Chris Brown: Rihanna attack was blown out of proportion, media is ‘immature’

Chris Brown’s full interview on Larry King Live aired last night and I had the chance to watch the whole thing on the podcast on CNN that’s now available. The guy doesn’t come off much better in the full interview than the shifty kind of mumbling clips we’ve already seen. He does seem a little more human when he talks about witnessing domestic violence at home. He said he would be afraid to go to sleep at night and that his mom’s husband beat her when he was around seven. His mom sits right beside him in the interview and cries during this part while Chris looks kind of detached.

Chris says some of the right things about his attack on Rihanna, but he looks visibly angry at times. Maybe I’m judging him based on what I already know about the guy, but even at the beginning of the interview he looks pissed off to be there, like he shouldn’t have to be apologizing at all. He refuses to go into the details of the incident and can barely explain what set him off that night.

In a moment I’ll include some of E! Online’s recap of the show. (They do a good job and I have to learn to get over my compulsion to transcribe entire interviews.) One thing Brown said that really struck me is that the incident – you know the one where he choked Rihanna, hit her repeatedly, bit her ear and smashed her face into the windshield – was blown out of proportion by the media. I get the impression that he has a lot of resentment that he’s even required to apologize to the public and he thinks we should forget it because he already sort-of said he was sorry.


Larry: Are things calm for you now?…
Chris: I think it’s more relief now that everything is… said and done as far as what I have to do and what’s going on. It’s no more media frenzy for them to kind of blow out of proportion anymore

A little bit later Chris calls the media “immature” and compares it to “high school.” This comes after Larry asked him about the judge admitting that some of the media “chatter” had affected her ruling.

On the “immature” media
Chris: The media as far as the “immature” media, I feel like it’s high school sometimes, how people just pride themselves on personals [sic] business. I feel like they spun a lot of stuff out of control as far as with the judge… everybody reads the newspapers, everybody reads the blogs… it’s easily influenced when there’s something that’s already stated like it happened.

Notice how he never admits what he did, is blaming the media for covering the attack, and is skirting around the brutal beating he inflicted.

Chris’ lawyer says that major newspapers put out false stories about Chris and Rihanna spending time together after the incident. There were pictures of Chris outside Rihanna’s house in the morning in April. How is that a false story?

Larry also asks Chris about the photo that leaked of a beaten Rihanna, and he says that he wasn’t sure if it was altered or not. Chris focuses on how he felt about it, not on how hurt Rihanna must have been, saying “it took a toll on me.”

On the photo of beaten Rihanna: “It took a toll on me”
I first saw it… a week after the incident… I didn’t know what to think at the time, I was like ‘what’? At the time, I just didn’t honestly know what to think. I didn’t know if the picture were [sic] altered, I didn’t know if they were real. I didn’t know, what. I just felt so disappointed like in myself… When I look at it now, it’s just like wow, I can’t believe that that actually happened. It just really like took a toll on me.

We heard these quotes before, but in context they’re even worse. Chris is saying that he didn’t really accept what he did and that dealing with it hurt him. He never says a damn thing about the injuries and physical pain he inflicted on the woman he claims he still loves.

Here’s E!’s recap of the interview. Again, Chris says some of the right things but you can tell that he wants to get out of his community service requirements and that he doesn’t feel a lot of remorse for his actions. He offers a lot of excuses and explanations without seeming to understand the gravity of what he did. His lawyer claims that Chris wanted to take responsibility immediately, but that he advised him not to. I don’t believe that at all, especially given that obnoxious video he recorded and the way that Chris is still blaming the media for his problems.

“I’m not saying domestic violence is a part of relationships,” he said when asked by Larry King last week why he thinks he got violent with his then-girlfriend back in February.

“We’re both young, nobody taught us how to love one another. No one taught us a book on how to control our emotions, our anger.”

“I’m not trying to fall on the fact that I’m young,” the 20-year-old singer added, his soft tone and blue bowtie only serving to emphasize his boyishness. “There’s a lot of stuff I wish I could have changed that night.”

But seeing as how that’s impossible, all he can do is hope for a bunch of better tomorrows.

