“Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a bonkers speech last night” links

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a bonkers speech last night. [Towleroad]
The Gap got a significant sales bump because of Steve Kornacki. [Dlisted]
Khloe Kardashian is still trying to make us care about her melodrama with her baby-daddy Tristan Thompson. [Just Jared]
Dominic West & Catherine FitzGerald continue to be so strange. [LaineyGossip]
Charlize Theron & her terrible bangs went to the American Pie premiere in 1999. I totally forgot Charlize’s bad baby bangs. [Go Fug Yourself]
Why is Donald Trump firing a bunch of people at DoD? [Pajiba]
Here’s more on Donald Trump’s latest grift. [Jezebel]
More elected officials need to ask people to cancel Thanksgiving. [Buzzfeed]
Damn, I haven’t thought about Tyga in a long time. [Starcasm]
Why would anyone want to stay at that ugly Bachelor mansion? [Seriously OMG]

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29 Responses to ““Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a bonkers speech last night” links”

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  1. Lady2Lazy says:

    Who the hell placed him on the SC? He is certainly a dangerous person to have on the SC and should retire or recuse himself from any case brought before the SC!!
    So it was George W. after his father placed him as the US Court of Appeals of the Third Circuit. The ACLU formally opposed his nomination, only the third time they have in their history. There were prominent republican senators who opposed his nomination. Including NARAL Pro Choice America and the National Association of Women Lawyers!!

    • Prof Trelawney says:

      W… another seat that should have gone to Dems had 2000 elections not been overtaken by SC itself…

    • LightPurple says:

      W. And this guy wrote the Hobby Lobby decision without a single mention of the actual serious women’s health ailments that were the center of the case, it became all about birth control, not ovarian cysts or endometriosis to him. He relegated those problems to footnotes aimed at RBG, telling her to stop interrupting with attempts to talk about “women’s problems.”

      • Truthiness says:

        Pardon me while I go hurl. You would have to pay me to step a foot inside of a Hobby Lobby after that decision.

    • Becks1 says:

      W and he wasn’t the first pick IIRC. He actually nominated Harriet Miers first and then she withdrew (for good reasons, i.e. being unqualified) so now we have Alito.

  2. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    My god he doesn’t even deserve a corner on a city block. Jesus Christ these people.

  3. Veronica S. says:

    True blue states need to be taking notes and finding their spines going forward because this SCOTUS is making it very clear they’re here to halt progress in any way it can, so you may as well just start treating them with equal disregard. The fact that Alito would even think it remotely appropriate for somebody of his position to show up on a blatant propaganda station (or that a judicial employee should be anywhere near media in the first place) tells you how partisan he really is. They feel emboldened now with this new majority, and they will do damage unless we defang the courts somehow, whether through expanding it if and when we get a majority or just flat out challenging them.

    What’s the SCOTUS going to do if a state refuses to change something? Call the national guard? That’s under control of the governor and president. Withhold taxes? Big blue states pay the bills, so just rip the federal money back. We really need to start being more blunt about using our economic power in these regions to leverage change and cement states rights. Six of the nine of them were replaced by presidents who lost the popular vote. They don’t represent us.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      If it weren’t for True Blue states…we would currently be in the middle of fascist hell…we know what we’re doing…which is what we’ve been doing for 4 years now…making STATES RIGHTS WORK FOR DEMOCRACY❣

      • Veronica S. says:

        I think y’all are doing a great job. My state has a lot of work to be done, but the blue states are paving a way forward. I just hope the governors in those states feel heartened by the refutation of Trump by such an extent that they start being bold themselves. They have a right to stop ceding ground to people who will pull them back to protect their citizens.

    • liz says:

      As if there wasn’t already enough justification for expanding the Supreme Court to neutralize these disasters. Reforming the Judiciary and enacting a full-blown Voting Rights Act needs to be right behind COVID relief on Biden’s agenda. Without a functional judiciary that is not overwhelmed with incompetent ideologues, nothing will actually change.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Yes, if we don’t take Georgia it has to be 2022, and at that point they must address the voting issue. Getting rid of the electoral college may be out of our reach for the time being unless we get that interstate compact through, but with a Democratic Congress we can absolutely do things like pass federally required paid leave for voting and/or make Election Day a federal holiday/move it to Saturday. That would open up access to a ton of poorer Americans limited by wage loss or simply limited by their job hours.

