Nancy Pelosi thinks steroids are rotting Donald Trump’s brain, agree or disagree?

Anti-Trump protesters gather in Jupiter

It seems kind of crazy, but the House and Senate are trying to do some kind of massive Covid relief package currently, in the last month of the campaign. I remember the House Democrats trying to get other Covid relief packages through, only for them to languish and die in the Republican-controlled Senate. But now big-business is starting to freak out a little bit about their third-quarter numbers. THEY want a bailout, and they might even want their workers to get a little relief (so they can spend their relief money). But no, it’s not going to happen. Donald Trump declared on Twitter yesterday:

So basically Trump is saying he won’t even consider a relief package until after the election (and only then IF HE WINS) and his sole priority at the moment is putting Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court. He also thinks if he just keeps repeating that the economy is fine, maybe that will make it so? It’s not so. Even the Federal Reserve Chairman is freaking out a little and Speaker Pelosi told her caucus that she thinks steroids are rotting Trump’s brain.

President Donald Trump ended talks with Democratic leaders on a new stimulus package, hours after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell”s strongest call yet for greater spending to avoid damaging the economic recovery.

Stocks tumbled after Trump’s posting called an end to months of hard-fought negotiations between the administration and Congress. Democrats had most recently pushed a $2.2 trillion package that failed to garner Republican support in the House, while the White House had endorsed $1.6 trillion. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continued to insist on $2 trillion or more in stimulus, according to a Republican familiar with the negotiations, while the GOP lacked votes for such a large package.

Pelosi said in a statement, “Clearly, the White House is in complete disarray.” The speaker said, “Walking away from coronavirus talks demonstrates that President Trump is unwilling to crush the virus, as is required by the Heroes Act.”

The speaker and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who had sat down in person for negotiations last week for the first time since August, spoke at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and the secretary confirmed that the talks had been halted, according to Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s spokesman.

Pelosi remarked to Democratic lawmakers on a call that Trump’s thinking might be affected by steroids he’s taken to treat his coronavirus infection.

[From Bloomberg]

I don’t know if Pelosi said that as a burn or a statement of fact. There have been numerous articles written over the past five days about the medications we know Trump is taking, and God knows what kinds of interactions those drugs are having too. Basically, I would completely believe that Trump is zonked out of his mind and incapable of being president. The problem? Um, no one can tell the difference between Zonked Trump and Regular Trump. Someone get him to sign more blank sheets of paper or something.

Also: Everyone agrees that if Trump actually pushed for a big relief package, it would actually HELP his reelection numbers.

Trump Delivers State of the Union Address

Trump Delivers State of the Union Address

Photos courtesy of Backgrid and Avalon Red.

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50 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi thinks steroids are rotting Donald Trump’s brain, agree or disagree?”

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  1. SJ Knows says:

    Trump is simply at his core a terrible person.
    No other explanation needed.

  2. MrsF2u says:

    45 is deranged.

    We are now trying to define different levels of derangement.

    • Watson says:

      THIS! Everything has been so far from normal that we no longer know what normal behaviour looks like. Deranged to crazy to unhinged…it’s all insane. Someone needs to block his Twitter and get his super spreader ass back in the hospital so the poor innocent house staff (cooks, butlers, cleaners, secret service etc) aren’t exposed to him.

  3. SJ Knows says:

    Dogs for Biden is a true smile maker. Take a look at the good boys dressed up, cheered me up.
    Biden likes dogs? One more reason to go Biden-Harris.

    I bet Trump does not like dogs. Trump only likes himself. Too much.

    • Miranda says:

      Trump allegedly mocked the Pences and called them “low-class” for bringing their pets when they moved to D.C. As if we needed more proof that he’s shitty excuse for a human being.

    • Sarah says:

      It is delightful!

      Of course Trump doesn’t like dogs or any pets, they’re losers who can’t give him money and you have to (gasp) take care of them. Who has time for that?

      • Michelle says:

        Thank you for the info on the Biden dogs. My daughter just asked yesterday why Trump doesn’t have pets and wondered if the Biden’s do (at her young age, she understands already the difference between a pet owner and lover and those that do not have the capabilities to love a sweet, innocent creature).

        Also I had a coworker who was on steroids (can’t remember why and if it’s the same as Trump’s. Are there different types of steroids?). One day she woke up, did not recognize her husband, drove to a store (can’t believe she drove!! But she was out of her mind), didn’t recognize the layout of the store though she’s been often and became belligerent with security. It was all a side effect of the steroids. So when I say I’m scared of Trump on these medications and not taking a break from his job, I’m very serious. And when I found out the guy who has the “nuclear football” has also contracted the virus, I’m seriously wondering what are the protocols to make sure we don’t start WW3??

      • H says:

        I’ve been on the steroids Trump has been on for my asthma. In fact, I’m probably going back on them later this week because of an asthma attack I had. Doctor is still debating to see if I recover without them.

