When we were discussing the Duchess of Sussex’s first pregnancy in 2017-18, I felt strongly that Buckingham Palace would look completely terrible if they didn’t ensure that Harry and Meghan’s children were titled. It was a simple matter of their kids being the first mixed-race kids in the line of succession. By the time Archie was born and we learned his name, there was a claim that Harry and Meghan were the ones who rejected the idea of giving Archie a title. The Palace put the onus on them, and we were meant to believe that Harry and Meghan wanted to raise Archie as an ordinary, untitled child, but that his status would change when Prince Charles became king. It’s absolutely worth noting that even at the time, we were aware that if she wanted to, the Queen could change the royal title protocol and make Archie a prince or an earl or whatever. I was shocked that the Palace – even if it was only for the optics – didn’t style Archie like they’ve styled the Earl of Wessex’s kids, not with prince/princess titles, but with Lord/Lady titles. Now we know why.
Meghan Markle says that her son Archie was denied a royal title and royal protection — and that there were “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born.” In her sit-down interview with Oprah Winfrey, which aired Sunday on CBS, Meghan said the palace decreed that Archie — who turns 2 in May — would not have any title, a move she says was “different from protocol.”
“They didn’t want him to be a prince . . . which would be different from protocol, and that he wasn’t going to receive security,” she told Winfrey. What’s more, she says, “we have in tandem the conversation of, ‘He won’t be given security. He’s not going to be given a title.’ And also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born.”
An astonished Winfrey asked Meghan who made that comment, with Meghan declining to answer, saying the revelation would be too damaging.
Later in the interview, Oprah pressed Harry on the issue, asking him who was behind the racially charged comment.
“That conversation I’m never going to share,” he said. “It was awkward. I was a bit shocked.”
He also said that the conversation happened early in his romance with Meghan. “That was right at the beginning: What will the kids look like?’ ”
When Prince Harry, 36, and Meghan, 39, were married in May 2018, Queen Elizabeth gave them the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Archie was entitled to a “courtesy title,” Earl of Dumbarton. However, the couple announced shortly after his birth that they had not given him a courtesy title and he would be known as Archie Mountbatten-Windsor. Under current guidelines, great-grandchildren of the monarch are not princes or princesses, except for children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, which is why Prince William and Kate Middleton’s children are Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.
Blind item: who spoke to Harry about “what will the kids look like” when he was dating/engaged to Meghan? I don’t think it’s Charles. It could be William. But given Harry’s reticence to name them, I suspect it was either the Queen or Prince Philip. The disrespect for Archie was baked into the institution from the very start, before Meghan was even pregnant. Those f–king colonizers could NOT hide their disgust that Harry would have children with a biracial Black woman. And the fact that they were telling Meghan – when she was heavily pregnant – that HER child would not get security, that HER child would not get a title… Jesus.
I’m absolutely positive that there will be a million keen bots blanketing the comment sections, screaming about “rules are rules” and Archie staying untitled is the “rule.” As we’ve seen before… the monarchy can be responsive and forward-looking when it wants to be. This was a moment for the Queen and her courtiers to assess the optics of the situation, understand that Archie was the first mixed race kid in the family, and change the rules for him. They didn’t. They didn’t want to.
Oprah reacts to Meghan Markle revealing somebody in the Royal Family was concerned about how dark Archie's skin color might be. pic.twitter.com/RIc15Adr7F
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) March 8, 2021
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, social media.
Pretty sure it’ Phillip, or Camilla for the win. I don’t see William even if he is the worst of them.
First and foremost:
Meghan: “conversations” were had with Harry, NOT one conversation, but conversations. So lets break this down, shall we? We were told by the firm’s machine that William in the beginning voiced his concerns to Harry regarding marrying “that girl”. we were told that this was the beginning of the biggest raw between the brothers. We were told that William even recruited his uncle to talk to Harry and persuade and talk him out of marrying Meghan. That covers the conversations about potential children and their skin color before marriage. So My conclusion is William: “Harry, have you even considered what it means to marry this black “girl” and if she has kids what their skin color will even look like and what having black/brown kids would mean for the monarchy?”
Now lets get into the second part of conversations during Meghan pregnancy. 1)Recall that we were told that at that time, Harry and William were not talking, but Harry had at least a conversational relationship with his father. 2) Meghan and harry both used male adjectives when they described this person, so that rules out Camilla and Kate. They also said it was a member of the family, so that rules out conversations coming from courtiers or other staff members. 3) circle back to Harry statement that he was still talking to his “father till he stopped taking my calls”. Asked why Charles stopped taking calls, Harry says something “taking matters in my own hands” [and remove his family from the institution]. So, is the color discussions were coming from Charles, there wouldn’t have been any communication with Harry. Harry also states that he is working on his relationship with his father even through a lot of hurt happened but he says the relationship between him and his brother is in “space”, meaning there is no foreseeable repair to that damage. He also stated that he still chats with his grandfather, so Phillip is ruled out just like the female family members.
My conclusion, William is the one that had these Archie skin color discussions with Harry.
I completely agree with you
It was William. 100%.
I agree with this
💯 it was William!!!!!!! I think this is why there is so much bitterness between them. Bill should know better. Everyone else is old and you can surmise they were “of a different generation” or some such horseshit…
Yep! The quote was “early on” and was “what will the kids look like?”. Which means she wasn’t even pregnant. Then I think about the “fight” with William where he was supposed to have said “slow down” to Harry but after which Harry was furious beyond the measure of “slow down”. Add to that the fact that he will never repeat or name the person. It’s TOTES William. And William’s major “… Her?!?!” question had to do with race and Harry (rightly) was furious.
Yep totally agree – remember there are a few journo’s who when the press were all over William and Harry’s relationship breakdown said ‘things were said that can’t be unsaid’. So yeah my money’s on William being a racist. He has shown his ass on this many times.
This 1000%. Hard agree. Given the stories we have already heard around that time it definitely sounds like, William “I’m so bored with racism”
I’m in this boat. I also think that this type of thinking was taken to its logical conclusion with the family and courtiers surrounding giving Archie a title and security.
Agree with BABSORIG. I think it was William too!
