Slumlord nepotism doll Jared Kushner: Black people must ‘want to be successful’

Jared Kushner returns to White House

I’ll be honest: I’ve been suspicious about how little “breaking news” there is in the final weeks of the election cycle. The past two weekends have been very quiet – “quiet” for the Trump era – and the current “big stories” dominating the 24-hour newscycle are actual stories affecting all of us, like the terrible coronavirus numbers, or the tanking economy, or how all of the Trumpers are f–king awful. Speaking of, with one week to go before Election Day, Donald Trump’s go-to guy, the guy who runs the White House singlehandedly, chose to talk about how poor Black people are poor because they want to be that way, because if they had any sense, they would have just inherited money and access from daddy. This is what Jared Kushner said yesterday during a live interview on Fox News:

White House adviser Jared Kushner described Black America’s issues with inequality and racism in the country as “complaining,” during an interview Monday on “Fox & Friends.”

“The thing we’ve seen in the Black community, which is mostly Democrat,” he said, “is that President Trump’s policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they’re complaining about, but he can’t want them to be successful more than they want to be successful.”

[From NBC News]

It’s hard for someone to pick themselves up by their bootstraps when a cop’s knee is on their neck. It’s hard to boil all Black issues down to criminal justice reform too, because every time Donald Trump and Jared Kushner do that, what they’re telling the Black community is that all Black folks are criminals and this alone is the issue that most affects them. It’s also difficult for Jared Kushner, an actual slumlord who was too stupid to get into Harvard without his daddy donating a huge amount of money, to speak about Black issues without falling demon-face-first into his own privilege. So, basically, Donald Trump’s right-hand man, the guy in charge of the campaign AND the White House, is telling Black folks that they’re too lazy to be successful.

Jared Kushner returns to White House

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Backgrid.

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62 Responses to “Slumlord nepotism doll Jared Kushner: Black people must ‘want to be successful’”

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  1. Nev says:


  2. Darla says:

    That “you’ve really got to hand it to” comment is gold.

    So, I think the reason it’s been so “quiet’ is because Rudy The Skull Giuliani’s big Hunter Biden laptop story fizzled. They planned on that being the Hillary’s emails, and Weiner’s laptop October surprise. As I have said over and over “that don’t fly with a white guy”.

    So in the end, even though Biden was NOT my choice, I’m starting to really believe Southern primary voters didn’t give me what I wanted, but they gave me what I needed. Because this would have flown against Kamala, against Liz, against Cory…yes, it would have.

    Maybe they still have something up their sleeve, but honestly, it’s kinda late? People are voting every minute now and have been for some time.

    • Midnight@theOasis says:

      Joe Biden is the candidate we need in this moment in time. None of the others would have stood a chance against the Trump cult.

    • Juls says:

      Not to mention Giuliani literally got caught with his hands in his pants.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think your last sentence explains a lot – these attacks aren’t landing like they would have because people are already voting. Some states have been voting for weeks now.

      But of course, you’re absolutely right that this would have flown against Kamala, Liz etc. It’s one of the reasons I always sort of wanted Biden as the nominee, even though he wasn’t my first choice – because I thought he had the best chance against Trump. The Hunter Biden emails “thing” just sounds so desperate at this point.

      • Seraphina says:

        Yes, here in central VA, people have been going in steady to early vote for weeks. The ballot boxes which may have been destroyed (I stopped watching the news) I think have been tampered with by Republicans because they are scared with the early voter turn out and what it means.

    • superashes says:

      I LOL’d at that.

      I think the Rudy Hunter Biden laptop story mostly went away because focusing on that probably necessarily reminds everyone about Rudy feeling in his pants after saying crazy things in an interview in the last five minutes of the latest Borat film, when he probably thought he was going to sleep with a very very very young girl, and that movie is airing for free on Amazon Prime. I’m probably wrong, but that is my vibe.

    • Betsy says:

      Yes! Kaiser pulled some seriously choice jokes from Twitter!

      And also yes: 66,377,711 people have already voted! That’s 48.2% of the 2016 numbers.