    • Marie says:

      After living in Ky, I truly believe these men will have to loose their favorite granddaughters, sisters, and wives from not having access to birth control and abortions. They honestly think it is all about pregnancy and have no idea about women’s health. I know a lot of Conservatives in KY will respect his decision to speak out and see it as a warning. He has now told Conservatives a new reason to fear LGBTQ–We are taking away their first amendment rights to be bigots! Female sluts with their birth control are infringing on men’s rights to control women’s bodies. I know this seems dark, but I honestly believe the damage is really bad in some parts of this country and a lot of women are going to have shortened lives because of how far the Conservative movement has successfully swung.

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        Sadly, I don’t think that’d make much of a difference for these dinosaurs. They’d think it was “God’s will” *hurl*

      • Veronica S. says:

        Roe v Wade is so defanged at this point it’s pretty much useless, anyhow. Purple and blue states need to be properly installing women’s rights at a states level, as well as other minority protections, and preparing for the worst. This court clearly has no respect for stare decisis and will drag us all back to the stone ages if we let them. I feel for these people trapped in the cultivated rural poverty of these red states, but it’s best we stop pretending this isn’t getting fixed anytime soon. Treat them with the weight of refugees needing to flee if necessary and have a place to catch them that doesn’t require an even pricier immigration process.

  4. Mee says:

    Him and Gorsuch have been the ones discussing rolling back gay marriage. Yet there exists Gay Republicans smdh

  5. Snappyfish says:

    Not that it would happen but it is just speeches like his that can show you the door from SCOTUS. They are not suppose to make such pronouncements

  6. Stacy Dresden says:

    He is disgusting

  7. Leah says:

    Forgetting the whole entire separation of church and state thing are we judge?

    He’s dangerous to this country because he’s partisan and his seat is for life. The virus is going to be easier to get rid of than him.

  8. Agirlandherdog says:

    Couple of things. First, I’m a judge. And this is wholly inappropriate! He is a sitting Supreme Court Justice, and he knows this issue will be before the Court! I am absolutely appalled. Although why I expect better from him, I don’t know.

    Also, hate speech is not protected speech. As a Supreme Court Justice, I’d hope he’d know that. And even with speech that doesn’t rise to the level of hate speech, people are allowed to say whatever bigoted, ignorant shit they want, but they don’t get to cry about when someone else exercises their right to free speech and calls them out as the asshole they are.

    • Mari says:

      Thank you. I thought the same thing, but I’m not a judge so it means a lot more coming from you.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Agirlandherdog I am as appalled as you are. Isn’t there any type of judicial commission where a complaint can be filed? Or, are the Supreme Court Justices above all of that? I’ve worked many years as a paraprofessional in the legal field and I couldn’t believe this. I was already worried because it appears that the separation of powers had been greatly weakened with the R Pres, R Senate and an ultra conservative supreme court. But this tells me that there is no separation of powers any longer. I’ve been concerned about where our democracy is headed, but I’m beyond concerned now.

      • josephine says:

        There have been many efforts to impose some sane, minimal ethical restraints on the Justices and they never go anywhere.

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      Wish you could hear me applauding here in the cheap seats!

    • josephine says:

      Right, but there are no ethical rules that govern SCOTUS and he seems to be taking advantage of that. Wonder if an argument can be made that he’s losing it mentally. He so angry he’s almost unhinged.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        josephine What I thought is that he’s actually saying what the Republicans have been saying and stirring up the hate in this country. What is wrong with this man? There are any number of articles that state he’s not saying anything that he hasn’t written in his opinions over the years, so it’ okay. No, it’s not okay. The context is completely different.

  9. Khia says:


  10. Khia says:

    We got a bengal ktten today after our old man passed last year. Hugs to everyone and have a fantastic weekend. Say hello in there to an elderly person if you see them out or on the street. We all have the power to enrich the world around us!
    And Alito is not even fit to be kitten poop nor his legion.

  11. fluffy says:

    If my “gay marriage”to my husband is a threat to your marriage…there’s something wrong with your marriage, not mine.

  12. JRenee says:

    A reason to discourage lifetime appointments!