Prince William is ‘quite affronted’ by the claim that he’s ‘trapped by his future role’

Royal visit to London vaccination centre

As we know, Prince William’s default emotion is rage, anger, incandescence. What’s interesting is how much of a slow-burn rager this is turning out to be. The Sussexes’ Oprah interview aired over two full weeks ago and William hasn’t been right since. First he tried to shove his Single White Female wife under the bus, under the guise of being full of rage about Kate being brutalized by Meghan’s correction of Kate’s long-standing lies. But slowly but surely, the Other Brother is taking his place at the center of all of this chaos. Harry said Charles and William are trapped in the system, that they are weak men who are terrified of the media and terrified of things “looking bad.” William didn’t understand what Harry meant. Which is why all of this has been happening. William has been forcing this series of bizarre narratives about how his head is “all over the place” but look, he’s also the “gatekeeper” of the family, and look, he’s also incandescent yet sad because Harry won’t be there to help lazy King Baldingham. And on and on. As for Harry’s “trapped” comment… Katie Nicholl has an update:

Prince William isn’t pleased with how he was portrayed by his brother, Prince Harry, during his explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey earlier this month, royal expert Katie Nicholl tells ET. The 38-year-old Duke of Cambridge publicly refuted Harry’s claims of racism within the royal family, but Nicholl says that privately he’s also upset by some of Harry’s other statements.

“We’re hearing reports that Prince William felt quite affronted by the claims that Harry made in the interview, not only to the suggestion of racism within the royal family.. …We’ve also heard through friends of William who have spoken to the newspapers over here that he really rejects that suggestion from his brother that he feels ‘trapped’ by the firm, that he feels trapped by his future role,” Nicholl says. “If you speak to the sources close to William, they say this is very much not the case. He’s very willing to embrace his destiny as a future king, and he’s very happy to step up to his responsibilities.”

Nicholl says that the public shouldn’t expect any further statements from the royal family in the wake of the interview. “Clearly we’re quite a ways off from seeing any healing of this rift, but certainly my understanding from the Cambridge camp is that if everything is going to be scrutinized and dissected in the media, then there’s really no chance of them moving on from this,” Nicholl shares. “I think that you’re going to hear less and less about the current state of the relationship with the brothers for the simple reason that every time something is leaked to the media, it sets those peace talks back.”

This summer’s deadline of the Princess Diana statue unveiling in the gardens of Kensington Palace has put pressure on the brothers’ peace talks. “It’s really important to the royal family, but I think particularly Prince William, that William and Harry are there shoulder by shoulder,” Nicholl says of the event coming up in July. “There is a lot of work, clearly, to be done for this relationship to repair. That building of trust is obviously very important.”

[From ET]

I’m enjoying the very common theme among royal reporters that Harry is somehow desperately seeking reconciliation, or that Harry is hellbent on returning to that dusty, salty isle in any way. They just can’t get it through their heads that Harry is quite happy to build a life for himself in America with his wife and children. Harry isn’t beating down anyone’s door, begging for reconciliation. He’s asking for respect. Respect for himself and his wife and their children. And if William and Charles can’t give them that respect, then who cares? Not Harry.

As for William feeling “quite affronted” and feeling “very willing to embrace his destiny as a future king, and he’s very happy to step up to his responsibilities.” Well… it’s a relatively new thing for him. William only wanted to be king when Harry and Meghan became so popular. Rage-monster Willy wanted to stomp his feet and have them exiled like a real despot would. I still remember all of those Times of London pieces around the spring of 2019, about how William had finally been coaxed into embracing his “future king” status. This change in Baldingham only happened in his late 30s, mind you. Before H&M became the most charismatic and popular royals, Other Brother was happy to f–k off in Norfolk, play-acting a keen country squire and eating the cheese-on-toast made by Carole Middleton. Besides all of that… the Other Brother IS trapped and weak and angry. But William doesn’t even understand his own predicament because in addition to being trapped, weak and angry, he’s also dumb as a box of wiglets.

Royal visit to London vaccination centre

Royal visit to London vaccination centre

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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105 Responses to “Prince William is ‘quite affronted’ by the claim that he’s ‘trapped by his future role’”

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  1. Elizabeth Regina says:

    Just when you think they might finally reach the acceptance and moving on phase of the bereavement cycle, they loop back to anger and denial. Harry now has a JAY -OWE-BEE and he is not coming back anytime soon. The Sussexes are surviving and thriving whilst Bland and Blander are stuck. All the thrones and tiaras cannot hide who they truly are and they are just upset that the rest of the world sees that.

    • PEARL GREY says:

      Statesman Bill was idle for most of his 20s and then spent the first 6 years of his marriage avoiding full-time royal work by hiding behind his part-time “pilot” job and avoiding full-time pilot work by hiding behind his part-time “royal” job. He’s on camera admitting that he is not “waiting and hoping to be king”, and his own allergy to royal work over the years earned him the monikers “Work-Shy Will” and “Reluctant Royal”. This new keen-to-be-king rebranding was introduced post-2018 (for obvious reasons) but no matter how much future monarch cosplay William engages in, we all know he does not really want the role and envies his brother’s freedom to forge his own path, which is why he has tried to throw so many roadblocks in Harry’s way. Funny how William never felt the need to leak to his mouthpieces that he was “quite affronted” when Harry said “nobody wants to be king” a few years ago. He is trapped, Harry is free.

