“Alec Baldwin says he’s done having kids with his ‘baby collector’ wife” links

Alec Baldwin says Hilaria still wants another girl and he’s over it. [Dlisted]
Jenny Packham’s new collection is full of feathers & sequins. [Go Fug Yourself]
I love the “chess movie” sub-genre so I’ll watch Anya-Taylor Joy’s latest. [Just Jared]
Disney is quitting 2020. [LaineyGossip]
Kylie Minogue is still making “Magic.” [OMG Blog]
Princess Charlene’s baby bangs don’t look *as* bad here. [RCFA]
I followed reporter Josie Huang’s arrest story on Twitter when it happened and predictably, the bulls–t charges were dropped. Now she needs to sue the cops. [Buzzfeed]
An American Murder: The Family Next Door is apparently haunting & well-told. [Pajiba]
What the hell is happening with the cops at these protests, my God. [Towleroad]
The justice system was designed to protect Breonna Taylor’s murderers. [Jezebel]

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36 Responses to ““Alec Baldwin says he’s done having kids with his ‘baby collector’ wife” links”

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  1. Case says:

    I love the chess movie sub-genre too! I’m looking forward to The Queen’s Gambit. I really like Anya Taylor-Joy as well — she’s a good actress and chooses interesting roles. She was great in Emma and The Witch.

  2. grabbyhands says:

    I’m not sure why being thought of as a “baby collector” would be a good thing, or how it bodes well for the future when one party says they’re done with babies and one is intent on more.

    As someone once said about Michelle Duggar – it’s a vagina, madam – not a clown car.

    • atorontogal says:

      omfg that is too funny….”not a clown car” thank you thank you thank you!

    • FHMom says:

      It’s a pretty awful thing to say about your wife. Its like he isnt even part of the decision making. Those kids are theirs equally.

      • SM says:

        Truth be told, I think he does not have a part in making the decision, a couple of kids ago I already got the vibe that he doesn’t want any more kids but Hilaria is dead set in keep on having them. I think they have an agreement: he impregnated her and she then is the primary care taker of the kids. This marriage will keep working while one of them gives in in their tug of war for babies and not feel trapped or like sacrificing themselves.

  3. Tessa says:

    There are some procedures to determine the sex of the baby.

  4. Jess says:

    They have enough money to do gender selection and be done with it. Stop having a bunch of boys then telling the world you wanted a girl, and that was like 3 boys ago when she let us know she wanted another daughter.

    • Green Desert says:

      Exactly, Jess. Those poor boys are gonna read all of those comments when they’re older.

    • Madelaine says:

      As far as I am concerned, I am partial to big families, being happily born into one.
      Second, it’s not as if Alec and his wife were abusive, economically underprivileged drug addicts who had irresponsibly set about spawning as many humans as their bodies enable them to, just waiting for CPS to put their offspring up for adoption.
      Third, let’s look at it this way: if Thérèse Tangay and Adhémar Dion had called it quits after the average number of three children, the world would never have been blessed with the unique voice of Céline Dion, who happens to be sibling number 14!
      Last, the number of children is culturally determined. Hilary’s mindset is that of South America’s large clans buzzing with child activity. And let’s bear in mind that Baldwin’s Irish ancestry might give him the same proclivity. So why project our cultural norms and physical limitations onto a woman whose inherited traditions and physical stamina are drastically at variance with our Western societies’ Malthusian ways? I bet that if permitted to, Catherine Middleton would find it fulfilling to have more children.

  5. Lori says:

    I like Charlene’s hair.

    • Mirage says:

      Through IVF? It’s a complex procedure. The woman has to inject herself hormones, it’s not just about money!
      My friend is going through right now and it’s tough on her.

  6. nicegirl says:

    Omg he did not say that, wow!! I know we’ve all thought it, but, WOW!!

  7. Kate says:

    Alec humorously continued, “When the baby gets to be three years old and they’re not vending machines of joy that you get used to, we look at each other and say, ‘Time to have another baby!’”

    • Kirilli says:

      He said THAT!? It sound so narcissistic. As soon as the baby starts to grow up and form its own personality, it’s no longer a perfect mirror to look at themselves I guess!

