Donald Trump wants to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Bidens

Trump Welcomes President Iohannis of Romania

Did anyone else kind of believe that Donald Trump’s delusions would dissipate at some point in the transition and he would at least admit defeat to the point where he would just fly down to Mar-a-Lago and never come back to the White House? That was the going theory for a while, that he would go to Palm Beach for Christmas and simply never come back. But it’s looking like Trump’s delusions have only gotten worse the deeper we get into the transition. We heard yesterday that Trump has told advisors that he will refuse to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, an idea which I welcome completely. I will truly get the popcorn out if the Secret Service has to drag Trump’s dinosaur butt out of the WH. But that’s not all! Gabriel Sherman at Vanity Fair has more info about what’s going on MAGA Fantasyland:

The Big Lie Theory: One of Trump’s lawyers, meanwhile, told Brenner, “Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory. If you say something again and again, people will believe you.” Trump is living out the final days of his presidency in a similar state of denial. “It’s rigged and stolen!” he complained during a phone call with a prominent Republican the day after the Electoral College affirmed Joe Biden as president-elect. “You can’t reason with him at all,” the Republican said.

People have suggested that Trump call Biden: According to two sources briefed on the conversations, Republicans are privately suggesting to Trump that he should call Biden. Their advice is that Trump doesn’t have to concede. Instead, Trump should tell Biden that he will assist with the transition while he waits for legal challenges to play out. Trump rejected the idea, the sources said.

Republicans are rats fleeing the sinking MAGA dinghy: Trump’s grip on the party is slowly slipping. On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell became the highest-profile Republican to recognize Biden as president-elect. A former West Wing official told me that more elected Republicans are waiting until January to come out and pressure Trump to step aside. (Congress officially counts the electoral votes on January 6.) “There’s going to be a coordinated effort to say we need peace,” the official said. Inside the West Wing, officials are aware that the end is near. “They’re packing up,” a second former White House official told me.

A pardon blitz & a special counsel: As Biden’s inauguration approaches, Republicans close to the White House told me Trump could be poised for a final round of norm-shattering actions. One source said Trump has discussed a preemptive-pardon blitz of everyone close to him, so Biden’s Justice Department can’t investigate his administration. (A White House spokesperson declined to comment.) “Trump doesn’t want his team targeted,” the source said. Another source said Trump wants the Department of Justice to name a special counsel to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden as a way of getting even with Democrats for the Robert Mueller probe. “If Trump is going to leave office, he wants a special counsel, 100%,” the source said.

[From Vanity Fair]

True story, President Obama did NOT appoint Robert Mueller as special counsel on his way out the door. Mueller was appointed by the Trump-Era Justice Department well into 2017, and Mueller was appointed for sh-t Trump was doing AS PRESIDENT. Yes, it’s not unheard of for incoming presidents to “inherit” a special counsel investigation, because they can be long-running, years-long affairs. But the idea of Trump appointing a special counsel to “investigate” the incoming president in the final days of Trump’s presidency? My God. As for the pardon blitz… it’s cute that Trump thinks a slate of preemptive pardons will make all of his people bulletproof. We will find a way to throw all of these a–holes in prison, trust THAT.

President Trump Departs For Florida

Donald Trump speaks to reporters and then soldiers on Thanksgiving Day from the White House

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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28 Responses to “Donald Trump wants to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Bidens”

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  1. kimberlu says:

    he’s such a fat delusional baby….

  2. Soni says:

    January 20, 2021 can’t come here fast enough!

  3. JEM says:

    GO AWAY. Just stop talking and go away forever. I can’t take it anymore.

  4. Leah says:

    What a dope. Investigations into what? Hunter Biden’s other five laptops? What a crock of crap.

    Russia hacks into our government agencies= silence from baby hands.
    The senate wants to give people a paltry $600= silence from baby hands.

    “ Inside the West Wing, officials are aware that the end is near. “They’re packing up,” a second former White House official told me.”

    Good, get the hell out and those antiques you are trying to stuff into your bag Ivanka, those belong to the people.

    • booboocita says:

      Why do I have the feeling that the entire family is wandering through the White House, picking out which antiques and gifts from foreign dignitaries they’re going to smuggle out before January 20th? I imagine Ivanka, Melania and Lara are now placing discreet stickers on the bottoms of things, staking out their claims. I only hope the White House staff is on to any shenanigans and will act to preserve the building’s heritage.

      • olliesmom says:

        I hope that members of the White House staff are standing right there when their crap is being packed up and watching and someone is stationed at every entrance in and out of the White House.

