Jennifer Garner wore a mask on the beach because she’s a decent human being

If you listen to our podcast, you’ll know that Kaiser and I have no patience for people who don’t wear masks, even outside when they’re around people. You may also know that this week we talked about a certain future queen who doesn’t wear a mask when meeting new people. Yes it’s not required in her country and she’s outside, but we’re in a pandemic. We just saw a bunch of Republicans get covid after hanging out laughing in each other’s faces about how they’re going to take everyone’s rights away. It’s so funny to them that they planning to replace RBG a minute after she passed away, against her dying wishes.

So that’s why I’m running these photos of Jennifer Garner on the beach in Malibu on Saturday with her kids. She’s in a one piece, wearing a mask part of the time. That’s what decent human beings should do, wear a mask when we’re likely to encounter people, even outside. I’m not exactly saying that’s what the Republicans should have done at Amy Coney Barret’s nomination. I don’t want them to spread it to other people, and you know they already have, but I’m not broken up about the fact that so many of them are getting sick when all they’ve done is try to make other people sick and miserable. They’ve put us all at risk and have caused countless deaths by reopening places and by downplaying mask-wearing. They’ve hoarded all the resources to themselves and for their rich cronies while trying to deny and take away the very meager social safety net offered by the government. They got sick, in the middle of a pandemic, while working to take healthcare away.

So there you go, I just used some photos of Jennifer Garner on the beach to rant about the Republicans spreading covid. I also like Garner a little more now for setting a good example. These photos seem somewhat set up, since several outlets have them, but I’m ok with that. We’ve seen Ana de Armas hanging out with friends and with real estate agents without wearing a mask, I’m just saying. We know Garner is practical and thoughtful and we also know she’s a good Democrat who campaigned for Hillary. I bet her reaction to the Amy Coney Barrett nomination being a superspreader event was quite similar to ours.

Also last week she did this. I’m so sorry to everyone in California affected by the devastating wildfires.

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Native American communities have been hit hard by COVID and wildfires here in California. I visited Mono Tribal land last week to see @savethechildren’s educational support and disaster relief in action, and met families whose homeschool plan (because, pandemic🦠) turned, in a moment’s time, to homeschooling three kids in different grades in a tiny hotel room (because, fire/evacuation🔥). The strength and resilience of families up against it always leaves me inspired; I am grateful to be trusted with so many stories. On this trip I saw capable and loving leadership from Big Sandy Rancheria’s Tribal Chairperson Liz Kipp, I helped deliver a celebrated truckload of necessities from friend of Save the Children @baby2baby, and I participated in a prayer and offering to the burned tribal land, led by Darlene Franco. All of this sent me home feeling extra grateful and certain of the good in our beautiful country. . “Creator, I give thanks for all good things we’ve been blessed with. I ask you to watch over us and to guide us. Help us to receive all that is good, and let go of the things that we don’t need. Help us to be good leaders; help us to guide our children and our people in a good way. I ask you to watch over us, protect us, and help us to help the land heal in a good way. Cumoy nim yokutch. All my relations.” – Darlene Franco (Director of Native Wellness for @faihpyouth and on tribal council for Wukchumni tribe)

A post shared by Jennifer Garner (@jennifer.garner) on



photos credit: Backgrid

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31 Responses to “Jennifer Garner wore a mask on the beach because she’s a decent human being”

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  1. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I hope this was a photo op. It makes Ana look like even more of an a$$hole in comparison. Which I’m fine with.

    • furbar says:


      • Valiantly Varnished says:

        Because Ana has been irresponsible – with Jennifer’s kids with her – during this pandemic. Doing mask less photo ops with her friends and at outing with the kids in tow.

  2. Leigh says:

    Honestly my opinion of Jennifer Garner has only gone up since her divorce.

    • LaurenMichelle says:

      I believe Jen tries her best. Cannot imagine what being married to Ben would be like. Highest highs and lowest lows. Public humiliation and blatant disrespect. Jen is a very good mother and I respect her for keeping her children stable and loved, despite all the stress.

  3. escondista says:

    The world would be better if it was run by women.

    • Sojaschnitzel says:

      I have to agree. 99% of the covidiots in my country (where masks are mandatory) are male. I don’t get it.

    • lucy2 says:

      Totally agree.
      Toxic masculinity and male aggression is, like, 90% of the problems on this planet.

  4. LaurenS says:

    There were many photos from this day where she was sitting on the beach without a mask on. Then she spots photogs and puts one on. Not much of a hero.

    • Audrey says:

      If she’s more than 6 feet away from others not in her family, why should she wear a mask at the beach? Being outside is safe if you’re distanced, and being on a beach (with the breeze) is even safer. I wear masks in indoor public spaces and when I can’t safely distance more than 6 feet outdoors. But all other times, I’m mask free.

      • Valiantly Varnished says:

        Nope. I wear my mask when walking past other people outdoors. The virus is airborne so while being outdoors reduces your chance of getting it it is still possible if you are in proximity to other people. The only time I am maskless outdoors is if literally no one else is around.

    • lucy2 says:

      It looks like she wore it when going to her spot and up and moving around. If they were safely distanced from others while sitting, it’s probably fine.

      • Audrey says:

        I would wear it walking to my spot on the beach, just like I wear it outside while I’m walking past outdoor diners.

