Prince Harry & Meghan are filming a ‘reality series’ & the UK tabloids are melting down

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (C) and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (L) stand with Canada's High Commissioner for Canada in the United Kingdom, Janice Charette, as they leave after their visit to Canada House in thanks for the warm Canadian hospitalit

In the initial flurry of information, whining and smearing about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Netflix deal, there was a very carefully worded statement about how Meghan had zero plans to go back to acting in any way. It was carefully worded because it 100% felt like Harry and Meghan were leaving the possibility open to be in front of the camera as themselves, in the form of documentaries or even a docu-series. Well, guess what? According to the Sun – ugh – Harry and Meghan do have plans for a docu-series. And of course the Sun is painting this as the worst thing ever and they’re breaking protocol and HOW DARE THEY!

Prince Harry and Meghan have agreed to be filmed for a fly-on-the-wall reality series. It had been thought that a £112million Netflix deal would have them work only behind the camera — but a source said Meghan wants the world to see the “real her”. They added: “It will be tasteful. They want to give people a glimpse into their lives.”

The Sussexes moved to the US after moaning about alleged media intrusion. Former Suits actress Meghan, 39, and Harry, 36, had said they wanted to “shine a light on people and causes around the world”.

A source said: “They may have had all these lofty ideas about producing epics highlighting environmental causes and the poverty gap, but Netflix obviously want their pound of flesh.”

They will be followed for three months but it is not yet known if cameras will be allowed into their £11.5million, nine-bedroom home in Montecito.

The source said: “Much of the docuseries will be about their philanthropy rather than what they get up to behind closed doors. But it will still be a fascinating insight and Meghan hopes viewers will get to see the real her.”

However Ingrid Seward, editor of Majesty Magazine, said: “We were told they had gone to California for greater privacy so it all appears rather hypocritical. It is extraordinary. This is exactly what they said they wouldn’t do. The more they talk about themselves the more people will want them to do just that and won’t be interested in anything else they have to offer.”

PR expert Mark Borkowski was more supportive. He said: “Viewers will be interested to see what they are up to but there needs to be authenticity. They have laid out a grand plan and are fulfilling it. They are doing this all on their own terms. Their determination to have their voice heard sustains them. The big hits on Netflix are ones based in reality so it makes sense. But this is something the Royal Family will find hard to stomach.”

Netflix said: “The couple already have several projects in development, including an innovative nature docuseries and an animated series that celebrates inspiring women. But we are not disclosing any of the programming slate at this time.”

[From The Sun]

I mentioned this in another royal story today, but I just finished re-reading Tina Brown’s The Diana Chronicles, and there was an interesting passage about what Diana wanted to do in 1996/97, and what she probably would have done had she lived. She wanted to make documentaries about her charity work, doing one charity at a time, to highlight the work of organizations like the Halo Trust, and then use that exposure and the money raised from the documentary to benefit the charity. What do you want to bet that Harry has largely come up with the same kind of plan? Of course it will be easier for H&M to highlight charities and philanthropy if they’re in front of the camera or showing what it’s like on the ground. The idea that H&M will be selling out their personal lives or their family for some Kardashian-esque reality show… well, it sounds like typical British tabloid spin.

Also: the idea that NO ROYAL WOULD EVER DO THIS is particularly funny too. I watch those BBC and ITV royal documentaries all the time on PBS. Prince Charles did a documentary a few years ago called Charles at 70. Cameras followed him around for months (and the doc was really charming too). The Queen has done – gasp – documentaries as well, one of the most recent ones was about the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy (Angelina Jolie was in it!). And Prince William is currently promoting his “I’m keen about the environment” documentary too.

Omid Scobie posted this just as this post was going up:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend The Mountbatten Festival of Music in London

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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72 Responses to “Prince Harry & Meghan are filming a ‘reality series’ & the UK tabloids are melting down”

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  1. RoyalBlue says:

    When the Sun prints garbage like that they are fishing/guessing for a storyline and want a reaction and a response from the Sussexes to admit or deny.

    • Heat says:

      Can’t the tabloids just get back to “reporting” UFO and Elvis sightings?