Sorry KAISER on this one I disagree with you. I think BabsORIG is spot on. William owns that comment. I think the “dogs” will try to ramp up that Harry was throwing his grandparents under the bus in order to deflect away from focusing on Charles or William as they are the future of the monarchy (and survival of the Commonwealth) and it is important for the two of them not to blatantly appear racist. The Queen and Phillip, however, are on their way out so better to pin to them for 2 reasons: (1) Cover for Charles or most probably William and (2). Perpetuate a narrative of H/M awful disrespect to Queen.
That said, I think the 5 senior members of the Firm are disgusting. Meghan and Harry were incredibly diplomatic in that interview, but we have all seen the photos and the videos (last year’s Commonwealth service for example). We all know William’s boys (Jason and Simon) have a big finger in the smear campaign, along with some of Charles staff actually being allowed to tweet or like racist garbage re Meghan. We all see Carole Middleton hard at work in all of this. I admire that Harry still wants a relationship with his family; however, if it was me —- I’d be done with them. So, while I can admire him, I find his excuses for them sad considering the extreme danger and threat they put his family in: No assistance for Meghan, pulling security when threat level was probably higher for he, Meghan, and Archie due to the racist dog whistling that was aided and abetted by his family.
AGree 100%, it was William. I think that’s what set Harry off in the beginning – it wasnt that William told him to “take it slow” with Meghan, it was that he was making an issue of her skin color and any future baby’s skin color. Harry said the conversation was “early on” and then Meghan says it was while she was pregnant, so that says to me that it happened more than once. So yeah, my money is on William.
ITA Babs. It also puts into context William’s dismissive answer when someone asked him what he thought about the announcement of Meghan’s first pregnancy.
Absolutely William. That iscwhybHarrybisvupsetveith his father but working to repair the relationship (not sure if I would but OK); but William is distance. No rep as Irving tgat.
Agree. It is pretty transparent.
@BabsOrig … I agree 100% with you. I’ve always said that whatever William said about Meghan had to be more than just “Slow down, you’re moving too fast with this girl” because that would be a conversation you would expect from a brother or sister in anyone’s family. But … whatever William said to Harry was bad enough to set Harry off in such a way that he stopped speaking to his brother.
A close relationship with a brother or sister is a bond very few things can sever. It would take something shocking and soul shattering, and Harry told us last night how shocked he was to hear it. And then William wouldn’t let it go and smooth the way with Harry by saying “Okay, it’s your decision and I’ll stand by you.” Instead, he called in his mother’s brother to try and ‘talk sense’ to Harry.
I’ll say it again. William brought in his uncle on his mother’s side rather than his own father the Prince of Wales, his grandmother the Queen, or grandfather Prince Philip. By what both Harry and Meghan said, everyone –excepting William–were all onboard with their relationship and their marriage, and they were okay with Meghan being part of the firm until they saw how extremely good she was at the job. Harry and William were the only ones on the outs about Meghan from day one. And William was the only one so full of rage that he couldn’t have lunch with Harry ‘as a family’ before the sit down meeting to decide the fate of the Sussexes.
It was William.
Massive rift between the brothers. Things said that cannot be unsaid. Murderous look on Harry’s face after the Commonwealth ceremony. “I already have a nephew.” It’s William.
Agreed that it was William.
100% agree with everything you said.
I agree. I also think it is William. Because it cannot be Charles else I don’t think M/H would have agreed to let him walk Meghan down the aisle during the wedding.
Also we have often seen William state tone-deaf and appalling statements at engagements so how much worse he must be in private. And this must be why Meghan must have felt comfortable setting the record straight about Kate as the siblings have a relationship in ‘space’.
It is so sad….and adds volumes to Harry’s comment on ‘noone has called to apologize’. Even if William didnot make this comment I cannot believe thta he hasnot maintained a relationship with Harry, his only sibling – which only drives me to believe that it indeed was William and hence all the smears recently on Meghan’s so-called bullying. Really sad but I am glad Harry took a stand and got his family out.
I think back to the summer polo match Meghan and Kate attended with the children. Kate completely ignored Meghan or maybe it was reciprocal, but I never understood why the kids not once engaged with Meghan and Archie their new baby cousin. I think this latest info confirms the children were told to stay away. The othering of baby Archie is beyond sad.
The only unavowed low-wit who has a history of belting out racial slurs is Andrew the child lover. Remember what that articulate, well-educated English businessman with Sri Lankan ancestry said about the way Andrew addressed him? Google it. It’s absolutely damning.
Not to knitpick, but Harry clarified that it was only one conversation that was with Harry alone. This is according to Oprah.
agreed, when did he say that he is bored with racism? and then to be keen to let his buddies over at Daily Mail keep putting it out there that he is condemning racism in soccer …. I mean, he told on himself. Because he’s a dumb shit.
I just figured it was all of them. They all seem perfectly capable of being awful human beings.
When Meghan said “conversations” I assumed she meant multiple royals.
@Josephine: Spot on. What does it matter that one said it while all meant it. The RF is a confederacy of dunces with a big brass racial ego.
There is the possibility of it being Earl Spencer.
Didn’t Meghan say that Harry’s uncle was an ally? When she spoke of looking for help with her mental health? What an incendiary interview. Wow- I noted how many times she successfully held tears back- my heart hurt for her.
Earl Spencer may have had things to say along those lines, but I dont think he’s who they are talking about – he’s not in the royal family, and those comments wouldnt have the same effect coming from him that they would have coming from Charles or William.
I totally think it was William too.
I believe 100% that it was William. *Possibly Charles,* but my money is on William.
IMO Philip is automatically ruled out since Meghan said the reason she couldn’t give a name is that it would be very damaging to the person. Philip has been a well-known virulent racist for decades; nothing can further damage his reputation in that regard. His reputation is pretty much set in stone at the age of 99!
I don’t think it was ONE member, I think this question was running in the family, and probably only one asked Harry directly. It must have been someone realtively closely: probably William.
Agreed. They were all thinking it. My parents went through a version of this in the early 70s, as their first-born I was named in response to this. Only a couple friends supported their marriage. But that was almost 50 years ago and this is now on a whole other scale. Who knows…I guess time doesn’t change things…
I agree. It was all of them. But I think it was William and Kate who actually said it to Harry, and Charles and Camilla chipped their two cents in.
Guaranteed Phillip- or maybe Princess Michael of Kent? She’s got past form.
This smells like William and/or Kate. Mark my words.
Absolutely no way it was Camilla. So not her style, plus they said “he” when they talked about this person.
I think it was Charles.
