I get that no one is really paying much attention to this story at this point, but I’m going to keep banging on and on about it, much like I did with the “Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux lied for years about being married.” That Aniston-Theroux story has *still* never made it mainstream, and it feels like all of the weeklies – People, Us Weekly, the crazier tabloids – all just decided to ignore the fact that Aniston and Theroux never had to file for divorce because they were never really married, which means that they lied for years.
So it is with Brad Pitt and Nicole Poturalski. Brad Pitt’s team thought they were rolling out his hot new “Angelina Jolie-look-alike girlfriend” at the end of August, right around what would have been Brad and Angelina’s wedding anniversary. Brad took Nico to the Chateau Marmont. We were gifted with many “girlfriend rollout” stories about Nico and their hot chemistry. And then we learned that Nico is married to a 68-year-old man and she’s basically just an Insta-model wannabe and hustler. Suddenly, Nico was shuffled back to Germany and Brad hasn’t seen her since. It’s been two months. Weird, then, that no one is even talking about how weird that whole girlfriend-rollout was and no one is asking Brad where his girlfriend is? Also weird that Nico seems to be settling back into her life with her husband:
Easy come, easy go – especially in an open marriage. Brad Pitt’s gorgeous younger girlfriend, Nicole Poturalski, 27, was spotted out this week having the time of her life with her husband, German restaurateur Roland Mary, 68, just a month after spending time with Pitt in France.
Poturalski and Mary, who have a seven-year-old son together, were seen laughing and smoking with friends at Borchardt, the restaurant Mary owns, in pics obtained by the Daily Mail. The two are in an “open marriage” and Mary is reportedly “not interested” in being jealous about her extramarital dalliance with the hunky actor, according to the Daily Mail.
Poturalski, whose relationship with Pitt, 56, was confirmed by Page Six in August, met the “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’’ star at her husband’s restaurant last summer.
The Polish-born model flew to Los Angeles a few weeks later, and she and Pitt began hooking up, including for a Kanye West concert in November.
I’ve said this whole time that I hope Nico hustles Brad thoroughly. I hope he had to pay her to go quiet. I hope the Pitt interlude helped her career and she gets work from it. But I’d also like to see some bigger questions asked about what the hell Brad was doing and why they “broke up.”
Photos courtesy of Nico’s IG and WENN.
Why would Mrs Nicoary be reunited ? They still are married? So why the big del about being reunited? Rowland Mary sure is a private person compared to his thirsty escort wife. Who knew Brad Pitt was happy to dip into his old friends young wife so casually.
She is repulsive as well as brad showing zero respect to their kids and her husband .
She met Brad while with brads friend Andrew Dominic at Kanye’s church service. Pitt is desperate just like aniston. They are both willing to pay for someone to pretend to date them lol they need to just get back together already
Yes Nico Naey was Andrew Dominics date/ hired for that evening at Kanye West church services. We already saw PR planted photos where Mrs Nico Mary was lookibg at the papratzii very happily. The whole group around Brad included knew the press was there taking photo’s and video’s. Mary Nico got the boost of publicity from Brad Pitt acossiation, considering she was a nobody before that day,despite posing hard in her bedroom. Brad Pitt also got publicity out if this sorry affair, by trying to show every One at his old age and despite destroying his wife and six kids, he is still loved and admired .
There is such ugliness in all this, because there seems no care or respect towards the six children and their mother. Everyoneseems to be overjoyed a dirty old man doing dirty weekends at his children’s family home. If this was some other actor of a women the same media would have lynched them. Brad Pitt and Nick Mary are getting a pass.
What annoys me is not a single media outlet will call out Jennifer Aniston for faking her marriage to Justin Theroux and got fake married on Maddox Jolie-Pitt birthday too. Bpth Jennifer and Justin were happily beiing introduced as husband and wife amoung friebds and chat shows and interviews, also they never corrected anyone about their fake status. Double standards of media for not calling her out.
This bothers me too- a lot. Why not even a note about their bald face lying to friends, family, and the public? No stories about the people who knew the real story, or who didn’t and were shocked and offended.