    • Lady2Lazy says:

      Another day and another set of lies to create this fake narrative that they have NO idea what is going to be produced by H&M, so let’s stick the dogs on them and plant an outlandish story that they are creating a reality series! What a bunch of low lying scumbags.
      These people have no morals and are only wanting to create a vicious circle of a perpetual attack on their character and their future. They want the British readers in a constant state on frenzy of hatred as to the supposed upcoming actions of H&M!
      Bottom line: we have no sources or inside information or a continued series of leaks from Wilileaks, therefore let’s make everything up as we go along to keep the British public angry and hateful towards them both, since they won’t play nice with us!

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    The RF has previous for doing things like this – didn’t Chuck do a show where he was followed round for his 70th. Heck, TQ had one done for her Diamond Jubilee.

    • equality says:

      There was one recently about Anne for her 70th birthday also. I guess, Andrew and Edward are yet to come? In the ’60’s the royal family supposedly did one called “Royal Family” also.

      • PlainJane says:

        Should it happen, I hope Andrew’s is an honest documentary, and by honest, I mean include his friendship, and all the fallout, of the whole Epstein situation.

        It’s going to TOUGH to sugar coat that home truth.

    • notasugarhere says:

      They also did the 1969 Royal Family documentary.

    • Mac says:

      This is coming from the Sun so I am taking it with a grain of salt, but I hope it’s true because I want to watch it.

    • Yup, Me says:

      I have said, for years, that I wish there was a reality series that was more like this. Beautiful people being filmed doing beautiful and inspiring things (and encouraging others to do the same). I’ve never been a watcher, but I am SOOOOOOOO sick of Real Housewives and their brand of BS – “beautiful” women in beautiful clothes behaving in ugly and terrible ways.

      • Regina Falangie says:

        Yes yes yes!!! Reality shows have elevated idiots and horrible people, see our current president. I have long felt that to try repair the damage they have done, reality shows featuring intelligent, good, kind, generous, empathetic people would be a wonderful thing. That is what we need to see and to aspire to.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    Until the news was announced, the British press didn’t know that Harry and Meghan had a Netflix deal but they now know what shows they’re going to produce. William better call in the editors again because the media is failing in their duty to keep the focus on him and his family.

  4. Nev says:

    Stay pressed UK.

  5. Lala11_7 says:

    Harry’s Mama laid out the road map for Harry to follow…what she was not able to bring into fruition…it seems like Harry will…HOORAY FOR HARRY❣😍❣

  6. Harper says:

    Sounds like Harry and Willileaks did have a little chat/Zoom and Harry said a few things to see if Willileaks had changed and he had not.

  7. Edna says:

    It’s absolutely ridiculous to make up such a ridiculous story about H&M doing “reality TV” to bare their souls to the public. Just another avenue to smear the”actress.”

    Hoo boy…another day in the endless fantasy world of the British media. Honestly, they shouldn’t even be referred to as journalists or media because all they do is create gossip/fan fiction and drum up hate and vitriol. They are nothing more than garbage and gutter tabloids. And it’s astounding the power and control they have in Britain. Does anything get reported on issues of the day and what’s happening in the country?

    • Myra says:

      It’s The Sun’s MO honestly. The UK media industry is consistently voted as the least trustworthy in Europe. I do this crazy thing nowadays where I check the background of the reporter/writer after reading a story. I used to do this only with academic books.

  8. Nancy says:

    God, all they do is print lie after lie.

  9. Lyn says:

    Lol. I dont believe a single thing in the British tabloids about these two. They locked their life pretty down tight away from the UK that not even the tabloids or Royal Family get a sniff till they are ready. Even if true I have no doubt they have butchered the original intent of the couple.

    Its the American media that you read for anything resembling facts.

    Still, they both seemingly have common sense and good head on their shoulders based on their history and track record, so I have no doubt that whatever they do will be of benefit, with a clear objective and how to achieve it.

    • Izzy says:

      “Its the American media that you read for anything resembling facts.”

      There may be some truth to this statement, but it also scares me a little.

    • Sid says:

      ” I dont believe a single thing in the British tabloids about these two.”