William is racist but not dumb enough to ask that nor would it make a difference to him, IMO, any black even if light toned was bad to William. Black people just aren’t ever the Toff set to Willy I’m sure, which is all he cares about.
I don’t think it would have dawned on Phillip or Elizabeth frankly because I don’t think they’ve been around enough black people in a substantial way ever in their super white lives to realize the baby’s skin tone could vary from his mom’s. Meghan’s very fair, they probably just assumed any baby would automatically be the same, you know? They’re that out of touch.
But Charles strikes me as exactly the type of person who would say something like- “oh, it won’t be so bad as long as the baby’s not too black looking.”
Harry’s response in the interview made it clear there was deep hurt done by Charles, and I think this was it. Not just ghosting them and him having stopped returning calls. Harry would be very wounded just as he appeared to be if his father spoke in such a way about his own baby.
My guess is Chuck, Willieleaks. Harry looked hella mad when he said he would not name them. He spoke warmly about PP on the late late show, while spilling tea on his father and brother. Not surprised to hear them changing precedents for Archie. Or introducing new rules. Or disregarding tradition. Such a trashy institution.
The fact that he says the conversation was “awkward” as opposed to infuriating makes me believe it was either Charles and he knows and expects racism from Charles so it wasn’t shocking but awkward. OR it could’ve been will but the fact that the first conversation was had when he was still dating Meghan, before marriage or pregnancy, meant he was thinking about it all hypothetically—as in he didn’t even know if/when they’d have kids and if/when this would be an issue, as opposed to having a baby already growing inside your wife that you are connected and bonded to—and that’s why it was “awkward” vs infuriating. Or maybe he’s not close enough to any of his family members for it be like a slap across the face from a loved one and he took more as an awkward conversation he was having with an acquaintance/coworker that he knew was casually racist. He seems to give them family a lot of slack for always thinking of the firm first so he might think of all these conversations as being had with his coworkers in the firm vs his actual family.
Or maybe he’s just a Brit and uses very reserved language. I wish Harry had gone a little harder in this interview, I think he left Meghan a bit exposed to getting all the worst criticisms. But I think it’s mostly a difference in American vs upper crust British ways of speaking.
Omg trashy is right. Disgusting lot (minuses the American branch)
I disagree. My best guess is that it was Charles.
Harry definitely wouldn’t want to name Philip, but I also don’t think it would be a surprise or ‘damaging’. He’s going to be dead in a year, tops, and everyone knows his long documented history of racism.
Harry seemed to me to be angrier at Charles than he is at William. And it’s been known for a time that the Queen has been leaving some major decisions like titles to Charles for a while now seeing as he’ll be King soon and it’s also been known for years that Charles intends to downsize. Security and Archie not being a Prince would’ve been his call.
Wouldn’t rule out William at all though. Could’ve been Camilla. Or someone like Anne perhaps, I bet she’s much snootier than her reputation and she’s a senior royal.
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but is it true Charles set up a trust fund for Cam’s adult children? I guess when he dies, they will have a little something and she kept her house because who knows with William. If that is true…it would explain the radio silence on Archie being compared to an animal. Ugh he is a worthless raggedy parent. Stop taking calls from your distressed child. Who does that???! I think Charles and William are not blameless. Didn’t she say several family members early on?
Yes several. Charles is a spineless coward and never needs to be King. And William will burn the whole thing to the ground. Both are worthless
I agree that it probably wasn’t Philip because I don’t think him saying something like this would be remotely damaging, either to him or to the monarchy. Even without his history of racist comments, because he’s 99 it would be waived away as it being his age, him being from a different time, elderly people have no filter etc. It would be reframed as harmless curiosity. It would be far more damaging to Charles (although again his age would protect him to a degree) but especially damaging to William, who is *supposed to be* young and progressive and the future of the monarchy, and who is *supposed to be* a campaigner against racism. Based on previous anecdotes about him mocking Scottish students for their accents at St Andrews and other completely ignorant gaffs, I can easily see him wondering something like this aloud to Harry.
Exactly Jane!
Harry said he was a “little shocked” by the comment, and IMO if it had been Philip he would not have been shocked. He’s 99 and has a history of it, no shock there, just discomfort and maybe disappointment, but not shock.
Harry defo seemed angrier at Charles but he his silence on William spoke volumes. It’s like he expects nothin and knows William is trash but is actually disappointed by Charles for the lack of support because he knows better and was initially supporting like escorting Meghan down the aisle.
I think Henry has been done with William but hurt and angry with Charles
I think Harry is mad at Chuck over the lack of support, he pretty much says so as his father has experienced this and he knows better.
The fact that he’s talking to his father now tells me that it came from William, who he still isn’t speaking to – if it was Chuck he wouldn’t be talking to him.
I think Charles made the decision re: title and security, and William made the comments about the skin color.
Yep, perfectly said and I agree with it all. Charles passively aggressively decided no titled beige babies and William was in Harry’s face about Archie’s skin color.
Oprah just confirmed on CBS This Morning, where they are sharing previously unaired clips from the interview, that it was NOT the Queen, nor Prince Philip. Harry authorized O to share that info—his grandparents didn’t voice those concerns. But he would not share with Oprah, on or off camera, who did.
My money’s on William, but wouldn’t be shocked if it turned out to be Charles.
I think Philip could have easily made an insensitive comment (or several) but because he’s known to be a big old racist I feel like it would have less impact. Still incredibly hurtful, but easier to dismiss.
I think it was William, as well. He is the only one that this could be incredibly damaging to. Philip is already an old school racist, everyone knows that. Charles has had a controversial moment where he asked someone “where are you from?” and faced backlash from it. It’s William who, although has made insensitive jokes and had a blackface party, who has skirted away from a racism controversy. My money is on him.
It would be damaging to both Charles and William – but perhaps especially damaging to William since he’s the once preaching about diversity in the film industry and talking about racism in football. If William was the one worrying about Archie’s being too black and how that would make the monarchy look, then it would COMPLETELY shred this carefully curated image of him as modern and progressive, the future of the monarchy.
My money’s on William too – but I honestly think that the entire family thought and talked about this particular subject.
Yup. Meghan did say several conversations, so at some point they all said something racist.
It was definitely William – imagine what this would do to Mr “anti racism in soccer”. As it is, just this as a blind item is damaging to him. If Harry had actually named him? yikes.