        Anyway, for the first couple of days you literally feel like Captain America, invincible. You don’t need sleep, you get sh*t done, etc. After, the CRASH. Oh Lordy, the crash. Can’t wait to see Low Energy Trump when that happens. He’ll make “Sleepy Joe” look downright peppy.

      • Eugh says:

        One is a rescue also! (apologies if mentioned, those videos unavailable for me)

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      Do the Bidens have a dog? I loved Sunny and Bo and would love to see more dogs roaming the WH. Even if Binden loved cats I’d still vote for him.

      • Milkweed says:

        Biden has two German shepherds he treats like children. Trump doesn’t have pets because animals don’t like him.

    • Moonmade says:

      This makes you think – Trump is the 1st president since Reagan not to love dogs

  4. Bryn says:

    It was already rotten

  5. Libellule says:

    It would imply he actually has some brain to rot. He doesn’t that’s why there is no difference between regular trump and drugged on steroids trump

  6. Becks1 says:

    Halting the talks makes zero sense to me. If they pass a big stimulus package, trump can take the credit for it, and if the talks break down because of the Dems, for whatever reason, then trump can blame the Dems.

    But halting the talks and ANNOUNCING that he’s the one halting the negotiations is such a bad political move that I really do wonder if its the steroids.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      Don’t worry about how horrible of a move this is because hopefully this will turn some of his base against him. He seems to appeal to some types of blue collar people who would benefit from the aid package. He can’t claim the economy is so great and he’s doing amazing if the Fed Chair is saying that it’s going to suffer really bad without a shit ton of aid and soon. There’s also another government shut down looming in December. If he loses I’d imagine he’d have no desire to avoid it.

  7. Züri says:

    Potentially, but I would argue that there are no brains to rot beyond his reptilian brain. Of course, reptilian is an apt description for so many of Trump’s attributes and those of his evil henchmen.

  8. Sarah says:

    There is no difference. Zero.

    Outstanding choice on those last two photos, thank you!

  9. Lightpurple says:

    Trump’s brain was rotten before the steroids

  10. Aidevee says:

    His brain has already rotted into a septic splat of matter. Maybe the steroids have zapped it a little and it’s flipped over slightly, like a crap pancake.

  11. grabbyhands says:

    While I think steroid brain rot 45 is no different than evil deranged 45, there is clearly some side effect going on here because his Twitter word salads are worse than usual, which is saying something.

    However, it has been total crickets from GOP “leadership” on any of this, so it goes back to that they are potentially willing to give up the presidency to get the Stepford wife on the Supreme Court. And frankly, once that happens they can just engineer a win for him by screaming “election rigging” so the court gets the final say. That’s the only thing about his tweets that rings true – he feels secure in holding off the stimulus until after the election because he fully intends to win one way or another. Of course, the biggest lie is that he’ll take any serious action on ANY stimulus package.

    • MsIam says:

      The Supreme Court can’t just void the election without cause especially if Trump is trounced by a large margin. And I don’t think the GOP wants him back in anyway. They just want the handmaiden on the Supreme Court. That way they can overturn anything the Dems/Biden pass that they don’t like.

  12. Betsy says:

    I’ve no doubt that the steroids are having an effect. I don’t think he’s any great shakes what with his dementia, but as we heard in the calls with Woodward (when Trump was admitting that coronavirus is terrible and severe), he still has moments of lucidity. Coronavirus + steroids + god knows what else he’s on = a worse than usual mess.

    Also I don’t know how People of Praise candidate Amy “Submits to Her Husband” Coney Barrett isn’t covid+ again; politico had a pic of Mike Lee talking directly in her face and there’s just no way she’s not positive again.

  13. AmyB says:

    Apparently now Trump has backtracked and says he wants to push a stimulus bill with the $1200 payments to Americans – LMAO!!! He is literally insane! I am guessing his advisors were like WTF are you doing? I mean I already knew he was a complete narcissistic sociopath, but halting these stimulus talks right before the election? What good would that do for his re-election prospects??? I wish someone in Republican party had the balls to invoke the 25th Amendment! PLEASE!!!!!

  14. Chris says:

    I’m convinced he doesn’t actually want to be re-elected, but his massive ego would never admit to it. He wants to run a talk show/reality show from a golf course on fox news and be worshipped by his followers. He doesn’t want to work or be bothered to do the job of president (or any job really). All of the meds (both prescribed and not) are finally mixing in his head and he can’t pretend anymore. The Republicans are propping him up at this point so they can continue their campaign of turning the US into Gilead.

    Also, do we know if the people treating him for covid knew of his side “medications” he was dabbling in? All of those mixing could be super dangerous on top of the untested cocktail of drugs they have him on.

  15. Enis says:

    Steroid induced mania is a real issue, and if the president also takes recreational stimulants (aka Adderall) like it is rumored, it’s a recipe for disaster.

