Jennifer Lopez ‘contemplated breaking up with Alex for six months’

(FILE) Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Retain JPMorgan to Raise Money for Mets Bid. Retired baseba...

People Magazine has a big exclusive about Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez’s split-and-takeback. This did not surprise me in the least – Jennifer is definitely a fan of the old-school celebrity-media, and it makes perfect sense that she, Alex and their publicists would want to work with People to form a certain narrative about what’s been happening in the relationship/engagement. The one surprise in here is that it never occurred to me that J-Rod was having issues because of the pandemic. They were together for a year consistently, day after day, and they got on each other’s nerves. That actually makes a lot of sense! Of course, I also think he was banging everything with two legs and a pulse as well. Some highlights from this People story:

J-Rod is committed to giving it a chance: “Alex flew to the Dominican Republic, and Jennifer was excited to see him in person,” a source close to Lopez tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue, on newsstands Friday. “They want to spend time in person to figure out their life together.”

Jennifer will do what it takes: “The past few days were upsetting and stressful,” says the Lopez source. “She and Alex have a lot of issues they hope they can work through, but they both seem willing to do whatever it takes to stay together.”

She’s wanted this to be over for a while though: “She’s been contemplating breaking up with Alex for six months,” says a Lopez friend.

The honeymoon phase faded over the last year in lockdown. “They both liked spending more time together as a family, but it was difficult to keep that special spark when they saw each other every day,” the Lopez source says of the couple, who have two children each (Lopez shares 13-year-old twins Emme and Max with ex-husband Marc Anthony, and Rodriguez shares daughters Natasha, 16, and Ella, 12 with ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis).

But the relationship really faltered when she went back to work: “Filming during COVID has been very hard for her,” says the Lopez source, adding that in addition to missing her children deeply, “not having Alex around all the time makes her stressed.” While Rodriguez visited Lopez last month, the “distance has been an issue,” adds the source. “Jennifer was very unhappy.” Similarly, a friend says Rodriguez was “in a mood” when he returned home to Miami after the trip.

They want to stay together for their kids: Though the current situation has been stressful for both stars, sources say they recognize how much they have to lose. At the top of the list is the happily blended family they’ve built over the last four years. “They’ve been trying to keep it together for the kids,” says the Lopez source.

They want to stay together for their business deals: In addition to merging their families, they also have several business ventures together — including a joint deal with wellness brand Hims & Hers and with the sunglass brand Quay — and share properties in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. “They’re tied in their business worlds so it’s not a cut and-dry breakup,” says the Lopez friend. “It’s taken a while for them to even think about untangling it all.” Adds the Lopez source: “They invested a lot into their relationship. An official split would be devastating on so many levels.”

So much to lose: “They love each other,” says the Lopez source, “and they have so much to lose if they split.”

[From People]

This story kind of bummed me out. I get the feeling that Jennifer is really, deeply unhappy with Alex but she’s forcing herself – and being manipulated by him – to do whatever she can to “make it work.” Does Alex actually share that commitment to doing whatever it takes? Doubtful. So Jennifer has to do all of the emotional labor of reconciling even though she’s the one who wanted out in the first place. It just sucks. Also: “not having Alex around all the time makes her stressed.” Because when she’s in another country, it’s harder for her to keep tabs on him. Because he’s a cheater. That’s what so much of this is about. That and they got on each other’s nerves in lockdown.

Jennifer Lopez steps out with Alex Rodriguez and her blinding engagement ring!

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez step out for a casual afternoon in Miami

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Backgrid.

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37 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez ‘contemplated breaking up with Alex for six months’”

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  1. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    What a load. Her publicist is throwing every excuse at the wall trying to save face.
    He cheat-ed/-s. No one is surprised.

  2. Midge says:

    This is a guy who cheats, constantly. It’s not a slip up, it’s a way of life. He’s been getting away with it for his entire adult life. He will never stop cheating.