When we were discussing in reference to William that there was something that was said that couldn’t be unsaid and taking guesses that he might have said the N word….. I think we got our answer as to what he did say. It was William and it is the most damaging for him to have said it. No one expects the other son of Diana to be as racist as older generations.
Harry was annoyed with Charles more for cutting off contact when they were discussing security. He was in contact with his father until then and well after the skin comments would have been made.
100% sure it’s William.
Siblings will often have close and frank conversations and say cracked out things to each other because you are in your own little world together.
I bet money we’re talking about a number of people who said it and I bet one of them was William.
There’s a distinct cooling off between William and Harry that has always suggested William crossed a major line and I bet this was it.
I agree. William said the thing that cannot be unsaid.
Yup, especially bc Harry said the conversations started before they were married, it makes me think that what ruined their relationship wasnt William telling Harry to take it slow, but William asking Harry “are you sure you want to have kids with her, who knows how dark they’ll be?”
I agree that William was most likely the one to have said things right at the beginning.
But if there was movement early on to not give Archie a title, to actually change the system specifically to deny him a title, wouldn’t that have had to come from Charles? And if that was around the time of his birth, when at most Harry and Meghan might have been thinking about half in, half out, but still being working royals, the only reason for doing that has to have been racially based.
Along the same lines, though only briefly touched upon in the interview, was the whole blow up about Harry and Meghan doing the post delivery photo op on the hospital steps. They were totally roasted for that in the press, when, it turns out, Meghan said they were never asked by the Firm to do it. That has suspiciously racist undertones as well.
I first thought Charles because old white and out of touch but now I think William who just younger but still white and out of touch.
Remember it was reported that William said some things that cannot be unsaid and there were hurt feelings all around. Also from the beginning William wasn’t supportive of their relationship; during the engagement interview they glossed over whether he was involved. Meghan said these comments were made to Harry before and during their marriage.
Charles Camilla and Kate were supportive in the beginning before they revealed their trash asses but William couldn’t even fake it in the beginning. And when people asked how he felt about Archie he couldn’t even acknowledge him but just talked about the fully white nephew he already has.
I highly doubt it was the Queen because Meghan and Harry spoke so warmly of her and made it clear that she’s the only one they still talk to
Adding that I don’t think it’s Philip because I doubt it would be “hugely damaging” to him… he’s 99 and don’t give an f***
Also consider the editing of the piece. They were discussing Harry’s relationship with William and then started talking about the skin-color conversation. That was on purpose
I agree that it’s William for that very same reason. And Oprah apparently was allowed to confirm today that it was not the Queen or Phillip who said those comments.
Definitely William. Harry’s speaking to Charles again. It was William.
Someone close, for sure. My first thought was Princess Michael of Kent, but if that was the case they would name her.
Nah, who cares what that racist petty malignant narcissist old bat thinks? She showed her you know what from the very beginning in a very disgusting and offensive way.
I don’t think Harry speaks to her, ever.
WILLIAM aka incandescent with rage , mr potato head, angry monster
I’m calling William. This rounds out the story of the conversion, prior to the wedding, of “warning” Harry about Meghan. I suspect he said it at this time. Then, Harry (rightfully) became raging mad. This is the final piece that puts the whole story together.
He still talks to PP and the Queen and doesn’t seem to hold animosity towards them and he is, clearly, still deeply hurt by it. The same hurt that he feels for William.
I’m going with left-field choices – Zara Tindall. I can picture the dumb blonde jock thinking she’s ironic and giving bantz. Or Princess Anne. People love her because they think she’s the sexual, feisty chick in The Crown but I can so picture her being blunt and rude. It was to stoke her ego that the “blood Princess” rule came into being because she couldn’t bare to cursty to her Eskimo sister Camilla Parker Bowles.
Yellowy I think Anne would absolutely think it and say it privately, but not to Harry. This seems closer and more personal.
@yellowy – maybe you’re not aware, but the term you used to describe two women who have shared the same sexual partner is often considered derogatory against Inuit & other Indigenous people both because Eskimo is considered a slur now by a lot of people, and because this phrase is based on (questionable) settler stories about Inuit sharing women as a sign of hospitality
Yikes! I didn’t know and am so sorry, that’s just awful.
I’m betting William. Harry and Meghan were so reluctant to reveal who said this crap it gave me the impression they didn’t want to “rat out” a future king. And William strikes me as just arrogant/stupid enough to bring it up and try to go the distance with it. Has Charles ever openly said anything racist?
Old guard, of course. Philip or Anne, maybe Camilla. They are snobbish racists.
And unfortunately it could be Zara. I loved her before Sussexes wedding, but now it’s quite likely that she is like her mother.
I think that if that was an old guard Harry would be irritated but somehow ignore it. My own grandparents used to say a lot of politically incorrect things (I’m Polish, my husband is German, go figure… nothing personal to hubby but “those Germans” was heard quite often, Polish phrasing making it unpleasant) but I “understood” that they lived their whole lives being allowed to talk like that and they lacked awareness, so I usually ignored it. What would hurt me more is if my mum or dad said something like that, because they were younger, better educated and should know better. That’s why I think it was Will.
I think it has to be someone that could then influence decision on Archie’s title and security. Because from how I understood the situation, it started with this conversation about his skin color THEN what it would mean to have a titled royal who looked racially ambiguous instead of just having terrible inbred genes.
I don’t think that connection was made explicitly, but it certainly sounded like race may have been behind that decision even though Archie’s risk level is high.
To me that would leave William (my top choice), Charles, Camilla (who could influence Charles).
It was william. The same william who didnt even want to acknowledge archie by because he already has a nephew .
I really really REALLY don’t want to come across as defending any of this vile nonsense in any way, but I am wondering if the title, security and colour of baby Archie are 3 or maybe 2 different conversations with completely different motivations that were all rolled up into one big old awful damning picture for H&M. Like, maybe the Archie skin colour, whilst seemingly horrid on the surface, wasn’t in any way meant to be nor was it related to not giving him a title. I am thinking that only because my husband is of the English, posh and Oxbridge set and I am most definitely not and very Cadbury chocolate brown and when we had kids there was an awful lot of curiousity about the colour our kids would be. From everyone, family, friends and acquaintances, all on his end because my crew are used to mixing of races and shades and what a crazy bag genetics is. His set, however, were absolutely curious, every more so when the kids did not in fact turn out to be brown. His brother even asked at the hospital,when my kid would turn brown, and his mother kept googling signs of what the kids’ ultimate colour would turn out to be. It was really odd, like they’d never encountered racial mixtures before. And even the supportive ones used really off phrases to be supportive of our kids, like their potential to be “exotic” was so “fantastic”. Anyway, just my two cents…
Naaahhhh, they were talkin changing their whatever its called so that when Charles ascended the throne, Archie would not be a prince even though he was a grandson of a monarch. No theirs was definitely race motivated.