    • Lena says:

      I saw the pictures on DM and she masks it when she’s walking around people but takes it off while sitting on the beach and when in the water, which was probably when she was 6 feet from others. I live in a ruby red state and I’ve been surprised at the adherence to mask wearing when in public. But go to outside parks, lakes, beaches etc and you rarely see a mask even when coming and going, so she’s doing more than the average person here anyway.

  5. Case says:

    I wear a mask inside or out, to be respectful but quite frankly, mostly for my own comfort. I’ve seen friends outside at a more-than-six-foot distance and we wear masks just in case. I keep mine on in a parking lot until I get to my car. I just don’t see the point of chancing it.

  6. julia says:

    I really quite like her Insta, I find she’s managed to find the right tone and it feels quite genuine (it never is 100% with Hollywood but still, I enjoy it).

    The comments on her most political posts, where she urges people to vote for example, or when she interviewed Fauci, are terrifying and why I think Trump will be reelected 🙁

  7. Jess says:

    Good for her, we did the same thing when we went to Florida in July, and we were about the only white people who did. This was at the height of covid and summer so it was busy as hell, people stared at us or rolled their eyes when we masked up on the beach but I don’t give a shit, we didn’t get sick or get anyone else sick and that’s what matters.

    • Esmom says:

      They rolled their eyes? F them. I live in a town with a brach and masks are required on the beach, they posted a big sign. I’m happy not to be someplace with mask- shamers.

      • Jess says:

        Yep, we got quite a few eyes rolls, huffs, and laughs, it’s a beautiful beach and we go every year but it can be redneck central.

      • Joanna says:

        @jess, were you in the Panhandle? Our area is known for its beaches. I get looks for wearing a mask and/or eye rolls. Thank you for wearing one. I avoid the tourist places because 95% aren’t wearing masks and I don’t want to get sick. By Panhandle, I mean Destin area?

    • Jess says:

      Joanna, yes we were! Lol, Destin is our favorite spot and where we were this year, sometimes we’ll go to Fort Walton or Panama City beach but the Destin area is my favorite for many reasons. I felt so bad for you locals because people were acting like covid didn’t exist!

  8. Jayna says:

    We go to the beach and are always plenty far from people. Fresh air is good for you. I am neurotic and wear my mask all the time and will probably die of alcohol wipe and/or hand sanitizer overdose. I’m exhausted from cleaning and wearing gloves or baggies over my hand to touch something. There nothing wrong with going to the beach as long as you are just with your family and keeping your distance, really really social distancing, and no interactions with other people. It’s good for you unless you are out there like young people puked and partying in a group

    • TIffany says:

      Covid is airborne virus.

      Good Lord people.

    • Sandii says:

      It is airborne but thins out quickly in a breeze. It is ridiculous to wear a mask outside with no people close by. I am very pro mask but I agree with you that nature is also very healthy.

      I see people in cars, alone, wearing masks.

      Things are not black and white. This war between masks and no masks brings out extremes on both sides.

      • Léna says:

        I see people wearing masks alone in cars too. So what ? They are probably going from one point to another and avoid manipulation of the mask. It’s a good thing, why be offended by that

      • Sandii says:

        I am not offended. I actually feel sorry for people who are so afraid that they dare not to skip the mask even in solitude. There are people out there who are afraid to open their windows!

        In my opinion a mix between being careful but not being anxious is important. The immune system gets stressed when you are stressed! I do not want to downplay corona because without flattening the curve we see what is happening. I just think a balance needs to be found and wearing a mask when the next person is 20 meters away in nature just does not make any sense, which is even scientifically proven. Their are quite some studies out how aerosols work.

  9. RiRi says:

    thank you! I get so mad when I see people walking through parking lots and putting their mask on one second before they get to the door. Mask goes on when I park. Hand santizer. Mask goes off when back in car. Hand sanitizer. Wash hands at home. Even at playgrounds, i feel like the only adult with a mask on.


  10. Missy says:

    I wear a mask where I am supposed to and when I cannot socially distance but I draw the line at wearing one on a beach. There is always a breeze, and I am never within six feet of any strangers anyway.

  11. Mouki's wife says:

    I wear my mask all the time when I’m out, but I do have this mental break and will occassionally get to the door of the store before I realize I’ve forgotten to put it on! Then I feel like an asshole. Just walking around, smiling, happy to be around people and kaboom, Covid spreader.

  12. Amber says:

    I don’t wear a mask at the beach but that’s because I go surfing. Wearing a mask in the water would not be possible obviously. I go straight in the water and then straight out. Sometimes I have to just turn around and drive home because there are too many damn people in the water that keeping six feet apart wouldn’t be possible. But basically no one in the LA/Orange County Area wears masks at the beach. Jen’s in the minority. The beaches in LA get really really crowded especially since it’s been 95 degrees for the past six months and there’s nowhere else for people to go and nothing else for them to do. By midday on a Saturday six feet of distance is impossible at like Will Rogers and Santa Monica. The risk level is dependent on a few things: the time spent in proximity to people, how many people are there, and how close you get to people. I feel like since I am going in the ocean and then coming right out, it’s highly unlikely that I will transmit or pick up the virus just in the time spent walking to and from the car. And I go early in the morning. Besides that I am very vigilant about mask wearing but it would be highly impractical while surfing in the ocean.

  13. Carolnr says:

    I think people were less upset when restaurants went smoke-free than they are about wearing a mask right now! A lot of children are more receptive to wearing masks than adults now!