Let’s all just spend a moment with the photo above, shall we? That is Channing Tatum, dressed as a fairy, reading a children’s book to an audience of unicorns, Barbies and a Hello Kitticorn. For his pixie ensemble, Channing chose a splatter paint apron and paired it with a sleeping princess eye mask. He sported a pink, horned dragonfly double wing set as his fairy mode of transportation and blue, polyester, leisure-dad track pants tucked in black gym socks. He completed the look with a pair of incredibly well-defined triceps and some chin scruff.
Once you rip your eyes from those arms you may ask yourself why Channing is dressed as a sprite and reading to a group of shiny ponies. Well, the reason is almost sweeter than the image: Channing has written a children’s book, The One and Only Sparkella, that arrives next May. To caption his portrait above, Channing wrote:
Guys, I don’t know about you but things got a little weird for me in quarantine. I ended up accidentally locking myself in my 7 year old daughter’s room. And I ended up finding my inner child. So this is what I created for my little girl. From what is, I guess, the little girl in me. Thanks for reading. #Sparkella
Just based on Kim Barnes’ cover illustration, I can think of several kids who would love this book. But when you find out what motivated Channing to write it, that list grows exponentially. The story is about Ella, who dressed in glitter and sparkles on her first day of school. Only once she arrived, the other children mocked her for shining so brightly. Ella is about to discard her shimmering attire when her dad convinces her to dress for herself and her own happiness. The book was, of course, inspired by being a dad to his seven-year-old daughter, Everly, to whom he dedicated the book:
To Everly, the most brilliant magical being that I have ever known. You are my greatest teacher.
My only wish is for more time in this life to play in all of the magical realms we have created. This is also for all Dads that might have a little girl … Wear whatever, dance however, and be as magical as you can. Because I promise they will return the love.
Apparently, this is the start of a Sparkella series that Channing will write. Obviously, I haven’t read the book yet, but I’m still impressed. I attempted my own children’s series and oh my stars, kids’ books are much harder to write than they look. Maybe I need to lock myself in a seven-year-old’s room to finally complete the damn thing. Even without reading it, I do love Channing’s motivation. He’s not just encouraging his daughter to embrace her individuality but getting dads to join in and sport a little sparkle of their own. I prefer this language of fathers celebrating their daughters rather than having the father’s role be as a protector or shield. Let’s build young women up, not cloister them in our own fears. Plus, I’ll bet Channing wanted to show off his fairy outfit.
In conclusion, I support Channing’s new role as children’s author. I very much support his message to his daughter and daughters everywhere. And I *super* support Channing using his naked arms to promote things.
Photo credit: Instagram
This is beyond precious.
I am very much here for this message and also him knowing his audience, hence no top on.
That. Is. Amazing. I love everything about it and will definitely get the book when it comes out. Thank you, Channing, for adding some much needed sparkle to my day!
Very sweet, and hawt
I don’t know…..I’m still stuck on his arms
I saw this and thought it was perfectly on brand for him. He’s always come across as an involved dad ready to jump with the fairies and girlie things as well as other daughter/dad stuff. I kind of wish he had a shirt on for this photo but hey, it’s getting people talking. He’s always been comfortable pushing the boundaries this way (frozen and Beyoncé on lip sync battle, Ew bit with Jimmy Fallon, dressing as a unicorn for Halloween with Ev)
I think this is a great move for him. He could definitely make a book series (I plan to buy this one for my 4-year-old sparkle-loving little girl).
Good for him and I love your point Hecate about fathers not being the ‘protector’ of girls. Respect and encourage them (and teach boys to respect them too).
“ Ella is about to discard her shimmering attire when her dad convinces her to dress for herself and her own happiness. “
I love this and I love Fairy Channing!
Me too! Love, love, love the message and the messenger ❤️
Someone on twitter pointed out there’s no book in the book jacket in that picture…
Right, because, as the story points out, the book isn’t out until next May.
The jacket art is probably all that is so far completed and Channing is getting some advanced publicity in. It’s a great message, and I love how excited he is.
Not going to lie, I teared up a little reading this!
Also, Hecate, 100% this: “I prefer this language of fathers celebrating their daughters rather than having the father’s role be as a protector or shield. Let’s build young women up, not cloister them in our own fears”
I usually hate it when celebrities write children’s books, but this is too cute to shade. My little girl is 100% the Sparkella type, so I may be biased. 🙂
My son went through a major Sparkarella faze: loved a bright pink tutu. My son sings to himself whilst he plays with his toys and it brings me so much joy. People say it must be terrible to have kids during this time but it is very much the opposite. They role model positivity, living in the moment, and joyful exploration.
Looks like he’s reading a book cover however. Maybe they should’ve included the book.