Melania Trump delivered her RNC speech from the new White Power rose garden

Melania Trump Address at the 2020 Republican National Convention

So much happened leading up to Melania Trump’s “speech” at the Republican National Convention. First of all, she didn’t go to North Carolina like some peasant to actually give a speech in front of coronavirus-y delegates. No. She gave her speech in the newly redesigned, colorless White Power rose garden, which strongly resembles a cemetery. Not to mention, it’s a violation of the Hatch Act for Melania to make an RNC speech at the White House! Melania also did not have to vet her speech with her husband’s staffers, according to CNN. Melania’s bare-bones East Wing operation really doesn’t do much, but they do operate completely independently from the West Wing. So she just had her own staffers work on the speech and I guess she kept her fingers crossed that they wouldn’t plagiarize Michelle Obama again. Here’s her speech:

First of all, I’m pretty sure this is the longest she’s spoken on-camera anywhere in the past five years. Melania wants to believe that she’s an enigma, but really she’s just a vapid golddigger trophy wife with nothing to say. That being said, she was one of the very few RNC speakers to acknowledge the loss of life in the pandemic. I don’t care DO U?

There was a lot of talk on Twitter about Bette Midler calling Melania an “illegal alien” and making fun of her accent. I’ve never made fun of Mel’s accent (although I am still working on imitating it) because that kind of anti-immigrant sh-t leaves me cold. But I don’t have any issue with people attacking Melania’s immigration story, especially when her husband demonizes brown and black and Muslim immigrants. Especially when Melania herself participated in and promoted the Birther campaign and used chain migration to bring her parents to this country, the same chain migration her husband wants to end.

Something that also leaves me cold: when people pretend Melania is “classy” or a “role model” just because she’s white. Adjacent to that, I never cared about the issue of “but she posed nude when she was a model” – so what? But this whole classy/trashy, virgin/whore conversation is a mess from start to finish. I did laugh at Cardi’s tweet though:

And finally, Peter Navarro said Mel is “the Jackie Kennedy of our time.” No, she’s not that either.

Melania Trump Address at the 2020 Republican National Convention

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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95 Responses to “Melania Trump delivered her RNC speech from the new White Power rose garden”

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  1. smee says:

    Military drag too….yuck

    • Darla says:

      Here is something you have to please remember about what Ronnie here is selling…way back in the day, the immediate post Bush/Gore debate focus groups, gave Gore a clear and large win. After 3 days of the pundits telling Americans what they actually saw was a cool dude and an arrogant windbag who sighed too much, polls showed viewers said W won the debate.

      This is called framing the narrative. They are paid to tell you what to think about what you saw. Ronnie here is telling you that what you saw was a caring mother, and that really hit home with suburban moms. This is being done all over the internet and the airwaves. The goal is for everyone to start repeating this, even though it’s not what they actually concluded from viewing it. Does it still work as well as it did in 2000? I dunno. We’ll see.

      • Lizzie says:

        I ust don’t think even his supports who are women feel like they have anything in common with Melanie. Unless they are sugarbabies themselves.

      • vertes says:

        Do you think they’ll disclose Baron’s learning disabilities to become relatable to parents with special-ed kids?

      • Trashaddict says:

        No vertes, because that would involve Donnie-boy admitting that something he produced wasn’t perfect. I give Baron a pass because he’s too young to be complicit in this – for now.

      • vertes says:

        I’ll bet he blames Melania for Barron’s issues. Men like dt who so value their own ideas of “perfection” often feel somehow threatened or emasculated if offspring are less than perfect. I’d bet money Melania got heat from him when Barron’s problems became obvious. Lucky kid if he can stay away from daddy.

    • snappyfish says:

      It was almost as if Natasha from Bullwinkle had come to life and was speaking. BUT Natasha’s accented English was always easier to understand. I read a lot on twitter about people saying it was mean to target her accent because she speaks 5 languages (she doesn’t…she speak Slovene and English) I personally think she speaks only 1….The language of Money

    • JanetDR says:

      Weird Nazi- Natasha says words.
      I must not listen
      Because I will freak right out
      Must filter through Celebitchy
      For my sanity’s sake.