  16. Christin says:

    We really don’t know the truth about his health or his finances. This isn’t the first tweet that negatively affected the market.

    I’m dubious regarding anything and everything from the grifter gang, including any financial gains from openly advertising the medications he was (allegedly) given.

  17. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I love how he refuses to help blue states. Such quality. So American.

    • Kate says:

      That’s actually really alarming to me (if anything can be alarming anymore since we’re constantly at a 10). Openly refusing to help 1/2 of the country because he won’t receive those states’ electoral votes? Using relief money as a prize for the red and swing states voting him back into power? Liiiiiike, this is not acceptable. How is this acceptable to anyone? He is the President of the United. States. All 50 of them.

    • Miranda says:

      I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: His refusal to help blue states with COVID-19 could be considered democide. The definition, per R.J Rummel: “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command”. This includes deaths caused by governmental neglect. The best historical example is probably the Great Leap Forward, when Mao knew very early on that his policies would likely cause a famine, but decided that millions of Chinese were expendable and his political goals were more important. (As a side note, isn’t it amazing how the stupid people who are so terrified of communism tend to have the same personal qualities as the commie dictators?)

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      One would think this behavior would propel action. Oh noes, Republicans sit on their asses and watch events unfold while eating popcorn as though reality is abstract.

      • MsIam says:

        Nothing the Republicans can do at this point. It’s less than thirty days before the election. Besides they hate Trump’s guts too, think how many of them he’s cursed out, called names, etc. So they are going to take their judicial picks and ride off into the sunset. A lot of them are old too, and they figure, what the hell. Whether it’s the election or COVID either way, I doubt any tears will be shed.

  18. ce says:

    I don’t wish death on this clown, but I do wish the drug interactions completely f*ck his liver up, so he needs to be on dialysis for the rest of his life. Probably the meanest thing I’ve ever thought about a person!!

  19. Rapunzel says:

    Larry Kudlow (advisor to Trump) now says Trump went to the oval office yesterday. And that a Doctor said he had no symptoms. Mark Meadows (chief of staff) days no he didn’t but plans to today.

    They’re saying PPE required for anyone working with Trump in the office, but won’t say what exactly they’ve required.

    Someone is going to die. This is criminal.

    It’s clear now he’s absolutely not faking covid, because he’s clearly in a steroid induced mania. People in Hazmat suits were cleaning the WH Monday and he’s infecting it all again. And people in the cleaning staff have become infected.


    • fluffy_bunny says:

      He’s supposed to be working out of the map room which is right next to the medical unit. If he crashes he might be too far away from the medical unit to be saved.

  20. Maggi says:

    Back when I worked on the pediatric oncology ward, I remember steroids turning sweet little kids into hissing, spitting rage-balls. The benefits of steroids can be (temporarily) miraculous in some health conditions but the side effects are dramatic and messy. Given Dump’s pre-existing emotional incontinence, I pity anyone in his splash zone.

    • Lady D says:

      I knew a 8yo with a disease where her body was attacking her organs and she needed steroids. They made her the size of a football linebacker, her face looked like a watermelon. It also made her throw her dresser drawers through her bedroom window and then try the same thing with her baby brother. She was really difficult to handle when she got angry. Sometimes it seemed she woke up that way and stayed raging for 2-3 days straight. Horrible disease and horrible cure. This was back in the early 80’s, hopefully things have improved by now.
      I have a 15-year-old female cat who is currently on prednisolone because her intestines are losing the ability to absorb protein. The cream dose is applied to the inside of the ear flap. So far it’s helping, but it’s temporary. I’m going to miss her.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      My sister was on steroids a lot as a child for asthma. When she was 3 she raged out and threw a hamper down the stairs. My mom called the doctor and it turned out they had mistakenly given her an adult dose.

  21. Izzy says:

    His brain was rotted before this. My bet is tertiary syphillis.

  22. candy says:

    It seems to have self-rotting capabilities.

  23. Ohpioneer says:

    Is there anything that hasn’t already rotted?

  24. Liz version 700 says:

    I actually take the steroid he is on when I need to break a migraine that has lasted days or more. I am probably on a lower dose than the Orange Emperor but it doesn’t affect my judgement or rationality. It can make me cranky. I overcompensate by being extra nice. I think for him that extra energy and extra crankiness may come from a lot of places. This is just one of many factors. He was already terrible.

  25. AMA1977 says:

    Christ almighty, the GOVERNING BY TWEET!!! I wish they would all agree to ignore anything he says/does that doesn’t come through official channels, like when I tell my children I can’t understand them when they whine. I am SO TIRED of this bullsh!t!!!!

  26. Stacy Dresden says:

    His brain has been rotten for a looooong time

  27. Dierski says:

    I just LOVE that image of him looking back and Pelosi clapping at him, and her amazing facial expression. It’s still so good, and yet feels like 100 lifetimes ago…

  28. Teeee says:
