Katie Holmes on the pandemic: ‘I believe we have become better people’

katie vogue

Katie Holmes covers Vogue Australia, likely in part to highlight her work as an ambassador for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. It’s kind of a half-assed cover profile though – it’s clear that Katie was only really interested in posing for photos, not participating in the interview. So Vogue Australia basically let her write a little essay about… nothing, really. She’s just talking about being in New York for the pandemic and that’s about it. It’s like it was written by someone who works at Dairy Queen.

Life in New York: “Today I am in New York City. It is October of 2020. The city is emerging as a whole because of the fortitude and hard work of so many. There is a feeling of true connectedness among strangers. The subway isn’t as busy as it once was but we see each other more clearly now. We think about one another in appreciation for having survived the pandemic mentally, emotionally and physically.

She read a lot during the pandemic: “The journey of the pandemic for me was filled with many experiences. During this time, I revisited books that I value, including, Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Just Kids by Patti Smith and Play it as it Lays by Joan Didion.

She was still & quiet: “Hobbies such as sewing, painting and writing became new hallmarks of satisfaction and having had time at home to just be. To listen. To live for a moment in time without the pressure of results and instead appreciate the natural rhythms of mother and daughter was the most precious gift.

She traveled to Ohio at some point: “Seeing my family in Ohio after months of FaceTime calls felt like Christmas morning. My mom’s eyes were brighter, my dad’s hands even stronger and our hugs much tighter. Taking time in Washington Square Park with a friend whose little child was taking his first steps brought me back to when my own child began to walk. I felt nostalgic and in awe of the power of time and the continuation of life.

She’s hopeful: “The world has shifted and taken on a new shape and I believe we have become better people. The absence of routine, the revelation of truths that lie just below the surface, the challenge of moving forwards despite fear, and the willingness to be open to what our new world will be, are realities that have connected us all. My fingers are crossed that what began as shock will end in hope. And that our deepened empathy towards one another is what we will carry with us into 2021 and beyond.

[From Vogue Australia]

I mean… I mostly think it’s weird that she’s acting like the pandemic is over? It’s not over. While the state of New York was hit early and hard and now they’re in better shape than the rest of the country, none of this is by any means over, and it won’t be over for a while. But I like the idea of Katie just sitting in her apartment and sewing and painting. That sounds restful. Except that starting in late August, she began going on a Manhattan-exclusive love tour with her new guy, Emilio Vitolo. Sigh… at least they were wearing masks though.

Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr. hold hands as they go shopping in NYC

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, cover courtesy of Vogue Australia.

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24 Responses to “Katie Holmes on the pandemic: ‘I believe we have become better people’”

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  1. Mac says:

    Rich white woman enjoys pandemic.

    • Snowbunny says:

      I don’t begrudge her what sounds like a lovely time during this extremely sh*tty year, but these are not things to say publicly right now.

      She should save it for a memoir 30 years from now where she acknowledges how odd and lucky it was that she was able to create meaning in a time that is ripping family, friends, sanity, and livelihoods from many of us.

  2. Chica1971 says:

    Weird outfit.. Looks like repurposed garbage bag .. very Kanye..

  3. Elo says:

    Honestly this just shows her massive privilege.
    People have not gotten better- in many places they are still screaming at one another about whether or not to wear a mask.
    I’m glad the pandemic has been restful for Katie Holmes I guess. This is so out of touch.

  4. atorontogal says:

    wait…..what? this pandemic has shown people for who they really are imo…and that aint pretty!

  5. Case says:

    Better people? For the most part I feel like all I’ve seen in the US is people selfishly doing whatever they want and prolonging the pandemic for everyone. Meanwhile our elected officials are too scared to stir the pot and have shutdowns again, even though the virus is worse than it was in March.

    Someone who lives alone and will likely continue to be alone through 2021, who has loved ones who have to go to offices with idiots who don’t wear masks.

    • Snowbunny says:

      I actually have decided I need to live outside the U.S. in the future. I’m not one of those “I’m moving to Canada if X gets elected!” people, but I am *really* struggling with the lack of empathy so many Americans are showing on so many fronts right now. The lack of empathy for Black people when their kids get shot by the police, for their communities and neighbors when they refuse to mask up, and for people in over their head with student loans (regardless of the right solution, the lack of empathy is astonishing). I try to do my part to make this country a better place, and I acknowledge I’m fairly privileged anyway, but I need a break from America and its obsession with individual “liberty” at some point.

      • Two Teas says:

        I think addressing income inequality and the culture of meritocracy is key. Michael Sandel, that super popular professor (at Harvard, ironically) has just released a book on why meritocracy is so false. From the ’90s the US has been shifting to the centre.

        Katie’s essay (I thought it was an email interview at first) makes some good points but she’s kind of insubstantial on certain points.

  6. Jules says:

    Her agent is always trying to reinvent her or stage some kind of comeback but it never sticks. As her interview shows, I think she’s kinda boring and vanilla. Nothing wrong with staying in and doing nothing, but do we really need this interview lol?

    • Case says:

      I feel like she’s really just a very normal person and doesn’t have anything too exciting or enlightening to say. It’s kind of nice to see Hollywood people who are like that, but at the same time…it makes for some boring interviews.

  7. Goldie says:

    I think there may have been a brief period where people were at least finally showing some appreciation for lower income service workers. But it didn’t last long. So yeah, not sure if we’ve become better people.

  8. ce says:

    Ummm… I don’t know what new york Katie lives in, but my experience has been that it’s only more obvious who is the selfish one because a mask is a visual cue… let me tell you, unfortunately, people are still *ssholes in New York, just like before, except now it might kill someone. I guess she lives in Chelsea, right? Her perspective is a little skewed

  9. lillyfromlilooet says:

    “The city is emerging as a whole because of the fortitude and hard work of so many. ”

    People, relax: she didn’t write this. She gave an interview with some specifics of what she’s reading and doing (selectively) and someone wrote “the city is emerging as a whole” which went unchecked by, uh, any professional writer. She didn’t write it and you don’t need to rage against it. Time is much better spent by wondering if those are boots+waders+pants in that cover shoot or what.

    • GuestwithCat says:

      Well if that’s true her publicist needs a good talking to. Someone needs to vet these interviews for the sake of her image.

      • lillyfromlilooet says:

        Heard. That is some freshman composition mess of a sentence about the city emerging as a whole. Maybe her team trusted the editors at Vogue. Love the hair and the sharp jacket on the cover but all that is entirely cancelled out by some crazy below the waist choices.

        I find myself getting more and more nervous as she continues on with that guy–I can neither see this long term nor ending well. You heard the prediction here first–in 2021, he’s going to get caught on camera squeezing the buns of a 20-year-old.

      • Two Teas says:

        Yes, she does sound like she’s writing an essay for a first year university subject.

  10. GuestwithCat says:

    Wow, she’s sounding like she’s further up on Mt. Olympus than even we lucky ones with some secure (for now) income coming in.

    I’ve been a stay at home mom for several years and my husband had been able to hold onto his job, through some temporary severe pay cuts, but it’s there. So yes, I do have more time to be still and reflective and cocoon with my family more…but only up to a point.

    There are still a LOT of things I am involved in and responsible for that have been drastically complicated by the pandemic. My work with strays and ferals has gone through dramas too long for this comments section. Don’t get me started on the heartache of not being able to help my dad on doctors visits for my very frail elderly mom. Even my dad has had to fight tooth and nail to be by her side. She’s at times so unwell she forgets English and the doctors throw jargon at her. My dad has to preside over her care and Covid makes that a nightmare for them both.

    And we can’t and don’t ignore everything figuratively burning down around us (literally burning down for friends and family) so all I can say is Katie speaking a truth only for some fortunate souls.

    But in the name of Baby Yoda, does this woman not have access to any news? Are ALL of her friends affluent and privileged? My sister-in-law has been out of work for almost a year. My other sister-in-law’s business is struggling. So many people we love and value in our community are struggling. Friends who have owned successful businesses all their adult lives are now in dire straits. It’s like the economic horrors of 2008 meshed with pestilence.

    Oh and has she not noticed there’s an entire civil rights struggle, especially against police brutality, that has engulfed not just this country but the entire world?

    How does she not notice the orange troll ruining the country?

    These privileged celebrities really need to master the art of being seen and not heard right now.


    • Two Teas says:

      “Oh and has she not noticed there’s an entire civil rights struggle, especially against police brutality, that has engulfed not just this country but the entire world?”

      She does – check out her IG – but for her it all just through the news stories, books by African American writers she can share pics of their covers on IG, and nice Emma-Watson-privileged-white-person-socially-conscious posts on IG.

  11. Amando says:

    I guess this is her privilege talking, but I don’t agree with any of that. I think the pandemic has shown just how selfish American’s can be. I’ve seen too many not wearing a mask (I’m in NY) and complaining about Cuomo and crying over not being able to go to the mall for a few months. It’s ridiculous.

  12. Valerie says:

    In her little bubble, yes. Outside of that, no—and I say that as a Canadian. It has brought out the worst in people across the world.

  13. FYI says:

    Even Republican politicians who dare to have principles are getting death threats, and this lady thinks “we have become better people.” No. No, Katie, we haven’t.

  14. Delphine says:

    This is rich considering she just stole someone’s fiancé and clearly gives zero fucks about it. Better people my ass.

  15. Paperclip says:

    Not the sharpest knife in the drawer…never has been. I’m sure she’s a nice person? But yeah…bubbles are a helluva drug.

  16. april says:

    She’s drugged up on love. Most of her outfits including this one are failures. I don’t think this relationship will last with what I’ve read about her current boyfriend. He doesn’t seem to be a committed or monogamous guy with what I’ve read. I do like her boyfriend’s outfit.