Considering Jennifer Aniston not only broke Justin Theroux and Heidi Bovine his love in girlfriends 14 year relatshionship, not a single person in mediacallec Jennifer Aniston as a homewrecker. No one cared to call out Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux got why they had to do years of charade of a marriage? What prompted them to live a lie?
Jennifer Aniston had the audacity to marry on Maddox Jolie-Pitt’s birthday, she knew about that, and Justi Theroux didn’t,I bet afterwards he felt ashamed to be used as a pawn in GAS games. Just ever so disgusting why this wasn’t addressed in media and with fans why Jennifer Aniston outright lies about a fake marriage to Justin Theroux. The same media never questioned a divorce filing let alone a marriage certificate. Just disgusting how she is able to fool everyone and no one says anything to call her put.
She continues to underwhelm as a model.
Yeah, what career? She is so bland. No charisma, just a lot of thirst.
The bland thirsty instagram poser managed to get a blue rock for her instagram and CAA hired interns to follow her, to make her relevant and got awarded for her hired services to Brad apitt.
Ironic how Brad Pitt makes out he’s private and an honest man, where in reality he’s become the least private man since his divorce and kids throughout award season for being single. When in reality he was sleeping with this married Nico Mary and with Alia Shawkat . Now all of a sudden Alia for replaced by this thirsty instagram model.
My question is who exposed her identity at the French airport when she went for a dirty weekend at Angelina and kids marital home ? Considering she was covered up, who have her identity away ? Brad Pitt or Mrs Nix Mary?
Does anyone really care about this pairing?
I don’t think anyone really cares because there isn’t really anything to care about. It was “big news” when it first broke but when it seemed Brad got played (which I think he did) and he sent her packing and ghosted her that was it, no more story. She’s certainly been milking it for all it’s worth, but it’s so boring because she’s so boring and its completely one-sided.
If Nico’s husband is okay with it, I don’t really see the big deal. I think more kinds of open relationships need to be mainstream. She just can do better than Brad Pitt.
Brad Pitt needs to retire to behind the scenes. He’s done enough damage to everyone he touches at this point.
You mean the women he paid to fly with him to his kids home? LoL he looks pathetic and his team knows it.
Can you imagine if the show was I the other foot a d it was Angelina, I bet my house these same fans and media would have vilified her every second of her life. But as it’s Brad Pitt it’s ok for him to hire his friends wife to sleep with along with his friends. All these fans praising Brad as as equally pathetic with low morals like him .
I noticed no a single fan or outlet feels for six children’s feelings and how their father is mocking them I know media site trying hard for people for forget he has six kids let alone is their father.
Brad Pitt has lost all that intergrity in my eyes.
Brad Pitt should be ashamed of himself, what type of message is he sending to his 6 children .what a Sleazeball deadbeat father. He is a 57 year old man and still acting irresponsibly chasing his 90’s boyhood.
I am always ashamed of how hard Brad Pitt supporters are down playing him being in a sleazy relashionship with a married woman. A relashionship that appears to be finance means and getting Nico Mary her two minutes fame. Yet his fans think he is a better man for it. More like a pathetic sleazeball of an old man having midlife crisis and still angry and bitter with his ex family.
Seriously, Brad and Jen are puppets and definitely have played people for years. The downfall is they have neglectfully and wrongly hurt 6 innocent kids. And allowed the media and people to slander Angelina for everything that happens to them. Mrs Mary should tell all.
Their own PR agency CAA is openly shaming his 6 kids with their clients antics. They have no remourse or empathy towards the feelings of six kids whom Brad Pitt has attacked and turned his back on and carried on gas lighting their mother. Jennifer Aniaton and Brad Pitt both are bearing tv’s and still using public and fooling them with their PR games. I am just annoyed there still manage to sucker people.
Money and fame is above all.
And no Angelina Jolie does not employ a PR agent. She isn’t a saint but she sure as hell isn’t Satan. These two and their agency is typical HW garbage and those children will destroy that narrative I am willing to bet. That would be karma for him and Aniston.