“I’ve said countless times how sorry I am—to Rihanna,” Brown said last week in an interview that aired tonight on Larry King Live. “It’s a night I wish I could just take back…I feel totally ashamed of what I did”

The repentant R&B star emphasized that he wants to put his best foot forward from now on—something he might be able to do now that he’s established that “of course” he remembers attacking Rihanna in the wee hours of Feb. 8.

“Our relationship was pretty good,” Brown said of their life together leading up to the incident. “We had a pretty sturdy and great relationship.”

However, Brown repeatedly refused to discuss the particulars of that night and why he treated Rihanna the way he did.

“It’s one of those things I wish I could have relived to make it totally different,” he said simply.

At least Brown’s mother, who says she loves Rihanna like a daughter, and his lawyer appear fully confident that the “Run It” purveyor is not the irredeemable abuser some might consider him to be.

“One of the things that’s interesting about Chris is, he wanted to take responsibility immediately,” said defense attorney Mark Geragos. “He did not want to deny this…That’s not usual in my line of work,” he quipped.

“He was forthright, he felt guilty, he felt a great deal of remorse,” Geragos continued, adding that it was only because of his lawyerly advice that Brown didn’t immediately start apologizing in every direction.

“He kept saying, ‘I want to talk to Rihanna, I want to apologize, I want to get help, I don’t want this to happen ever, ever again, and I want to make this up to my mom.'”

When King reminded Brown that he could have done jailtime if he had immediately copped to the beating, the singer replied, “That’s something I would’ve had to accept.”

As for the punishment he did get—five years’ probation, a year of domestic-violence counseling and 180 days of community labor, which will include picking up trash, cleaning up graffiti and other menial tasks—Brown does feel, however, that there possibly are better ways for him to help his community.

“I feel like with what I’m capable of doing as far as influencing people, influencing kids, I could do a lot more to help the community other than picking up trash,” he said, quickly adding, “I’m not saying it’s something wrong…but there’s a lot more that I could do, inside of our community.”

Geragos thinks that counseling will certainly help Brown, whom he’s come to love “like a son or a nephew.”

“I have a high degree of confidence he’s not going to do anything like this in the future,” the attorney said.

“I don’t think, at the end of the day, my career’s over,” Brown concluded. “I just need to prove to people I can be a role model.”

And he’s “pretty sure [he and Rihanna] can always be friends.”

[From E! Online]

So Chris doesn’t think his career is over? Sadly, he could be right, even after this piss poor excuse for an “apology.” The kid is not ready to face this in front of the media, because he doesn’t accept what he’s done.


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54 Responses to “Chris Brown: Rihanna attack was blown out of proportion, media is ‘immature’”

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  1. Firestarter says:

    God I hate him!

  2. Len says:

    O God, I hate him too. I hate him more than anyone. I hate him a zillion times more than Speidi! I keep hating him more with every word he says. I never thought I would say this, but: let him suffer, in some way please let this boy suffer! I just can’t handle it any more!

  3. Neelyo says:

    It’s always the media’s fault.

    Unfortunately I don’t think it will affect his career. If R. Kelly can get away with all that he’s done and still sell millions of records, I bet Brown will get a pass as well. Sad.

  4. tinlizzy says:

    It’s always someone else’s fault – isn’t it? Just own up to it – you did the beating – the media didn’t, they just blasted your dirty story all over for everyone to see.

  5. Anna says:

    “nobody taught us how to love one another”??? This guy is an unbelievable jerk, just giving every excuse in the book. Please, no one should have to be taught that hitting women is wrong and that there are better ways to deal with one’s frustration and anger. Calling the media immature is hilarious. He’s the most immature jackass out there in the business. I can’t believe he still makes millions from his musical endeavours.

  6. crash2GO2 says:

    Dude’s messed up.

  7. Megan says:

    Len, I totally agree!!! He gives a whole new meaning to the word “douchebag”

  8. OXA says:

    What kind of a role model could this narcissistic piece of excrement possilbly be.

  9. Cinderella says:

    Where does he find time for television appearances when he has a ton of community service to perform?

    Bitch needs to get to work. Those shelters need cleaning.

  10. nena says:

    Ohhhh shut up, you piece of crap!!!!

  11. lilred says:

    Are you kidding me…was that just make up she put on so we would think you beat her? Oh right it was all fake. what an asshat.