      Pretty much. The Sussexes managed to buy and move into a whole house for over a month and none of these British tabloids knew. They didn’t know about Netflix. They know nothing.

  10. Sofia says:

    It’s the Sun. I doubt they know anything. And even if this was true, I don’t understand how it’s a “reality series”. The focus will be on the charity and work done by/for it for the most part with appearances from one of them.

    How does documentary that focuses on charity work = reality tv series? Only in the tabloids.

  11. Jess says:

    i cant believe people believe this. This is the sun we’re talking about. They havent had credible sources since they got cut off. I laughed when i saw the headlines.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      @Jess: It’s crazy but its true. The Sun (Scum) is the most widely read (I think) paper in the UK. It’s a sad commentary on the mindset of the average Brit.

      • Tia says:

        Look up the Sun and Hillsborough. They told a string of lies about the behaviour of people killed in a massive tragedy, blaming them (rather than the police and football stadium staff who were actually responsible) for their own deaths.

        People in Liverpool still refuse to buy the paper over 20 years later.

      • MissMarierose says:

        @Tia: 30 years later. It happened in 1989 and they’ve been boycotting the S*n ever since.

  12. Angel says:

    So basically these people will never stop spreading false information about them right ? Even if they win their fight against the tabloids right ?

    • BnLurkN4eva says:

      Pretty much this. There is no real incentive for them to stop because the watch dogs groups that are supposed to police them are headed up it seems by former employees of the same folks they are supposed to oversee. One thing I’ve learned in watching this story of H/M unfold is that the BM is not the bastion of media integrity I once thought it was. Amazing what you learn when you start paying close attention.

  13. TheOriginalMia says:

    I liked the idea of doing a docuseries based on their charities. Talk about exposure. Alas, the rumors have been shut down. Oh, well. Tbh, it’s none of the RF’s business what Harry & Meghan do to fulfill their contract with Netflix. They have no control whatsoever over them.

    • booboocita says:

      I believe — no evidence, I’m just speculating here — that the Sussexes will eventually end up in front of the cameras, if only in a very, very small role. Perhaps they’ll introduce things at the beginning of the documentaries they produce, then bow out and let others tell their stories. Perhaps they’ll confine themselves to one documentary per year about their charitable work or some initiative they’re championing. I think they’re both too smart not to leverage their notoriety for their causes, so they’ll make rare, brief appearances on their productions, or maybe do voiceovers, to attract attention to whatever they produce. And good for them.

      The one thing I expect they WON’T do is a reality series a la Kardashians or Real Housewives. Again, they’re both too smart not to recognize the damage that would do to their brand and their reputations. And of course, it’s the one thing that the tabloids are hoping and praying for. Jerks.

      • 809Matriarch says:

        Could be. I mean (I’m dating myself) Alfred Hitchcock usually introduced the episodes of Alfred Hitchcock presents and that was it. I think Rod Serling did the same thing. So yeah, H&M MAY appear to introduce whatever their production company is releasing. Again, the Prince & Princess Henry keep a tight ship and no matter how much speculating the stupid UK press does, they won’t know what H&M are doing, until H&M are ready to drop a press release.

        All this stupid speculation is revealing the fact that the UK press has ZERO information on the Sussex but have to bring up their names to keep getting clicks.

  14. Becks1 says:

    It’s fun to see the tabloids melting down, lol.

    Even with Omid’s tweet – I do think its likely they will do something similar to Charles at 70, maybe in long-form (if that makes sense) – so a docuseries about their work, but not a “reality show.” Or a “reality show” about their travels, since they both like to travel so much, with a focus on sustainability to push Travalyst.

  15. Elizabeth Regina says:

    Exactly! They just want to push the ‘strip them of their titles’ narrative which will only make Hand M more popular and bankable and the alleged paedo more exposed. KP, BP and Ch need to muzzle their dogs and call off the hounds if they are smart.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Yeah they really need to muzzle the dogs and call of the hounds and clowns —

      Therein lies the rub. Queen Lilibet, Prince Chuck, Will-I-AM a bully and his mumbling consort are quite stupid. Nothing worse than a foolish stupid man, who thinks he is a strategic genius.

