Khloe Kardashian had the coronavirus & there’s a KUWTK clip to prove it


I’m generally not down with all of the hysteria around various horrific Kardashian stories. Every time something awful happens to one of them, people spit out: “Oh, it’s all just for the reality show.” That happened with Kanye’s manic episodes, none of which were exploited on the show. That happened with Kim’s Paris robbery, none of which was shown on the show (only the aftermath in the days following the assault, and Kim dealing with the trauma). Yes, they exploit sh-t in their lives, like cheating scandals and drugs and alcohol abuse and all of that. But there’s a line and they usually don’t cross it.

All that being said, this came across as really… crass and exploitative, in a way. In the same week where Kim Kardashian posted photos and information from her private-island birthday getaway, E! producers cut together a KUWTK clip where we find out that Khloe Kardashian had the coronavirus several months ago. Here’s the clip:

First of all, how sick can Khloe be if she’s wearing winged eyeliner, mascara and those ridiculous fake nails? I look like ten kinds of sh-t when I just have a simple cold. People who have been puking their guts out with the damn coronavirus don’t put on foundation, powder, eye makeup, mascara and their acrylics just to film themselves on an iPhone talking about their corona.

And Kris Jenner talking about calling up every doctor she knows… holy YIKES. Those doctors are literally dealing with a deadly pandemic! I wonder if those doctors were like “is she well enough to put on mascara? Well then she’s going to be okay.”

Also: I do feel bad for Khloe, just like I feel sorry for everyone who gets the virus. The virus doesn’t care if you work out constantly, eat only salads and have an ass of lies. Corona is no joke, and if Khloe helps bring that home for people, good for her. But yeah. This clip just felt… off.

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💛 BEST TRIP EVER!! Thank you Keeks 💛 📸 @pierresnaps

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Photos courtesy of Khloe’s social media.

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29 Responses to “Khloe Kardashian had the coronavirus & there’s a KUWTK clip to prove it”

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  1. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    How many faces are we up to now?

    • Sarah says:

      I guess that depends on whether you’re talking actual face that you would see if you saw her on the street or the weird stuff she posts online that often looks nothing like her. Just looking at those bikini pics it took me a minute to realise they were of her.

      • Andrew’s Nemesis says:

        Right? She’s got a fembot vibe in the first picture that makes me do a double/triple take – to the extent that whatever I originally came here to say has gone clean out of my head.

      • Silent Star says:

        She has no nose in those bikini pics!

    • Millenial says:

      I’m still stuck on how odd all the fat-rearranging looks. I dunno what you call this, what’s a Brazilian butt lift but on your hips?

  2. lucy2 says:

    Funny the timing huh? Everyone was trashing them for the “we’re so humbled, we want to feel normal on our private island during a pandemic” nonsense, so quick, out with the story that poor poor Khloe had Covid.
    They’re all terrible, and I hope they fizzle out with 2020.

    • minx says:

      Same, I want both Trump and the K/J clan to go away. Sick of all of them.

      • AnnaKist says:

        Ahh. Wouldn’t it be great if the lot of them, K-Js and trumps, all linked arms and walked away together, into the sunset, and when they reached the horizon, just fell off the edge of the earth? It’s ok, the littlies aren’t with them. They’re being well looked after and loved by their grandad’s family.

    • petee says:

      I doubt she had it.She wouldn’t even want camera’s around or let alone even want to deal with all that make-up and silly nails.This family will use anything to stay relevant.And as far as I am concerned that is disgusting because Covid is a very serious thing and this poor excuse of a family are using it for that stupid show of theirs.

  3. Astrid says:

    Anything for continued attention

  4. grabbyhands says:

    Sure Jan.

    So sick while being fully made up after being tested by a doctor wearing zero protective gear.

    Totally believable and in no way a stunt from a family that will do anything for attention, not to mention the person most desperate for the popularity that the rest of the family has.

    I want to feel bad for her, but then I remember what culture vultures she and the rest of the family are and how manufactured their whole life is.

  5. Noki says:

    So this happened months ago and they kept quiet just to boost ratings for their show,even appearing on Ellen to talk about it. They are very capable of npt over sharing when they have another agenda.

  6. Lenn says:

    Currently in bed with covid and it sucks. I’ve never been so exhausted in my life. And I’ve had chemo. Twice. So it really is no joke.

  7. (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

    If you see the pic, of Kloven being “treated”, this “doctor” (actor!!) is NOT wearing gloves, a gown OR A MASK while giving her a NOSE SWAB. TOTAL BS!!! Lolol it’s really almost comical that they think people, even their stupid fans, will look at this as real!!

    It beggars belief.

    • CuriousCole says:

      I got a Covid test from a clinic on Tuesday and I was the only one wearing a mask. None of the nurses, receptionists nor my doctor is wearing one. Not even to swab my mouth for the test. I won’t be going back there but I’m mainly sharing because a few actual doctors are anti-mask. He actually spent over 10 minutes talking about how he’s reviewed 60 years of literature on mask efficacy and that it doesn’t work. My public health training says otherwise but I needed the test so…

  8. Monette says:

    Where was Kylie? Was she not invitetd to the party or she didn’t want to be a target on insta?
    Or was she the one behind the camera???

  9. Likeyoucare says:

    Do people even care about her?
    I really want to know how much each person get for their reality show?
    How much did she got per episode?

  10. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Lmao. If she wanted to be believed, she should’ve told the makeup artist to paint a sick face.

  11. My3cents says:

    Was this around the time she got her new face? Hmmm…..
    So up until now their excuses where- its filter, its makeup, its hormones, it’s my period, blah blah. Now they have a new excuse for their new face/ ass/lips, Covid?

  12. gemcat says:

    Not sure if Khloe has had Covid or not, but a friend of mine got it a few months ago and was actually less sick from Covid than from a regular cold (she got tested) and her roommate also had it quite mild, I dunno. Some people just really don’t get very sick from it at all.. that is not to say that we should not act as if it’ll hit you hard, because for very many people it definitely does..

  13. ME says:

    She might have actually had Covid but on the show they love to re-create scenes. Kim even re-did the scene were Kris Humphries proposes because she didn’t like how she looked the first time, so she walked out of the room and had the cameras and crew start over lmao. Insane ! I don’t understand how anyone could have those f*cking claw nails during a deadly pandemic. How the f*ck are you washing your hands properly ??!!

  14. Sammiches says:

    She is not wearing mascara, she is using a filter in the video that adds lashes/makeup.

    • Sophie says:


    • Christine says:

      Yes, exactly what I wanted to say. You can see the color of her eyes change and move with her when she moves her head. It’s a filter, without it she would look like an actual sick person, which apparently is very horrifying to her.

  15. Alice says:

    Is that a scar across her stomach? It kind of looks like the scars I’ve seen when people have skin removal/tummy tuck surgery, but maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.