  8. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Am I seriously going to have to wait another YEAR for Dune?

  9. Lucky Charm says:

    I don’t get why they just don’t bring back year round drive in theaters. Even if you can’t go into a movie theater you could still watch it outside from your car. Many malls and strip malls are vacant and have lots of parking, so they could easily convert those to drive in movie lots. Just add a drive through snack bar and there you go.

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      Loved going out in to drive-ins, in PJs, as a kid. It was a lot of fun. As an adult, eh…I’d rather watch at home, in comfort. IMO, flat screens are big enough, with great pic quality, to enjoy the movie at home (AND you can pause to go to the loo! lol).

      As I’ve not been to one in decades, maybe someone can tell me if they improved the sound quality, or is it still the little tinny box you hooked on your car window…?

      • Lemons says:

        The ones I’ve been to use the radio frequencies in your car. You tune your car to the signal of the movie you’re watching. I love drive-ins!

    • lucy2 says:

      There’s a local film festival here every summer, and they did it this year as a drive in with inflatable screens – worked great! I agree they should do more drive ins, as weather permits.

  10. BeeCee says:

    Mandy Moore announced that her and her hubby are expecting a baby boy 🙂

  11. Also Ali says:

    Alec welcoming Ellen to the League of Extraordinary Jerks is LOLOL.

  12. Truthiness says:

    Thank you for the Featured Link to the children & adults saying good bye to RBG!!!
    It has been AMAZING to keep the live stream up of her lying at the SCOTUS building and the Capitol, her 120 clerks standing watch and never leaving her alone, rotating in and out. So many signs, so many moments. The 2 women clerks that were pallbearers, one white and one WOC. On lunch yesterday I saw the 2 women dressed like women’s soldiers (pic is at Buzzfeed) with a purple sash saying Women’s Movement, white gloves, and each had a flag. When they saluted in unison and then raised a fist I lost it. Tammy Duckworth crying. So many people with so many stories.

  13. The Recluse says:

    Billie Lourd and her fiance had a baby boy. Carrie Fisher would have been a Grandma and loved it.

  14. Jenn says:

    I cannot stand Alec Baldwin (we’ve met), but I begrudgingly admit that he is terrific as the host of the Match Game reboot. My husband, who dislikes Baldwin by proxy, can’t get over what a fabulous game show host Baldwin is, either. Baldwin is self-deprecating, quick-witted and, at least once an episode, makes a well-timed crack about how many children he has fathered with his comparatively-young wife. Parenthood has not mellowed him at all (and at 62, he still doesn’t seem altogether comfortable with it), but it’s clear that he adores his family. His Ellen appearance strikes me as very “birds of a feather,” but man, he has met his match in his wife, hasn’t he. More power to her.

    • Lady D says:

      Match Game is the only place I like Alec Baldwin too. He’s the perfect host for that show.

    • MaryContrary says:

      I actually really like his podcast too. A business friend of my husband’s used to live in the same building that Alec did (post Kim, pre Hilaria) and he could not stand him. Total jerk-although he was apparently very nice to their young daughters.

      • E.D. says:

        I have never been a fan of Alec Baldwin but his podcast has seriously impressed me.
        He has a very astute intellect and a vast knowledge of history.

    • Tessa says:

      I think he has anger issues that he needs to keep under control. I had thought they both wanted the children. It is odd that he makes such a comment about his wife that way.

  15. SJR here says:

    Aw, poor Alec Baldwin.
    Get the snip and shut up already.
    Man, his looks have packed their bags, no?
    Back in his Glenngarry Glen Ross days..he was gorgeous. I will say he is a talented actor.

  16. Hangar says:

    I heard he’s older than his wife too. *Clutches pearls.

  17. Atti says:

    He was joking around about his wife. Ya’ll need to calm down.

    • Tessa says:

      It is sort of barbed comment.I don’t think she or the children would be amused. Just my take on it.

      • Atti says:

        I heard hom say the same thing on a podcast interview, and he was clearly joking. His delivery was better then, but still kinda monotone and deadpan. He also talked a lot bout how much of his time he spends with his kids. His kids know he is joking.