  12. Len says:

    I have to say though, that I also feel alot of irritation towards Rihanna. If she had taken a more powerful stand against him, he wouldn’t be able to get away with this lame excuse-talk. She would have taken all the wind out of his sails. I need her to shut him up! She owes that to every battered woman out there.

  13. Len says:

    I thought I couldn’t endure dumb celebs like Paris and Lindsay, but this is so much worse. SO MUCH WORSE. This is possibly the dumbest, most arrogant, spoiled, rotten celebrity out there.

  14. sauvage says:

    Boyfriend will need A LOT of counseling. Diagnosis A**hole.

  15. Leticia says:


  16. Jazz says:

    This is classic woman beater behavior. It’s always “someone else’s fault”, and everything is “always blown out of proportion”. He’s more sorry about the publicity, not the actual act. His douchebag face makes me want to throw up.

  17. Linda says:

    Really – no one told this asshole that punching the shit out of someone wasn’t love. Blood splatter on the dashboard of your car doesn’t equate to a lifelong commitment.

    This guy is the lowest piece of shit.

  18. n says:

    what arrogance.
    can’t understand anyone wanting to pay to see this guy in anything.

    his mother should be so ashamed that she raised him.

  19. Kate says:


  20. VABEACHBITCH says:

    i used to like chris…now..not so much. He is making himself look like a fool. I liked him better when his mouth was shut. Is PR team sucks and so does he!

  21. anna says:

    I’d like to talk to his mother and ask her if she scolded or coddled her son after he came to her to tell her he beat the sh*t out of his girlfriend.

    If that was my kid, we’d being going for a car ride to the police station, not calling a lawyer for damage control. But I’m not from an entitled, overly wealthy family, and my son isn’t my meal ticket.

  22. filthycute says:


  23. Rudy says:

    Chris Brown is an arrogent finger pointing jerk.
    One attribute that all abusers share is the blame game – it’s never their fault – case in point.

    Face the facts – no matter how much you try to sugar coat things –
    Deal with your consequences!

  24. jessiee says:

    I agree with all the comments before me. But I can’t believe no one has commented on WHAT HE’S WEARING!! Good lord.

  25. Jeane says:

    I know right?? A SWEATER with a BEAU TIE?? Yeah, real classy.

    When all this just happened, the media came down really hard on him and I was ready to give the boy a break. He comes from a background with domestic violence, had a bad childhood and I assumed he was horrified at what he had done.

    Whatever Chris, if you’re not sorry, then neither am I.

  26. abitbrit says:

    What an ass. Ugly inside and out, and with the sartorial sense of a warthog.

    Having said that, I find myself compelled to apologise to all warthogs the world over.

  27. original kate says:

    “When I look at it now, it’s just like wow, I can’t believe that that actually happened.”

    argh! it didn’t just “happen”, like rhianna woke up with the flu. i hate the way he keeps saying that it just happened; he made it happen with his fists. and he’s too good to pick up trash? he ought to be thrilled he isn’t in jail playing hide the salami with his cellmate.

  28. really says:

    I didn’t see this interview and do not plan to. I should not have even wasted my time reading this article- this guy is not worth it- but confirms that he really does not get it. He doesn’t know why he cannot get away with it.

  29. Cheyenne says:

    Jesus please us. Every time this idiot opens his mouth, in goes his foot.

    Good thing for him I’m not his momma. If my son ever beat up my daughter-in-law, I’d whoop his ass.

  30. ! says:

    Right, the media is the one who’s immature. Said the boy in a baby blue cardigan and bow tie.

  31. mark says:

    He is UNBELIEVABLY full of himself and tries to hide it behind this fake little boy clean cut image that is completely fake.
    He can’t speak, has horrible english and should go back to school and shut his selfish whiny ass up.
    I used to think he was an interesting person\artist, now I think he’s a major fuckhead and I’d like nothing better than for him to disappear,,,

  32. Ron says:

    Ike said the same thing about Tina when she was divorcing him. This is all blown out of preportion etc etc. I can’t even look at this guy without thinking of Rhianna’s bloody face. The whole interview was disgusting and self serving. In my opinion he should man up and take responsibility for what he’s done and BEG for forgiveness.

    And that little putz tie he’s wearing….please.