    • Cessily says:

      They do like to mirror the Prince and Duchess of Sussex, look at those photos! All that’s missing is holding hands…
      Also if jealousy destroyed pervious lives and relationships in their family isn’t Williams best legacy to his mum to break that cycle from within, especially for his own children.. imagine His sons throwing their sister under the bus because she was more popular? Family should be inclusive not a contest of who is most popular.

      • PEARL GREY says:

        This is the way the royal “family” has always worked. Rather than build each individual’s popularity through their own hard work and personality, they merely smear the character of their popular members to destroy their public image and make themselves more popular by default. They don’t want to earn the public’s respect and affection by genuine means. It’s all about basic survival at any cost, even if it means throwing your family under the bus to force people like you better. They all do it to each other. The only two who didn’t want to do it were driven out.

  2. Aidevee says:

    Yep, and in the meantime, the rest of the world is busying itself with fighting the pandemic.

    Go and visit some charities Will. Or read some kids stories on you tube. Or have a veggie patch plantalong, or launch a poster competition. Anything really, to make it look as if you actually give a shit about anything beyond your own nose. Like the country and commonwealth you are supposed to be taking charge of one day. Move the narrative away from your horrific snobbery, racism and toxic family dynamics.

    There is so much self-absorption going on here. And very little relevant action. If you care so much about your destiny Will, then go and bloody carve it!!

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Right there is his problem. He doesn’t want to do any heavy lifting. He likes symbolic little jobs or grand gestures such as launching prizes /making declarative statements with little or no meaningful impact. He is indeed the Duke of No Impact.

    • Cecilia says:

      I think william doesn’t know what to do with the role he’s going to inherent. Charles was always told to be more like his mother ( passive, don’t give your own opinion). It was clear very early on that he wanted to do more with the job, which made him actually quite onpopulair amongst the establishment. I think william has spent his life thus far avoiding doing this like his father and there doing it more like his grandmother. But times are changing and bu the time he becomes king people are going to expect more action from a public figure like him. I don’t think he knows how to shape that. He has no passions projects of his own (he chose environment because its populair, not because he cares about it). Other than that he has nothing except bread and butter engagements

  3. Lauren says:

    Bill has pretty much been trapped since he got married. He couldn’t use his bachelor status as an excuse to travel plenty. He started using his wife and children as an excuse not to work, then it was his day job, then there was that course at Oxford Uni (or was it Cambridge?). He never wanted to put in any real royal work until Meghan came round, then he was suddenly front and centre in embracing his role. Only that now that he is front and centre and his human shields are gone how is he going to excuse his work-shy ways? He can use the pandemic excuse for however long that lasts, but then? If he hasn’t started working now that he is 38 he isn’t going to do that at 50- Let alone when/if he is king.

    • GINEVRA says:

      To be honest, William should never have gotten serious at 18 years of age but sowed his wild oats and do everything that he wanted to as a single man. However, whatever witch’s brew Carole Middleton, who was hell-bent on snagging William for Waity Kaity, gave William to drink had him tied to her hook, line and sinker.

      In any event, from what is written about him in Battle of Brothers it is clear to see who the vipers are in the senior royals circle: William, Charles, Kate and Grandma Betty. William is jealous, pompous, ruthless, power-hungry, snotty and cold. He threw his brother and sister-in-law under the bus. Meghan should never set foot around that family again because they are NOT to be trusted.

      One main point stood out about the Queen regarding Princess Diana which showed her to be spiteful and vindictive. She did NOT want to fly the flag at half staff nor give Diana the kind of funeral deserved a royal. The following is an excerpt from “Battle of Brothers” page 137 People’s Princess”‘:

      “The Queen long ceased being a fan of her ex-daughter-in-law and did not envisage Diana’s body being flown home in special dignity to lie in state. On the Queen’s instructions to her private secretary, he arranged for Diana’s body to be sent discreetly to the Fulham Road mortuary used by the royal coroner”.

      Prince Charles found out and had to turn to Tony Blair who intervened and the decision was reversed.

      • Becks1 says:

        Oh the Queen was a petty B when it came to Diana’s death, but I also think she just never fully realized Diana’s reach. There was a documentary about that week on Netflix and someone involved in planning the funeral – Dickie Arbiter maybe?* – was talking about how they didnt even want the funeral at Westminster Abbey because they thought they couldnt fill it and it would look bad on tv.

        *I know I know, but at the time he did work for the queen.

      • Abvmadison says:

        So true. I bet Charles wished he allowed William to move colleges. I think that having Carol be in his ear and treat him like king didn’t help. He is stuck at that maturity level. Kate never crossed him because Carol wouldn’t allow it. I think he has been trapped by the middletons and doesn’t know it. I wonder were Wills and Kate would be if they pushed back against Carol.

      • ElleE says:

        I remember going to bed, thinking that Diana was just in a car crash, and was totally going to be ok (I also thought that the coast guard was going to find JFK jr., idk, clinging to the side of his plane so, yeah).

        The BRF did nothing-The Press was dying to know how the boys found out, how they were doing and did the BRF know who killed her (this speculation started within hours of her death). Just those 3 things and – nothing.