        And this major Russian hack took place ON HIS WATCH. That’s because he has so many inept people around him and those that had any smarts are long gone either through him firing them or them leaving. But the MAGATS are too busy focusing on Hunter’s laptops and HER emails to pay attention or they will spin it on Biden, Obama, Hillary or Hunter.

      • Leah says:

        Apparently the WH has two preservationists who catalog everything in the place. So if Ivanka runs off with the painting of George Washington that Dolley Madison saved from the destruction of the first White House…they’ll know about it.

        My friend tells me “they’ll send her a bill”.

        I said “they are going to have to send more than that, like the FBI”.

  5. Mac says:

    He’s managed to gaslight himself into believing he won. It will be interesting to see what he does on the pardon front. Handing out blanket pardons would be admitting defeat and criminality.

    • Chicken Tetrazzini! says:

      There is talk that the Trump staff has a legitimate spreadsheet of all the people who have called asking for pardons, but he’s not giving any because that means he’s lost and he cannot concede that, even to himself

  6. Trillion says:

    Make Politics Boring Again

  7. Ann says:

    I’m anxious for inauguration day and the days leading up to it following Jan 6. Whatever corrupt, imoral, historically awful thing trump does is less concerning to me than his followers. I hope people in DC and other major cities stay away from his supporters. They keep getting into fights with each other and the police so just let them be. Whatever happens please stay safe people!

    I am also fully expecting a disgusting pardoning spree and its going to be unimaginably gross (Maxwell).

    • booboocita says:

      He can pardon only federal offenses, not state. Were the charges brought against Ghislaine Maxwell state or federal? I can’t imagine there weren’t some state charges brought as well as federal. Even if Cheeto manages to pardon the federal crap, she won’t be leaving prison for a while.

  8. Ainsley7 says:

    Why were Presidents given the power to pardon people anyway? I think that needs to be restricted. You shouldn’t be able to pardon someone before they are investigated for one thing.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Until now, most presidents didn’t abuse it. Historically, we’ve never had a president pardon himself, and in retrospect, most people feel Ford’s preemptive pardon actually did the opposite of his intent and created more dissatisfaction with the legal process than that because Nixon’s guilt was never asserted one way or the other. While some concern was raised over it, other delegates had argued the key to controlling its abuse was Congress, who retained the ability to impeach and remove a president. The founding fathers just never considered what would happen if an entire political party got corrupted and worked cooperatively to undermine all of their checks and balances.

  9. Pamspam says:

    Somebody please put this stunt Queen out of its misery already.

  10. Zen says:

    He is doing this to keep his base stirred up and destabilize Biden’s tenure. He is that horrible.

  11. Ohpioneer says:

    No. He is going to be horrible and insane until the very bitter end with all of his plots to steal the election. Will he be successful? I do not think so because I believe at the end of the day people in positions of power who could support a political coup will not. Bigly baby Orange will go but he will not go with even a shred of dignity.

  12. LightPurple says:

    I want a special counsel investigation of every single thing Nagini has done, every penny spent, since she illegally claimed real estate in the West Wing and hired a staff at my expense. I want every single penny spent on their office space, office resources; office supplies, including toilet paper, soap, and paper towels; IT devices, software licenses, salaries; benefits; travel; lodging; meals’ the endless videos’ and the cost of forcing staff in federal agencies to deal with her and her demands reimbursed to the taxpayer from her personal holdings. .

  13. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Every now and then, I wish we were living in the 15th century. Pick your inquisition.

    • Betsy says:

      Yeah, but I don’t want indiscriminate torture of my political, religious or otherwise enemies. If we’re making wishes for things we probably won’t get, I want all of these dilll doess investigated thoroughly for each and every crime of which they are guilty. Human trafficking, kidnapping, corruption, theft, treason, murder, etc etc and I want them punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  14. original_kellybean says:

    As a Canadian, I can’t wait until I can turn on the news without seeing his stupid face or hearing his annoying voice.

    BTW, does he make that stupid squinting face because he thinks it makes him look serious? Smart? Presidential?

    God, I can’t stand him.

    • Charlie says:

      Can’t read the teleprompter. Can’t read the room. Probably can’t read much – certainly won’t…

  15. Jaded says:

    I think he may try to invoke the Insurrection Act, he’s that delusional, and his MAGA-morons will be cheering him on. Even Michael Flynn has made comments about how Trump should impose martial law. This mess won’t be over until it’s over and Trump is now like a cornered rat who will attack anything, so fasten your seat-belts folks, the next 6 weeks are going to be a bumpy ride.

  16. jferber says:

    This motherfucker. My fondest Christmas wish is for Santa to take him to the North Pole and never let him go. Make him work with the elves assembling toys. That’s a far more commendatory occupation than what he’s been doing for the past 4 years. And who knows, maybe he’ll discover his skill set.