  16. Roserose says:

    It’s the Sun. This is completely made up. No one knows anything about the m what M and H are up to, least of all the Sun.

    • ABritGuest says:

      Exactly. Didn’t know about the deal at all but now they claim to know these details. Netflix said only things in development are nature& animated series. Their spokesperson has now denied the story but hasn’t stopped various tv shows discussing it this morning & slamming them which was the point of this lie really

      And if they do any documentaries where they are profiled would be very much keeping up with the royal family’s traditions.

  17. Harla says:

    Let’s not forget the 6 (I believe) part series called The Monarchy at Work, which followed all the family members, including W&H as they did their various work.

  18. lemonylips says:

    I just remember the video TQ did with Daniel Craig aka James Bond for the Olympics. What about the protocol?

  19. sara says:

    literally on youtube there is a BBC show from around 10 years ago, a reality show that has cameras following william around in a car, “The Royal Family At Work”.

    • LornM says:

      Right but they’re not working royals anymore so that precedent doesn’t really apply.

      • Sofia says:

        That makes it worse IMO. If working members of the royal family can do a documentary where people follow them around why can’t the 2 who are effectively private citizens do the same?

  20. Snuffles says:

    This is false. They are not doing a documentary about their personal lives. This is just another tabloid fever dream. Maybe down the line they will do documentaries related to their causes or patronages they are involved in.

  21. GuestWho says:

    Here’s that weasel Richard Eden’s response to Omid’s clarification that this story is untrue:

    “Perhaps it’s time the Duke and Duchess of Sussex responded to inquiries from the popular press again rather than complaining after publication? ”

    In other words, they are just going to keep making sh*t up to get them to engage. Such unethical scum.

    • Snuffles says:

      That wouldn’t have made any difference. They were making stuff up before they left the UK. The only difference now is that the Harry and Meghan are free to correct the record and no longer have to adhere to the “never complain/never explain” mantra.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      they just want them to respond. this is what they do. print untruths and play this game to get them to respond. the sussexes should ignore them.

      • Snuffles says:

        They want the Sussex’s to respond directly to
        THEM. The Sussex’s issuing a denial is not the kind of engagement they are looking for. They are getting information 2nd hand and that is what is driving them crazy.

      • RoyalBlue says:

        agreed snuffles!

      • Likeyoucare says:

        The suxxeses can always respond to BM by using American Medias. For sure the BM will shit bricks every time they need to quotes from elsewhere.

    • Izzy says:

      Except they didn’t complain, they just issued a denial. Just NOT TO THEIR ABUSERS. LMAO these idiots will never be satisfied. Grey rock is the only way to go, the Sussexes’ response was the only one they could give.

  22. Mumbles says:

    1. I will believe it when I see it happening.

    2. Even if it is happening, there is precedent – Sarah Ferguson did one with Oprah when Oprah launched OWN. And yes, the family has over the years let a network come in and do a “behind the scenes” special.

    3. That said if it is true I don’t think it’s a good idea. I am sure they will be tasteful and guarded. But a lot of people associate reality shows with sad or demented fameballs (Real Housewives, Duggars, Kardashians) and it is not a good look.

    4. If it is true (big if) I wonder if it was a condition by Netflix of the bigger development deal.

    • Lady D says:

      So happy I have never watched either of those shows. The closest I get to them is recap here, that I usually ignore. It was only about six months ago that I heard a K voice for the first time because I played an attached video. (why do they talk in such pathetic baby voices?)
      There are other reality shows too. When I think of reality shows I think of Iron Chef, the Great British Bake-off, Forged in Iron or Survivor, but I agree with you @Mumbles, when H&M are mentioned with the words reality show people will automatically assume the worst.

  23. What eating you says:

    I could have sworn that when the Netflix deal was announced that they said that they wouldn’t be the ones on camera? This is just the British media finding a way for the Sussex’s to be dragged.

  24. tee says:

    The tabloid fantasies would be less harmful if they weren’t picked up and discussed as if they were true on other British platforms. Their media system routinely makes up stories, reaffirms them through other channels, relying completely on that fabricated source, and then largely ignores the denials when the damage has already been done. I’ve never seen media corruption like this on such mundane topics. Covering for war crimes, sure. But all this to smear a couple who moved?