        They wanted to treat Diana’s death as if it was (just an example) Fergie’s (i.e. not a member of the BRF) and the fact that they had to pull out and apply the Queen mother’s funeral plan and use it for Diana (at first the word was her brother was in charge of her arrangements and the public went bonkers-newscasters were openly aghast at this abdication of responsibility for Diana’s arrangements) must piss them off to this day. The pressure on the Queen kept building and building as the week went on. God they must have seen M&H as the biggest threat to “protocol “ since Diana. Diana’s true power wasn’t evident to them until after she died.

        BRF was just applying the rules and they were nearly the most hated family on the planet for DAYS. The fear of someone having that kind of power (through the public) over the sovereign, a married-in no less, is the only reason I can think of why the family would be so hell bent on making the public hate her from day 1. Maybe they thought that if they started right away, instead of propping her up for a while like Diana, they’d could prevent her from achieving Diana-stature.

        I am not saying MM has the same status at Diana in the UK-but absent a smear campaign, that kicked off in 2016 (which Harry say and tried to stop with his first statement), it could have happened.

      • Nick says:

        @ElleE 1000%. I remember too at the funeral after Charles Spencer’s incendiary speech about how Diana was wronged, a commentator (Junor, I think) saying that the RF « must feel like they’re on the cross after this ». These approachable, compassionate women like Diana and Meghan are literally an existential threat to them.

    • Myra says:

      Well, if he wasn’t trapped before he certainly is now after he made his bed with tabloid media. He has to offer them anything they want now. Let’s hope for the children’s sake that they do not demand more access to them. He wanted that spotlight and it’s his now. Let’s see if for once he can surpass any of his relatives in number of engagements.

  4. Osty says:

    For once cent these bozos just shut up ? Also their reason for explaining him not being trapped just show how “trapped” he thinks he is

    • Mac says:

      Harry didn’t say William “felt” trapped, he said William and Charles are trapped by the institution. Harry sees that because he is on the outside. For William and Charles it’s all they have ever known so they can’t see it.

      • TeamMeg says:

        Exactly. It’s like a tadpole not being capable of understanding what *wet* means, having lived its entire life under water. But, upon the day one becomes a frog, jumps onto a lily pad and dries off, then *wet* takes on some meaning. The only lily pad for Wills is abdication, or dissolving the monarchy entirely, but with such a posh and plush pond, remaining a tadpole has its perks. (How’s that for a frog/prince analogy?! LOL)

  5. STRIPE says:

    Does Will not realize they are keeping this in the news by constantly commenting on it? I am just fascinated by how they continue to draw attention to the interview. Someone needs to explain the Barbra Streisand Effect to this group.

  6. Commonwealthy says:

    I wonder, if coverage of the family rift was forbidden, how would Sussex coverage compare to Cambridge coverage? I mean, obviously I know: archewell, archewell’s partner orgs, betterup, latte mixes, etc versus lord chancellor Scottish church general assembly, ending racism in football only, Nobel prize for environment, ahhly yuhz, and…? And…?

  7. Belli says:

    Actually I can fully believe William doesn’t feel trapped, that he’s desperately keen to be the Big Boss and that Sandringham and Houghton ring with dulcet strains of ‘Oh I Just Can’t Wait To Be King’.

    • Snuffles says:

      Only in the sense that he wants the ego stroke of being called King and probably the Queen’s inheritance. He is not remotely prepared to be King. He’s still abominabley lazy. He’s still being lapped by senior citizens when it come to doing official events.

      When he realizes that he can excuse himself out of them he’s going to have a meltdown.

    • Circe says:

      No one saying do this
      No one saying see heeeeere
      No one saying stop that

  8. Merricat says:

    Frankly, the idea that Prince Incandescent is now eager to grasp power is not terribly comforting.

  9. Emile says:

    Yup, for much of his 20s and early 30s he was a “reluctant royal” who just wanted to live a “normal” life, hence the piloting job, the part-time royal duties, etc. Everyone reported on this, including Katie Nicholl herself.

    It was only when Simon Case started working for him (and when it became clear H&M were a power couple) when all this stuff about “preparing for kingship” and “William the statesman” became a thing. While I genuinely think Charles cares for that job, I highly doubt Billy gives a f*ck. For him it’s just about having more access to money, more people deferring to him, etc.

    • Sofia says:

      Exactly. I think William would be happy to literally stay at home and be the typical aristo – going shooting every weekend, partying and holidaying and doing some philanthropy work but not make it the only thing you do. Same with Kate tbh.

  10. Neners says:

    “Quite affronted…” So we’ve pivoted to new rage-speak, then. Bold!

  11. Yoyo says:

    The palaces were leaking stories about Meghan and Harry for four years, one sit down interview from them, now all of a sudden the BRF don’t like airing private business in public.
    By now if the BRF don’t realize that Meghan and Harry will shoot down any more lies about them immediately, they’re dumb.
    Nicholl, need to take a seat, did she miss Harry’s new job yesterday.
    I think Harry is loving California, wife, child/ren, house, dogs and chickens.

    • Over it says:

      Exactly, can someone please tell me when people are going to start asking the British media about their palaces holiday parties?

