Smash Mouth share hate mail for Sturgis, they also posted a ‘Science is Real’ message

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The Sturgis Motorcycle rally, in which hundreds of thousands of bikers gathered in South Dakota a couple of weeks ago, has been directly connected to at least 100 covid cases across different states. Of course there are likely thousands more cases which haven’t been tested and/or reported, as different states have different standards. It’s a mess and the only thing we can do is to be personally responsible. We can wear a mask, we can socially distance and we can definitely not organize parties and gatherings. Bars, restaurants and music groups have a responsibility not to encourage large groups of people to get together. Some are definitely ignoring that and saying “f’ck it,” basically. That’s what Smash Mouth and a handful of other bands did at Sturgis. The lead singer, Steve Harwell, said to the crowd at Sturgis “Now we’re all here together tonight. And we’re being human once again. F-k that COVID shit.” Ok, you mean that listening to your shitty music is worth dying for.

Smash Mouth recently shared some handwritten hate mail they got after that show. There’s a broken CD covering a lot of it, which seems to be a general message of swearing and righteous indignation. Here’s that post [via Punknews]:

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recent fan mail

A post shared by Smashmouth (@smashmouthsmash) on

I can make out the words “selfish,” “kills,” “f’ckers.” There were no lies detected and I’m assuming the writer had a very strong point, which is why they obscured the message before posting it. Or maybe the author did that in an Instagram post and they’re just reposting it. It’s unclear why they would smash their own CD for this photo.

Their last Instagram post before this was a photo of a popular lawn sign, the “Black Lives Matter, No Human is Illegal, Science is Real” sign. I guess they’re trying to show that they’re not MAGAs despite talking and acting like them. They posted this last weekend.

The top comment on that post is this one, “Yeah but you had a concert without any social distancing and said f-k COVID, so do you really believe that science is real.” Other people tried to be measured, like this guy who wrote ““Science is real”. Epidemiology is a science too. I’m proud of this band for standing up for imperative social causes but that doesn’t mean I can’t still be disappointed about sturgis.” That second commenter is likely a fan, and that was a kind way to put it.

Smash Mouth can claim that they’re pro-Science, but we know what they did. They’ll always be tainted with the fact that they played at Sturgis. Now whenever I hear their songs, this will be the first thing that comes to mind. I hope that serves as a lesson to all musicians, restaurants and venues that think it’s ok to ignore social distancing during a pandemic. You can do it, but there’s always going to be a cost and you can’t play both sides. People will remember and boycott, and there are places I’m never going back to after this.

August 9th at a bar in Sturgis. Not a mask in sight.
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17 Responses to “Smash Mouth share hate mail for Sturgis, they also posted a ‘Science is Real’ message”

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  1. SusieQ says:

    Both my mom and my boyfriend have COVID, and my mom is hospitalized with it. I’m under an extended quarantine because my my mom is hospitalized. She and I work at the same hospital, and we were exposed on the same day. My boyfriend likely got it at his job. I have no patience left for people who flout public health guidelines and put those following the rules in so much danger.

    • Izzy says:

      I’m so sorry. I hope your mom gets better soon.

    • Larelyn says:

      Ten members of my family met for a get-together mid July, ages 40-74, two from Texas. Five were positive with the Trump virus, including my 74 year old father. My dad is finally at home with oxygen, but so weakened we do not think he will ever be the same. My 69 year old uncle has been comatose and on a ventilator since his diagnosis. The doctors want to pull the plug. My uncle’s wife died from it yesterday.

      My sympathy is strong for most people touched by this horrible curse. My fury is aimed at the imbecile in charge who destroys all social norms, dismisses the law then claims to be a “law and order” leader, overrules the best scientific advice, and is a gross, vile, abusive sexual predator. I worry that the global society may never recover from this decade.