    • Emma33 says:

      If she was trying to convince America that it wasn’t moving towards a dictatorship she chose the wrong outfit.

    • Trashaddict says:

      “And here comes Melania, showing off our fall collection, looking lovely in olive green, so flattering to the complexion and oh! what’s that? Fantastic! A Swarovski-studded, Kalishnikov-style purse! Yes, she really is the Jackie Kennedy of our times!

  2. Darla says:

    Well she’s a birther racist, a vicious liar, and 100% complicit in her husband kidnapping and abusing children at the border. Now she’s using her “charms” to get him 4 more so he can do that to more children.

    I just saw Cardi B’s tweet like 5 minutes ago and almost died. Good for her. Score.

    • Bibi says:

      I applaud the crickets who sing at a critical moment @24:49 into the video when she says Donald wants to keep your family safe and doesn’t play politics. It’s hilarious that even the insects hates them.

  3. Léna says:

    Cardi B for the win !

  4. Cherry says:

    Is it just me or does she look terrified?

    • Betsy says:

      I still think she’s an abused spouse. She definitely spouted the racist birther lies that Putin gave to her husband, so I don’t use her being abused as shield against her words, just… I don’t think she moves under her own steam in a lot of ways. How many people have gone on the record saying that Trump’s goons threatened them? Ivana straight up accused him of rape.

      • CityGirl says:

        That’s interesting Betsy I never thought of her as being an abused spouse. I always thought that she kind of made a deal with the devil. She married for money she married for what she thought was clout and now she’s living with it. I also think that every time she has to do some major event like this it’s another case of adding another addendum to her prenup so she gets more money.

    • waitwhat says:

      Much like the rest of the family, she looked like she was on something. I have a passing familiarity with cocaine eyes and she had ’em.

  5. grabbyhands says:

    So how much of the Michelle Obama/Jill Biden speeches DID she plagarize this time?

    Not only is she NOT the Jackie Kennedy of our time (really, where do people come up with this shiz??) I can’t even come up with a good comparison to an evil counterpart because she’s such a non-entity. She’s less than useless.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Natasha from Rocky & Bullwinkle, except Natasha is smarter

    • Flamingo says:

      Certainly none of Jackie’s attributes that made her smart or interesting. The only comparison is that they both wanted rich, powerful husbands and both completely look the other way when said husbands have affairs or in DT’s case, let Russian hookers pee on them.

  6. Lightpurple says:

    This was supposed to lure back suburban housewives.

  7. lili says:

    Cherry she does look terrified. To be honest she was never all about the fame she was just a goldigger who wanted to live relatively quiet luxurious life. Instead she’s often front and center and from time to time she has to work and give speeches. Life is ironic!

    • Lemons says:

      She is terrified because she is speaking English. She always looks like this when she has to give a moderately long speech in English.

      I make fun of her accent because her supporters want us to believe that she is somehow pure, perfect, 100% American, which she would be…BUT she and her supporters have entrenched themselves in this idea that you need to be white and born in America to be American crap that she doesn’t even represent.

      Questions surround Barack Obama and Kamala Harris who don’t have issues with the English language and are American citizens by virtue of being born. But we’re supposed to idolize the mail-order bride with a sketchy visa past and a limited grasp on the English language…
      Racism is a hell of a drug.

  8. Deanne says:

    How are they holding the RNC convention at the White House? Isn’t that an insanely inappropriate thing to do? Isn’t the White House supposed to belong the the American people? Asking as a foreigner. Frankly, I’m surprised she didn’t find a balcony to stand on so that her Evita impression could have been complete.

    • Dee says:

      Violates the Hatch Act, because it involves White House staff in campaigning.

    • Darla says:

      Yes, it violates the Hatch act. But laws don’t mean anything here anymore. Mostly we counted on something we laughably called “norms”. Those don’t matter here anymore either.