Definitely not making excuses for the old colonisers either, but I’ve noticed this curiousity in people who are not used to mixed babies too and it really can come from a quite innocent place. My Ethiopian friend’s in-laws are from Southern Tyrol, a pretty homogeneously white place, according to her she feels very welcome in the family, but they genuinely seem curious about what their grandchildren will look like too.
Then again, Britain hasn’t been homogeneously white for decades, if not centuries, so I kinda doubt the RF shares that innocence.
The counter to this is that one would think Harry and (especially) Meghan have the social/emotional intelligence to distinguish between poorly-stated but harmless curiosity that’s not coming from a bad place and actual fear or anger or reluctance at the prospect of a dark-skinned baby
@Regina – EXACTLY. For once let’s just believe what a WOC says about her experience. Knock it off with the excuses. The evidence of what she believed the motivations were behind the questions are in your face by their current disposition of being not supported/protected/archie not being titled and them needing to have this interview at all. The context and all of it is there and yet folks still are attempting to give RF/institution/and racists in general the benefit of the doubt when they least deserve it and what should honestly be directed to the victim of abuse instead. Everyone has curiosities of how a mixed child may look like but OBVIOUSLY not to the degree and intent to which both Meghan and Harry are talking about. No more excuses.
I said the same thing last night to someone online. I’m sure there are curious people who come from a place of wanting to learn. I’m also sure that Harry and Meghan could tell the difference.
What I got out of what was said last night was that these family members were concerned about how dark Archie’s skin would be and this was a problem. Archie’s potential looks were suddenly an agenda item that needed to be handled by withholding the prince title and eliminating his security to distance Archie as a member of the monarchy. Then, someone had to explain to Harry about how Archie’s skin color would affect the monarchy. It’s despicable.
@livealot *Thank you*!!!! We know what we’re talking about. Folks need to stop whatabout-ism and maybe-it’s-ism. No. Full stop. It’s racism and we are the experts on it because we experience it all the damn time. #BelieveBlackWomen
So your in-laws are racist and ignorant and you decide to cast doubts on what this couple experienced regarding the treatment of their future children and the child actually in his mother’s womb?
Only a racist cares about the melanin in a child. Only a racist decides to inspect and examine a mixed race child.
I’m sorry your children were, and probably still are, subjected to this treatment. They deserve better.
I agree. Harry said it was at the beginning or the relationship and Meghan said it was relayed to her from Harry, so that makes me think it was not an ongoing discussion, especially leading up to Archie’s birth.
Sigh, I am not making excuses in any way, nor are my husband’s family racist. I am merely saying that in the interview perhaps both things (title and skin colour discussions) were conflated but in actually separate people and discussions and motivations. Like maybe one was an offhand boneheaded comment(s) and one was coming from a place of trying to erase Harry and his line from the public and eventual historical picture. Also, people are curious about melanin. It’s a thing. From the black side and from the white side, though one was far less elegantly stated. Also, this is MY lived experience, and given that the groups do overlap and run in the same circles, I was merely wondering aloud if this may have happened.
Meghan did not say they were curious about how dark the baby’s skin would be. She said there were SEVERAL conversations about it and they were concerned about how the baby’s appearance (i.e. being black) would affect them. This was not a cute conversation where they wondered if the child would have curly hair or a darker skin tone.
Yeah…. no. That kind of question and behavior is racist. Seriously?
Glad I’m not the only one shocked at this.
My money is on Charles. Charles cares for no one but Camilla and the throne.
Camilla or Charles after a few drinks. William knows not to cross this line.
William is careless about the feelings of his actual wife, the mother of his kids. The person who (regardless of her unkind nature) risked her life to give birth to 3 kids for him. So it’s not a stretch he is careless about his brother’s feelings.
At first I was thinking it was William or Charles but now I think it was more than one person who broached this issue with Harry. The firm’s unwillingness to provide security for Archie says the family as a whole were against them having children and they didn’t believe he was worth protecting.
Edward’s son is not an Earl it’s his father’s lesser title and Archie could be Earl of Dumbarton
They sure had no problems changing the rules for the white great grandkids.
As for who said it? My money is on incandescent.
They changed the rules on male primogeniture for Charlotte, that was huge.
It was either Charles or William. I was certain it was William until Harry spoke about his father and hoo boy, there is so much rage there – so now I’m actually leaning more toward Charles.
Yes, this was my thinking too- he’s obviously very hurt by William, but he also seemed somewhat hopeful there could possibly be reconciliation down the line. I wouldn’t be considering reconciling with anyone who said that shit about my kid. But he was RAGING mad at Charles.
I thought the anger with Charles had more to do with the fact that he left the Sussexes out to dry by cutting off the security with no warning. That was just so, so dangerous.
This revelation – that Charles abruptly cut off H&M’s security – at the time they were so clearly exposed and under threat was stunning to me. In an interview loaded with bombshells, the level of spite and cruelty innate in Charles taking this action had my head spinning and my jaw through the floor. He was willing to leave his SON, wife and GRANDCHILD in the wind for any nutter to go after them. Wow! It’s clear this POS has always had ice in his dysfunctional veins. I’m still reeling…
Camilla is older generation; would have a great deal to lose reputationally, a few years from finally being Queen Consort; has far less of an actual relationship with Harry, and seems to be half-shitfaced all the time. Easy to imagine her loudly airing “concerns” about the kid being too dark at some garden party.
On the other hand, these are all reasons for H & M to ignore whatever she says. For Harry to be as hurt as he clearly was points to Charles or William
I agree, it’s Camilla. She is the only one who has no biological connection to the Royals. The children, William and Harry’s are not her grandchildren, they are Diana’s and we know she hated Diana. And she is jealous as heck at Kate and Meghan. She will be a footnote in history. None of her descendants will have royal blood. There are still many people who don’t want her to be queen. Even the queen didn’t attend her wedding.
I vote Willileaks. Charles was ratted out in the interview but W and keen were swept under the carpet.