      • Noodle says:

        @Larelyn, that’s awful. I’m so sorry. From the stories I’ve heard, the effects on one’s health long after the virus has left is truly devastating. My coworker (late 40’s), who had a mild case, now has permanent cardiac damage from it, where she had no cardiac issues before. It must be really hard to see your family suffer, especially your dad, for no reason other than incompetent leadership who prioritize elections and the stock market over lives. UGH.

    • Noodle says:

      @susieq, Ugh. How awful for you, your mom, and boyfriend. I’m so sorry. Are they responding well to treatments so far?

      • SusieQ says:

        @Noodle: my mom says she’s feeling a little bit better. My boyfriend has a day when he’ll feel better and then the next he will feel like garbage. It’s one step forward and two back.

        And the sheer psychological terror of it all is exhausting. I feel like no one is really talking about that enough.

      • Noodle says:

        @susieQ, you bring up such a good point. The psychological effects of fear and physical trauma will last long after the virus is gone. I wonder if we are going to see a surge of PTSD in a lot of patients when this is done. And being a caretaker of those who are ill is such a difficult, stressful job. I hope you are finding ways to take care of yourself through all of this.

      • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

        this is important to talk about. My spouse is an md and some nights he comes home and can’t even talk about it. I was a critical care nurse, so I get it, but goddamn it, health care workers are gonna be dealing with PTSD for a long time.

  2. pottymouth pup says:

    I’m at a point that I really want all those selfish & willfully ignorant RW a-holes who want to spread the virus to die of it, I want them to get a case that’s bad enough to have significant long-term health consequences (ones for which they may not have the ability to afford so easily) so they can deal with all those shitty policies they voted to inflict on others

    • bleepbloop says:

      i’m the same way, and i hate feeling that way because it’s so opposite to how i usually feel. the only thing that keeps me from full on wishing all these a**holes would contract and die is all the other people they would infect before they get diagnosed. seeing my words here, they are so harsh, but i’m so tired of innocent people having to deal with the fallout from the actions of these butts.

      • Kkat says:

        The only thing keeping me from wishing hard for death for these people are the innocent people they will hurt.
        I want the White house admin to suffer horribly and die from it though

  3. Soapboxpudding says:

    Laurelyn – I’m so sorry for your losses and what you’re going though right now. My sister is in TX and not taking this as seriously as she should and it’s breaking my heart.

  4. Noodle says:

    There’s a restaurant in our community that is openly anti-mask, despite mask orders in place. They’ve responded to Yelp review criticisms by doubling down on their stupidity. They have a sign outside their restaurant that advertises “Leave the mask; take the cannolli!” They refuse to serve anyone wearing a mask, and they won’t let employees mask up either. I’m really looking forward to the day that this comes back to bite them. To endanger your employees, who are likely living on the poverty line anyways, by making them choose their health or their job, is sinister. We used to eat there occasionally and like their food, until they started politicizing basic public health. Evil.

  5. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Look at the crowd. Let them have their parties. I’ll even help distribute invites, and put a giant Q on the envelope. Go! BYOB! Fundraise to fight cannibal pedophiles!

    Guess what was delivered yesterday? My oversized black t-shirt which says, “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.” I’ll be wearing it everywhere lol.

  6. ClaireB says:

    I’m surprised no one else said it, but I’ll bet that the letter writer of the “fan mail” broke their Smashmouth CD and sent it with the letter.

    I feel like this coronavirus is never going to end because of the actions of idiots like this. I’m trying to feel sorry for their ignorance, because I honestly believe that 40 years of defunding education has a lot to do with it, but at this point it’s willful and they should be prosecuted for endangering public health.

  7. holly hobby says:

    Apparently, this turd administration has just given up on reining the virus in. Their official stance is to let herd immunity take over and it will “disappear.” I am so upset about this. I want to return to normal too but these selfish 3ucks!

    And the fact that some on twitter say that this turd has a good chance of reelection makes me want to scream. How is this ok?

  8. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    Smash who?