  12. Ana Maria says:

    I remember reading a post, like a week ago? where it said that Prince Charles wanted to do a point-by-point rebuttal of what was said in Oprah’s interview but that they were above it and wouldn’t do it…but that’s exactly what they’ve been doing! rather clumsily; I almost feel sorry for them at House of Petty

    • Islandgirl says:

      @Ana Maria..exactly….but we are still hearing after each story that they won’t be commenting…until the next story.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    Billy the Bad is trapped but in a trap of his own making. He chose to make drug deals with the British media to throw family under the double decker bus to hide his dirt. But now the quid quo pro has given Bulli-am the image of a future head of state being dog walked by the gossip press.

    • L84Tea says:

      It still blows my mind to pieces that William got into bed with the tabloids. He spent so many years despising the press and kept them at arms length, seeming to want some semblance of privacy. He also purposely kept them at bay because he knew they were scum and knew how they treated his mother. I actually somewhat respected W&K for keeping George sheltered from the press and only releasing a photo here and there–their kid, their rules. But now, it’s beyond pathetic to witness. All because Willie couldn’t keep his willie in his pants, he’s now perfectly content to offer up his three kids on a platter and use them like they’re props, and to run to reporters anytime someone farts. William is a complete loser, a lousy husband, a crap father, and will be an utterly useless and idiot king. Good luck, England.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        L84Tea, if W is still at the 19 yo stage (give or take a year), I wonder if his idea of a good time is drinking with the boys? I wonder how heavily he drinks–the man is not happy and I can see him using alcohol as a bandaid. I have a feeling the bm know a whole lot more about him than we know. It’ll be interesting if we see some of that starting to leak out. Kate isn’t the cypher that she appears IMO. I believe she’s got her own life going on and I wonder what it all entails. After her daily beauty routine, what does she do. Maybe she’s self medicating, too. She’s the most vulnerable and I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see the bm start in on her when they finally realize the US media has the H&M stories framed. Could get interesting.

      • notasugarhere says:

        William got so drunk at a wedding in the US in 2014, he fell, broke a tooth, and had to be taken to the dentist. The drunk dad dancing ski trip was what, 2017?

  14. Case says:

    If he doesn’t understand what Harry meant by him being trapped, he’s more obtuse than I thought.

    • L84Tea says:

      Oh, he knows. He knows deep down that Harry is the winner here. Harry is getting to live the life now that William has always wanted–money, hot wife, people clamoring to make deals with and work with him, freedom. Harry got out and got everything and it is absolutely KILLING William.

      • Becks1 says:

        Bingo. And that’s part of why we’re now seeing this scrambling of William insisting that he DOES want to be king, its great to have your whole life mapped out when you’re born, he’s a STATESMAN guys, he’s totally ready for this!! He doesnt want this life, he wants Harry’s life, and he’s pissed as hell that Harry has that life.

  15. Over it says:

    Kaiser, if you insist on making me Choke with laughter every time I read your articles I am going to have to stop.lolololol. Baldinham and dumb as a box of wiglets. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  16. Cecilia says:

    I honestly think that william actually has no idea what to do with the role he was born into. I think that all his life he was told he should do it like the queen. But recent times show that people (especially younger generations) expect more action. And william has absolutely no idea where to start with that. He has no passions of his own so he bandwagons on one of his father (environment) and other than that he has nothing. I would pity him if he wasn’t a ghoul

  17. Mila says:

    Exactly, this is clear projection. The want Harry to want them SOOO badly and the fact he doesn’t and the fact that he is clearly moving on, getting multiple jobs and streams of income buying a house is making them spiral lol. I mean looking back at it; the desperate articles about courtiers preparing Frogmore cottage for him to at Christmas. Meanwhile they were happily expecting a new child and Spotify deal. Them getting angry (God knows why it is any of their business) that they were staying in Tyler Perry’s house and spitting on it, then stunningly finding out they had bought their own house in Santa Barbara. Then them trying to blackmail him over frogmore, them him paying it off as a FU in one swoop! I mean lmaoo! I would be mad too if I were a controlling abuser! Harry is setting boundaries for his new wife, children and life with the media and with the family’s obsession in their mouth‘s. Cross me and I WILL cross you.

  18. Over it says:

    Katie I know nothing Nichols is such a dumb twat . Yikes. First she says talks won’t continue because Harry and Megs will report what was said back to the media meaning gale , yet, here she sits telling us baldimort thoughts, make up your mind you completely barf inducing twit.

  19. Over it says:

    Also Willy go have a time out in the corner for 38 minutes please, the grown up better brother has no time for you because he is busy with his real job .

  20. Yoyo says:

    Funny pictures of the mask wearing couple trying to make goo, goo eyes at one another.
    I have seen 70 year old couples with more chemistry than these two.

    • Robin says:

      I know. That look of “do you remember our special day” is a bit stomach churning. I was tickled by the picture of them as part of a four, with the church ministers either side. The one on the left looks like he’s so bored he’s texting. It took me a double look to realise he isn’t holding a phone. And “quite” affronted can be read two ways, of course. One of them sounds like: I was a bit put out but Harry’s got a point. William making one of his garbled nonsense speaks.

    • Over it says:

      I think these let’s look at each other pr moments are to make us forget the last week I left my wife out in the rain moments.

