll separate and eventually divorce but with “a lot of love for each other” and their child(ren) whom they will lovingly co-parent. Then Sean will take up with a woman in her thirties. Him and all the other 50, 60 and 70+ year old men who are incapable of dating in their own decade, zzzz. There are plenty of young women willing to date and marry them though, which is depressing.

  7. Ni says:

    Love bombing is an abuse tactic. I doubt her honeymoon phase will be worth whatever narcissism he has in store for her. 🙁

    • stormsmama says:

      right? made me think of how Charlize ghosted him
      he wasn’t able to love bomb his way back into her life

      i really hope Leila is ok

  8. lucy2 says:

    Massive age difference, massive ego/anger problems, breaking up, getting back to get together and quickly getting engaged and married during a pandemic…all the building blocks of a solid, equal partnership, right? Good Lord.

    Good luck to this young woman. May she not regret this too terribly.

  9. Lisa says:

    Good luck to her I am sure she will need it.

  10. ClaireB says:

    I love Seth Meyers and I have loved him even more as he descends with us into madness during the pandemic, but I could not watch this interview, not even for him.

  11. Carobell says:

    If a guy has to date that much younger, if no one else understands him, if all his exs are crazy, you better run.

    She’s going to regret the years she wasted on him.

  12. jbyrdku says:

    This will end in tears.

  13. CarlaM says:

    That specific claim that no one loves you, or for some, that everybody loves you, is one of many signs of narcissism. Especially concidering the other facts about him that won’t surprise me.

    I guess were going to shame his daughter in a few years for marrying a grandpa, and say she has ‘daddy issues’.

    That seems to be the society we live in. Dads can be horrible and inflict serious emotional trauma and wounds onto their children, but it’s the child who has to carry the fathers responsibility and yet, we shame them. Daddy issues. How about daddy has some personality issues and needs to grow the f* up.

    Really liked the last 2 sentences Kaiser! Spot on!

  14. jferber says:

    I assume his massive cheating/perhaps abuse are why he had to”win” her back. He’ll do every single thing he did to Madonna and Robin to her. Probably more so because the longer they get away with it, the more toxic they become. She’s probably pregnant already, to trap her even more. This man is not changing. Beautiful girl. Good luck to you. Keep your support system. Don’t let him cut you away from friends and family.

  15. Teebee says:

    She looks like a young Paulina Porizkova.

    What is she thinking? The best years of her life, now tied to an aging narcissist.

    • Tasha says:

      I thought the same! So I looked her up thinking she must have some slavic gene, only to find out that she is Vincent D’Onofrio’s kid – who might I add is only one year older than Sean Penn. Ewww..poor Vincent! who knows what’s going through his mind…

  16. Maple says:

    I never used to have a problem with these huge age gaps, but for some reason I now do. Why would a 60 year old man want to be with someone who is 28? Why???
    I feel like it’s for control or something. Like the amount of life experience a 60 year old man has compared to a 28 year old is ASTRONOMICAL! It makes me so uncomfortable. And it’s so telling of the man.
    It screams of insecurity and weakness. And watch she’ll be pregnant very soon, another way for him to lock her down.
    * don’t yell at me if you are in a relationship like this and are so happy and have been together forever and blah blah blah. This is my opinion and my feelings towards this topic.

    • goofpuff says:

      I don’t get those relationships either. I mean ewww. I really am not attracted to someone my father’s age. I know why men like younger women – easier to control, trophy, makes them feel manly whatever. Young women are drawn to men of power, wealthy, and connections so that’s probably it. You think she’d marry a 60 year old if he wasn’t wealthy with connections?

    • TeamMeg says:

      Wealthy with connections, maybe that’s it, but still: why would a radiant 28-year old woman want to touch/kiss/marry/whatever that 60 year old man-ham? BLECHHH.

  17. Endlesscircles says:

    Kaiser nailed it all with the last sentence. Yep, they turn on you. I was married to a narc for 17 years, and he turned all right — he turned absolutely nasty. Beyond comprehension, really. Lots of therapy to cope.

    They say in these instances: The person they were in the end is who they were all along.

    I hope she gets out. I will say: Narcs teach you A LOT.

  18. Lala11_7 says:

    I can’t be with ANYONE who be trying to push JESUS off the cross!!!😡

  19. Lory says:

    Every time I see a story like this I strangely just think of Adam Sandler in Big Daddy, when his girlfriend leaves him for a much older man with “old balls”.

  20. Pixie says:

    I hope she likes steamed hams.

  21. Mariane says:


  22. KellyRyan says:

    More pictures worth a thousand words. In one he looks stoned, another distant. She looks happy. Trust good family, friends and a good therapist, you’ll need it.

  23. SJR says:

    Didn’t Penn abuse Madonna by beating her and tying her to a chair for several hours towards the end of their marriage? They were filming that Shanghi movie about then.

    I am 59, so I was a fan when Madonna was breaking out, her career was huge, she ruled MTV for a good long time there and IIRC the end of that marriage made a lot of $$ for the tabloids, N’tl Enquirer every week.

    He has a well known history of awful, sometimes violent behavior to his partners.
    She must have $$, Vincent D. is her Dad, it’s not like she needed to get money to live so agreed to take up w/Penn.
    Now at 59, IMO, Lady you are throwing away your youth on Penn. I give it <3 years.

  24. Kyra WEGMAN says:

    Girl….run away. It’s not like we don’t know he hits his partners at this point. I’d argue that 28 is a great age to make some very big mistakes and then spend the rest of your life (or at least your second marriage?) repairing them, but man. This is a doozy.

  25. pupax says:

    He literally looks like her dad. Just… ew.