The SAG Awards were extremely enjoyable for fans of Ted Lasso, arguably one of the best shows to premiere in the past year. Jason Sudeikis absolutely kills it as Ted Lasso, aka Laz, an American college football coach who gets hired to coach Premier League football in England. Jason already picked up a Golden Globe for his performance as Lasso, and he set the internet on fire with his cute hoodie – as it turned out, his pink tie-dye hoodie was from his sister’s dance studio, Forward Space. Jason picked up the SAG Award for Best Actor in a TV show last night, and he once again wore a sweater, this time reading “My Body My Choice.” It’s actually an expensive sweater – it’s from Gucci, it retails for $1,100 and the proceeds support reproductive rights. WE STAN. Jason is killing it sartorially.
This was a perfect little speech and can I just say? I actually don’t mind Zoom awards. It feels really comfortable and just *nice* to see people nominated against each other and genuinely happy for each other and I’m enjoying the abbreviated speeches and all of that.
The SAGs also took advantage of the fact that the second season of Ted Lasso is filming right now in England, and so they organized this wonderful video with the whole cast of the show. This is wonderful!!
Photos courtesy of DisneyTV+ and TNT.
So cute! And I love how the shame woman from GoT is now one of my fave actresses. 2020 really was a crazy year
I’m a fellow Kansas Citian and he’s beloved here. He gives a shout out to us whenever possible and can be counted on to support local charities. He screams midwestern charm!
@anniefannie Me too! Homegrown midwestern guy he is very laid back. He seems to remember his roots often.
From Wichita but in NYC… Hi fellow Ope peeps!
Loved Ted Lasso too! And all the KS, KC, and even Shockers references and jokes. But it took me a bit to get over his pseudo-OK/AR/TX accent in the show that’s supposed to be a KS accent. I grew up partially in rural Kansas and would hear “hick/twang” KS accents but no where near the level of Ted Lasso’s accent. Myself and my many friends from ICT metro and KC metro areas are all pretty neutral with that “National Broadcaster” accent. Oh well. Can’t wait for S2!!!
Love, Shocker alumna
I get the sentiment and all, but a straight white nan wearing this on an $1100 sweater is annoying me more than anything.
Happy proceeds go to a good cause but … yeah. Totally.
Straight white men can’t be allies? Or do we just not want straight white men as allies?
We should want to welcome anyone who wants to be a genuine ally. That’s how permanent change is made.
I might ask if the slogan takes on a different meaning on a man. They can be an ally without putting on a sweater that frankly muddles the conversation. He doesn’t have to wear the sweater- he could have just donated the money.
Allies are only helpful when they understand that their place is to support not take over to the benefit of their own egos and agendas.
Elo: I’m not sure how affective an ally someone is if they’re only privately so. This was an opportunity for him to use a privileged platform to attempt to create broad public support for an important cause. Good for him.
Came here to say I personally appreciate the sweater. I mean, celebrities and the very wealthy spend a ton of money all the time on useless, ostentatious clothing and luxury items and I always wonder why we live in a world that allows people to have so much when most people have so little. We talk about philanthropy and some of them do a lot of it, but most don’t. Not to mention, the well-being of 99% of the population shouldn’t actually depend on the generosity of the 1%; taxes should be higher on the wealthiest and that money used to ensure the well-being of society at large. So you know, a straight, white, rich guy spending way too much on a sweater with no message would just be… whatever. But getting in your feelings because he spent that money on a sweater where not only the funds go to the cause, but also would be wearing and promoting that cause on a platform like an awards show? You’re shooting at the wrong targets, as far as I’m concerned.
@Elo; the message doesn’t take on a different meaning. The message is clear to anyone who understands where the sales $$ goes. There is no sign that Jason doesn’t put his money where his mouth is, and he could have donated quietly and raised no awareness; instead he did both. How do you see this as a gesture for his own ego and agenda? I’m actually asking. Please explain.
Megan 2:
Many people don’t know where the money goes though- unless he is telling people every time he wears it, how do they know?
I personally think it does muddy the message – “my body, my choice” when a man wears it as their bodies have always been their choice.
Additionally anti-maskers and anti vaxxers have been using the slogan now too, which further muddies it, if you don’t know the back story about the donation.
Performative acts could be considered as done for the ego. I’m not saying men can’t be allies but I don’t feel it out of line for me, as a woman, who is actually affected, to question, critique, or discuss, any of their actions or possible motives in supporting whether they are famous or not.
Considering that reproductive rights are under constant attack by the GOP I thought the sweater was great messaging and I appreciate it. It’s bold and makes an important point that bears repeating.
Yeah, I’m not here for this either. Feels like he’s making fun more than anything. And considering the phase has been coopted by antivaxxers and Trumpsters…do we know what his political beliefs are? Might not be the gesture of goodwill everyone thinks it is.
I wish I had Apple TV! I already pay for Prime and Hulu, use the family Netflix, and my sister’s boyfriend gave us access to his Disney Plus on our TV. Oh and I also have access to HBO Max because I pay for HBO through Hulu. But this show is the only reason I wish I had Apple TV.
Really enjoyed the Morning Show and want to watch Dickinson which are both on Appletv. I’m paying for so many apps now it’s insane.
That was a nice speech! And I love the sweater.
Oh man, I think I’m developing a thing for Jason Sudeikis. That sweater! And the mustache! And he seems like the nicest guy.
Between him and Paul Rudd, I would say it seems that nice guys come from Kansas City.
I’ve loved him since his early SNL days, I’m so happy he’s finally getting the spotlight so to say. He’s wonderful 🙂
Ted Lasso is solid gold. Everyone needs to watch it. I honestly can’t think of a single person I know who wouldn’t love it.
Wait. Doesn’t Harry Styles rep Gucci?
I’m not a big tv watcher. ADD or something. My favorite show is SNL but I DVR it and never watch it all at once.
Ted Lasso? I binge watched this. LOOOOVED it. I tell everyone to watch it. Pure TV gold.
So happy for Jason, Hannah and the delightful cast. Love all the characters!
I haaaate how the phrase is being coopted by anti vaxxers