  21. Jay says:

    Man in his 40’s claims he is “quite willing” to do a job but somehow just never does it, news at 11.

    If he could point to anything that showed he was already taking on the responsibilities expected of him, he would, but he can’t, so instead he still “keen to get started” in a role he’s had for, let’s say, twenty years?

  22. Sunday says:

    LOL once again at camp royal running to the media to announce that they want media leaks to stop.

    If Will doesn’t like the word trapped, perhaps stunted would work better for him? As they have with almost everything in the interview, the media and the royals themselves are being willfully obtuse about Harry & Meghan’s meaning (private vows aren’t legal! etc). They’re likening it to entrapment in duty when Harry really meant more like Plato’s cave allegory. Harry obviously didn’t mean Will was locked in a closet at KP, he meant that Will and his father and the rest of them have never lived outside the palace bubble, are completely out of touch with reality, and have no idea what real life is. He meant that their world, which must seem so vast and commanding from inside the bubble, is really the inside of a snow globe. In that environment they’ve never really had to test themselves in any real capacity without having legions of aides and advisors by their side. They are emotionally and psychologically trapped within the confines of their construct and are playing by the rules they’ve been given without once questioning the game itself.

  23. Shahad says:

    Frankly I don’t think William should worry too much about all this . After the queen dies I know Australia and Canada will ditch Charles as head of state, brexit will cause the disintegration of the UK , with Scotland leaving the union , the Welsh might do so too , the unification of Ireland will be complete. And if the old people who love the monarchy die off in the next 20-30 years then England itself may get rid of the monarchy. So will may not have a crown to wear after all this drama .

    Wouldn’t be hilarious that he Might end up loosing the thing that he has been groomed for all his life !

    • Gail Hirst says:

      I am not convinced Canada will move quickly, though I support us leaving 110%
      Certainly nothing will happen w/J.Trudeau as P>M>
      Disentangling ourselves from the monarchy is not straightforward, it will take years.
      I’m encouraging my MLA and all my representatives to start the conversation seriously
      but w/o hope of anything actually happening

      • Emily_C says:

        We were able to do it in the 1700s, and we spilled blood for it. We had the help of France, of course. I have a feeling Canada would too, but that would get complicated with Quebec. In any case, it would not be bloody. You can definitely do it.

      • A says:

        @Emily_C, the political circumstances are night and day for Canada vs. America, especially since the point of comparison you’re using is the 1700s.

        It would not be bloody, and it is doable. But politically speaking, right now, the conversation is a huge headache no one wants to touch. It will take years, if not longer, to get the whole process done from start to finish. I think that a lot of people have the energy for it, certainly a lot more than it used to be, but as @Jaded points out below, there’s a lot of stuff involved in this. It needs a degree of solidarity, across a huge majority, in a country with a lot of diverse view points, for it to get it. It should get done, but it won’t be easy.

    • Jaded says:

      Unfortunately getting out of the commonwealth/head of state issue would take a terribly long time for Canada. Each province would have to weigh in, a couple of provinces would have to have referendums, then there’s the tangled mess of individual agreements with the monarchy that our First Nations’ peoples have – literally dozens. No, it will take decades to accomplish that. I wish it was a much simpler process as I’m a fervent anti-monarchist but it certainly won’t happen in my lifetime.

  24. Izzy says:

    Yo Harry just got a new job in Silicon Valley. HE ISN’T COMING BACK.

  25. JT says:

    I guess the Other Brother has to make the kingship sound like the most amazing thing one could possibly have, because what is the alternative? He isn’t going anywhere and it’s not like he could anyway. The Lesser Brother has no skills or connections to be successful without the crown. Meanwhile Harry has all of that in spades having lived and worked outside of palace life. If William wants to prove he isn’t trapped and loves his future king life than show people. Show up to his duties and get the job done.

  26. Becks1 says:

    William has spoken on the record more than once about feeling trapped in his role – maybe he didnt use that exact word, but he has definitely given interviews or made comments about not wanting to be king. I think it was only as he got older and realized how much money and power he would have that he started to “embrace” the role. And one of the funny things is that while yes, the monarch does have influence over laws etc, he’s not going to have the same kind of FAMILY power that his grandmother has just because the extended family isn’t going to be part of the dog and pony show anymore. He’s not going to be able to hold money over anyone’s head except his own children’s.

    Also, LOL at Katie acting like as long as the Sussexes keep leaking, the relationship wont be repaired….in a story about how William actually feels because people have leaked it.

    • Over it says:

      This part about Katie is what I also said, again can we ask Katie and her media chums about the palaces/media Christmas parties and as she sits here complaining about Harry and Megs talking to gale if her self awareness button is stuck on confusion because here she is being Willy leaky media .

      • Jais says:

        Katie Nichols was one of the writers calling out will in 2016 for being work-shy and that sources called him petulant so I’m guessing there were quite a few Christmas parties between now and then.

  27. Jessie says:

    Harry called it accurately and that’s what his pathetic big brother can’t stand. Harry is well aware that William sold his soul to the newspapers, knows that he’s stuck in a loveless marriage with his college stalker and that the rest of his life is always going to be performative Truman Show bullshit for the same press who could turn on him at any minute. If that’s not being ‘trapped’ I don’t know what is.

