Mandy Moore on pregnancy: ‘I don’t know how women do it. I was sick all day long’


Mandy Moore is expecting her first child, a baby boy, with her husband, Taylor Goldsmith. Like most parents-to-be, Mandy is very excited for her new addition, although the pregnancy didn’t quite kick off as smoothly as she’d hoped. When last we heard from Mandy, she was really struggling with food aversions, Fortunately, it sounds like those are starting to go away and things are looking up for the mom-to be. However, looking back on those long, foul days, Mandy doesn’t know how women get through them.

Mandy Moore had a rough start to her pregnancy.

While sitting down for The Jess Cagle Show on SiriusXM radio, the actress, 36, opened up about her time self-isolating amid the coronavirus pandemic and her early pregnancy with her first child, a baby boy.

“I am with child. I’m due early next year … I feel very lucky,” the This Is Us star said.

“I was really sick in the beginning — super sick,” Moore explained. “But I was home, so I didn’t have to miss out on work. I don’t know how women do it. I literally woke up and was sick all day long. I couldn’t eat, I lost a bunch of weight. I just stayed in bed all day, but I know that’s not the case for everybody, that it sometimes can persevere for the entire pregnancy.”

“So, I’m lucky that that kind of trailed off and I feel much better now,” she added. “But beyond that, I feel like I have my energy back, I’m feeling good.”

[From People]

I mentioned the last time Mandy spoke about this, I didn’t have any sickness during pregnancy. I am so grateful for that. I know there is a lot of information out there about how well the body nourishes the baby even when the mom is struggling with morning sickness, but it would freak me out. Not to mention, pregnancy is uncomfortable anyway, being constantly sick on top of that, yikes! So I am happy to hear that Mandy is back on her feet and feeling better. Yes, she is lucky that she had the ability to sit home and feel like crap… if one can feel lucky about that.

As for how women do it, she must means women who do not have the luxury of staying home in bed while sick during pregnancy. Because the kind of sick Mandy’s talking about is vomiting when upright, right? I swear, the more I hear about other women’s pregnancies, the more grateful I am for mine. Mandy also said they will try to hide her pregnancy on This Is Us with the usual “carrying laundry baskets and oversized purses” and probably standing behind ferns and chairs. It’s comical when they try that, you can always tell. Pregnancy affects the whole body, not just the stomach. The best was Brooklyn 99 when they had Amy fake a pregnancy in jail to hide her real-life pregnancy. Oh well, it’s always entertaining to watch them try. The important part is Mandy is feeling better and can finally start enjoying being pregnant.



Photo credit: Instagram

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15 Responses to “Mandy Moore on pregnancy: ‘I don’t know how women do it. I was sick all day long’”

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  1. Escondista says:

    Morning sickness is the worst. Like living in that time period when you know you’re going to throw up soon but you don’t want to so you lay there fighting the inevitable and feeling so dreadful.
    Only with morning sickness, vomiting doesn’t fix it.

    • Saartjie says:

      I had a friend who felt better after vomiting, I was so jealous. On the days I threw up, I was good for nothing, just wiped out. Love having kids, hate being pregnant.

      • Myriam says:

        I was one of the lucky ones. I had food aversion for the first few weeks that I found out I was pregnant, nausea for about a week, but I never had morning sickness. Yeah, I was uncomfortable the bigger I got — swollen feet, can only wear two week of the same clothes over and over again, and ligament pain when I was close to my due date — but all in all, I loved being pregnant.

  2. Teresa says:

    I am almost to my second trimester. I have been sick everyday since about three weeks. I have had drinks come out my nose because I’ve been needing to vomit while I’m vomiting. This whole thing has been hell and I’m lucky I can afford the doctor visits for medication and to not work nearly as hard as usual. I have hated every f**king moment of this so far except finding out. I do wish it was more talked about how bad it can be. My husband watched me crying and gagging one morning and said he hates that men control reproductive rights as no one should be forced to do this ever.

    • EMc says:

      I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I had severe HG with both of my pregnancies. I did start to feel better around week 30ish, so don’t give up hope. And hey, losing 30lbs from vomiting means no huge baby weight loss battle later, amirite?! If you aren’t already, talk to your doctor about regularly scheduled IV therapy to help with dehydration. I went once a week and it did help some. I know you’ve already been told a million times that it will be worth it so I’m not here for that crap, because you already know. And I give you permission to smack anyone who offers you ginger candles or a saltine! I hope you feel better Teresa.

  3. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Yeah it can be bad. I lost a lot of weight during each of my first trimesters. And with my firstborn, I got salmonella poisoning on top of everything. It was so fun. 😐 We’re all so lucky! lol

  4. downtherabbithole says:

    Something people don’t talk about is when you’ve tried for years and years to get pregnant and finally do – (7 years for us), you aren’t allowed to hate being pregnant no matter how miserable you are. People keep reminding you to be grateful (as if you aren’t), but that doesn’t mean you aren’t struggling with every smell, every movement, every time you get your lungs smooshed when they kick – I LOVE my son, but I hated, hated, hated being pregnant. And people shamed me for feeling that way. It was a nice little extra “shame” to go with all the years of infertility.

    • cdnKitty says:

      I see you and your battles. It’s possible to hold gratitude and still hate the process you’re going through.

      I lost my first at 39w and managed to catch with my second fairly quickly, but because I knew how precious and difficult some people had it (like my BFF who also took 7 years), I felt like complaining about how awful it was wasn’t allowed, or that I should minimize how crazy and hard it all was. Bright-siding it all minimized how much it freaking sucked, along with grief, unemployment, anxiety, diabetes and a sick partner.

      I am so glad those reproductive years are behind me, but no one should ever be forced into a pregnancy they don’t want.

      • Emm says:

        I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine. I’ve had a couple of miscarriages but they were early, so heartbreaking yes, but I don’t think it can compare to what you’ve been through.

        I also did IVF and I did not enjoy any of it though and I felt guilty. I always thought, hey my body was made for this, but it felt like MY body wasn’t. I will never understand women who say they loved every second and how amazing it was, and I am super jealous because I wanted so badly to feel that way. Towards the end of all of my pregnancies I was just a beast I was so miserable, my poor husband.

  5. B says:

    I am sure that her husband is FULL of sympathy and is taking care of her. Not.

    • Emm says:

      Is he not a nice person or something? I know her ex is an ass but I haven’t heard anything about her current husband.

  6. Nicole says:

    Apples were the only thing that soothed my tummy when I was prego. The body is weird.

  7. Clarice says:

    My sister must have been REALLY lucky because she didn’t realize she was pregnant until her water broke. Actually, she didn’t know what was going on even then. She had been working double shifts at work even up to that day.

  8. Not Frida says:

    I feel like women are not allowed to talk about how tough pregnancy is because we’ve been sold the idea of how easy breasy it is and how it’s all flower crowns and soft mom aesthetics on instagram.

    It’s like a “betrayal” to womanhood or motherhood or whatever when you say “no, actually, this is tough sh-t and I wouldn’t wish on anyone” which is probably why some women become pro-choice after they become pregnant. No woman who actually know what pregnancy is would want to force it on another person.

  9. LadySwampwitchGivsNeauxFux says:

    I was sick every day of my pregnancy , up to and including delivery. My daughter is fine but yikes I decided to adopt a 2nd, I just couldn’t handle another 40 weeks of vomiting constantly All I ate was apples and peanut butter