    • Snappyfish says:

      Constantly!! In 2015 we were in South Beach & I was at lunch (south beach Ritz) at the table next to us was a woman & her gorgeous GORGEOUS 17 year old niece. (I know as I overheard her tell the waiter it was her niece & it was her 17th birthday) She had on a cute wrap over her swim suit & had legs that went on for miles. This douchebag sent champagne to their table (it was lunch & she was clearly underage) & then came over & just took a seat. (He was not welcome) & told her how beautiful she was. He handed her a card which I presume had his number on it .(she didn’t take it & the aunt told him no thank you) at which point he said “she can speak for herself” (!!). The young girl v sweetly said “no thank you I don’t go out w/people older than my Dad”. He left but I will never forget his look of entitlement & the tone he took w/these women.

      This is who he is everyday. I feel bad for JLo & I don’t really like her

  3. lucy2 says:

    So when they’re together 24/7, it’s not good, but when they’re apart, she’s stressed and doesn’t trust him?
    That sounds miserable and unhealthy.

    • florencia says:

      This. Some relationships just aren’t meant to keep going, this sounds like one of them.

    • Anne Call says:

      Sounds real healthy for their various children. Feel bad for those kids and their very affluent but probably very unstable lives.

  4. Paperclip says:

    Nope nope nopitty nope. She’s actively making business decisions, emotional labor or not.

    What kind of example does that set for her kids? It’s okay to be cheated on and miserable? It’s okay to treat women like trash?

    She’s rich and famous enough to survive this in the industry AND and get professional help to learn how to thrive in her personal life.

    The value she has for what she perceives as her brand simply outweighs everything else.

    I said what I said.

  5. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    “ I also think he was banging everything with two legs and a pulse as well.”
    I don’t think that a pulse is a non-negotiable criterion for AR: a garden rake painted with a winsome smile would probably do at a pinch.

  6. Exactly says:

    I want to feel bad for her. I really do. But she knows what she’s doing. She benefits from having him around, in her own little world. And she thinks being single is beneath her. She needs to get over herself, cut him out of her life for good and make a meaningful rest of her life with her beautiful coconuts. She has more monetary blessings than most of us peasants will ever see. Quit wasting it on someone that isn’t worth it, Jennifer. Life is way too short. A man does not make a woman whole. God does, imho. 🙏🏽☝🏽🙌🏽♥️🤗🧠

    • MaplePlains says:

      “she thinks being single is beneath her.” Yes! I’m so sad for her that as accomplished and gorgeous as she is, it appears that she’s scared to be alone and has repeatedly put up with serial cheating by multiple partners.

      Can Jane Fonda pull her aside and fill her in on why you don’t need a man – or it be “in love” -to be happy? I feel like Jane has talked about this a lot over the past couple of years…

      • Ashley says:

        Old bit of gossip, but Jane Fonda hates Jennifer Lopes. Started with Monster In Law. Apparently they did not get a long and the hate grew from there

  7. Cee says:

    If my boyfriend cheated on me DURING A PANDEMIC I would be gone in a second.
    Imagine getting Covid from his mistress/hookup!

    • bibi says:

      during a pandemic while on lockdown… sounds awful

      • Andrea says:

        There was a story of a guy who went to Italy from the UK to visit his mistress, came back, gave covid to his wife, and had to confess to her.

  8. whatWHAT? says:

    they got on each other’s nerves: for him, because it was harder for him to cheat with them together all the time; and her because even if he stepped out for “a business meeting” she was worried he was cheating.

    because he’s a cheater who cheats.

    she looked the other way for as long as she could stand but couldn’t take the hurt and the lies anymore. that’s my take, anyway.

    you’d think that a dude like him would be better off in a committed but non-monogamous relationship. he wants a Primary but others on the side. the thing is, part of why he gets off is because he’s cheating. the thrill of the forbidden. if was in a C-but-NM relationship, that thrill goes out the window because he’s “allowed to”.

  9. Arb says:

    Maybe the cheating isn’t a big deal for her. She had no issue accepting blood money to perform for dictators, although she was already very, very rich. A little pandemic philandering shouldn’t phase someone who values their own luxury lifestyle over the lives and deaths of children.

  10. Hyperbolme says:

    So let me get this right… It was stressful to be around him but it was also stressful to not see him. Sounds… Not great. Like, maybe don’t marry the douche canoe if you can’t take being near or far from him.

  11. Lady Luna says:

    “But it was difficult to keep that special spark when they saw each other every day,” WTF? That’s what happens when you’re in a relationship. SMH.

  12. bibi says:

    If this was Gwyneth Paltrow, she would call this BS “conscious parting for preplanned recoupling” to save face, when actually is should simply be “splitting up and backtracking”. jennifer probably want to ggive it one last try, because he convinced her again. It’s too bad, who didnt know he was a cheater, but she thought being Jlo would be enough to stop him from cheating. He’s so flawed, but I admit I liked them together even if sometimes, they seemed like tryharders. Poor jennifer…

  13. JT says:

    I’ll never understand why Jennifer tends to merge her business and finances with men. At her level of wealth and businesses, she should have kept those things separate. It was the same with Casper. It’s not enough that he was her backup dancer, she had to promote him to head choreographer, he accompanied her to business meetings, I think she wanted to open up a studio with him as well. ARod had his own money, why does she need to get into business with him? Or buy properties together? They weren’t even married yet. Mariah Carey would never give her boy toys the keys to the castle.

  14. NotSoSimpleTaylor says:

    I feel bad for Jennifer but what did Jennifer truly expect? All of Aaron’s long term relationships ended with accusations of cheating in form or another…

  15. Merricat says:

    I don’t know why she thinks she needs to “save face.” She’s not the one who cheated, and she’s not the reason he cheated. Now, taking him back knowing he’s a cheater, that’s something you lose face over.

  16. Aitana says:

    I don’t have any sympathy 4 JLo. She’s @ the age where she shud know what she wants & what she is & isn’t willing to put up with N a man. Someone I can’t trust the minute they’re out of my field of vision…just no.

  17. bibi says:

    Also, it is obvious that she’s trying to set a timeline that would not involve Madison Lecroy because how humiliating that Jlo, so famous and beautiful and successful at 51, has her man cheating with a 30 years old class B celeibrity. That doesnt go well with this queen.

    • BK says:

      One of the guys on the show came out and said Madison spoke about Arod in July but said it had to be edited out of the show because of the NDA. So seems like this was going on about 6 months or so before the story actually broke in janurary!

  18. Lunasf17 says:

    I feel like she knows he’s going to cheat and she is OK with it to some degree but got really embarrassed with this southern charm person. I think many celebrities (especially men) have some sort of agreement where they have side chicks and are discreet and their partners have to deal since they want that lifestyle. But JLo has her own money so no need to put up with side chicks if you don’t want to! I also totally relate to Covid and being around each other 24 seven killing the romance vibe! It’s hard to maintain your sexy when you’re on your SOs nerves constantly and wearing the same sweats for days on end.

  19. sa says:

    I didn’t know they had so many business deals together. When they were bidding on the Mets I remember thinking that will get very messy when they break up. (I know, I should have thought if, but I was definitely thinking when).

  20. You Know Me says:

    Oh boy. All to garner attention for her next (C rated) movie. Really sad & really obvious.

  21. BK says:

    First of all, if I have to hear these two complain about “lockdown” one more time I’m going to go insane. They were out and about and traveling the whole pandemic with paparazzi shots and their own IG posts to prove it. Please stop acting like you were locked together in a 1 bedroom apartment somewhere. Second of all, A-rod has been using J-Lo from the beginning for his image overall. Maybe she thought he’d behave because he needed her, but he clearly got cocky and stopped caring! He’s garbage. He’s been garbage his entire career and he learned nothing from his year long suspension. I feel bad for his daughters because they are definitely old enough to google all the crap their dad has done.

  22. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    awwww…”difficult to keep that special spark when they saw each other every day”
    poor lambs. 🙄

  23. Susan says:

    J Lo is a sad reminder to all of us that money, fame, beauty, etc., doesn’t give you self esteem. I’m sure its so hard to date and love in Hollywood, but dang, J Lo, you deserve better than this idiot. it’s been my experience that you can’t change a person. I feel like J Lo always wants to change the “wild” guys. Perhaps an unresolved relationship issue in her childhood?

  24. Eulalia says:

    I definitely think it’s over but Jennifer wants to stall announcing it until the whole Southern Charm thing dies down properly. I think she would probably feel embarrassed that the implication was that some D-List Bravolebrity caused their breakup.

    She has a really bad picker but I’m rooting for J.Lo to find someone who will treat her well after this.