    • JT says:

      This right here. Cain knows what’s up and he knows what Harry meant. That’s why he’s been whining about it for the past two weeks. You just know the press has him by the balls threatening him all the time, reminding him what they’ve done on his behalf. If he’s worried about Harry’s receipts, just imagine what sort of photos and emails the press have on him. He’s has no way out and he’ll be stuck in limbo for 10-15 before taking the throne, while Harry is enjoying a great life with no strings right now at this moment. There is nothing William will have that Harry doesn’t if you really think about it. And that must burn so hard.

      • Molly says:

        This exactly. I suspect Will spends 99% of his life thinking about the press. Thinking about what they said, what they will say, what they could say, and planting what they’ll say next. What a miserable existence. He made a deal with the devil, and while attempting to control the press in the days of his parents was more doable, it’s impossible now. Social media, digital media, more media, 24 hr news channels, and more gives the RF no chance of controlling the beast anymore.

  28. Shahad says:

    Frankly I don’t think William should worry too much about all this . After the queen dies I know Australia and Canada will ditch Charles as head of state, brexit will cause the disintegration of the UK , with Scotland leaving the union , the Welsh might do so too and the unification of Ireland will be complete. And if the old people who love the monarchy die off in the next 20-30 years then England itself might get rid of the monarchy. William may not even have a crown to wear so this treachery could amount to naught!

    Wouldn’t it be hilarious that he Might end up loosing the very thing that he has been groomed for all his life !

    • Jaded says:

      @Shahad – see my comment to this above, it would take Canada decades to remove the monarch as our head of state. Each province would have to agree to it plus dozens of First Nations’ individual agreements with TQ would have to be respected. Alberta and Quebec would seek referendum before committing one way or another. It’s not a simple matter.

      • Shahad says:

        I based my statement on recent opinion polls circulating post Meghan and Harry interviews about Canadians support for ditching the monarchy being pretty high , something like 55%, but I guess much more complicated with provinces holding referendums , in Australia we have states but we had a referendum which was country wide like federal elections.

        I am curious, do Canadians not have Country wide elections? In addition to state/provincial elections? And why would each province need a separate referendum?

      • Nic919 says:

        The Charter established in 1982 that any constitutional amendment requires approval of the House of Commons, Senate and the approval of 7 provinces representing at least 50% of the total population of the country. Some provinces would require a referendum for the province to provide approval.

        It’s not impossible, it’s just hard to have the political will for this to happen.

  29. ABritGuest says:

    Lol the Oprah interview seemingly outed Katie Nicholls multiple lies about the brothers having nice zoom chats& TOB supporting Harry through the miscarriage news.

    Katie says the firm doesn’t like leaks (aka on record statements) from the Sussexes but then says TOB’s friends are speaking to newspapers about his view of the interview. Do they not hear themselves?

    Anyway it’s been said for years that Bill was a reluctant/work shy royal. That Times piece from 2019& even the one last Sunday mentioned how he was only now coming around to idea of his destiny. I imagine Harry’s comments years ago about nobody wants to be king might have been based on discussions with Bill or Chuck (or both). I also think Harry’s comments about being trapped referred to that symbiotic relationship with the press& a lot of the fake ness that comes with that. As we can see even though William was said to hate the press as much as Harry, he’s now forced to give them more access.

  30. Harper says:

    I went back and read that famous Newsweek article from 2017 where Harry first said no one in the family wants the job of being king. It made a big splash in the news back then but there were some tidbits in it that, read today, are so right. The Newsweek article outright says Harry is passionate and a natural with children while Kate and Will aren’t, but now that they have their own they might be better. The article also said Harry saw little of William when he was at university and that he viewed Kate as a big sister he never had. (Note to Carole: He was not pining for Kate.) But interestingly, even back then the author said that Harry happily talked about his grandparents but said less about Will & Kate and nothing about Charles. Those cracks were already starting to show … maybe the race conversation had already happened by the time of the article and the writer was picking it up already.

    What Prince Other Brother calls modernizing the monarchy is really just code for refusing to show up. POB’s trapped because he does not have the courage to live authentically. He hides. If you ever saw the video of him visiting the Grenfell victims you can see that he wanted to get out of there so bad. If you watch any video of his meet and greets with the sound off his body language screams “When is this over?” Yes, POB is incandescent that Harry left, but I bet he spends plenty of time imagining his own escape from royal life, or when he is king, how much fun he’ll have being unreachable.

  31. Amy Bee says:

    The press and KP really want Harry to be there for that statue unveiling. I really hope he doesn’t go. KP will only use him for a photo op and will leak information about him to the press.

    • Snuffles says:

      Yup. And I think at one point Harry was probably hopeful that he could be there to honor his mother. But the media are turning it into this huge showdown like it’s some royal brothers prize fight, that I seriously doubt Harry will show up now. That and the fact things are so shit with Will. AND it’s super close to Meghan’s due date. I hope he bows out and finds some other way to honor Diana.

      • CrazyHeCallsMe says:

        i just had a vision of Harry cold cocking William after the unveiling of the statue…lol

    • Merricat says:

      I hope he stays away, too. He will have a new baby by then, and be much needed at home in California by his actual family.

      • JT says:

        It wouldn’t benefit Harry in the slightest to attend. It would only give the Other Brother more information to leak to the tabloids, and give the BM more clicks that the desperately need right now. They can only get info second hand, so Harry actually being in their presence would be a major coup.