    • phaedra7 says:

      Drumpf has done everything INSANELY and INAPPROPRIATE since Day 1, including since the day he announced his candidacy and actually before that.

    • Christin says:

      Violations are repeatedly being normalized.

      Some were counting how many violations among her, Pompeo. Orange, etc. were happening last night.

    • Deanne says:

      How everyone’s so nonchalant about tax-payer money being used to fund his re-election campaign blows me away.

    • Babz says:

      I spent 25 years in the federal government adhering to all the ethics rules like the Hatch Act. To see these grifters breaking those rules is infuriating.

      • Vava says:

        Same here. 32 years for me.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Still in public service, just took the Ethics training. Why the instructors don’t use the trump crime family as examples is beyond me.

      • Trashaddict says:

        My dad was a career bureaucrat, never pointed us that direction because the remotest appearance of nepotism would have been unthinkable to him. Thanks Babz, Vava and BeanieBean for your service!

  9. Lolo86lf says:

    Vapid goldigging trophy wife is pretty accurate.

    • lili says:

      Yeah but she’s probably angry she had to deal with public speaking and engagements! She married a guy to spend money and not time on serious stuff!

      • pk says:

        I wonder if she’s secretly hoping he loses the election? I’m sure she’d rather go back to NYC and spend her days shopping while he’s out in Florida golfing.

      • MsIam says:

        @pk my guess is that win or lose she’s done. No need for her to stay any longer with a man who she seems to despise.

  10. Marjorie says:

    Didn’t know that particular term until 30 seconds ago, but I’m up to date now. And yes , she used to sell that Wap.

  11. PunkyMomma says:

    One would have thought she would have worn patriotic colors; she looks like a Russian Bond villain in her comrade suit.

  12. TIFFANY says:

    Amazing Actor Jeffrey Wright nailed it on Twitter last night. He said they completely destroyed the Rose Garden for a crane shot.

    The light bulb went on when I watched the highlights.

  13. KBeth says:

    “Jackie Kennedy of our time”….that’s some funny sh*t.

  14. Jellybean says:

    I respect anyone who can stand up and speak in a foreign language. Apart from that I have no time for her at all.

  15. MarcelMarcel says:

    No one is wearing masks or sitting apart to follow social distancing… I realise that is beside the point. But still the only Trump to acknowledge COVID-19 still doesn’t follow health guidelines.

  16. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    Yeah, I agree – don’t mock the accent. My dad is 60 but has been in the US since he was about 16-years-old, and his accent is thick and he’s not fluent in English. Other than that, have at it! She’s garbage.

    • MarcelMarcel says:

      ITA People that mock others with accents tend to be monolingual. Oftentimes it’s a form of racist gatekeeping.
      I am monolingual and I work at a call centre. Plus I live in an area with high population of migrants. Whenever people apologise for their accent I say it’s fine and they can speak more languages than me. I’m in awe of people who speak more than one language.
      Because of a learning disability I struggle with phonetics. So sometimes I struggle with heavy accents but I just focus & I’m patient. It’s the height of rudeness to mock an accent imo.

      • lili says:

        Thank you Marcel, I’m fully aware that my accent is strong and cute/funny/annoying depending whether someone likes me or not. I also dislike people who know I’m from a foreign country, they know they accent (ie Scottish) is difficult yet make no effort to at least speak slowly or use as little slang as possible.

      • MarcelMarcel says:

        @Lili I have an Australian accent and sometimes get asked by fellow White Australians where I’m from. I assume it’s because I had educational therapy as a child due to my learning disability (which I’m grateful for! Because I’d be illiterate without ot it). I get told I sound ‘European’ whatever that means.
        Meanwhile, I love how lyrical Scottish accents sound! One Christmas though… I got way too high because my friend implied I couldn’t handle a full spoon of cannaoil in my morning coffee. And I ~really~ struggled to understand my sisters Scottish husband. I will forever admire his patience when faced with my request to repeat stuff.