I am 100% with Kaiser on this one – it’s great-grandma or great-grandpa that asked the question. Certainly the majority of them thought about it and probably wondered aloud to each other privately, but ALL of them would know better than to say it directly to Harry. Given what we know of Philip’s recurring off-colour-at-best/racist-at-worst comments in the past, my money is SQUARELY on him.
Even with Meghan looking rather racially ambigious to help drag their so called modernisation crap into the 21st century, she was still treated like this. Can you imagine if Harry fell in love with someone who has skin tone like Lupita Nyong’o?
@Noki – I say that everyday. Suppose Meghan had been monoracial? They wouldn’t have made it down the aisle.
Harry saved his brother. But it was his brother William who asked him this racist question about baby Archie. 💯 %. William is the biggest bully. He and Kate cannot be advocates of mental health. Their advocacy rings hollow and hypocritical after what they did to Meghan and Harry. Who’s going to believe them after this ?
I think they all did. Some probably made racist jokes, others probably expressed concerns.
I think Charles or William.
But the fact that you can make a case for literally any member of the family starting from Philip all the way down to Zara Tindall is not good.
So agree with you. How sad that we even have to utter a sentence like that – i.e. that it could be any one of a number of people in that ‘family’ that could have made such a statement. 😢
This is definitely the correct takeaway. We can see any one of them saying this.
My bet, because “conversations,” Charles said something clueless and eye-roll inducing. William said something hateful and the rift will never heal.
Oh ofcourse it was Prince Philip.Confessing it was him,whilst he’s in Hospital probably would be “damaging”not only to him but to the queen as well(And Harry loves the queen).He May have not meant it,but it’s one of those inappropriate things/thoughts people of his generation have..Phillip,it is..
It was William! It was WILLIAM!
My take away from this is that Harry is very hurt and disappointed with Charles but hoped to repair the relationship. But with William he said no such thing. Just SPACE. It read to me that he no longer fucks with him. It was, yes I will always love my brother but I can’t have him in my life because he’s toxic.
Williams ‘I already have a nephew’ about Pippa’s son spoke volumes – neither he or Kate has ever said anything publicly about Archie.
I think that comment is just the tips of the iceberg. There were rumours that William threw Harry’s paternity at him – nonsense that was on UK twitter this morning as James Hewitt was trending at one point. Harry was 2 yrs old when he and Diana started their affair.
William is going to come out swinging at this – its going to get even uglier.
Agree SNUFFLES. The fact that you could see the emotion and disappointment in Harry when he talked about Charles and he specifically stated he hoped to mend that relationship speaks volumes. When he spoke of William, he reiterated the same thing he’d said on the African tour documentary and then nothing. I think his relationship with William is the one that is the most damaged and possibly unfixable.
Absolutely this. When he spoke about Charles there was real hurt but that often stems from expectations. Like he expected his father to do better, to show up and support him. He talked of mending that relationship in an earnest and sincere way.
When he talked about Willima(even though he talked of his love for him), he treated him as a non-entity. And then said the relationships was… space. That is so telling. It was cold. He is done with him.
Tom Bradby said last year that there were things that happened between the brothers that were “things which could not be unsaid”. This is what it was.
Then throw in William being unable to acknowledge Archie by name and then saying he already has a nephew…. we have our answer.
Yesss!!. It’s like he expected this behavior from William, but, his own father co-signing taking security from his own grandson; you could feel the hurt Harry was expressing. Still shook from this interview.
Charles. 100% Charles. Harry said there’s still a relationship with William although it needs space for healing. His relationship with his father has clearly been destroyed and talking about it almost had Harry in tear during the interview. His father did something unforgivable and I think it had to do with blatant racism toward Meghan and their baby.
I will bet my house it was William, because we have seen him blank Meghan at public functions, especially when she has tried to engage with him; he told Harry not to rush into marriage, which I doubt that he would have said about Cressida if Harry had proposed to her; he went out of his way not to acknowledge Harry and Meghan at the 2020 Commonwealth service at Westminster Abby; he never stopped his SIL or nephew from being racially abused by the media. In addition, there are articles in the British tabloid press about the racist in chief queen mother mentoring William and favouring him, pushing Harry aside, he would have learnt that behaviour from her. He merely carries Diana’s DNA but the Mountbatton-Windsor venom that passes for blood is strong in that one. Only Harry is truly Diana’s son.
It’s all of them.
because of her “damaging” comment it was either William or Charles.
Sofia, you’re absolutely right: fact is, it could be anyone in this racist institution. I think it’s William, who is against racism in sports, but not in his family. In any case, the whole world sees them now.
Phillip is the obvious answer… too obvious. Plus, he’s one million years old and seems pretty checked out.
It’s William. He was the one trying to run wedding subterfuge. He’s the one who would be damaged the most as the Future Future King who the palace protects/cleans up messes for. Charles, not Phillip have such a pristine reputation. Remember, even though people here think he’s a total snake, he’s been presented as the “Gallant” to Harry’s “Goofus” all their lives. He “carefully took a decade to choose a Princess who would understand her place.” He’s “sorrowful” that he can’t put his arm around his brother anymore because of “Yoko Markle.” He’s one of the driving forces behind the Kensington Palace leaks, including the Meghan is a bully claims.
And even still, Harry is protecting him. That tells you who the better man is.
Do I think Elizabeth, Phillip, Charles etc is capable of making that kind of comment? Absolutely!
But I don’t think Harry would be surprised by it if they did. My Grandma was the same age as the Queen and she unfortunately said casually racist things all the time-and I really don’t think Elizabeth or Phillip being casually racist is uncommon.
The shock/anger about this comment indicates to me that it came from a younger member of the branch. Someone Harry and Meghan had higher expectations for. Also think of who this could really damage. Everybody knows Phillip is racist. Charles’ reputation is ‘meh’ at best.
Also, like I mentioned above, pay attention to the editing of the piece. They brought up William right before asking Harry about the race conversation. Oprah and her editors know what they’re doing.
Yes clever editing and am sure off camera he might have named names – am not sure Harry and William’s relationship can ever be repaired, that bridge has been burned.
Interesting that it now looks like Chuck leaked the exit plan to the press as he asked for it in writing but then again if William had gotten a copy of the plans he could have also leaked it.
Oprah just said on early morning CBS that no, Harry did NOT tell her even off camera.
