Mother’s Husband plays games about whether he agrees to debate plexiglass

United States Vice President Mike Pence Holds Press Conference on Coronavirus

The VP debate is tonight, and the lead up to the debate has been full of shenanigans. Yesterday, we discussed how Kamala Harris doesn’t trust the Trump-Pence team and the literal plague running through the Trump White House, so Sen. Harris requested that a plexiglass barrier go up between herself and Mother’s Husband. Pence’s team agreed but tried to make it sound like Kamala wanted a “fortress” built around her. Then, perhaps understanding that they could make it into an even bigger deal, Team Mother pitched another fit:

Vice President Pence is requesting that no plexiglass dividers be placed on his side of the stage at Wednesday night’s vice-presidential debate, after an announcement Monday by the Commission on Presidential Debates that dividers had been agreed to as a safety measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Marc Short, the vice president’s chief of staff, said the vice president’s team does not view plexiglass dividers as medically necessary, given other safety measures at the debate, including a 12-foot distance between Pence and Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) and daily testing of both candidates.

The commission and the Biden campaign both said Tuesday they understood that the Pence team was in agreement with the notion of plexiglass barriers. But the Pence team suggested they did not want any such dividers around the vice president, regardless of what Harris does.

“If she wants it, she’s more than welcome to surround herself with plexiglass if that makes her feel more comfortable,” Short said. “It’s not needed.”

The Trump campaign has also resisted a request by the Biden campaign that both candidates stand during the debate. The current plan has them sitting at separate tables.

[From WaPo]

The idea, I’m sure, was to paint Mother’s Husband as some kind of He-Man who doesn’t need any appearance of “Weakness” aka normal precautions in a pandemic. Anyway, after Mother’s Husband made his stand, he of course folded like a cheap suit and agreed to the plexiglass:

The Commission on Presidential Debates said Tuesday night that Vice President Pence had dropped his objections to a plexiglass barricade on his side of the stage for Wednesday’s debate after viewing the setup during a walk-through of the debate hall.

The disclosure, by commission co-chair Frank Fahrenkopf Jr., came after a long day of posturing between the Trump and Biden campaigns over whether the barriers were needed to protect the participants from the coronavirus. Advisers to Pence maintained that there was no need for a barrier on his side of the stage.

But at that point the stage was already being built with two clear dividers, one next to each of the tables where the candidates will sit. Fahrenkopf said he had multiple talks with representatives of the Pence campaign after they saw the layout of the stage.

“They said if Senator Harris feels safer to have two plexiglass dividers up, we have no objections,” Fahrenkopf said in an interview.

[From WaPo]

So now we’ve gotten that all cleared up. I kind of wonder if Mother Pence had something to do with the change – one of Mother’s rules is that her husband can’t be alone with women. I wonder if “alone on a stage” counts, and if Mother thought plexiglass dividers would help thwart temptation. Hm. I hope the Cleveland Clinic insists on Covid rapid tests on Pence’s team too.

Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as his running mate - putting her on ticket to be first black and first female vice-president

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red.

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45 Responses to “Mother’s Husband plays games about whether he agrees to debate plexiglass”

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  1. Feedmechips says:

    I am so ecstatic for the evisceration of Mother’s Husband. Make it hurt, Kamala!

    • Ariel says:

      I’m convinced that is what all the game playing is about.
      his people KNOW she will clobber him, and so if he refuses safety, and puts her in a position to cancel so she doesn’t get sick, he doesn’t have to look like the coward that he is.

  2. Tate says:

    Make him cry like you made drunk Brett cry but also stay behind the plexiglass, Senator. I have no doubt pence is probably infected too.

    • Bryn says:

      Maybe they are trying to make the competition sick…last ditch effort to win or delay the election.

    • Mac says:

      Pence doesn’t want plexiglass because it is a visual reminder of his failure as head of the coronavirus task force.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        and I hope Kamala hits him on that REPEATEDLY. hammer home how terrible of a job he did.

      • Louise177 says:

        I forgot there was a task force. Most people probably did too since they don’t do anything.

      • Jayna says:

        Bingo. Not just his failure. He is the loyal soldier to the POTUS. That’s his job. He also doesn’t want any attention on what a failure Trump is regarding the the pandemic.

      • Tate says:

        Wow. I forgot all about the task force too!

  3. Princess Peach says:

    Pence probably has already recently had covid so doesn’t care if he’s exposed again. I personally find it hard to believe that everyone at the Rose Garden event got sick except him.

    And of course Trump doesn’t want to sit. We all heard him wheezing.

  4. Wiglet Watcher says:

    Grab the popcorn! He’ll be squirming with attempts to deflect and interrupt.

  5. FancyPants says:

    Why does he have to “agree” to it? If Kamala Harris wants extra infection prevention, she should get it. It doesn’t affect anybody else (other than simultaneously potentially protecting others).

    • whatWHAT? says:

      my thoughts exactly. who is HE to dictate HER safety precautions?

    • Agirlandherdog says:

      The debate commission’s stance is that they’re non-partisan and don’t get involved in politics. But implying that taking reasonable safety procedures in the middle of a pandemic IS a political statement by the commission. Safety protocols are not political.

      • Christine says:

        Exactly. Safety is not a political issue. This should have been a no-brainer with ANY debate.

    • Shazza says:

      Unfortunately go Google the set-up. It’s 2 desks facing each other with small plexiglass screens -a room divider is bigger than these laughable things. I think Kamala should borrow Jamie Harrison’s plexiglass booth he used with the Graham debate. I guess those screens would make Pence feel manlier.

