I was hoping that we would have some news about Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and the private judge on their divorce case. But every outlet has suddenly gone silent on the situation. What gives? Someone sent me a tip that on Wednesday, the effort to throw Judge Ouderkirk off the case will be sealed by the court. There’s some kind of motion to seal and something is going down tomorrow. I don’t really understand what’s happening or which side requested that, but I do feel like there might not be much information coming out this week.
Meanwhile, The One and Only Ivan comes to Disney+ on Friday. Angelina voices Stella (an elephant) in the kids’ film, and Angelina is already doing some press around it. She chatted about having all six kids home during the pandemic, and how Maddox is doing remote learning at Yonsei University:
On Maddox: “He had to stay back from Korea. He’s going online, and so I think he starts at 6 p.m. at night.”
On all six kids: “I’m so lucky, we’re used to being tight together for a long time, it was so nice when Mad came home from college… Now he’s going to be going to college in Korea while he’s still in the house…I’m lucky and I think when you have that many children they really take care of each other. They help me, I’m not alone managing everything, they are an amazing team, I’m very very fortunate.”
Shiloh loves The One and Only Ivan: “Well, Shiloh years ago told me she’d read a book that she’d loved and she wanted me to read it. And so, we didn’t read it together, I read it on my own and then we looked at some of it together and we talked about why she loved it and then I enquired if it was being made, as you do, into a film. Then I found out it was kind of in the works… and I tried to stay with it and push it and stay as true to the book as possible that was my main focus.”
Why Angelina loves the story: “I think it’s a very very special story, it’s a true story. So of course I think that resonates with all of us especially with the environmental issues and the destruction of these habitats and poaching and we have young people who are activists now and the heart of this film is a young activist who can see what the adults can’t see. And we also have a central character in [gorilla] Ivan who’s saying ‘this is your perception of me, what you think you know of me… you think I’m supposed to be “this” but it’s not who I am and will I be allowed to be who I am?’. And I think that’s how everybody feels. I hope it does really resonates and that it does give some sense of hope. Because a big part of this is looking at what you do have and then helping others and knowing like the story says… that it’s never too late to discover who you are and push forward with that person. The real Ivan did have a nice end to a very difficult life.”
[From Vogue & The Daily Mail]
I have a thing where I can’t really watch animals – even half-fictionalized animals – being mistreated on-screen, so I’m not going to watch The One and Only Ivan in general. I saw the trailer and I was like “eh, nope.” But I get that it’s a kids’ story and I hope kids love it. I think it’s cool that Shiloh was like “mom I read this book, I want you to read it too!” That’s amazing.
Meanwhile, Brad Pitt is doing a virtual table read for Fast Times at Ridgemont High with… Jennifer Aniston. *deep sigh* Those two with their desperado tabloid sh-t.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red and WENN.
My money is on Brad trying to seal the judgement and all the evidence Angelina’s lawyer is going to submit.
Brad has always smeared Angelina whenever anything revealing and potential damaging information about him could become public.
As for the fame hunger of Brad & Jennifer, they are both part of CAA. The same CAA who supplied women to Weinstein. The same agency who was the reason for Weinstein’s power. Not surprised they are doing this pathetic PR game, they are stuck in 2000s.
Angelina is also the executive producer on Ivan so I am not surprised she is doing the major potion of the promotion. I expect she will be the face of Eternals as well.
She’s actually not executive. She’s producer. Her production company jolie pas is involved.
Pitt and Aniston are so boring I wish he’d hurry up and just get back with her. I believe he’s dangling his carrot in front of her face and she’s waiting like a fool for him to decide. I think he’s waiting to see if he can get better- no A lister will date him because they’re too afraid of CAA, Aniston and being dragged into the tabloids. That’s why he’s stuck dating Dlister Alia shawkat and hepatitis oxygen nurses Sat Hari Khalsa. 😂😂😂😂
I’m sure he knows once he takes the plunge and gets back with Aniston he will be trapped. He will never get away with dumping her again- Career ruined if he does.
Lol. This is sad if true. You make JA sound so desperate and w/ little backbone or maybe she is that in love w/ the fool. I remember when some thought his Oscar was gonna be enough to make him happy, he prob foolishly thought so too. Just goes to show can’t choose fame over family.
I love when adults connect authentically with kids over books. It doesn’t happen often, even with my own kids (and I teach children’s literature). More often than not, my kids HATE the books I loved as a kid and tend to have darker tastes, which is fine. I went through a classic Winnie the Pooh phase in my teens and I think that just humiliates them to know. I’m humiliated by it now, but whatever, bygones.
When I taught high school I had a few chances to read books with a few students outside of class, and it was really powerful. One of the popular books at that time was “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson. I remember sobbing with two or three students at lunch through some of the more difficult parts, and talking about them. It was a deep connection. I love how shared experiences within literature create new meaning for us, and I’m so fearful of losing that with social media, technology, etc.
Winnie the Pooh is great. Whenever we read good books we can relate to them at where we are in our journey. It is different at every stage so I think Winnie the Pooh would be great for a teen.
Can’t wait to watch it.
I’m from a big family, I have 5 siblings and growing up was honestly really fun in that loud big family. Never felt alone for a second. However teenage years were rough one second and fun and full of laughter the next. It was chaotic
As for the court case this has been posted on another site
08/17/2020 at 1:30 PM in Department 2, Riff, Lawrence P., Presiding
Conference – Not Held – Continued – Court’s Own Motion
I guess the conference that was supposed to take place yesterday didn’t happen. It will happen Wednesday. Both counsels clocked in but I guess the Judge O didn’t show up? No clue, Really.
Oops can’t edit. Just read the tip Posted.. That makes sense. I figured he lost because his Lawyer didn’t go screaming to all the tabloids claiming victory. That’s why he needed distraction and Aniston is always willing to help like the doormat she is. LoL 😂
Ever since Alia said the N word she hasn’t been spotted riding her bicycle to his gate. Lmaoooo she’s of no use.
Honestly, at this point , Brad and Jennifer really just seem pathetic to me.
Brad has shown he is just a deadbeat dad,a human garbage again and again, so needless to say more for now. I am just waiting to see one of his kids will come out one day to explode what kind of shitty father he is all these years.
But Jennifer? she could have just stay away form that garbage and play the”I dodged the bullet” card.
It would be so much cooler.
But now she is sticking back in the image of a victim that “evil woman took my man away from me ,but now he finally realised my goodness and come back to me,we are true love!”
I used to feel sorry for her that no matter how many years has past,she still get drag into brangelina story,but now I can see she actually enjoyed it.
I used to think she worked really hard to go her own way,so even though I never admired her as an actress, I still respected her ,but now I can’t help but feel like she is really just his boring doormat.
Their son Pax already revealed how horrible and out of touch he is with his kids. He called him a “world class a-hole” and “ f^cking awful human being.” And said the truth will come out one day.
It’s her right to say whatever she wants but her interviews always make me full like crap about my own family. I have four kids who are great kids but they fight a lot and I would never say they take care of each other in the way she says. She makes her family sound like it’s full of saints. I mean it’s fine, but it’s not relatable. Maybe it’s true but I’ve never seen a healthy family where the siblings perfectly get along and function as a unit taking care of each other. Normal siblings fight, especially that close in age.
Is she supposed to sound relatable? She lives in a 25m $ mansion. She’s not relatable. She’s a glamorous movie star that tries to help where she can. 🤷🏽♀️
Also, her kids are not little kids. They’re teenagers. I’m sure they’re out of the fighting all the time stage by now.
I fight with my siblings but we always took care of each other well.
My parents raised us that way and I think Angelina is doing that as well.
It seems Angelina’s children are lucky as my siblings and me. Family like that do exists.
I have 4 kids. Other than the squabbling during the early years, it’s been heart warming to see them support each other over the years.
I’m one of 4 and my mom was a single mom. By the time we were tweens/teens, we had stopped constantly fighting and helped each other out. We had occasional arguments but we mostly got along. My older brother drove us all to school, I always had a sibling willing to kick soccer balls/pitch softballs at me or to help with homework. We also moved a lot like I imagine Angelinas kids have, and that tends to make you closer. There were periods where we were each other’s only friends.
For Maggie: I look forward for the day that you say SOMETHING POSITIVE about Angelina. Let it go!
@MAGGIE No loving mother would outright go bashing her own kids! Even if they were not perfect I wouldn’t want people to mock my kids or worst them getting some kind of a complex feeling rejected.
@kaiser I think that the verdict was sealed meaning brad cant leak it. I wonder if it’s to do with the judge’s connection to brad and him repeatedly giving him prefrentional treatment. This divorce could end up being the longest in history. It’s already longer than their marriage
I don’t think J. Aniston wants Pitt back. It appears he wants to “work” with her to deflect news coverage from his divorce. She signed on way before he did.
Yes she did and even though he is a terd he is trying to use her and I think she knows it. Is he crazy or something? This virtual read just maybe him not having anything to do and be a part of something. But he plays manipulative games. I think he is still lost without his family. Angelina ran that household, like a tight ship as one writer put it, and we know he is a follower not a leader.
His alcoholism and drugs made him distant from his family. I believe he started to do more movies to actually hide and continue to do it. He wasn’t at home much and knew it was a problem with his partner.
For some reason I believe people are trying to push him to her. If he wasn’t happy with her before why do they think he will be now? Oh he supposedly has grown! Nope!
He will always want Jolie. You can tell by his anger and pettiness towards her via his lawyers and PR. When I saw his malicious azz stop for the cameras backstage at the SAG’s listening to her speech I spit my soda out. It was hilarious. He spent precious time onstage during awards season trying to be shady about a divorce! Lol
He isn’t happy because he doesn’t have what he wants. People don’t understand that.
As for the table read they are popular. Ivan will do just fine. The only people slobbering over some reunion is gossips and tabloids. JA fans.
I agree with everything you’ve stated.