  3. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Unfortunately, Kushner just said what Trump and all his cult followers believe and feel about black people in general. It’s laughable given the Trumps and Kushners of the world are nothing but trust fund babies who had everything given to them and have achieved nothing significant on their own.

    BTW. If you have Hulu, please watch the documentary “Totally Under Control” about the mishandling of the Covid pandemic. It really shows the bungling and mismanagement of this crisis and Jared Kushner’s ineptness in particular. They all need to be in jail.

  4. Sadiebelle says:

    Edited because everyone else is saying it better!

  5. Seraphina says:

    This statement show the entitled and pompous mind set of so many people, not just Trump and his family. Who in their right mind doesn’t WANT to be successful?????? And this is the same man who stated New Yorker will suffer because their Gov didn’t pound the phones hard enough. I CANNOT WAIT TO HAVE ALL OF THEM OUT OF THE WH. Enough already,

  6. tempest prognosticator says:

    What a freak. I really, really want him to spend some quality time in prison.

  7. Joanna says:

    He really has a punch able face

  8. indywom says:

    As an African American, I can say that not all black people are impacted by the criminal justice system and not all black people attend HBCUs. But all black people are impacted by systemic racism whether they acknowledge it not. Kushner is an ignorant person who has no real deep understanding of black people and his remarks is just as insulting as his presence in the White House.

  9. Heidi says:


    If you are not willing to lie, cheat, steal, exploit other human beings and completely ignore the rule of law – then, obviously, you lack ambition.

    • Frida_K says:

      If you are not willing to be born into a wealthy family, and –as an adult–to lie, cheat, steal, exploit other human beings and completely ignore the rule of law – then, obviously, you lack ambition.

      There, fixed it for you. Excellent comment in the original, @Heidi, but missing a key point.

      • BnLurkN4eva says:

        If you are not willing to be born into a wealthy White family, and as an adult be willing to lie, cheat, steal, exploit other human beings and completely ignore the rule of law – then, obviously, you lack ambition. You MUST add White because, Black people POC even those born into wealth cannot get away with committing the types of crimes that Trump and his ilk commits daily.

  10. Lemons says:

    Make this nightmare stop.

    • Edna says:

      The only way all this crap stops is that the U.S. has an awakening like Chili did and realize that we need to over haul our constitution and systems to reflect the modern world we live in.

  11. LightPurple says:

    I cannot wait to see that creep and his wife shackled in a courtroom.

    • Tiffany says:

      It gives me petty joy knowing that the only reason they are together is because no one else wants them and yes, their downfall should be together.

  12. mellie says:

    I dislike him worse than cheeto and that’s hard to do at this point….

    • Bettyrose says:

      I don’t dislike him more, but unlike the very sickly cheeto, Jared and Ivanka may see their day in court, so I have turned most of my hopes for justice onto these two.

  13. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    This very second I can rattle off names of POC who are far more successful than ‘Jobert’ the Doll. I guess that’s an insult to any person of color. I’m surrounded by more successful POC every second of every day. Who exactly is he speaking to? Because the asshat down the street is a redneck. In fact, loser bottom-feeders I personally know are white. And that includes Jobert the Doll, his freaky spouse, their scary mother figure Ivanabelle and Nachoman himself.

    • Betsy says:

      He’s speaking to fellow racists. It’s not meant for your ears, not for the ears of the Black men who might be thinking of voting for the Orange Traitor, not for the ears of people who have finally realized that systemic racism is real, enormous and insidious… It’s just for the base. It’s just the same stereotypes regurgitated in a slightly different (doll like) syntax.

  14. Fani says:

    Last week Aubrey O’Day tweeted that his wife is a lesbian and that he is her beard.
    When I see a photo of him now all I can think is Beard.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Has there been prior speculation that Ivanka is a lesbian? It seems like such a weird claim, suggesting that Ivanka has human desires and needs. I’ve never really considered that she’s a full fledged human somewhere under her complacency barbie facade.

    • GrassRoots says:

      That would make sense that Ivanka is a lesbian because Jared’s appearance seems very effeminate to me. His facial features are astonishingly female to me. I always think that maybe he identifies as female but hasn’t told anyone. If Ivanka is a lesbian then this would make sense.