Out of interest and pretty irrelevant to this topic but does anyone know if AJ still doesn’t employ a PR agency (or have I fallen into another celeb gossip trap?!)
Not to my knowledge ,she still doesn’t employ any PR agency as specific. I know Brad got her to be with his agency CAA when they first started dating , but she had left them after 3 months and said she didn’t need one. I don’t belive she like the underhanded sly practices the PR agencies use. You can see Brad And Jennifer sure can’t live without their PR agency. It’s the agency that made them and keeps them relevant while defaming Jolie.
I don’t understand why JA is getting dragged into this conversation. She has nothing to do with the kids. BP is the one that should be taking his kids feelings into consideration. Unfortunately, he’s acted very inconsiderate towards them. Seems to be his MO.
Considering how happily jennifer Aniston has played her role with connecting back with Brad Pitt, the same guy who humilated and dumped and divorced her . For whom Jennifer Aniston threw a Pitty Party for last 15 years, despite over his treatment of leaving her for evil Angelina, she left no stone unturned by using medua and friends in attacking Jolie and her children , we know Jennifer Aniston has her own axe to grind and now she acts like the cat that got the cream with begging him back , doing public planted photo ops and sleazy table reads . She plays the game just as Brad Pitt does , why should she be untouchable and left out of playing her dirty part in Brad Pitt’s life . I hate this double standards of Jennifer Aniston getting a pass in playing her part in gaslighting Angelina and the children via Pitt. She like Pitt has no shame what his children will see and read, by the same woman who made their mother’s life living hell by spreading hate against her. Pitt and Aniston deserve each other,both are com artists.
@Anonymous. You don’t know how Aniston is getting dragged into this? Well because she is in this. She loves getting dragged into this, she is obsessed with getting dragged into anything Jolie and Pitt.
She is pathetically spiteful and jealous of Angelina Jolie. Period!!! So much so she has spent over a decade of professionally hating and slandering HER and most like her children by any means necessary!
She and her mean girl club and media hounds. Now that Pitt was set free by Jolie she ditched her fake husband and publicly attached herself to the golden man child again. They and CAA with no regard to his kids play media games about their reunions for fame They both deserve every inch of criticism and back lash they get.
@Gotcha THIS
I think it’s pretty funny how bad the roll out went, and how quickly she was sent away after everything blew up in his face.
That was the most laughable part, when Brad Pitt got exposed with this open married Nico Mary old enough to be his daughter let alone neice age group . It was so hilarious to see how fast he moved , that he wasted no time and got her packing back to her husband and kid in Germany .
Looks like he wasn’t happy with the married Nico Mary overstepping her duties snort! from bedroom duties, when her agent tipped the media with her full name and wjo her latest sugar daddy she’s with . She also sold the inside Miraval yellow shorts pics to the German magazine Bild.
It appears she didn’t sign an NDA with Brad Pitt like Alia Shawkat did, so she’s managed to make most of her soliciting agreement work Brad Pitt.
Now got her tail running back to her husband and child, until she passes her number to the next rich old man.
I am happy Brad Pitt got this affair blow up in his face. Just saddened for the kids who has to hear this.
Considering the heartache and trauma Brad Pitt’s actions caused to his children and their mother, you would think dating random famewhore insta model’s would be the last thing on his mind . Pitt doesn’t seem to put his family’s needs for and foremost, before his own selfish needs. He us a narsassist man, always has been. At least likes of Ben Affleck despite their addictions is still able to have custody to his kids and see them without monitors, unlike Pitt. Pitt also thinks by gaslighting kids mother would make the kids happy, what an idiot and hartless man.
No wonder the children still are not feeling safe with him without court appointed monitors around his meetings with them.
All children are at the age the can themselves read and see what’s happening with Brad and his extra salacious activities with married women at their childhood homes.
The isnta model is equally a bad example for her son and husband.
Why is no one talking about the fact she is 27, and has a 7 YEAR OLD with her 68 year old husband?!?
So she was 19 when she got knocked up by her 60 year old boyfriend/husband. Yuck. If Diplo is grooming a 19year old at 41, then don’t see how this is different.