    • Jaded says:

      I can see Harry making a stealth visit by himself on the anniversary of Diana’s death to pay his respects. Wouldn’t it pee off the The Other Brother & Waitrose, Big Daddy and the RRs if he could manage to do it without detection.

  32. Carrie says:

    Prince Bald-adder is going through the Thesaurus. Next we will get that he is
    displeased, feels deeply insulted, feels attacked, that he deeply resents etc etc etc. Stay mad Bald-adder we don’t give a flying fk.

  33. Lemons says:

    I will grant William changing his mind (conveniently when Meghan shows up) and deciding that he is now ready to be King. But ever since, we have seen nothing of substance from him besides his Earthshot announcement and even that was dead on arrival.

    Duke of Cambridge is not a job. Prince of Wales is not a job. You have to define what makes this position a FULL-TIME position and Charles understood that it was not JUST shaking hands and opening hospitals. Harry has understood more than his family that Duke of Sussex is not a job and he needs to find his own way instead of reading his “Prince William” Google Alerts and leaking to his rota friends.

    William is the only one who is incapable of seeing that, even with “statesman” PR, Duke is not a job title. He’s a terrible diplomat, a terrible community organizer, a terrible speaker, and, by the looks of it, a terrible husband and a questionable father who tries to transfer the trauma of losing his mother to his children every night, apparently.

    He might want to consider joining BetterUp and getting therapy because these articles just show me his is not well.

  34. Look who’s talking? The Cambridges are the original leakers. That’s the reason why Meghan and Harry exited the RF and everything came down to this. They are so mad because Meghan and Harry gave them a dose of their own medicine. Their racism, British media included, has been exposed to the world. They’ve forgotten Harry and Meghan have global clout. So now the Cambridges and the British press can all stay mad. Roar 🦁!!!

  35. IRMAVEP says:

    Have been revisiting the coverage here of William and Kate’s disastrous tour of India in 2016. In particular, my attention was drawn to Kate’s inexplicable choice of long sleeved garments and body-covering dresses on that tour. For many years, but particularly around 2016, Kate was frequently photographed with flesh-coloured plasters on her hands and fingers and the press were speculating that she may be accident prone. It occurred to me that on that India tour she could have chosen clothes which would cover bruises or other minor injuries – such as cuts – on her arms and legs, With all that pent up incandescent rage inside, I wondered if William has ever lashed out on those closest to him? It’s the unspeakable to suggest this, but could it be so?

    • MsIam says:

      Well he shoved his mother against a wall (allegedly) so it wouldn’t be surprising if he does the same to Kate. Maybe she’s the one who wants separate houses.

    • Carrie says:

      Google is your friend. The band aids on the fingers were being attributed to her being bulimic – I.e. fingers were grazed from being repeatedly stuck down throat to throw up.

    • Cessily says:

      The constant references to Williams “anger and rages” is alarming, no one knows anything that happens beyond closed doors. I can’t see her family not stepping in if she was being hurt. Her extreme slenderness is looking unhealthy.

      • Emily_C says:

        Her family never cared about her. Her mother raised her to be a doll to capture a prince. Also, so very conveniently, the aristocrats never accepted Kate because she’s “middle class.” I really don’t know who she could turn to at this point if she needs help. If she hadn’t mean girled Meghan, that could be an answer, but it’s likely too late for that.

    • Jaded says:

      Her long sleeves and high necklines would have been out of respect for the country’s Muslim population who have strict dress codes for women. I agree that the band-aids on her hands may have been a result of her teeth causing minor grazes on her fingers because of bulimia but we’ll never know.

      • Shahad says:

        India is a Hindu country, muslims are about 20%, I highly doubt they would be thinking about Muslims in India .

        I think you maybe confusing India to Pakistan .

    • notasugarhere says:

      People are really reaching with the idea Kate is some abuse victim, when she is no victim in any of this. She is an abuser, a liar, a bully, overall meangirl, and willing participant in a business arrangement marriage in exchange for status and a title.

      The same India tour where she wore a short-sleeve cream dress, a copy of what Diana wore to India? Where she wasn’t wearing panties, no hem weights, it flew up and flashed her a$$ at the Gandhi memorial?

      Or when they went to the Taj Mahal and she wore a short-sleeve blue and white dress?

      Or the short sleeve pale pink dress with black embroidery?

      Or the awful mint green lace number with see-through sleeves (no bruises), the one that did such terrible tube-top squishing of her chest?

  36. Phoenix says:

    Will is probably that mad because…what Harry said is the truth?

    • Corrie says:

      I am positive it is because I have the memory of a computer and Will spoke about this himself as a younger lad. Dummy. I remember what he says, with certainty, and he doesn’t? King material!

      He did a complete about face. The internet cannot be scrubbed from that, or the publication that printed it.

  37. Corrie says:

    WHATEVER! I am just his age and I specifically remember his royal reluctance and his speaking about it on multiple occasions. I believe it was around or pre-university time.

    Is lying the pathology of the UK these days? The queen is the only one I’m not despising because she was nice enough for Meghan to mention (I hope Meghan isn’t just being a gracious sweetheart again, but not unlikely).