  15. Rise & Shine says:

    Well written Kaiser. This born with the silver spoon so far up him person and his equally horrid wife are the most out of touch, arrogant and lacking in sensitivity and empathy people on this earth. That he and Ivanka are actually top advisors in the (mis)handling of the Covid crisis is appalling. Shame on the Republicans and Mr. Trump supporters that have allowed the unelected and unqualified couple, Trump’s fave kids such power. It will not be forgotten and never be forgiven. Unacceptable! Seriously, Mr. Privilege incarnate saying this at this time? MY GOD. Help us all, and may Biden and the Dems win, please!

  16. HK9 says:

    Jared can fuck off.

  17. Katie says:

    would be nice if he could please actually lay it out for us all here step by step what exactly does any given African American person have to do to succeed

  18. Edna says:

    Jared and the rest of the Trump cult lack empathy and suffer from anti social personality traits.


  19. Rare0217 says:

    I’m going to need everyone who was a poor high school student, whose felonious daddy paid their way into Harvard, who can’t make a good real estate deal to save his life and who is only in his position due to nepotism…not to lecture the Black community on the nature of success.

  20. Emily says:

    It’s quiet because Trump plans to win the election through the courts. They got their Handmaid.

    • BnLurkN4eva says:

      If the Democrats roll over and let that happen, then I guess we deserve what happens to us next. I am hoping against hope that Pelosi and the Dems in congress have a plan in place for what’s surely coming up after this election. The weakness of our base has been a sticking point for me for years and I hope they don’t drop the ball after the election and roll over.

  21. Milkweed says:

    He seems fun. 🙄

  22. Michael says:

    WHat a punchable face. Why does all of Trump’s cabinet make me think of punching people? I am glad it is almost time to vote this turd sandwich out of the office and his grifter family can go with him

  23. boobra says:

    how can this scum be so blind to the suffering of marginalized people and oppressed minorities, coming from an ethnic background that was so ostracized and persecuted during the German Holocaust? he should be more empathetic towards people but instead he is merely a Nazi propaganda puppet which to me is even scarier than Covid 19, because of his nonchalant privileged attitude.

  24. L84Tea says:

    “You cannot blame Jared Kushner for holding antiquated opinions because he is the ghost of a sickly Victorian child and therefore a product of his time. Have some sympathy for the poor, undead, racist ghoul. Honestly.”

    … the greatest thing I have ever read!

  25. Chris says:

    With an attitude like that young man you will never become a real boy.

    This is such a provably false idea that it’s bananas anyone still says this out loud.

  26. Liz version 700 says:

    This little troll, who is Baltimore’s most famous slumlord, can go pound sand. Such an entitled little miniature racist.

  27. Aimee says:

    “The ghost of a sickly Victorian child.” That’s freaking GOLD.

  28. AnnaKist says:

    This “Special Advisor to the President” needs to shut the phuck up with his idiot speeches. I just want him to do one thing. Ok, two things: 1. Advise his moronic father-in-law to also shut the phuck up, and 2. Gather the entire tRunp and Kushner klans and phuck right off somewhere far, far away, never to be heard from again.

  29. Nic919 says:

    Putin has pulled back on his contributions which is why it’s quieter than in 2016. He openly stated something positive about Biden, which works as a troll on dump as well, but he’s just not investing as much in his asset because mango mussolini isn’t as helpful as he was 4 years ago.

  30. Mina_Esq says:

    That comment about him being the ghost of a sickly Victorian child…hahahahaha But yeah, this snowflake can’t even deal with a negative billboard in NYC. AS if he would know how to function without money or privilege.

  31. ChillyWilly says:

    Repulsive little piss ant. I bet his hands are always cold and clammy. {{{Shivers}}}

  32. Just A Thought says:

    Those whom never had to do a honest day work. Should be last to call anybody lazy.

  33. Justwastingtime says:

    All I can say is that his Harvard classmates said he was dumber than the hockey recruits .. and at least they actually are good at something

  34. Savannah says:

    Oh my God this is sick!!!! Literally the administration’s let them eat cake moment.