  6. Lightpurple says:

    Everyone should show up in hazmat suits. Ten days ago, that idiot was within less than an arm’s length of half a dozen people who now have Covid19 and he has been in contact with others since. He’s a danger to all. He insists on a table and chair in addition to the microphone? Who gets to clean all this afterwards?

  7. Astrid says:

    Too funny about the extra on stage protection against temptation LOL

  8. MerryGirl says:

    “One of Mother’s rules is that her husband can’t be alone with women” LOL. So based on rumors, is he allowed to be alone with men?

    • Esmom says:

      Ha, good point. I mean he is alone with men all the time, presumably, but I imagine Mother’s brain won’t even go there. He’s such a phony. I personally won’t forget his blustery radio host persona, which he has been trying so hard to cover up all these years.

  9. Becks1 says:

    They should refuse entry to anyone who wont take the Covid test or wear a mask, and that includes the next presidential debate. If testing is one of the conditions of the debate, and they refuse that condition, the debate should not happen.

    • scollins says:

      Or better yet, the candidate that follows rules should be given the entire time. Shut and lock creepy Pence outside.

    • Esmom says:

      It seems pretty simple. And yet the debate commission has shown its squeamishness about enforcing rules, even those designed to keep people safe during a global pandemic. They are useless.

      • Sid says:

        I hope the rumblings that Chris Christie is now on a ventilator will light a fire under them to enforce the freaking rules.

  10. Izzy says:

    If Mother’s Husband and his team try to pull that “honor system “ BS, Kamala should walk. I am absolutely certain they knew Dump had at least been exposed before the debate. I would bet money that’s why they showed up late and pulled the honor system garbage.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I think they knew that, not only had he been exposed, but I fully believe they suspected he was positive. yes, hence, the arriving too late to take a test BS.

      and for sure they KNEW, 100%, that he was positive when he went to his fundraiser in NJ. but he needed that $ and, of course, the adulation he craves.

      • Jayna says:

        I agree. I absolutely agree.

        They are evil. And Ivanka and Tiffany and Melania and Junior and all the rest of the Klan look even more despicable now with those photos of them refusing to wear a mask at the debate.

  11. Sarah says:

    This feels like them trying to act dominant and ‘in charge’ to push the woman around. I’m delighted to see how well that worked out for them!

  12. MattyLove says:

    I mean, he’s going to be alone on a stage with a woman who is not his wife. You’d think he’d want the plexiglass barrier to protect him from her womanly wiles… 😂

  13. Jamie says:

    I just about choked on my coffee when I read “Mother’s husband” lol!

  14. a reader says:

    Fillet him, Senator Harris. He deserves nothing less.

  15. AnnaKist says:

    It takes a lot – a lot, I tell you – to make me guffaw when I’m alone and see, read or hear something. But I almost cannot stop laughing like a drain when I’m on here and read “Mother’s Husband”. Triple Gold Stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  16. souperkay says:

    all the people involved in this debate need the faux tux super suits from the emmys, the ones the statue deliverers wore. GOP are known disease vectors, nobody should be exposed to them without adequate protection. Bring on the super suits!

  17. Christin says:

    This is going to be a layup, because he will be focused on speaking to only one person who is watching.

  18. Rapunzel says:

    Why do this live? The debates should all be virtual!! There’s no need for this!!

  19. Maida says:

    Given that this administration has lied repeatedly about who’s been tested and who’s tested positive, precautions against infection should clearly be set to maximum. Pence’s attempt to look like a tough guy by resisting plexiglass is so pathetic and (wait for it) transparent.

  20. MissMarierose says:

    I would caution people about expecting to see the Sen. Harris that we saw during Senate hearings.
    Questioning witnesses is a different set of skills than debating an opponent. I saw a debate of hers when she was running for Senate. She was talking more directly to the audience and moderator than her opponent.

  21. MerlinsMom1018 says:


  22. GR says:

    I’m concerned that the campaign advisors won’t let Kamala properly kick pence’s a because they won’t want white voters “scared” of the “angry black woman.”

    • Jayna says:

      She can’t properly kick his ass because he slips and slides and gives that smooth, unruffled response. I’ve watched him in enough interviews and in his last debate. Hillary’s VP nom Tim Kaine came off looking out of control at times (and he was a white man). I cringed a few times. He came at the debate wrong when dealing with Pence, and Pence remained unruffled and would just deflect and smoothly moved into something else. Kaine should have adjusted much sooner in the debate, realizing his strategy was wrong, making him look angry, not in control.

      It is a controlled debate with time limits. He is a skilled politician. Rarely does someone kick someone’s ass in these debates. These are professionals, except for Trump. I mean, even Sarah Palin was prepped enough to not fall flat on her face.. Kamala will aim and land some great points against little Mike Pence and show what a strong VP choice she is but will take some hits herself. She is vulnerable also in some areas, and he’s going to go for them. But she’s a strong VP choice, and he’s not going to make much headway. She will make the Democrats proud and come out strong and help Biden get elected with her debate performance. I’m looking forward to the debate.

  23. schmootc says:

    I saw some photos of the debate preparation and the plexiglass dividers looked pretty small to me. Though maybe it doesn’t matter, given air circulation.

  24. Jayna says:

    He’s a robot. Never answers a question. Creepy

  25. A Fan says:

    That fly on Pence’s head didn’t care about plexiglass!