    I am getting beyond irritated that their obsession with her is so much more than a preoccupation or dislike, and I promise, mark my words (I know a block of neighbors like this) THEY WILL ONLY ESCALATE, THEY WILL NOT CALM DOWN. Fortunately she probably has a psych who is explaining this to her. Hopefully she is regularly reading the truth from sites and comments like l am not making myself: she is the most interesting and arresting figure in the world today. As I said, she is going nowhere and getting better with age. She will continue to drive people nuts. Sad. If they want to be as loved as her, be more lovable. But no one will be her or touch her radiance-they should just admit she is gifted and chosen and go one and love themselves and stop pretending like the BRF isn’t as dull and dirty as vanilla pudding with mouse droppings in it. Dirty liars, didn’t protect their most precious and vulnerable new member LIKE THEY PROMISED. Her success and attention should be accepted but again, no one seems to be able to control themselves and pretend like we care about boring, lazy corrupt people.

    • Corrie says:

      I meant comments I am *now* making myself. The hateful ones are just the ones who want to wear her skin and learn her brave heart. They need help, there’s no shame in that. There is in their words and actions.

      Maybe Harry and Oprah can help.

      As Victoria said below, Meghan and Harry will only keep winning. They are forgiving, kind people. If his brother or even Kate wanted to escape and live a fulfilling life, I am sure they would be embraced without question. Time is always a necessary part of reconciling trust, but it takes ditching the arrogance William seems attached to as much as his rose bushes. He won’t ever be happy, I wish he and any one else like him could see it.

  38. Mina_Esq says:

    Maybe he should first embrace his role as future Prince of Wales, as that’s where he will be stuck for a few decades. Just saying.

  39. Victoria says:

    Their messaging is so inconsistent. You can tell they are still shook. Meanwhile, back on the ranch, Harry and Meghan are just out here winning.

  40. Lizzie says:

    What a hot house flower. He threatened abdication to get his way and be lazy for decades.

  41. JennyJazzhands says:

    The fact that not one iota of compassion has come out of any royal report since the interview tells me everything I need to know. Your family member and his wife were in crisis enough to flee and you have nothing kind to say.
    Not only that, but you’re constantly thinking up “comebacks” as if their expression of what they experienced was an attack.
    But, you’re “a family first”… Ha!

    • molly says:

      THIS! Think of how much good press they would have gotten for a post around Meghan’s miscarriage story in the NYT.

      “Studies show that 1 in 8 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Which means, someone in your life has likely been that 1. Our sister in law was recently that 1, and our heart breaks for their loss. Read her story in the NYT and visit (whatever pregnancy charity they want to promote) to learn more about pregnancy, loss, and what you can do to support the loved ones in your life.”

      Insert photo of the Fab Four. Mountains of good press. Love and support all around.

      That assumes there IS love and support, which we’ve heard has not been the case. But for normal family without centuries of disfunction and backstabbing, it’s not that hard.

  42. TheOriginalMia says:

    All the money at his disposal and William won’t hire a crisis firm to handle his pr. Stop talking/leaking/commenting through your tabloid sources, William! All these articles make him out to be an incoherent rage monster, who can’t deal with the rather mild barbs his brother threw his way. William doesn’t like hearing Harry tell the truth. I mean…we all remember William’s comments about his life being mapped out for him. We’ve all witnessed his reticience to work as a senior royal. William knows that regardless of what he does and doesn’t do, he will be king. So, why act all pissy because Harry pointed out the same thing? Because it doesn’t mesh with his new narrative of being the FFK, who’s eager to be crowned. Not so eager to do anything. He’s the new Waity Katie. He’s Waity Will. Waiting for the title and deference that will come from being king.

  43. Ihatestupidpeople says:

    There is a lot of childhood trauma there in both boys. They have dealt with it so differently.

  44. Emily_C says:

    “I’m not owned! I’m not owned!” he yells as he shrinks into an overripe tomato.

    I feel sorry for anyone in a cult, especially if they were born into it. I do feel sorry for that aspect of Charles and Will. But they sure make sympathy difficult. But that’s what toxic groups do — make people into both victim and villain. It’s fascinating from a psychological perspective, and sad from a human one. Will was almost guaranteed to be a terrible excuse for a human being before he was born, because that’s what they’re brought up to be. He is trapped, and so are his kids, and it’s all very much a tragedy that needs to end.

  45. JK says:

    Will and Kate seem to want, more than anything, for Harry and Meghan to be jealous of them being future king and queen. And it kills them that Harry and Meghan couldn’t care less.

  46. one of the Marys says:

    Ok two thoughts
    Funny how house Cambridge doesn’t like leaks now they know house Sussex are willing to answer leaks publicly and honestly. That sure takes the fun out of it.
    I know it’s too soon for tempers to have subsided but I would love it if Harry returned for the statue unveiling and was smiling and zen and genuinely stress free. What a slap in the face to William and Charles if he had truly peaced out and spoke well, smiled, enjoyed the occasion. God I would love that

  47. Alex Schuster says:

    The only reason he feels affronted and rattled is because Harry hit a big fat nerve.

    • @ ALEX . I totally agree. Prince Harry hit a “big fat nerve” not just William’s but also Kate’s and the Royal Rota’s. Stay seething you lot.