  25. Ginger says:

    I’m glad Harry and Meghan can finally defend themselves. It must be a wonderful feeling. The British press constantly have egg on their face now. They have no idea how to cover them.

  26. JT says:

    People continue to scrutinize work that H&M haven’t even produced yet. Meanwhile while William can call his stupid prize the most biggliest environmental award ever and he hasn’t even awarded anyone yet. Why not call him out? It’s not like H&M hype up their work for years and produce nothing. So tired of the double standards.

    • Nyro says:

      Williams Earthshot twitter poster a little teaser or something today and the engagement on the tweet is absolutely pathetic. No one’s talking about it and no one’s interested. Instead, all of the supposed Cambridge “fans” are tanto g a d raving over a lie about Harry and Meghan. It would be funny if it all weren’t so sick.

  27. Le4Frimaire says:

    It seems there really is this insatiable appetite for news on this couple over there. Why the need to continue this constant news cycle outrage generator even when there is no actual news to report? We know about Netflix, we know they don’t unveil anything unless it is complete , and we know they are avoiding the UK. This is all so ridiculous and these papers really are looking desperate.

  28. Lizzie says:

    Well, after PW started promoting Netflix they had to come up with another fake outrage.

  29. MaryContrary says:

    Ingrid Seward has such a stick up her butt. Honestly, she’s just pathetic.

  30. bettyrose says:

    I know it’s just lies piled on lies, but if H & M did a reality show, I’d watch the hell out of it.

    • Lady D says:

      Yup. I’d tell everybody too.

      • bettyrose says:

        Just in case they’re reading this, let’s put in a plug: Meghan & Harry, it would be so cool to see a reality show featuring “behind the scenes” on your work projects. Maybe the occasional family scene with Archie and some fun glimpses of your estate, but mostly professional for all the fans of your work. Happy to consult on ideas! 🙂

  31. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    PWT’s earthstained pawprints are all over this.

  32. A says:

    Ah, how quickly the royals forget absolute cringe fests like, “It’s a Royal Knock-Out.” Was that not a reality show? The royals have been putting their lives on camera as a spectacle for an audience since television became a popular medium.

    Coronations, weddings, funeral processions, multiple interviews about extremely personal affairs, biographies both authorized and unauthorized–documentary crews have been granted access to film the royal family in their homes since at least the 1970s. The Crown covered all of this. And The Crown, itself, while a fictional depiction, is still putting the Queen and her family’s personal life on display for everyone to see and gawk at. They have no control over this. They need the publicity, because that publicity is what generates the interest that provides their job security.

    As always, the objection seems to be that it’s not okay for Meghan and Harry to do this, but it’s okay for the rest of the royals, who don’t even live off their own money, to do this. Right.

    “They are doing this all on their own terms.” Precisely. This is the fundamental difference. Ingrid “My Husband Cheated On Me” Seward needs to drink a whole lot of shut the fuck up juice. Being a public figure is all about figuring out how to leverage your publicity usefully, while still maintaining privacy about the parts of your life you want to keep protected. The best way to do that is to control the information you put out there, which is what Meghan and Harry are doing. Again, Ingrid “My Husband Embarrassed Me In Front of All My Posh Friends by Cheating On Me” Seward would do well to keep that in mind.

  33. Mariane says:

    I wouldn’t give the sc*m any attention. They are the biggest sussex haters & harry is locked in a major hacking case due to kick start next year.
    I agree with you Kaiser that its possible to see harry and meghan do a similar documentary about how they run their charity like Charles’s 70th documentary. But this will likely happen after Archewell is launched or perhaps one about their anniversary as president and vice president of QCT

  34. JustMe says:

    Hobble along Will, Kate, RRs, Petty Betty, News Bullies, etc. – when you shoot yourself in the foot, you can’t expect any sympathy when complaining about the results!

  35. Ella says:

    Recent Court Circular:

    ‘The Duchess of Cambridge afterwards held a Meeting with Mrs. Alice Webb (Chief Executive Officer, Eagle Rock Entertainment) via telephone.’