  17. Other Renee says:


  18. Other Renee says:

    You would think the only thing that would really terrify her now is the prospect of her husband winning again and having to postpone her divorce for four more years.

  19. ChillyWilly says:

    I agree with others above that Melanie looked terrified. She HATES being first lady and it gives me great pleasure knowing that she is miserable AF and had to kiss Trump’s sweaty, greasy orange face after her speech.

  20. Sunday says:

    Attacking this craven, soulless, racist wench for her accent and choices she made with her own body just cheapens the entire argument against her and her ilk.

    When you stoop so low as to say “she can’t even speak English” and “I can’t even understand what she’s saying” then your statement is as xenophobic and racist as she is. When you call her a slut and a whore, what you’re really saying is that women don’t have a right to choose how they make money or what they do with their own bodies (or, if you think they do have that right, that it then gives you the right to judge them on it).

    You’re telling on yourselves. If you’re truly progressive or liberal or even just a basic decent human being who thinks they believe in equality, then these cannot be the crutches that you fall to. It’s the same as body shaming the criminal in chief – you’re just showing everyone, including people on your own side, what you really think of them.

    If you’re criticizing the white lady with the Eastern European accent then why should we believe that you don’t think the same of the poc immigrants that you allege to side with in your critiques of this administration? If you call her every name in the book for posing nude, then you’re just helping to further reinforce the misogyny that is entrenched in our society. If your best argument against the biggest criminal to ever sit in the Oval Office is ‘he’s fat, eww!’ then you’re telling people who have weight problems that their extra flab is literally worse and more disgusting to you than intentionally crushing human rights across the globe with reckless abandon.

    There are a zillion other ways to call out this family and this administration. If these are the arguments that you have to use, then you are part of the problem.

    • Austengirl1975 says:

      Thank you, Sunday. I absolutely agree.

      If attacking these “craven, soulless, racist” people in the language of misogyny, xenophobia, and sizeism is an indulgence, then people have more work to do to excise these disgusting attitudes out of their lives. –Overweight daughter of a brown immigrant mother

    • El says:

      Were we reading the same coverage? Kaiser explicitly said that she does NOT mock her accent and that the only reason she has issues with her immigration path (which sounds downright illegal, actually) is because Melania did not hesitate to question Obama’s citizenship. She also said that she doesn’t blame a woman for the choices she makes about her body, but dissing Cardi while praising Melania IS weird given their past. I feel like your anger is entirely misdirected here.

      • Sunday says:

        Nowhere in my post did I direct anger at kaiser. i was addressing the overwhelming response that’s been all over social media, from so-called feminists and progressives, as exemplified by the Bette Midler tweet embedded in this post.

        if you read my comment and did not recognize the correlation between my expressed sentiments and the very real comments that have been all over the internet in general and included in some of the comments on this post in particular, then perhaps you need to reflect on why your knee-jerk reaction was to read this in the worst possible way and respond in anger and incredulity. Maybe take two seconds to consider why your priority was defending someone who (you erroneously assumed) was called out on racist or misogynistic behavior instead of considering the merits of why that behavior was being called out in the first place. Your entire response has big “being called racist is worse than experiencing racism” energy.

      • Austengirl1975 says:

        El, my comment was directed to those lines of attack in general, not at Kaiser, and not at specific commenters, which is why I nested mine under Sunday’s comments, which also seem to be a condemnation of those lines of attack in general. Given Kaiser’s explicitly stating that she doesn’t mock those things, then a fairer reading of our comments is that we agree with Kaiser.

        Those lines of attack are too often used in progressive spaces and by left-leaning commenters, and they have no place anywhere. They’re damaging to our credibility, but more importantly, they’re damaging to the innocent people they inherently include in their target.

    • Lemons says:

      I don’t have time for birthers with foreign accents themselves. If Melania wants to play that game, fine.

      I do however admire those who learn foreign languages, who speak multiple languages and who are open and tolerant to other cultures. I just find it insulting to see me as less than American because I’m Black, but Melania is a shining example of Americanism as our First Lady because she is white.