  33. Jewel says:

    The community service part gets me.

    “I feel like with what I’m capable of doing as far as influencing people, influencing kids, I could do a lot more to help the community other than picking up trash,” he said, quickly adding, “I’m not saying it’s something wrong…but there’s a lot more that I could do, inside of our community.”

    Why doesn’t he voluntarily do more for his community… He’s only going to do good if its ordered by a judge, not role model actions JUST WORDS.

  34. He’s immature scum and is still not taking responsibility’s for his actions.

    That fact that this has not really affected his life sickens me. He set such a dangerous example and is a weak, sorry excuse for a man. Ugh.

  35. hmm says:

    It’s obvious that at some point he will do it again because he feels not an ounce of remorse and is denying all or part of it. He believes the photo may have been altered? What a lying piece of filth and shame on his mom, a victim of abuse, for allowing her son to play the victim when he is the perpetrator. He says no one taught him how to love and it’s obvious that no one taught him how to be accountable either.

  36. TEK says:

    What’s with the baby-blue schoolboy getup?! I just wanna punch him in that outfit!!

  37. Anak says:

    He should be in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. John Jackson says:

    The bow tie helps.

  39. Ophelia says:

    I watched the whole thing last night and it literally nauseated me. My husband couldn’t even stay in the room, it pissed him off so much. You’d think with his lawyer and overly supportive mother there, they would have properly coached him to at least sound slightly sorry for what he did. What an asshole.

    And that “nobody taught us how to love each other” comment he made is absurd. Because in every relationship you’re just beating the piss out of each other until a wise adult comes by and says that’s not how it’s done. Jackass.

  40. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Cheyenne: Correction. It’s TOO BAD that you’re not his mother. No one taught her how to raise a kid who was kind, articulate and genuine. I’m trying hard to think ‘judge not,…’, but, I can’t. I had a really rough childhood, and work through it all the time. I’m not saying that I’m a saint, but when I was able to do so–and safely– I made the decision to get counselling.

    For a large chunk of the time, I had to do it in secret, so I know how hard it is to be in fear, to rally resources when there are none, and to have to make up an intricate series of lies under the microscope while carrying on with daily business. It’s an education, but who else exactly is going to fix it for you? Do you think his stepfather is crying into his pillow distraught over what he did? Maybe, but likely not. And if so, what of it? Will it transform your life? No.

    I know abuse, but I also know perseverence and culpability. After a certain age, if you don’t do your DUTY (to yourself and the others who have to share a planet with you) and work towards growth, it increasingly becomes your own fault. It’s irresponsible. But it’s also pathetic. Why would you give all of your power away to someone else, especially if that person doesn’t have your best interests in mind or simply isn’t good for you? You may get the moral highground, but you haven’t won anything.

    Take your life by the horns, and do the work that it takes to drive it somewhere other than into perdition. Let your acts, attitude and smart, successful life redeem you. And hey, you’ll be revenged on the ones who hurt you. Thought that’s not the point. He’s very nearly a grown man now, and the Osh-Kosh-Begosh act is wildly inappropriate and ineffective.

  41. Munkey says:

    anna: Amen to that, my friend.

  42. nonok says:

    ugh…the only thing blown out of proportion was rihanna’s face by the looks of those pictures that were released.

    he makes me sick. how is he not in jail?

  43. elusive says:

    Ug why even cover this. He’s such a douche. Can we help him continue to kill his career with a life-long Chris Brown ban? The only other piece of Chris Brown news I ever want to hear is when one of JayZ’s thugs beats him to within an inch of his life like he did to Rhianna.

    Ban Chris “Beat-her-down” Brown

  44. Shannon says:

    What a waste of a human being. Of COURSE he thinks the media blew this out of proportion, because he doesn’t think what he did was that bad – that’s how he allowed himself to do it in the first place! Don’t buy abusers’ line of bull that they didn’t mean to do it, they just can’t control their temper. Funny, they never beat their bosses or guys bigger than them when they get mad – I guess they can control their temper when the consequences are severe enough (i.e. getting fired or getting beaten themselves). Chris beat Rihanna because he ALLOWED himself to, because it felt GOOD to him to hurt and humiliate her. He deserves every second of the media hatred against him and then some.

