Paris Hilton still insists she and Britney Spears invented the selfie


This story shouldn’t bug me, but it does. Paris Hilton lives in a world of her own creation and that world is rarely rooted in reality. However, reality is not something that bothers Paris too much, ironic given her place in reality show history. So you’d think I’d be used to her randomly taking credit for things she didn’t do or create, like her persistent claim that she and Britney Spears invented the selfie. Paris made the statement in 2017 when she posted this throwback from 2006 of her and Britney:

Many, including yours truly, debunked the claim and went about our days. It was all a bit of harmless fun, it seemed. So why, then, is Paris posting this crap three years later?

DListed wrote a clever post dutifully taking Paris to task – again – listing all those who came before Paris and her sad little club selfies. Maybe the point Paris is trying to make is that hers is the first selfie that mattered ergo, she ‘invented’ the selfie. Maybe she forgot she said this three years ago or maybe, gawd forbid, she honestly believes she did invent the stupid thing. Whatever is going on here, I wish she’d stop dragging poor Britney into this ridiculous game, she has other things to worry about and is too nice to tell Paris to drop it already. But, at this point, Paris kind of needs Britney’s pull to stay relevant in this way. Leave Britney out of this #ActualLegendsOnly



Photo credit: Twitter and Instagram

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20 Responses to “Paris Hilton still insists she and Britney Spears invented the selfie”

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  1. Polaroid pictcha says:

    Paris is as legendary as Britney methinks. They look high af in those pics…

    • Stef says:

      Hardly. Britney is talented, Paris is like a cartoon character and only a legend in her own mind. She’s clearly using Britney for some kind of relevance.

  2. Chaine says:

    OMG Paris, you are forty, lose the schoolgirl pigtails.

  3. Jules says:

    The sole inhabitant on Planet Paris needs some attennnnnnnntion.

  4. Sandy says:

    I love that blue dress though. 👗Paris can stay in her weird reality 😂

  5. StormsMama says:

    You can keep saying it but it won’t make it true

  6. lucy2 says:

    All I remember from that time is everyone who hung around Paris ended up going in a downward spiral soon after. And that she seemed fond of using racial slurs.
    Can she fade back into obscurity again please?

  7. Ivy says:

    Thrist quick sand.
    No one cares about you boo. It’s time to burrow to middle earth and stay

  8. Ariel says:

    paris hilton is born rich racist garbage. She aged, yet never matured or evolved.

  9. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Self portraits date back to early 19th century. This puff of air should either mature or blow away.

  10. Sequinedheart says:

    She and Holly Madison go to the same plastic surgeon. They are morphing into an exact twin set.

  11. Astrid says:

    sort of ranks up there with Gore’s invention of the internet and Goop inventing yoga in America

  12. Annaloo. says:

    She can join the other nepotism Barbie, Gwyneth, who claims that she brought yoga to the unwashed masses

  13. damejudi says:

    She didn’t invent it, but she certainly learned how to monetize famewh0ring.

  14. Duchess says:

    I mean, not literally maybe but she might as well have? Before her I don’t think we had every girl in her teens and 20s taking kissy face pictures with their boobs out and sending them to guys they were hooking up with or wanted to? Or did we? I think it was the combo of slutty, self obsessed and vapid, plus the iphone, that really started it. So Paris late 2006 … yeah seems right

  15. Mette says:

    Talk about living in the past, this girl needs to grow up. I’ll give her credit for helping the word ‘narcissism’ get more mainstream.

  16. Amando says:

    I’ve been doing selfies since 05. It’s nothing new!

  17. SO Dumb says:

    Girl are you okay?! Ever heard of a self portrait?! Also I invented the selfie at a sleepover in the 80s #ACTUALLEGEND 🙄

  18. fluffy says:

    Her talents run the gamut from A to B.

  19. Madpoe says:

    Back in the day when MySpace came out. I needed profile pix. I had a cyberhot camera, set it on the timer, got into a pose and took self shots. Alot of do overs, alot of photo touch ups. But not once did i hear or consider Paris or Britney. Or any celebrity. Selfies happened a long long time ago. Without a celebrity “creating” it.