      I don’t see the same people defending Cardi B for WAP, but we’re all supposed to elevate our criticisms of Melania.

      She has an accent. She purposefully weaponized her whiteness against Obama and against children being forced into cages. She was, at best, a glamour model, so the GOP now treating her like a white rose is a bit much. This woman represents the same things as President Donald Trump. As long as she’s not speaking, I can forget about her, but the minute she opens her mouth to spew more hate with a voice that tells us all that SHE is more accepted as an American than the Obamas tells us everything we need to know.

      It’s weird…so many miss that point, but I think it’s because you’re likely not hurt in the same ways and haven’t been otherized for things you can’t control.

      • dreamchild says:

        Amen sister! F@*k her and the rest of those racists. They always want the ones who are being kicked to forgive and understand the kickers. KICK BACK!!!!

  21. Rapunzel says:

    She was obviously reading her speech from teleprompters like a hostage victim in a random video.

    And the way Trump sat while watching her… I’m sure she can’t wait to leave him.

    • sophieb9 says:

      Teleprompters placed on the left and right made Melania’s delivery like watching an agonisingly slow tennis match. The regimental look was…odd. I definitely got some Princess Charlene of Monaco vibes from her expression: physically fixed to the spot; mentally poised to flee.

  22. soapboxpudding says:

    I’ve been to Slovenia and it’s waaaaaay nicer than America. And I say that as an American. I don’t know WTF she’s talking about when she says that as an immigrant she’s enjoying the freedoms and opportunities offered in America unless she really means those afforded her by extreme wealth available in the US through extreme income inequality.
    Slovenia is like a smaller Switzerland that no one really knows about. I highly recommend watching the Rick Steves video on it and going to visit when the pandemic is over. You’ll fall in love.

    • pk says:

      I believe in Slovenia she lived in a tiny apartment with her parents. In America, she lives in mansions. I’m assuming that’s the comparison? I found it funny how they called her “independent” during the RNC last night. Yeah she’s rich because she married a rich old man. That’s it. What did she really achieve on her own? She’s a trophy wife who is now forced to do a bit of “work”.

      • Lizzie says:

        When she renegotiated her prenup in 2017 from NY I’m sure she added more money for each speech and if reelected.

    • Joanna says:

      Oh, so glad you posted. I just got my passport and have plans to visit as many countries as I can once the pandemic is over. I’ll have to visit Slovenia. 🤗

      • Eleonora says:

        Slovenia is up and coming as a tourist destination, so you might want to go before mass tourism starts.

  23. Sorella says:

    I’m always fascinated about her bangs and how they “float up” and don’t like flat on her head. Anybody else or just me lol?!

    She must want him to lose so she can divorce him. I think that is what is going to happen if he loses!!

  24. Guest with Cat says:

    I said it under Tiffany’s post and I will say it again here, she gives off the impression she hates them all and is doing as much of her own thing as circumstances will let her.

    I think unlike the blood born Trumps, she actually has a capacity for empathy. I think she was sincere when she spoke of being affected by the tales and sights of suffering her travels have exposed her to. I think she’s sincerely sorry for the toll of Covid-19 on the country. But within the parameters of her position as a trophy wife, she’s only going to say and do so much. Her job starts and ends with being complicit in everything her wretched husband says and does.

    We have Ivana’s original and now recanted, reframed account of being physically attacked and raped by an enraged Trump. I would think Secret Service protection affords Melania protection from similar treatment but she does not ever give off the vibe of a woman happy and content within her marriage and position. She strikes me as a puppet trying to yank back on its own strings from time to time. I think she’s been pushed very far in private and is pushing right on back as much as she can, as often as she can, without jeopardizing everything she came into this marriage to get.

    I’d like what she’s done with the rose garden if it weren’t meant to be a garden and was only meant to be something akin to foundation plantings. Good grief it all looks so non descript now. I hope next season it all gets to looking like a garden again. Too bad we can’t fertilize it with all the crap this administration puts out daily.