Chris Ship from ITV narrows it down to four ‘candidates’ – Charles, William or their wives. Based on how furious Charles was with his father, and that he gave William a ‘free pass’ and said he loved him to bits, it must have been Chucky:
I think William. My hypothesis is that wills said something before the engagement – tried to make a “joke” about what color the kids would be. But one of those jokes that aren’t jokes at all, the way racists will cover their comments by pretending they’re funny and turning it around on you if you can’t take a joke. Fits right in with wills’ whole posh aristo Tory scene and the “jokes” we know they make about anyone they see as lesser than themselves.
I think Prince Phillip, because he’s nearly a hundred, has said racist things all his life, and I think it would look bad with his frail health. But…it’s notable that I could really see it being William, too.
Oprah confirmed that it wasn’t the Queen or Philip because Harry told her specifically it wasn’t.
I hadn’t read that at the time of writing this guess- however, not a great look for Woke William that I could confuse his views with that of his century old grandfather, is it?
“Racism has no place in football”, he says. Apparently, it’s strictly for the home.
Per Oprah this morning, Harry confirmed the comments didn’t come from the queen or Phillip.
so oprah just confirmed on CBS is was NOT the queen or prince philip, so it must be either Charles or William. Or honestly, both.
Call me naive, but the photo they first published of E&P meeting Archie as a newborn showed two great grandparents looking lovingly at their newest great grandchild.
When have we ever seen a photo of Archie with Charles or William? Remember William’s GRIMACE at Archie’s christening? It was definitely either Charles or William (or both)
William. With a side of n word.
Someone on a previous thread posted a cute parody of the WandaVision song “It Was Agatha All Along,” replacing the lyrics with “It Was William All Along.” I apologize that I can’t remember the name of the poster to give him/her credit, but I will say that this is the song I’m singing! It WAS William all along!
I was appalled at the decision to keep Archie untitled. That, to me, showed how truly shit they are at PR.
They changed the rules for William’s children – if RULES ARE RULES! then only George should be Prince while the rest should have been styled as children of a Duke.
They chose to actively hide their newest member of the family because of his melanin % and his parentage. This is shameful, racist and disgusting.
Can someone explain this? Archie was not entitled to the title of prince, right? Only William’s kids until Charles becomes king. So were they saying Archie would never be titled prince? And are they saying that archie’s courtesy titles were not an option? Or did they just choose not to use it?
Only the eldest son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales was entitled to the title. The rest would not have been until they became grandchildren of the Monarch.
The Queen stepped in and changed those Letter Patent to include ALL children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, therefore Charlotte and Louis were included, too.
The Queen could have stepped in, again, to include Archie. They denied him the title of a Duke’s eldest son (one of his father’s other titles) just like they will deny Girl Sussex the title of Lady. They wanted these children untitled and unprotected. That’s why this was always so important.
Edit to add: I didn’t catch this in the interview but some are saying that it was said Archie would never be titled, regardless of the law/protocol, as they were looking into making changes that would exclude Harry’s children.
I’d have to go back and watch the interview again for sure, but yes, my takeaway at the moment I heard it was the discussion is changes are contemplated/in progress? so that Harry’s children would be excluded from what has been the normal title progression for children in their position (they will be grandchildren of the monarch once Charles ultimately takes the throne).
As I recall, it’s important because it related to whether Archie was eligible for security. No title, no security. Meghan emphasized they didn’t care about the title, in itself. Lack of security for Archie was frightening for Harry as well.
I’m pretty sure I’ve got the gist, but am tired from watching the interview, then reading comments, then getting up for the CBS morning show, so apologies if I’ve got something wrong.
Renee – My understanding was this: George was the only one of W&K’s children entitled to a title (before Charles is king) until they changed the rules for Charlotte and Louis. Likewise, Archie was/is not entitled to a title until Charles ascends the throne; however, the firm is/was trying to change the rules (again) to prevent Archie (and presumably baby #2) from having a title *even then.* Harry and Megan never made the choice to prevent him from having a title, it was just spun that way in the media.
oh. so oprah just compared the relationship between meghan and her dad to the relationship between harry and william. so this means it needs to be william who said this. also I think it confirms william’s affair. like – there was clearly a betrayal so awful.
Wow. That’s so telling.
That’s especially telling bc she said “she lost her father and her baby.” Basically, her dad might as well be dead to her. So William might as well be dead to Harry?
It’s William. He can barely talk about William at this point. Harry is mournful and disappointed in Charles, but he’s working on forgiving him.
Oprah magazine just released a statement saying Harry wanted to clarify that neither the Queen nor Prince Phillip were the ones who asked about their baby’s colour.
That to me still leaves Charles and William as the prime suspects, with my money being on William, ‘cause I don’t think Harry would be trying so hard to communicate with Charles if it had been him, and when it comes to William, Harry was pretty clear he wanted “space” from brother incandescent.
I think and will continue to think it is Charles. Too many things stop at his doorstep.
Harry is still speaking with everyone but William, and made no mention of healing the relationship as he did with his father. It was clearly William. That is what caused the rift, not William asking if Harry was sure he knew ‘this girl’ well enough. That never made sense and was portrayed as Harry was a hot head who took offense to everything. Now we see.
Oprah has just come out and said it WASN’T TQ or Philip – so it leaves Chuck or William and my money is still on William as he’s the only one Harry is still not in communication with.
Come on now, we know its Mr. ED William. You can see the indignation on his face. He’s one nasty son of a b!tch!
It is William.
Ok so the press is now saying that Harry told Oprah it wasn’t the Queen or Philip. But here me out. Could it be prince Andrew? He’s so slimy.
Followed the royals for years….it was William.
We all know it was the sputtering incandescent chicken-shit, William.
Harry is angry and sad that his father didn’t protect M against all the RR’s, just as he didn’t protect Diana. But it’s clear that there may be the chance for a reconciliation there, eventually. But the “there’s space” about William is basically “I despise my racist brother who turned his back on my wife and family and I never want to deal with his bullshit again.”
1) Toxic white guys with added power don’t think it’s problematic to say stupid stuff like this. (on a previous post today, someone wrote about a personal experience where William told her friend “Nice baps (breasts) – want a birthday kiss?”. That’s EXACTLY the guy who has no filter whatsoever and says stuff like this.
2) Charles might have made a face, but he has enough life experience and is anticipating being King – he’s been waiting a lifetime to rule the Commonwealth and he’s at least wise enough to know that a comment like that would blow the whole thing up. William lacks any wisdom or filter in that regard.