  45. Jag says:

    Nothing is stopping him from doing whatever he’s alluding to in helping the community as a role model WHILE he’s doing his community service. Him saying that is like whoever that was that said he wanted to put on a concert or something, instead of doing community service.

  46. GatsbyGal says:

    His stupid sweater/bow-tie combo reminds me of an episode of South Park, in which Cartman dresses up in a fancy sweater and slacks in order to “act nice”, and one of the other boys tells him, “That’s not being nice, that’s just putting on a nice sweater.” And Cartman says earnestly, “I don’t know the difference.”

    Seriously, how retarded does he look? I wish I could have him alone in a sound-proof room for an hour. He’d be crying for his dumb-ass mom within the first minute.

  47. shirley says:

    i really think we should give him a chance. sincerely i blame Rihana for bringing herself so low to such a state. she was older than him for heaven sakes he was just nineteen last year. RIHANA i hope you’ve learnt to stick with older guyz or maybe even those your age. as for me chris brown the bow tie is trying to hard, for me. it jst seems like itz totally not you. the music world can not do without your voice so do what you do best and SHUTUP

  48. Iggles says:

    shirley – You sound like Chris’s base. The blame the victim crowd. The ‘she must have provoked him’ crowd. The ‘Chris is so cute, I forgive him’ crowd. For your sake, I really hope you never get involved with a guy like him. A toxic, violent, immature, manipulative, narcissist who *clearly* has a personality disorder.

    This dude has bad news written all over him and I for one am glad his misdeeds have been brought to light. I feel he has much farther to fall be he really gets help. He has yet to address any of his issues. I fear there will be another ‘incident’..

  49. Aspen says:

    Do you know how many people in this world grow up in abusive homes with effed up parents, alcoholic parents, getting beaten, living in poverty, being bullied, neglected, ignored altogether, verbally torn down, etcetera…and they CHOOSE to be decent, good people.

    They grow up. They find friends who can teach them what their family did not. They choose to love instead of get bitter.

    They do all that without the money, fame, and astronomical opportunities this piece of human filth has had.

    No one ever “taught” him? That’s both stupid and a lie.

    Examples of love and human decency are all around us every day. We choose who we become to a very, VERY large extent. And I can guarantee you that at some point along the way, he was informed by somebody somewhere that hitting people…is bad.

  50. Daniel says:

    You know what’s funny is that on his “official” website where people leave him notes, anything past like the “incident” has all been deleted! loL! and you can’t post comments on there anymore, looks like people were posting stuff he didn’t like, lol!

  51. Mya says:

    I really understand that people are angry with Chris Brown. I am sure he beats himself up over it as well more then you. after all it’s their life not you alls.I don’t know Chris Brown or Rihanna, But nevertheless he took responsibility for his actions. He drove himself to jail and he pleaded guilty. I am not the one that should forgive Chris and it’s not going to hinder me from thinking he is a great talent. The man is paying for his crime. I think a lot of you should look at yourselves before you point fingers at this man. Mistakes happen and we are all human. But if you want to take a stand for abused women, then you get off of your behinds and go to the shelters of men aaaaaaaaand women who suffer and don’t have anyone saying I was wrong and I take responsibility. He and Rihanna deserve to move on- hopefully he will not make this same mistake. But you don’t judge this man. he has already been judged.

  52. CB Rawks says:

    “…hopefully he will not make this same mistake. But you don’t judge this man. he has already been judged.”

    Jesus christ.
    Yeah it was a *mistake*. Like forgetting to turn off the coffee machine. Oooops.
    Damn people like you piss me off.

  53. 4Real says:

    Did he think he was going to a court appearance? What’s with the blue sweater and bow-tie? Get the *uck outta here you bad-tempered little brat. Probably hits his mama too!

  54. sandy says:

    I feel that everyone just needs to stop trying to judge this situation. I’m not saying that Chris Browns actions were right They are far from being right. No one should ever have to go through something like this. But… much as it was wrong none of us are in this situation so stop trying to put your self in it. Remember things look different on the outside looking in. WE ARE THE OUTSIDERS!!! STOP LOOKING IN!!!! I’m not saying to ignore this but keep your rude comments to yourself leave Chris alone!!!!