    • Amy says:

      She’s a birther who wore a jacket that said, “I don’t really care, do u?” while visiting children in cages. She has no empathy and she is racist scum.

      • Guest with Cat says:

        Eh, I didn’t know that. I vaguely remember something about a jacket but I think there was something going on in my life that took my attention away at the time. I think we had someone in the family going through a cancer scare. Damn, there goes my hope she’s making them miserable and frustrated behind the scenes.

        I need to pay more attention but it’s hard to want to know about these people. I was judging her based on how she did seem to come alive at certain parts of her speech. She seems pretty lifeless or pissed off most of the rest of her existence as First Lady.

        Let’s just vote them out so I never have to see these wretched people looming over our country ever again. Indict and incarcerate as many of them as we can.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      she only has a capacity for empathy for herself, her parents and her child.

      everyone else, to her, can go scratch. esp the babies in cages.

      as Amy noted, she’s a birther and is racist scum. don’t fall for the “save Melania” bit. she saw her golden ticket in DJT, and had no qualms about having an affair with a married man because she knew he was what she had been after for her whole life. she had her “anchor baby/guaranteed $$$ until child is 18” and knew exactly who she was marrying. save your sympathy for the brown people in cages.

      “I think she’s been pushed very far in private and is pushing right on back as much as she can, as often as she can, without jeopardizing everything she came into this marriage to get.” OH BOO HOO FOR POOR MELANIA! she might lose her meal ticket if she actually stood up for something and left his sorry orange azz. let’s all cry for her.

  25. furbar says:

    she’s just reading whatever is written for her, anybody with a set of eyes can do that.

  26. nicegirl says:

    This criminal is complicit. Not an abused wife. An accomplice. An accessory. A co-conspirator.

    Lock her up. Just like the kids she’s helped to cage.

    I just finished the book, The Art of Her Deal.

    I do not believe Melania Trump has been or is being abused by Donald. I don’t disagree he is abusive by habit and personality.

    After reading the book, I wholeheartedly do not believe Melania is afraid of Donald. I’m almost certain it’s the other way around in their relationship.

    He is afraid of losing her support. Always. Her support is vital to his ego and it’s necessary for him now.

    Melania is a strategist, not a damsel in distress. Her skills in architecture aren’t in building with brick and mortar, she’s busy manipulating those house of cards blueprints so she’s got her own retirement fortress.

    • Guest with Cat says:

      Looks like I’ve misread her situation then. I suppose I should read this book so I can be better informed but I think you’ve told me all I need to know. I don’t want to waste any more time on any of these people. Vote. Them. Out. Indict and incarcerate the ones we can.

    • Lizzie says:


      • Lizzie says:

        Sorry, my ‘Bingo’ was for nicegirl, not you Guest with Cat. I didn’t see your comment when I posted mine.

  27. Frenchie says:

    Here for the military catwalk in a kaki dress (insert massive eye roll here)… Besides I really don’t care do you?

  28. april says:

    This is being petty, but she doesn’t look as pretty as she used to be. The speech was boring. The militant outfit was absolutely cringeworthy.

  29. vertes says:

    This speech was obv. written for her & she read every word from a teleprompter. Her earlier speeches all had noticeable grammatical errors; wrong verb tense, misplaced modifiers, incorrect possessive pronouns, etc.
    Let’s just say she reads well. Aside from that, I hate the wide belts she usually wears. They shorten her waist & make her boobs look low-slung. Only women with proportionately tiny waists & high bosoms look good in tight wide belts. The rest of us should go for narrow belts or, if wide, hip belts.

  30. beacker says:

    Her outfit is a little Wehrmacht-y for the occasion, in my humble opinion.

  31. Likeyoucare says:

    Why do i feel that melania is exactly like kate?
    Complicit, nothing to offer but received lots of compliment for doing nothing.

  32. vertes says:

    wrong place

  33. JDZ says:

    Poor Jackie Kennedy is rolling over in her grave right now