3) Any time someone says “that girl” and can’t use someone’s name (when they clearly know it) in a conversation about someone’s future wife, that’s all you have to know. Not that different than calling someone “boy”…it erases their dignity and personhood, and not by accident.
4) William think it’s going to make HIS reign “messy”. I wonder how Charles and Camilla aren’t constantly annoyed at the “Future Queen” stuff about Kate – there is an entire person (even if just a Consort ) between QE and Kate. Williams doesn’t mind erasing Camilla, so for sure he wouldn’t mind erasing Meg…with or without the Diana / Camilla history.
Exactly @nutella toast And specific to #3 with the factor of race to using the terms “girl” and “boy”, very deliberate.
For years I’ve side-eyed the explanation of the brothers falling out due to William telling him to ‘slow down with this girl.’ Finally we’re getting a sort of confirmation William’s words were so much worse than reported. Because of course they were. After all, this is the same cretin who joked about Uber drivers being frisked and also told people in Africa to stop having so many children while Karen Middleton was pregnant with their third. He’s absolutely vile.
It was William. Meghan and Harry are on good terms with the Queen and Prince Philip. Harry said he’s trying to repair his relationship with his Dad. He said he needs space from William. It was William.
I doubt its Elizabeth. Whether or not she *thinks* about it, I think she knows better and is too proper to actually say something like that to her grandson. Could be Philip, but I dont think that would be particularly shocking. And I also doubt it was someone like Zara or Andrew. The fact that titles were brought up feels like its someone more important so I think Charles or William (both future kings) are more likely the culprits.
Like many here, let me add another check in the William column. Harry seemed mostly disappointed and hurt about his Dad not stepping up or in, and I do believe that’s about the security issues. While I can for sure see Charles giving some clueless commentary, I really think it is William. He knows that Harry’s kids will be competing with his kids for the spotlight, like William has to do with Harry. He doesn’t want anything throwing the spotlight off of him and his family.
I think it was William and now I think it was Andrew. Andrew because of Babs reminding us up top that William asked his uncle to talk to Harry about his relationship with “that girl”. Wiliam because f__king William! I only took Prince Philip off of the list because I just saw the morning show and Oprah said Harry specifically said it was not TQ or PP.
If you listen to the interview it clearly was not TQ or Phillip. That leaves Charles and William. Frankly given what they said, H&M pretty clearly exonerated TQ from wrong doing in all of this and it leaves those two for pretty much everything.
1000% certain it was William. I think Harry is resigned to the fact that his brother is a racist jerk. I also think he seemed more agitated about Charles because he never expected support from W&K, but did expect it from his father. I think that blow is fresher and more raw right now…and could be repaired by a change of attitude. Being racist…tougher thing to change.
I am utterly disgusted by this family. As a person who was born and raised in a member country of the Commonwealth I am desperate to see said country withdraw from the Commonwealth asap.
@Flying Fish. Same. I’ma need the Caribbean commonwealth countries to get their fingers out and go
I thought it was Charles, but I’m starting to think, it actually might be Anne as someone else stated on another post. Or it could be one of his cousins. Or even Kate or one of her peoples. Harry stated, he thought it was an awkward conversation.
Given Williams blatant objections to the marriage I feel certain it was William.
He also seems to be behind the most petty, jealous antics of the whole lot.
Additionally am I too much of a conspirator to think the clumsy objections to racism in football was an effort to get ahead of this story?
I think it was Andrew. Has to be someone who was very spoiled, very protected, and has terrible judgement. If it was William or Charles, Harry would be essentially ending them by making this public. Has to be someone who is already half out.
Yes! It sounds like something Andrew would do too. He’s been known to make racist comments in the past.
I remember having a few discussions with my family members and friends after Meghan and Harry announced their pregnancy about our fears in regards to the royal family and the racists reactions if the child’s complexion would be what they would consider “too dark.” Thus, I was not surprised by Meghan’s statement.
Me and a lot of my family members and friends saw this coming.
I fear for Meghan, her child and her unborn child. The hate for this woman is palpable and it is not going away anytime soon. This hate is a living breathing thing and this hate could destroy all not just the pointed directed target.
The royal rota are out here decrying the “dangerous guessing game” of this blind item, in particular our old pal Dan Wooten.
Not that he says it’s false, mind you, just how dare we even talk about it.
Watched the interview in its entirety and here’s what I don’t understand – H&M were reluctant to pin anything on Liz and mentioned several times that they respect her and how kind she was/is. WHY? She’s the Queen….even if all of these issues were propagated by Bill, Charles, staff….Liz surely could’ve been advised and given Archie security in one fell swoop, no? Why continue to hold in high regard the women who could’ve solved many (not all) of these problems?
I don’t think Betty’s running things any more. Pretty obvious it’s Charles in Charge.
These racist, useless ‘royals’ need to be dethroned pronto. A$$holes
Chuck or Billy fo’sho
When was it announced about Williams daughter. Being able to be a Queen? Who would that matter to? Who would even think about that? UNLESS, they were worried about Archie. Down the road?
My Bingo card is:
But it could have been anyone of them.
Now that’s a deplorable family if ever there was one.
Baby Archie is sooooooooo adorable. Harry’s mum would be proud of him.
I fell down a rabbit hole reading about how ALL this is The Brothers taking down Chuck; so he will never be King; over the damage done to Dianna by the Royal Family.
The interview was an honest one and shows the Royal Family backward attitudes. We feel sad the way Prince Harry and his family has been treated by RF family and courtiers. it is dated, and old rules to sweep the news that they choose under the rug, for eg. Princes Andrews association with his paedo pal Jeffrey Epstein, Prince William’s alleged affair in Norfolk.
But highlight, and drip feed Daily Mail, anything the couple, Prince Harry and Megan do say. Unfortunately some of the gullible and ignorant British public are fooled believe the garbage. Prince Charles always had that popularity contest with the late Pricess Diana. So, no surprise there, he probably was worried his second son will outshine him…..
We believe, Prince Charles and his eldest son orchestrated the downfall of their blood family aided by their spouses and old fashioned courtiers.
However, we definitely believe the colour tone remark must have been made by Prince William. Very sad news. Wishing a fair outcome for Prince Harry and his immediate family.
Phillip, Charles or William……..pick one………..